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1) it isn't really kind of hard thing to name since I oftentimes

think about my desired career,every Everytime I think of

my desired career I feel i travelled to the future doing my
desired career, so i can say,I didn't have hard time naming
events,needs and facts about my self in regard to this
2) Personality and interest, it bring a great imoact on my
future career,since this is what my heart chooses and what
i want to become in the futue, this defines my mechanism
and every way i am.
3) Interest in doing Gods will, it really fascinates me to the
point that I consider it as the most amazing thing in the
world,this area of career interest will somehow be my
ultimate activity.
4) I realized that doing a career plan will guide you on your
desired career,to avoid a rush decision when you are
about to select your course in college,it helps you to
achieve your goals and career in the future.

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