06 CCNA (IP Routing - Theory)

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#########################################################CCNA 640-802########################################################

###IP Routing###

----> Routing :-
+ Routing refers to the process of transferring data from the source to the destination.

+ There are two type of routing:

1) Static Routing <---- Routing table is updated manually by the network administrator.
+--> Default Routing <---- Good for "stub network". (Stub network = Network with one exit nterface)

2) Dynamic Routing <---- Routing table is updated automatically with the help of routing protocols.

----> Protocol :-
+ Protocols is a set communication rules in a computer network.
+ There are two types/class of protocols:

1) Routed Protocol <---- Used for routing & addressing.

a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
b) IPX/SPX (Internet packet eXchange/Sequenced Packet eXchange)
c) Appletalk

2) Routing Protocol <---- Used by routers to find the best path to route packets.

a) RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

b) IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
c) EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
d) OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
e) IS-IS (Intermediate System tp Intermediate System)
f) EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
g) BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
h) IDRP (Inter-Domain Routing Protocol)

----> Routing Concepts & Terms :-

1) Administrative Distance:
+ AD is an integer in the range of 0 to 255 assigned to every routing protocols.
+ The routing information with the lowest AD lalue is considered more reliable.
+ The Default AD value for each protocols are as follows:
1) Directly Connected Interface = 0
2) Static Route = 1
3) Enhanced IGRP = 90
4) IGRP = 100
5) OSPF = 110
6) RIP = 120
7) External EIGRP = 170
8) Unknown = 255 (Route will be discarded)

2) Routing Metrics:
+ Hop (Handle of Point)
+ Bandwidth
+ Delay
+ Load
+ Reliability
+ MTU (maximum Transmission Unit)

----> Routing Protocols :-

+ The Routing protocols are classified as:-
1) Interior Routing Protocols / Interior Gateway Protocols
+ IGP's handle routing within an Autonomous System (Routing Domain).
+ IGP's fall into three categories:-
a) Distance Vector Protocols:
+ Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
+ Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
b) Link State Protocols:

+ Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

+ Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)
c) Balanced Hybrid Protocol:
+ Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

2) Exterior Routing Protocols / Exterior Gateway Protocols

+ EGP's Handle routing between two different Autonomous Systems (Routing Domains).
+ The Exterior Routing Protocols are as follows:-
a) Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)

b) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

c) Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP)

----> Distance Vector Routing Protocols :-

1) Routing Information Protocol (RIP):-

+ Open Standard.
+ Metric = Hop Count

+ Algorithm = Distance Vector (Bellman-Ford)

+ Maximum Hop = 15

+ Timers:
a) Periodic Updates = 30 Seconds [Broadcast=RIPv1( & Multicast=RIPv2(]
b) Route Invalid = 180 Seconds (3 x Update Period)
c) Hold-down = 180 Seconds (3 x Update Period)
d) Route Flush = 240 Seconds (4 x Update Period)
+ Maintains only one table i.e Routing Table.

+ There are two versions of RIP:

a) RIPv1

+ Uses Broadcast for periodic Updates.

+ Classfull Routing (Doesn't includes Subnet mask in the routing information).

+ No Support for VLSM.

b) RIPv2
+ Uses Multicast for periodic Updates.
+ Classless Routing (Includes Subnet mask in the routing information).

+ Supports VLSM.

2) IGRP:-
+ Cisco Proprietary.
+ Metric = Composite Metric (Bandwidth, Delay, Load, Reliability & MTU) [Default = Delay & Bandwidth]
+ Algorithm = Distance Vector (Bellman-Ford)
+ Maximum Hop = 255 (Default = 100)
+ Maximum Metric Value = 4 Billion (400 Crore)
+ Timers:
a) Periodic Updates = 90 Seconds [Multicast(]
b) Route Invalid = 270 Seconds (3 x Update Period)
c) Hold-down = 280 Seconds (3 x Update Period + 10 Seconds)
d) Route Flush = 630 Seconds (7 x Update Period)
+ Maintains only one table i.e Routing Table.

----> Link State Routing Protocol :-

1) OSPF:-
+ Open Standard.
+ Metric = Composite Metric (Bandwidth & Delay)
+ Algorithm = Shortest Path First (Dijkstra)
+ Maximum Hop = No Limit

+ Timers:
a) Hello Packets = 10 Seconds [Multicast(]
b) Dead = 40 Seconds (4 x Hello Packets)
+ Maintains 3 tables:-
a) Neighbor Table

b) Topology Table / OSPF Database

c) Routing Table

----> Balanced Hybrid :-

1) EIGRP:-
+ Cisco Proprietary.
+ Metric = Composite Metric (Bandwidth, Delay, Load, Reliability & MTU) [Default = Delay & Bandwidth]
+ Algorithm = DUAL (Diffusing Update ALgorithm)
+ Maximum Hop = 255 (Default = 100)

+ Maximum Metric Value = 4.2 Billion (~430 Crore)(2^32 = 4294967296)

+ Timers:
a) Hello Packets = 5 Seconds(LAN) & 60 Seconds(WAN) [Multicast(]
b) Dead = 3 x Hello Packets.
+ Maintains 3 tables:-
a) Neighbor Table

b) Topology Table (Feasible Successor are stored in this table)

c) Routing Table (Successor are stored in this table)

#####################################################By - Muhammed Anas######################################################

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