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DOI: 10.1002/chem.201102646

Mixed Colloidal Suspensions of Reduced Graphene Oxide and Layered

Metal Oxide Nanosheets: Useful Precursors for the Porous Nanocomposites
and Hybrid Films of Graphene/Metal Oxide

Yu Ri Lee, In Young Kim, Tae Woo Kim, Jang Mee Lee, and Seong-Ju Hwang*[a]

Abstract: Homogeneously mixed col- activity and a markedly expanded sur- ances of RGO and lithium manganate.
loidal suspensions of reduced graphene face area of around 70–100 m2 g1. Rel- Also, an electrophoretic deposition of
oxide, or RGO, and layered manganate ative to the Li/RGO and Li/layered the mixed colloidal suspensions makes
nanosheets have been synthesized by a MnO2 nanocomposites (  116 and it possible to easily fabricate uniform
simple addition of the exfoliated col-  167 F g1), the obtained Li/RGO-lay- hybrid films composed of graphene
loid of RGO into that of layered ered MnO2 nanocomposites deliver a and manganese oxide. The obtained
MnO2. The obtained mixed colloidal larger capacitance of approximately films show a distinct electrochemical
suspensions with the RGO/MnO2 ratio 210 F g1 with good cyclability of activity and a homogeneous distribu-
of  0.3 show good colloidal stability around 95–97 % up to the 1000th cycle, tion of RGO and MnO2. The present
without any phase separation and a thus indicating the positive effect of hy- experimental findings clearly demon-
negatively charged state with a zeta (z) bridization on the electrode perform- strate that the utilization of the mixed
potential of 30 to 40 mV. The floc- colloidal suspensions as precursors pro-
culation of these mixed colloidal sus- vides a facile and universal methodolo-
Keywords: composites · electrodes ·
pensions with lithium cations yields gy to synthesize various types of gra-
hybrid materials · nanomaterials ·
porous nanocomposites of Li/RGO-lay- phene/metal oxide hybrid materials.
ered MnO2 with high electrochemical

Introduction pore structure and strongly coupled electronic structure.[10–13]

If we take into account the remarkably expanded surface
The unique physicochemical properties and many valuable area and redox capability of component transition-metal
functionalities of nanostructured materials have inspired a ions, the reassembled nanohybrids of transition-metal oxide
great deal of research on the synthesis and applications of nanosheets are supposed to show promising electrode per-
various low-dimensional nanostructures such as 0D quantum formance for supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries.[13]
dots and 1D nanowires/nanotubes.[1–3] Currently, research ac- Since the component transition-metal oxides possess rela-
tivity on the nanostructured materials has extended to 2D tively poor electrical conductivity, the electrode perfor-
nanostructures such as nanosheets and nanoplates.[3–5] One mance of these nanosheet-assembled materials can be fur-
of the most useful chemical methods to synthesize 2D nano- ther improved by the hybridization with conductive carbon
sheets is an exfoliation of layered inorganic solids into indi- species. Given the common 2D morphology of graphene
vidual layers.[6–8] The exfoliated 2D nanosheets are obtained and transition-metal oxide nanosheets, the combination of
in the form of a stable colloidal suspension in aqueous these two materials is expected to yield strongly coupled
media or organic solvent.[7, 8] A distinct surface charge of ex- nanohybrid materials with optimized functionalities. Of
foliated colloidal nanosheets renders them powerful building prime importance is that, like the exfoliated nanosheets of
blocks for many novel hybrid materials such as intercalative layered metal oxide, graphene can be prepared in the form
nanohybrids, layer-by-layer-ordered multilayer films, hollow of an aqueous colloidal suspension of reduced graphene
spheres, and so on.[7–10] The reassembling of anionic transi- oxide, or RGO, nanosheets.[14] Thus these two colloidal
tion-metal oxide nanosheets with cationic guest species nanosheets are supposed to easily form homogeneously
yields highly porous pillared metal oxides with a tailored mixed suspensions in aqueous media. Since the exfoliated
nanosheets of RGO and transition-metal oxide commonly
[a] Y. R. Lee, I. Y. Kim, T. W. Kim, J. M. Lee, Prof. S.-J. Hwang possess negative surface charge,[15] an electrostatically de-
Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials (CINBM) rived self-assembly of this mixed suspension with cationic
Department of Chemistry and Nano Sciences species can produce the intimately coupled nanocomposites
Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750 (Korea)
Fax: (+ 82) 2-3277-3419
of RGO/transition-metal oxide. The hybrid films of RGO
E-mail: and transition-metal oxide can also be fabricated by an elec-
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW trophoretic deposition of the mixed colloidal suspensions.
under Thus the preparation of the mixed suspension of RGO and

Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2263 – 2271  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2263
layered metal oxide nanosheets can provide a facile and uni-
versal methodology to synthesize various types of graphene/
metal oxide hybrid materials. To date, however, there has
been no report on the preparation of a mixed colloidal sus-
pension that contains RGO and layered transition-metal
oxide nanosheets, and its application for the synthesis of the
porous nanocomposites and hybrid films of RGO/metal
In this study, the mixed colloidal suspensions of RGO and
layered MnO2 nanosheets were synthesized by the addition
of the exfoliated colloid of RGO into that of layered manga-
nate. The lithiated nanocomposites of Li/RGO-layered
MnO2 were obtained by the flocculation of the obtained
mixed colloidal suspensions with Li cations, whereas the ho-
mogeneous hybrid films of RGO and layered MnO2 were
fabricated by an electrophoretic deposition of the mixed col-
loidal suspensions. The crystal structure, crystal morphology,
and chemical-bonding nature of the obtained nanocompo-
Figure 1. Photo images (top) and UV/Vis absorption spectra (bottom
sites and hybrid films were investigated with several diffrac- left) of a) the pure colloidal suspension of the layered MnO2 nanosheets
tion, microscopic, and spectroscopic techniques. The electro- and the mixed colloidal suspensions with RGO/MnO2 ratios of b) 0.1,
chemical activity of the nanocomposites and the hybrid c) 0.2, d) 0.3, and e) the pure colloidal suspension of the RGO nano-
sheets. Bottom right: HRTEM image of the colloidal nanosheets from
films was examined not only to probe the applicability of
the mixed colloidal suspension with an RGO/MnO2 ratio of 0.3.
these materials as electrodes for supercapacitors but also to
elucidate the effect of hybridization on the electrode per-
formances of RGO and layered manganese oxide. sponds to the layered MnO2 nanosheets but no well-separat-
ed peak at around 276 nm that would be related to the
RGO nanosheets. The observed spectral features are attrib-
Results and Discussion uted to the higher content of layered MnO2 than RGO in
the present colloidal suspensions, which leads to the con-
Mixed colloidal suspensions of RGO and layered MnO2 cealment of the RGO-related peak by the stronger MnO2-
nanosheets: The colloidal suspension of RGO nanosheets related peak. With the increase in the RGO/MnO2 ratio, the
was mixed with that of exfoliated layered manganese oxide, absorption peak at around 380 nm became depressed, there-
thereby leading to the formation of homogeneously mixed by indicating a decrease in the concentration of layered
suspensions of RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets. The ob- MnO2 nanosheets. In addition, an increase of the RGO/
tained mixed colloidal suspensions showed good dispersion MnO2 ratio gave rise not only to an increase in the ratio of
ability and high colloidal stability without any phase separa- absorption intensity at around 276/380 nm but also to the
tion for several weeks. As illustrated in the top panel of enhancement of background absorption at > 550 nm, there-
Figure 1, three kinds of mixed colloidal suspensions were by confirming the increase in RGO concentration.
obtained with the mixing ratios of RGO/MnO2 = 0.1:1, 0.2:1, The crystal shapes of colloidal particles in the mixed sus-
and 0.3:1 in mass. As the content of RGO increased, the pension were examined with high-resolution (HR) TEM
color of the mixed colloidal suspension became darker. At analysis (see the bottom right panel of Figure 1). Two differ-
higher RGO/MnO2 ratios of  0.4, the mixed colloidal sus- ent types of sheet-like crystals can be observed from the
pension was less stable, thus leading to the aggregation of HRTEM image of the mixed colloidal suspension. The
colloidal particles within a couple of hours. larger irregular-shaped crystallites with very weak contrast
The bottom left panel of Figure 1 represents the UV/Vis correspond to the RGO nanosheets, whereas the smaller
absorption spectra of the mixed colloidal suspensions of rectangular-shaped crystallites with stronger contrast are at-
RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets compared with the ref- tributed to layered MnO2 nanosheets. The particle size of
erence spectrum of the pure colloidal suspension of RGO or the layered MnO2 nanosheets is around 0.2–0.4 mm, whereas
layered MnO2 nanosheets. A broad absorption peak that the RGO nanosheets possess a much larger particle size of
corresponds to the d–d transition of Mn ions in the MnO6 several micrometers. Due to the very thin thickness and
octahedra was observed at approximately 380 nm for the high flexibility of the RGO nanosheet, this sheet-shaped
pure colloidal suspension of layered MnO2 nanosheets.[16] particle shows many folded areas with stronger contrast.
Conversely, the colloidal suspension of RGO displayed a The coexistence of two kinds of nanosheets provides strong
strong peak at around 276 nm and a significant absorption evidence for the homogeneous mixing of these species in
at longer wavelength region. As shown in the bottom left the mixed colloidal suspension. In addition, the surface
panel of Figure 1, the mixed colloidal suspensions displayed charges of the obtained colloidal suspensions were examined
an intense and broad peak at around 380 nm that corre- with zeta (z) potential measurements. All of the present sus-

2264  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2263 – 2271
Mixed Colloidal Suspensions
pensions commonly display an average z potential of 30 to based nanocomposite, the MnO2-free Li/RGO nanocompo-
40 mV, thereby indicating the negatively charged state of site displays no distinct (00l) Bragg reflections, thus indicat-
exfoliated RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets. The nega- ing the disordered stacking of RGO nanosheets.[17] A very
tively charged state of these nanosheets allows us to synthe- thin RGO nanosheet seems too flexible to form a rigid in-
size homogeneously coupled nanocomposites of RGO-lay- tercalation structure with oppositely charged lithium cations.
ered MnO2 by means of flocculation with lithium cations. On the basis of this finding, the negligible difference be-
tween the XRD patterns of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2
Powder XRD analysis of lithiated nanocomposites: Three nanocomposites and the RGO-free Li/layered MnO2 nano-
kinds of lithiated nanocomposites were synthesized by the composite can be regarded as evidence for the disordered
mixing of Li + cations and mixed colloidal suspensions with incorporation of flexible RGO nanosheets in the nanocom-
a mass ratio of RGO/MnO2 = 0.1:1, 0.2:1, and 0.3:1 (the ob- posite lattice. As can be seen from Figure 2, the in-plane
tained materials are denoted LGM1, LGM2, and LGM3, re- (100) and (110) reflections of the layered MnO2 structure
spectively). After adding lithium ions, the flocculation of are still discernible in the XRD patterns of the present Li/
colloidal particles occurred immediately, a result of an elec- RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites, which clearly demon-
trostatic interaction between the negatively charged nano- strates the maintenance of the hexagonal in-plane structure
sheets and lithium cations. After the flocculation, the re- of manganese oxide layers after the composite formation.
maining supernatant solution became transparent, which
strongly suggested the complete precipitation of both RGO Micro-Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of LGM nanocompo-
and layered MnO2 nanosheets. sites: The presence of RGO nanosheets in the Li/RGO-lay-
The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of the Li/ ered MnO2 nanocomposites was examined with micro-
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites are plotted in Figure 2, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy together with the chemical-
bonding nature of the incorporated RGO component. The
top panel of Figure 3 represents the micro-Raman spectra of
the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites compared with

Figure 2. Powder XRD patterns of a) pristine K0.45MnO2, b) the protonat-

ed manganese oxide, c) the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite, the Li/
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites of d) LGM1, e) LGM2, and
f) LGM3, and g) the Li/RGO nanocomposite.

compared with those of the pristine K0.45MnO2, its protonat-

ed derivative, the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite, and the
Li/RGO nanocomposite. Like the pristine potassium manga-
nese oxide and its protonated derivative, all of the present
MnO2-based nanocomposites exhibit well-developed (00l)
reflections at the low 2q region, thus indicating the forma-
tion of a well-ordered intercalation structure. From the
least-squares fitting analysis, the basal spacings of all the Li/
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites were determined to be
approximately 7.1 . The negligible dependence of basal
spacing on the content of RGO suggests that the crystal
framework of the present nanocomposite is mainly deter-
mined by the layer-by-layer ordering of MnO2 nanosheets
with lithium ions. This supposition is further supported by a
close similarity between the basal spacings of the Li/RGO- Figure 3. Micro-Raman (top) and FTIR spectra (bottom) of the Li/RGO-
layered MnO2 nanocomposites and that of the RGO-free layered MnO2 nanocomposites of a) LGM1, b) LGM2, c) LGM3,
Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite. In contrast to the MnO2- d) RGO, and e) graphite oxide.

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S.-J. Hwang et al.

those of RGO and graphite oxide. All of the Li/RGO-lay-

ered MnO2 nanocomposites displayed two strong peaks at
around 1318 and around 1592 cm1, which are characteristic
of graphene. This finding provides strong evidence for the
incorporation of RGO nanosheets in these materials. The
lower-energy D band is attributed to the k-point phonons of
A1g symmetry, whereas the higher-energy G band originates
from zone-center phonons of E2g symmetry.[18, 19] Since the
D-mode phonon is optically active only in the presence of
disorder, the peak intensity can act as an indicator for the
disorder of carbon species.[20] The Li/RGO-layered MnO2
nanocomposites showed nearly the same intensity ratio of
the D/G peaks as RGO, thereby indicating the negligible in-
fluence of composite formation on the chemical-bonding
nature of RGO nanosheets.[17] As the ratio of RGO/MnO2
in the reactant increased, the intensities of both the D and
G peaks became stronger, which confirms the increase in
Figure 4. TGA curves of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites of
RGO content in the obtained nanocomposites. In the low- a) LGM1, b) LGM2, c) LGM3, and d) the Li/layered MnO2 nanocompo-
wavenumber region, two distinct peaks appeared at around site.
480 and around 600 cm1, which correspond to the vibra-
tions of oxygen ions in the manganate lattice. The observed
spectral features are characteristic of birnessite-type layered mass loss at 200–360 8C, which is attributed to the removal
manganate lattice,[21] thereby confirming the maintenance of of oxygenated groups of RGO component. In the higher-
a layered MnO2 lattice after hybridization with RGO nano- temperature region of > 400 8C, all the present Li/RGO-lay-
sheets. ered MnO2 nanocomposites displayed another mass de-
The FTIR spectra of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nano- crease that corresponded to the evolution of oxygen from
composites are illustrated in the bottom panel of Figure 3 in the manganate lattice, thereby resulting in the reduction of
comparison with those of graphite oxide and RGO. Whereas Mn4 + ion to Mn3 + ion and the formation of an Mn3O4
the graphite oxide exhibited strong IR bands that corre- phase. From the TGA results, the mass percent of RGO
spond to the carbonoxygen bonds in the wavenumber components in the nanocomposites was calculated to be 7 %
region of 900–1800 cm1,[22, 23] these bands are much weaker for LGM1, 9 % for LGM2, and 11 % for LGM3, respective-
for the RGO, which confirms the reduction of oxygenated ly. On the basis of the ICP and TGA results, the chemical
functional groups. Like the RGO material, all the present compositions of the present nanocomposites were deter-
nanocomposites showed only weak intensity for these fea- mined to be Li0.4MnO2·0.78 H2O·0.3 C for LGM1,
tures, thus verifying little change in the RGO component Li0.5MnO2·0.93 H2O·0.35 C for LGM2, and
upon formation of the composite. Li0.4MnO2·1.00 H2O·0.4 C for LGM3, respectively.

Elemental analysis and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and
of LGM nanocomposites: The chemical compositions of the elemental mapping analyses of LGM nanocomposites: The
Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites were probed using crystal morphology of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocom-
inductive coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry and TGA. posites was examined with FESEM analysis (see Figure 5).
The Li/Mn ratio of the present nanocomposites was evaluat- Except for the pristine potassium manganate, all the present
ed to be 0.4 for LGM1, 0.5 for LGM2, and 0.4 for LGM3. Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites showed a porous
Since both RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets possess sim- crystal morphology formed by the house-of-cards-type
ilar layer charge, there is no clear dependence of Li/Mn stacking of layered MnO2 and/or RGO nanosheets. A simi-
ratio on the amount of RGO nanosheets. However, a higher lar crystal shape appeared not only for the RGO-free Li/lay-
Li content of the LGM2 material than the other nanocom- ered MnO2 nanocomposite but also for the MnO2-free Li/
posites strongly suggests that this material has a more ap- RGO one. This finding indicates that the porous structure of
propriate pore structure to accommodate more lithium ions. the present nanocomposites can be created by the stacking
The contents of water and RGO in the Li/RGO-layered of layered MnO2 nanosheets and/or RGO nanosheets. This
MnO2 nanocomposites were examined with TGA. As shown is further supported by the negligible influence of RGO
in Figure 4, a significant mass loss of around 12.5–15.0 % content on the crystal morphology of the present Li/RGO-
was discernible for all the nanocomposites in the tempera- layered MnO2 nanocomposites. The observation of a much
ture region of 25–200 8C, which is attributed to the evapora- more porous structure for the reassembled nanocomposites
tion of surface-adsorbed and intercalated water molecules.[24] than for the pristine K0.45MnO2 highlights the usefulness of
In contrast to the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite, the Li/ the reassembling process of nanosheets in providing layered
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites showed an additional metal oxide with considerable porosity. The elemental distri-

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Mixed Colloidal Suspensions

Figure 5. FESEM images of the a) pristine layered K0.45MnO2, b) Li/lay-

ered MnO2 nanocomposite, c) Li/RGO nanocomposite, and the Li/RGO-
layered MnO2 nanocomposites of d) LGM1, e) LGM2, and f) LGM3.

bution of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites was Figure 6. N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms of the a) Li/layered MnO2
probed with electron diffraction spectroscopy (EDS)/ele- nanocomposite, b) Li/RGO nanocomposite, the Li/RGO-layered MnO2
nanocomposites of c) LGM1, d) LGM2, e) LGM3, and f) the pristine lay-
mental mapping analysis (see the Supporting Information). ered K0.45MnO2. The open and closed symbols represent the adsorption
Carbon and manganese elements were homogeneously dis- and desorption data, respectively.
tributed throughout the entire parts of the sample, thereby
confirming the formation of the homogeneous nanocompo-
site of layered manganate and RGO nanosheets. the FESEM image (Figure 5c). Such a discrepancy is attrib-
utable to the effect of heat treatment in the degassing step
N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm measurements of LGM for the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm measurement.
nanocomposites: The surface area and porosity of the Li/ The degassing treatment at 150 8C causes a significant mass
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites were examined with decrease of the Li/RGO material, thereby indicating its
N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm measurements. As plot- weak thermal stability. Such a weight decrease indicates the
ted in Figure 6, the present nanocomposites commonly evaporation of interlayer guest species in this material,
showed fairly efficient adsorption of nitrogen with distinct which leads to the formation of a dense packing structure of
hysteresis in the high-pressure region of p/p0 > 0.45, thereby the RGO nanosheets with a strong p–p interaction between
reflecting the formation of mesopores upon the reassem- hexagonal graphene units. As a consequence, a very poor
bling process. The observed isotherms and hysteresis behav- porosity could be observed for this material in N2 adsorp-
iors of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites can be tion/desorption isotherm measurements. The distribution of
interpreted as Brunauer–Deming–Deming–Teller (BDDT) pore size in all the nanocomposites under investigation was
type I and IV isotherm and H3-type hysteresis loop in the estimated with the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method
IUPAC classification.[25] This indicates the presence of open (see the Supporting Information). All the Li/RGO-layered
slit-shaped capillaries with very wide bodies and narrow MnO2 nanocomposites as well as the Li/layered MnO2 nano-
short necks. Almost identical isotherms could be detected composite commonly possessed mesopores with an average
for the RGO-free Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite. Con- diameter of approximately 5 nm. There was no marked de-
versely, there was no distinct hysteresis with only a weak N2 pendence of pore size on the content of RGO nanosheets.
adsorption in the isotherm of the Li/RGO nanocomposite, Given the smaller basal spacings of the present nanocompo-
thus reflecting its nonporous nature. This observation seems sites than the diameter of mesopores, the formation of mes-
to contrast with the porous morphology of this material in opores in these materials is ascribed to the porous house-of-

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S.-J. Hwang et al.

cards-type assembly of the RGO/layered MnO2 sheet-like den 1s!3d transition,[26] as shown in the right panel of
crystallites. This is supported by the FESEM results Figure 7. The observed weak intensity of these peaks indi-
(Figure 5). In contrast, both the pristine K0.45MnO2 and Li/ cates the stabilization of manganese ions in centrosymmetric
RGO nanocomposite did not exhibit any distinct peak in octahedral symmetry. The present nanocomposites common-
the pore distribution curves, thereby confirming the nonpo- ly displayed higher intensity for the peak P’ than for the
rous nature of these materials. According to the fitting anal- peak P. But the peak P’ was less intense for the nanocompo-
ysis based on the BET equation, the surface areas of the Li/ sites than for the tetravalent b-MnO2 reference. This obser-
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites were estimated to be vation confirms the mixed oxidation state of Mn3 + /Mn4 + in
approximately 73 m2 g1 for LGM1, approximately 99 m2 g1 these materials, since the relative intensity of the peaks P’/P
for LGM2, and approximately 80 m2 g1 for LGM3, respec- is proportional to the average oxidation state of Mn ions.[26]
tively, which are larger than those of the Li/RGO nanocom- In main-edge region, all the present materials exhibited sev-
posite (  2 m2 g1) and the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite eral peaks A and B that correspond to the dipole-allowed
(  70 m2 g1). This finding underscores an advantage of the 1s!4p transitions. The intensity of the shakedown peak A
mixed use of RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets in synthe- reflects the concentration of Jahn–Teller active Mn3 +
sizing highly porous materials. The expanded surface areas ions.[26, 27] In contrast to the reference LiMn0.9Cr0.1O2, which
of the present nanocomposites render them suitable for su- shows an intense peak A, all the reassembled nanocompo-
percapacitor application. sites as well as the pristine K0.45MnO2 displayed only a negli-
gible intensity for this peak. This finding can be interpreted
Mn K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) as evidence for the low concentration of Jahn–Teller active
analysis of LGM nanocomposites: The oxidation state and Mn3 + ions in these materials. The intensity and sharpness of
local crystal structure of manganese ions in the present the peak B was proportional to the ratio of edge-sharing of
MnO2-based nanocomposites were investigated with Mn K- MnO6 octahedra over corner-sharing ones.[28] Like the pris-
edge XANES spectroscopy. Figure 7 plots the Mn K-edge tine potassium manganate and Li/layered MnO2 nanocom-
posite, all the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites
showed an intense and sharp peak B, thereby confirming the
maintenance of a layered MnO2 lattice composed of edge-
sharing MnO6 octahedra after the formation of nanocompo-

Electrochemical measurements of LGM nanocomposites:

The electrochemical activity of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2
nanocomposites was tested by carrying out cyclic voltamme-
try (CV) measurements. The CV data of the Li/RGO-lay-
ered MnO2 nanocomposites collected with the aqueous solu-
tion of 1.0 m Na2SO4 and the scan rate of 20 mV s1 are plot-
ted in Figure 8. Regardless of the content of RGO nano-
sheets, all of the present nanocomposites exhibited pseudo-
capacitance-type CV data without distinct redox peaks. The
Figure 7. Left: Mn K-edge XANES spectra for the Li/RGO-layered effect of scan rate was also examined for the present nano-
MnO2 nanocomposites of a) LGM1 (solid lines), b) LGM2 (dashed
lines), and c) LGM3 (dotted-dashed lines); d) the Li/layered MnO2 nano-
composite (dotted lines); e) the pristine K0.45MnO2 (asterisks); f) exfoliat-
ed MnO2 nanosheets (circles); g) b-MnO2 (squares); and
h) LiMn0.9Cr0.1O2 (triangles). Right: The expanded views of the pre-edge
region of 6537–6545 eV. The symbols in parenthesis denote the data in
the expanded spectra.

XANES spectra of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocompo-

sites and the RGO-free Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite,
compared with those of several references. The edge posi-
tions of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 and Li/layered MnO2
nanocomposites are midway between those of LiMn3 +
0.9Cr0.1O2 and b-Mn O2, thus indicating the mixed valence
3+ 4+
state of Mn /Mn in these materials. There is no notable
Figure 8. CV data of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites of
shift in the edge position depending on the content of RGO LGM1 (solid lines), LGM2 (dashed lines), and LGM3 (dot-dashed lines),
nanosheets. All of the present materials showed weak pre- and the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite (dotted lines) collected with the
edge peaks P and/or P’ that correspond to the dipole-forbid- electrolyte of 1.0 m Na2SO4 solution.

2268  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2263 – 2271
Mixed Colloidal Suspensions
composites (see the Supporting Information). All of the Li/ However, the MnO2-free Li/RGO nanocomposite with high
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites showed rectangular- RGO content showed a smaller specific capacitance than
shaped CV curves even at a high scan rate of 100 mV s1, the RGO-free Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite, thereby in-
thus indicating the high stability of their pseudocapacitance dicating the poorer electrode performance of the RGO
behavior. The specific capacitance of the Li/RGO-layered nanosheet than the layered MnO2 nanosheet. Hence a great
MnO2 nanocomposites was determined by performing galva- amount of RGO nanosheets is expected to decrease the
nostatic charge/discharge cycling tests. The potential curves overall specific capacitance of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2
of the present Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites are nanocomposite. As a consequence of the interplay of these
plotted in Figure 9, compared with those of Li/layered two factors, the largest capacitance among the present nano-
composites was obtained for LGM2 nanocomposite with in-
termediate RGO content. The observed dependence of spe-
cific capacitance on the LGO content for the present nano-
composites correlates well with the results of N2 adsorption/
desorption isotherm measurements and elemental analysis,
in which the LGM2 nanocomposite showed a larger surface
area and a higher lithium content than the other nanocom-
posites. These results obviously demonstrate that the LGM2
material has more appropriate pore structure for accommo-
dating a larger amount of lithium ions and thus for deliver-
ing larger specific capacitance. As plotted in Figure 9f, all of
the present Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites exhibit
good cyclability of approximately 95–97 % up to the 1000th
cycle, thereby highlighting the high electrochemical stability
of the present nanocomposites. This sharply contrasts with
the poor stability of the Li/RGO nanocomposite with 70 %
retention, which confirms the synergetic effect of hybridiza-
tion on electrode performance. The excellent cyclability of
the present nanocomposites was cross-confirmed by the CV
measurements over 1000 cycles (see the Supporting Infor-

Hybrid films of RGO-layered MnO2 nanosheets: Hybrid

Figure 9. Galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the first few cycles and films composed of RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets
a few cycles around the 1000th cycle at a constant current density were fabricated by an electrophoretic deposition of the pre-
0.5 mA cm2 of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites of a) LGM1,
cursor mixed colloidal suspensions. As plotted in Figure 10a,
b) LGM2, c) LGM3, d) the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite, and e) the
Li/RGO nanocomposite. f) Variations of the capacitance retention as a dark brown films with a uniform surface were deposited on
function of the number of cycles for LGM1 (circles), LGM2 (triangles), the indium-doped tin oxide, or ITO, substrate. According to
LGM3 (squares), the Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite (diamonds), and XRD analysis (see the Supporting Information), the deposit-
the Li/RGO nanocomposite (inverse triangles). ed films displayed similar XRD patterns to the lithiated
nanocomposite of RGO-layered MnO2, thereby reflecting a
MnO2 and Li/RGO nanocomposites. A linear variation of structural similarity between the deposited materials and re-
potential with time could be observed for all the materials assembled nanocomposites. FESEM analysis revealed the
under investigation, which is indicative of capacitive behav- smooth surface of the electrodeposited films (see Fig-
ior of these materials. All of the present RGO-containing ure 10b). The elemental mapping data for the hybrid film
nanocomposite materials showed large initial capacitances loaded onto the copper grid are also presented in Fig-
of around 193 F g1 for LGM1, around 209 F g1 for LGM2, ure 10c–e. A clear cutting edge of the hybrid film is discerni-
and around 196 F g1 for LGM3, respectively. The specific ble with the bottom of copper grid from the FESEM image
capacitances of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites (Figure 10c). Carbon and manganese elements were homo-
were much larger than those of Li/RGO nanocomposite geneously distributed over the entire hybrid film but absent
(116 F g1) and Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposite in the copper grid part, thereby confirming the codeposition
(167 F g1), thereby underscoring the advantage of the of the RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets in this film. As
composite formation in improving the specific capacitances plotted in Figure 10f, the CV measurements clearly demon-
of RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets. strate the pseudocapacitance behaviors of the RGO-layered
The incorporation of highly conductive RGO nanosheets MnO2 hybrid films, as observed in the Li/RGO-layered
can enhance the electrical conductivity of reassembled MnO2 nanocomposites. Among the present hybrid films, the
MnO2 nanosheets, which is beneficial to the electrode per- film deposited from the mixed colloidal suspension with an
formance of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites. RGO/MnO2 ratio of 0.2 shows the highest electrochemical

Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2263 – 2271  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2269
S.-J. Hwang et al.

spectively. The present findings verify the benefits of RGO

incorporation in optimizing the electrode activity of porous
metal oxide nanocomposite. In addition, the electrophoretic
deposition of the mixed suspensions allowed us to easily fab-
ricate hybrid films of RGO-layered MnO2 with uniform sur-
face structure and electrochemical activity. Thus, we can
conclude that an application of the mixed colloidal suspen-
sions of RGO and layered transition-metal oxide as precur-
sors provides a facile and simple route to synthesize diverse
types of hybrid materials that consist of graphene and metal
oxide. Similarly, the homogeneous and stable suspensions of
RGO and layered titanate nanosheets could be prepared by
a simple mixing of the colloidal suspensions of these two
kinds of nanosheets (see the Supporting Information). The
obtained mixed colloidal suspensions could also be utilized
as an effective precursor for the nanocomposites of layered
titanate and RGO. This fact clearly demonstrates that the
present synthetic routes that use mixed colloidal suspension
are readily applicable for many other colloidal nanosheets
of negatively charged inorganic solids. Our current project is
the exploration of new efficient hybrid-type electrode mate-
rials for supercapacitors by using other mixed colloidal sus-
pensions of RGO and metal oxide 2D nanosheets such as
layered ruthenium oxide and layered cobalt oxide.

Figure 10. a) Photo images and b) top-view FESEM image of the hybrid Experimental Section
film. c) FESEM image and d, e) EDS mapping data of the hybrid film
loaded onto the copper grid. f) CV curves of the hybrid films of RGO
Preparation: As a precursor, the aqueous colloidal suspension of RGO
and layered MnO2 nanosheets deposited from the mixed colloidal sus-
nanosheets was obtained by a modified Hummers method.[14, 29] To
pensions with RGO/MnO2 ratios of 0.1 (dotted–dashed lines), 0.2 (solid
remove the residual species such as hydrazine from the suspension, the
lines), and 0.3 (dashed lines).
as-prepared suspension of RGO was purified by dialysis. As another pre-
cursor, the colloidal suspension of exfoliated layered MnO2 nanosheets
was prepared by the reaction between protonated K0.45MnO2 and tetrabu-
activity among the present films. This trend is in good agree- tylammonium hydroxide (TBA·OH).[30] The homogeneous mixed suspen-
ment with the CV results of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2 sions of RGO and layered manganese oxide could be synthesized by
adding the colloidal suspension of RGO into that of layered MnO2. The
nanocomposites, in which the largest specific capacitance lithiated nanocomposites of exfoliated layered manganate/RGO nano-
was obtained for the LGM2 material. The present results in- sheets were synthesized by adding the mixed colloidal suspension of
dicate that the mixed suspension of RGO and layered MnO2/RGO nanosheets into the aqueous solution of lithium ions. After
MnO2 nanosheets can be used as an effective precursor for reaction for 24 h at room temperature, powdery precipitates were re-
stored from the reactant suspension by centrifugation, washed thoroughly
hybrid films of RGO and manganese oxide with high elec-
with distilled water, and then dried. The resulting supernatant solution
trochemical activity. was transparent, which indicated that all of the RGO and layered MnO2
nanosheets were incorporated into the precipitate of nanocomposite. The
obtained colloidal suspension was also applied to the fabrication of
Conclusion hybrid films of RGO-layered MnO2. Before the electrophoretic deposi-
tion, the aqueous colloidal suspension was diluted with acetonitrile to
minimize the electrolysis of water during electrophoretic deposition. The
Stable and homogeneous mixed colloidal suspensions of ex- films were prepared by electrophoretic deposition of the diluted colloidal
foliated RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets were synthe- suspensions on the ITO substrate with an applied voltage of 25 V.
sized and applied as precursors for lithiated nanocomposites Characterization: The optical properties and surface charge of the mixed
and hybrid films of RGO-layered manganate. The floccula- colloidal suspensions of exfoliated RGO and layered MnO2 nanosheets
were examined using a UV/Vis spectrometer and z potential measure-
tion of these mixed colloidal suspensions with lithium cat-
ments, respectively. The crystal structures of the Li/RGO-layered MnO2
ions provided a facile synthetic route to porous nanocompo- nanocomposites and the hybrid films were examined by XRD. The crys-
sites of Li/RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites with prom- tal morphology and elemental distribution of the nanocomposites and
ising electrode functionality. A much larger specific capaci- the hybrid films were probed using FESEM and EDS/elemental mapping
tance of around 210 F g1 could be obtained for the Li/ analysis. ICP spectrometry and TGA were carried out to determine the
chemical compositions and thermal behaviors of the obtained nanocom-
RGO-layered MnO2 nanocomposites, compared with the Li/ posites. Micro-Raman spectroscopic analysis was carried out using a JY
RGO and Li/layered MnO2 nanocomposites, which show LabRam HR spectrometer with an Ar laser of 514.5 nm as an excitation
smaller capacitances of around 116 and around 167 F g1, re- source. The presence of oxygenated functional groups in the nanocompo-

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