Forensic Accounting & Investigative Auditing

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1 June 2023



Vidvant Brahmantyo
GRC Specialist
More than 17 (seventeen) years of experience in GRC

CEO at In.Corp Indonesia

Education & Professional Certifications:

• Bachelor of Economy, Majoring in Accounting
• Chartered Accountant (CA) Indonesia No.11.D42202
• Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) No.172916
• Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
09.00 – 09.10 Opening

09.10 – 09.40 Introduction to Fraud

09.40 – 10.10 Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing

10.10 – 10.40 Fraud Risk Management & Three Lines Model

10.40 – 11.10 The Future of Forensic Accounting

11.10 – 11.30 Key Takeaways

11.30 – 12.00 Q&A?

Introduction to Fraud

Fraud Defined
Fraud Act (2006)

• "Fraud by false representation" is defined as a case where a person makes "any representation
as to fact or law ... express or implied" which they know to be untrue or misleading.
• "Fraud by failing to disclose information" is defined as a case where a person fails to disclose
any information to a third party when they are under a legal duty to disclose such information.
• "Fraud by abuse of position" is defined as a case where a person occupies a position where
they are expected to safeguard the financial interests of another person, and abuses that
position; this includes cases where the abuse consisted of an omission rather than an overt

In all three classes of fraud, it requires that for an offence to have occurred, the person must have
acted dishonestly, and that they had to have acted with the intent of making a gain for
themselves or anyone else, or inflicting a loss (or a risk of loss) on another.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 5

Fraud As Defined By Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

POJK No. 39/POJK.03/2019 tentang Penerapan Strategi Anti Fraud bagi Bank

Fraud adalah tindakan penyimpangan atau pembiaran yang sengaja dilakukan

untuk mengelabui, menipu, atau memanipulasi Bank, nasabah, atau pihak lain,
yang terjadi di lingkungan Bank dan/atau menggunakan sarana Bank sehingga
mengakibatkan Bank, nasabah, atau pihak lain menderita kerugian dan/atau
pelaku Fraud memperoleh keuntungan keuangan baik secara langsung maupun
tidak langsung.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 6

Error vs Fraud

▪ Error are unintentional misstatements or omission in financial statements

▪ Fraud, in contrast, arises from deceitful financial reporting and from

misappropriation of assets

▪ Intent is the primary difference between an error and fraud

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 7

The Fraud Tree / Classification System

Sumber: 2022 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 8
The Fraud Triangle
• Greed
• Higher stature
• Personal debt, financial losses
• Personal problems
• Market expectation
• Compulsive habits: gambling, drugs,
alcohol, cars, shopping, affairs…etc
• Family/peer/other pressure

• Lack of controls (preventive and

• Poor compliance with controls
• Revenge
• Lack of monitoring and oversight
• I deserve more
• Absence of visible disciplinary policies
• Wealth will gain me recognition
• Failure to investigate allegations of fraud
• Rules are for others and misconduct
• Everyone does it • Failure to discipline perpetrators
• No one will get hurt • Failure to recruit collateral staff for their
observation of subtle behavior
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 9
Fraud in Asia–Pacific
• The median loss for the 198 Asia–Pacific cases was
• Corruption schemes were more than twice as common as
any other scheme type, followed by the misappropriation
of expense reimbursement (billing) and misappropriation
of noncash assets.

Sumber: 2022 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nation
on Occupational Fraud & Abuse.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 10
Corruption Perception Index 2022
Turun 4 poin dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, Indonesia saat ini masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata region Asia Pacific

Year Score
2012 32
2013 32
2014 34
2015 36
2016 37
2017 37
2018 38
2019 40
2020 37
Sumber: 2021 38
The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public 2022 34
sector corruption, according to experts and business people.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 11

Fraud Detection in Asia–Pacific

• The distribution of detection methods was

very similar to that observed overall.
• The top three mechanisms, Tip
(Whistleblowing System-WBS), Internal
Audit, and Management Review,
accounted for more than 75% of frauds
detected in Asia–Pacific.

Sumber: 2022 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nation
on Occupational Fraud & Abuse.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 12

Classifying Red Flag Behaviors

Fraudsters living beyond their means has been the most common red flag in every study since 2008.

Sumber: 2022 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 13
Most Notorious Case – Enron (2001)
• In April 2001, Fortune Magazine listed ENRON as the 7th largest
company in the USA and most Innovative Company.
• Six months later, ENRON filed for bankruptcy.
• Greatest accounting fraud of 20th century.
• 12,000 people directly lost their jobs, retirement benefits and entire
life savings.
• Pensioners who bought stocks of Enron lost US$70 billion when
price of stock collapsed to ZERO.
• Caused by “Lax Auditing” by Arthur Andersen accounting firm , one
of the “Big 5” (85,000 people and over US$9billion annual
revenues) collapsed.
• Others to blame: CFO Andrew Fastow (6 years prison sentence),
CEO Jeff Skilling (24 years prison sentence), stock analysts who keep
pushing Enron stock, senior management for hiding losses in
dubious off-balance-sheet partnerships, media exaggeration and

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 14

Reminder: Financial Fraud Fears
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 15
Forensic Accounting vs Investigative

Definition of Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing

Forensic Accounting is the action of identifying, recording, settling, extracting,

sorting, reporting, and verifying past financial data or other accounting activities
for settling current or prospective legal disputes or using such past financial data
for projecting future financial data to settle legal disputes.

Investigative Auditing is detailed scrutiny of selected activities which will help
client understand the process in a better and comprehensive way. An
Investigative Auditing is the complete enquiry of specific accounts or records of a
business and generally used to prove a particular fact.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 17

Role of Forensic Accountant vs Investigative Auditor

A Forensic Accountant may take on fraud auditing engagements and may be a

investigative auditor, but he or she will also use other accounting, consulting,
and legal skills in broader engagements. In addition to accounting skills, he or she
will need a working knowledge of the legal system and excellent communication
skills to carry out expert testimony in the courtroom and to aid in other litigation
support engagements.

Investigative Auditor is a fraud examiner (could be an accountant), especially
skilled in auditing, who is generally engaged in auditing with a view toward fraud
discovery, documentation, and prevention.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 18

Contrasting Audit, Fraud Examination, and Forensic Accounting
Characteristic Audit Fraud Examination Forensic Accounting

Time perspective: Historical Historical Future and historical

Primary focus: Periodic Reactive Proactive and ongoing

Investigation scope: Narrow Narrow Broad ranging

Main work product is: Audit opinion Fraud case report Forensic audit report

Main responsibility to: Company and Defrauded party Concerned principal or third
public party
Guidelines are: Rules-based Principles-based; under audit Principles-based
rules, it is rule-based
Purpose of report: Ensure GAAP is Identify perpetrator of fraud Fraud risk assessment and
followed strategic services

Professional stance: Non-adversarial Adversarial Adversarial and non-


Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 19

Forensic Accountant Detailed Roles and Responsibilities

Use sophisticated computer program

Performs investigative accounting as well as litigation support

Use both accounting and investigating skills to interpret financial evidence

Expert Witnesses

Calculate economic damage

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 20

Accountant’s Role in Fraud Detection

• In the early 1980s, companies began to use computers to perform their record

• Intense competition caused auditing fees to fall as much as 50% from the mid-
1980s to the mid-1990s.

• Auditors cut costs by reducing the process of reviewing hundreds of corporate

accounts. They grew more reliant on internal controls.

• Top executives were able to circumvent internal controls and manipulate the

• This lead to situations such as Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Adelphia

Communication, and the fall of Arthur Andersen in the early 2000s.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 21

Accountant’s Role in Fraud Detection (Cont’d)
• Due to the financial disaster of companies such as Enron and WorldCom, there
has been an increased use of forensic techniques in audits and an increase in

• Some accounting experts believe that every audit engagement should include
much more scepticism and detailed review of transactions.

• Other accounting experts suggest that only special engagements specifically

targeting fraud can adequately and effectively root out the problem.

• The Big Four and the next two accounting firms believe that every public
corporation should have a forensic audit every three years

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 22

What is the Impact?

Auditor need to added several additional procedures that may be used to cover
a potential financial statement fraud:
Extensive use of interviews and leveraging techniques designed to elicit
sufficient information to prove or disprove a hypothesis.

Document inspection that may extend to authentication procedures and

handwriting analysis.

Significant public records search to uncover, for example, unexpected title or

ownership, other known addresses, and prior records of individuals.

Legal knowledge regarding rules of evidence including chain of custody and

preservation of evidence integrity.

Sumber: Annett Stalker and M.G. Ueltzen, “An Audit Versus A Fraud Examination,” CPA Expert, Winter 2009, p. 4.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 23
Forensic Accountant Expected Skill Set


Law Accounting


Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 24

Related Professional Certifications

Forensic Accountant Investigative Audit

Issued by Institute of Certified Forensic Accountant Issued by Association of Certified Fraud Examiner


Issued by Ikatan Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI)

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 25

Forensic Accountant Characteristics

Detail oriented



Highly organized

A great deal of creativity

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 26

Similarity Between Auditor, Investigator & Forensic Accountant

Beberapa kesamaan yang dimiliki antara Auditor, Investigator dan Forensic Accountant, diantaranya
➢ Praktisi di setiap area harus memiliki pemahaman yang luas tentang tren bisnis dan industri;
➢ Pemahaman menyeluruh tentang masalah, waktu, dan proses audit;
➢ Pemahaman tentang jenis catatan dan dokumen keuangan yang harus ada untuk mendukung
jumlah yang dicatat; dan
➢ Kepedulian tentang dampak fraud terhadap operasi perusahaan.

Auditor, Investigator dan Forensic Accountant memiliki tujuan yang sama, yaitu:
Pelaporan keuangan perusahaan yang sepenuhnya sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum.

Auditor Laporan Keuangan harus terus mengembangkan teknik baru untuk mengungkap
lebih banyak indikasi fraud.

Ketika indikasi fraud muncul, Auditor Laporan Keuangan dapat mempertimbangkan untuk
melibatkan Forensic Accountant terlatih dan berpengalaman untuk membantu dalam
mengembangkan dan menerapkan prosedur investigasi yang akan membantu menyelesaikan
masalah atau tuduhan atas fraud tersebut.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 27
Forensic Accountant’s Skill (1)

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Forensic Accountant’s Skill (2)

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Fraud Risk Management & Three Lines

A COSO - Consistent Approach for Fraud Risk Management
•Tone at the top
•Code of Conduct/Ethics • Identify fraud risk
•Whistleblower Hotline factors, fraud risks
Creating and fraud schemes
a Control

Monitoring Fraud Risk
Activities Assessments
• Monitoring
effectiveness of
antifraud programs Sharing Designing and
and controls Information and Implementing
Communication Antifraud
• Link or map
• Effective communication
identified fraud
of antifraud programs
AFPC: Anti Fraud Programs & risks to control
and controls throughout
Controls activities
the Organization
Source: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, Anti Fraud Program & Controls (AFPC)

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 31

Integrating Fraud Risk Management & ERM

Board of Directors Fraud Risk Governance

Risk Governance

Executive Management
Risk Infrastructure & Fraud Strategy & Policy

Business Units Prevention,
Risk Ownership Detection &

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 32

Fraud Risk Assessment

Elements of the fraud risk assessment on which management may

focus its AFPC efforts include:

• Identify Fraud Risk Factors Creating a

• Identify Fraud Risks Performing
Monitoring Fraud Risk
• Consider Potential Fraud Schemes Activities

• Map Specific Identified Risks Sharing Designing and

Information and Implementing
Communication Antifraud
• Mitigating Control Activities Control

• Risk Treatment

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 33

Management’s Fraud Risk Assessment Overview
Step Approach Output

▪ Schedule of fraud risk factors

Identify & Evaluate
1 ▪ Identify fraud risk factors ▪ Sound knowledge of fraud risk
Fraud Risk Factors

▪ Identify fraud risks

Identify Possible Fraud ▪ Identify specific fraud schemes ▪ Pervasive & specific fraud risks
Schemes & Scenarios ▪ Identify account balances and potential ▪ Catalog of fraud schemes
errors related to each fraud risk

Analyze Fraud Risks & ▪ Analyze the likelihood and significance of ▪ Inherent Risk Rating (IRR) of entity
possible fraud schemes ▪ Catalog of existing controls
3 Evaluate Control Design
▪ Link fraud schemes to mitigating controls & ▪ Fraud Control Risk Rating
& Implementation evaluate control design and implementation ▪ Fraud Risk Related Control Gap Analysis
Evaluate Fraud Risk ▪ Residual Risk Rating (RRR)
▪ Evaluate the results of fraud risk analysis
Assessment Results & ▪ Identification of fraud risks requiring
against established criteria and prioritize
Prioritize Residual further treatment
risks for treatment
Fraud Risks ▪ Fraud risks prioritized

▪ Prepare Fraud Risk Action Plan ▪ Fraud Risk Action Plan

5 Risk Treatment
▪ Implement Plan ▪ Fraud Risks Treated

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 34

Management’s Fraud Risk Assessment Sample Documentation

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 35

Fraud Deterrence Cycle

Budaya yang ditetapkan dan Investigasi atas dugaan fraud serta

ekspektasi perilaku dengan tujuan proses perbaikan ke depan yang
untuk mencegah pelaku fraud menjawab root cause dari fraud

Kontrol yang dirancang untuk

membantu memastikan bahwa
Dirancang untuk membantu
yang terjadi hanya transaksi yang
mendeteksi fraud sebelum hal
valid, terotorisasi, dan sah serta
tersebut menjadi besar
untuk melindungi aset perusahaan
dari kerugian akibat fraud

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 36

Three Lines Model in Fraud Deterrence

Setiap lini memiiki tugas Untuk memastikan keefektifan implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik, organisasi perlu
dan peran berbeda – beda meningkatkan peran dari masing – masing lini pertahanan secara memadai. The Institute of Internal Auditors
terkait pencegahan fraud (IIA) memperbarui Three Lines Model sebagai cara untuk menjelaskan hubungan serta peran antara lini dan
tanggung jawab setiap lini pertahanan di perusahaan.



, coordination,

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 37

Governing Body in Fraud Deterrence

Governing Body (Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi)

memiliki tanggung jawab yang sama dalam beberapa
aspek dalam pencegahan fraud, diantaranya:

• Menetapkan “tone at the top" yang mengkomunikasikan laporan keuangan yang transparan dan akuntabel
• Menanggapi dengan cepat, adil, dan proporsional terhadap pelanggaran (fraud) yang terjadi
• Mempertahankan proses audit internal dan eksternal yang independen
• Memastikan aliran informasi penting yang tepat ke baik secara internal maupun ke pihak eksternal
• Menetapkan sistem pengendalian internal yang memadai
• Melakukan penyelidikan serta melakukan remediasi masalah fraud yang muncul

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 38

First Line in Fraud Deterrence

First Line merupakan garda terdepan dalam sistem tata kelola perusahaan,
manajemen risiko, dan pengendalian internal dalam mendeteksi fraud.

Tanggung jawab First Line dalam aspek pencegahan fraud, diantaranya:

• Memahami bisnis, prosedur pengendalian internal yang berlaku, proses
penganggaran, kebijakan akuntansi, industri, dan iklim ekonomi umum
yang mempengaruhi Perusahaan
• Pemahaman yang memadai tentang bisnis perusahaan serta
hubungannya dengan mitra bisnis, vendor, dan pelanggan sangat penting
untuk evaluasi yang tepat atas faktor risiko fraud
• Melakukan deteksi dengan menggunakan prosedur analisis
• Melakukan deteksi terhadap perubahan-perubahan yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku
• Penggunaan sistem informasi dan teknologi secara efektif

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 39

First Line’s Fraud Alarm

• Perbedaan dalam catatan akuntansi • Bukti yang hilang maupun yang bertentangan
✓ Transaksi yang tidak dicatat secara lengkap atau ✓ Dokumen hilang
tepat waktu atau tidak dicatat dengan benar dalam ✓ Tidak tersedianya dokumen asli, hanya dokumen
jumlah, periode akuntansi, klasifikasi, atau fotokopi ataupun elektronik
kebijakan perusahaan
✓ Item penting yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dalam
✓ Saldo atau transaksi yang tidak didukung dokumen proses rekonsiliasi
pendukung yang sah
✓ Bukti dokumen yang tidak biasa, seperti perubahan
✓ Adjustment yang signifikan di menit-menit terakhir tulisan tangan pada dokumen yang biasanya dicetak
✓ Akses karyawan ke sistem serta catatan secara elektronik
pembukuan yang tidak sesuai dengan ✓ Tanggapan yang tidak konsisten, tidak jelas, atau
wewenangnya tidak masuk akal dari pihak terkait
✓ Perbedaan signifikan yang tidak direkonsiliasi, tidak ✓ Anomali antara catatan pembukuan perusahaan dan
diselidiki, dan dikoreksi secara tepat waktu balasan konfirmasi dari pihak ketiga
✓ Laporan tentang dugaan fraud ✓ Hilangnya uang kas, persediaan atau aset fisik
• Dokumen palsu atau yang diubah lainnya secara signifikan
✓ Tipe dan ukuran font tidak konsisten ✓ Bukti elektronik yang hilang atau tidak tersedia,
✓ Tidak tertulis alamat yang jelas dimana hal ini tidak sesuai dengan kebijakan
penyimpanan dokumen perusahaan
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 40
External Assurance Providers in Fraud Deterrence

Financial Auditor merespon risiko fraud pada laporan keuangan, sedangkan

Forensic Accountant merespon pada kecurigaan, tuduhan, atau bukti fraud.

Financial Auditor Forensic Accountant

Objektif Membentuk opini atas laporan keuangan Mencari pembuktian terhadap kemungkinan
dan/atau besarnya fraud yang terjadi
Tujuan Semua pemangku kepentingan perusahaan Pihak internal perusahaan; aparat penegak
sebagai pengguna laporan keuangan hukum
Nilai Menambahkan kredibilitas laporan keuangan Membuktikan kecurigaan dan/atau tuduhan;
perusahaan menemukan fakta
Sumber bukti Inquiry, observasi, pemeriksaan, dan Peninjauan data keuangan dan non-keuangan
reperformance transaksi akuntansi untuk terperinci, catatan publik, pencarian fakta serta
mendukung asersi laporan keuangan wawancara, termasuk wawancara pihak ketiga
Kecukupan bukti Reasonable assurance untuk akun-akun yang Mencari fakta untuk mendukung atau
material baik secara kuantitatif maupun menyangkal kecurigaan atau tuduhan atas fraud

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 41

The Future of Forensic Accounting

Where do We Go from Here?

5 (lima) hal yang menentukan masa depan Forensic Accounting:

1. Evolusi disiplin ilmu itu sendiri, termasuk batasan antara audit

laporan keuangan dan Forensic Accounting
2. Pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk Forensic Accountant
3. Perubahan peraturan hukum yang ada
4. Perubahan lingkungan perusahaan, di mana keputusan untuk
menyelidiki serta memproses hasil penyelidikan selalu dibandingkan
dengan cost & benefit analysis
5. Perubahan dalam proses pelaporan di perusahaan, terutama yang
berkaitan dengan data operasi non-keuangan yang dapat

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 43

What to Prepare?

➢ Technology
Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dan modus fraud yang terjadi, maka adaptasi
Forensic Accountant terhadap teknologi baru menjadi kunci kesuksesan profesi ini. Teknologi
baru akan menambah keterampilan yang diperlukan seperti critical analysis hingga
pengetahuan teknis seperti manajemen data, teknik normalisasi dan visualisasi.

➢ Interpersonal Skill
Kemampuan untuk benar – benar mendengarkan, melakukan analisis berdasarkan data dan
fakta, menafsirkan isyarat non-verbal serta memahami berbagai latar belakang budaya.

➢ Professional Scepticism
Dengan professional scepticism yang baik, Forensic Accounting Investigator selalu melakukan
verifikasi secara prudent terkait informasi yang didapat untuk mengungkap fakta di lapangan.
Mengembangkan sikap professional scepticism merupakan upaya yang harus dilakukan secara
berkesinambungan dan keterampilan ini perlu untuk terus diterapkan serta diarahkan dengan
pelatihan yang memadai.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 44

What to Prepare? (continued)

➢ International impact
Keterampilan pemberantasan dan pencegahan korupsi akan menjadi ujian bagi negara – negara
berkembang untuk dinyatakan sebagai "berhasil atau gagal". Pemimpin negara yang memiliki
determinasi kuat untuk melakukan pencegahan fraud dan tindak pidana korupsi akan dibantu
oleh mitra Forensic Accountant yang memiliki kemampuan terbaik. Dengan adanya Kerjasama
yang baik tersebut, maka akan membuka keran investasi, baik lokal maupun internasional.

➢ Tekanan pada layanan penilaian

Pemodelan keuangan sering kali mengacu pada "penilaian" perusahaan, terutama perusahaan
baru, dan standar penilaian saat ini mengeluarkan pengecualian untuk layanan penilaian yang
diberikan sehubungan dengan litigasi. Profesi mungkin melihat perubahan dalam terminologi,
misalnya, “certified valuation," untuk membedakannya dari penggunaan pasar keuangan sehari
– hari. Selain itu, diperlukan standar berbasis litigasi untuk memungkinkan kesetaraan antara
profesional yang mematuhi standar dan bagi mereka yang memberikan layanan penilaian saat

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 45

Future of Forensic Accounting

Berdasarkan artikel “Forensic Auditing: Three Trends To Watch” oleh Forbes pada Juli 2018. Terdapat 3 (tiga) tren yang
patut menjadi perhatian, yaitu:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) akan segera hadir
Dengan kecerdasan buatan, Forensic Accountant dapat meminta komputer untuk membuka email serta dokumen di
mana terdapat kata atau pola tertentu yang muncul untuk membantu mengarahkan ke pemeriksaan yang lebih detil.
Dengan demikian, tidak hanya meningkatkan efisiensi dengan mengurangi waktu investigasi, tetapi juga
meningkatkan efektivitas kualitas hasil audit yang lebih baik.

2. Permintaan klien untuk teknologi digital akan semakin besar

Satu dari empat eksekutif yang disurvei (27%) mencantumkan “informasi real-time terkait risiko signifikan dan
pengendalian internal" sebagai salah satu manfaat terpenting dari perkembangan teknologi terkait dengan
pelaporan keuangan. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin baik memungkinkan analisis data dilakukan untuk
100% populasi.

3. Persiapan menghadapi kasus fraud memainkan peranan yang sangat krusial

Penting bagi organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan dengan hati – hati dan disiplin serta menerapkan solusi yang
tepat. Hal utama yang harus dipastikan adalah Forensic Accountant dan Pengacara tidak memiliki benturan
kepentingan (conflict of interest), sehingga dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 46
Technology in Forensic Accounting (1)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR is the use of technology to distinguish printed or

handwritten text characters inside digital images of physical
documents, such as a scanned paper document.
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 47
Technology in Forensic Accounting (2)

ACL Desktop Tableau

Qlik View/Qlik Sense

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 48
Technology in Forensic Accounting (3)

UltraBlock Forensic
EnCase Forensic
Passware Kit Forensic Card Reader
The Forensic Card Reader can be used The Gold Standard in Forensic
Passware Kit Forensic is the complete to read (and optionally write) to the Investigations – including
encrypted electronic evidence following multimedia card formats: Mobile Acquisition. EnCase™
discovery solution that reports and Compact Flash Card (CFC), MicroDrive eDiscovery litigation support
decrypts all password-protected items (MD), Memory Stick Card (MSC), software enables eDiscovery
on a computer. The software Memory Stick Pro (MSP), Memory Stick data collection from diverse
recognizes 280+ file types and works Pro Duo (MSPD), Smart Media sources including endpoints for
in batch mode recovering passwords. xD Media, Secure Digital Card (SDC, litigation and investigations.
SDHC and SDXC), MicroSD, MultiMedia
Card (MMC)
Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 49
Key Points in Gathering Digital Evidence
Before Forensic Accounting examines any system, Forensic Accounting need to make sure that Forensic
Accounting has permission to examine that system. Forensic Accounting needs to know the legal aspects
of collection, documentation, and preservation of digital evidence.

Below were eight considerations for gathering digital evidence:

❑ The computer is not a substitute for forensic accounting judgement and experience. It cannot replace
document reviews, interviews and follow up steps.
❑ If possible, data should be gathered at the outset of engagement and prior to the initial field visit.
❑ Data obtained should be checked for accuracy and completeness, because incorrect and incompleteness
data set may cause to premature and incorrect conclusions.
❑ The complexity of the tools used should be commensurate with the size and complexity of engagement.
❑ Some forensic accounting investigators may place too much reliance on the tool itself.
❑ Ensure that planned procedures are allowed from a legal perspective and that any evidence gathered
may be used for legal purposes if required.
❑ Data collection across national boundaries must be done with proper legal advice about the export data
or about the type of data being collected.
❑ Proper computer forensic techniques must be used to avoid inadvertently altering evidence.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 50

Key Takeaways

A COSO - Consistent Approach for Fraud Risk Management
•Tone at the top
•Code of Conduct/Ethics • Identify fraud risk
•Whistleblower Hotline factors, fraud risks
Creating and fraud schemes
a Control

Monitoring Fraud Risk
Activities Assessments
• Monitoring
effectiveness of
antifraud programs Sharing Designing and
and controls Information and Implementing
Communication Antifraud
• Link or map
• Effective communication
identified fraud
of antifraud programs
AFPC: Anti Fraud Programs & risks to control
and controls throughout
Controls activities
the Organization
Source: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, Anti Fraud Program & Controls (AFPC)

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 52

How to Mitigate Fraud with Fraud Risk Management

• Fraud risk can never be eliminated entirely; more effective

organizations employ a risk-based approach to mitigating fraud
• Fraud risk management is an ongoing and evolutionary process
that changes as the organization and the environment change.
• Regular fraud risk management process evaluation and
measurement assists continuous improvement.
• Fraud risk management is a collaborative effort that involves
everyone within an organization.

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 53

Audit Procedures to Detect Financial Statement Fraud in General

◼ Fraud Brainstorming Session

◼ Journal Entry Testing & Vouching

◼ Accounting Estimates

◼ Significant Unusual Transactions

Unlock Forensic Accounting vs Investigative Auditing 54




“Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.”

– Warren Buffett (Enterpreneur) –


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Vidvant Brahmantyo
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Group HQ’s website
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