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Quetsion 1.

Advantages of living in a smart city

- reduce the negative impact on the environment
 A smart city has thousands of energy-efficient buildings that can
improve the air quality, use renewable energy sources, and
decrease the dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
 These will help to decrease the ecological impact we have on the
 Ex: The Empire State Building in USA, One Embankment Place in
- make people’s lives easier by reducing household chores with the help
of smart technology
 If you hate washing and cleaning, we might soon have robots to do
the housework.
 If you don't like cooking, an automatic food machine will do it for
 You touch the screen to choose your meal and it will be ready in a
few seconds.
Disadvantages of living in a smart city
- affect people’s private lives
 a government, a private agency, or other authorities who can track
and centralise the data they gather with security cameras.
 They will have the power to access a citizen’s data for their private
- take time to get familiar with all the smart devices and use them
 If the people of the city don’t know about technology, then they
will not be able to use it.
 Without proper training, people may struggle to understand the
relevance and utility of the technology in their daily lives.
 Our grandparents cannot use a smartphone without our help.
Question 2.
should strictly limit teenagers’screen time.
- distract teenagers’ attention from their study
 They often get engrossed in watching online videos, scrolling
through social media, or playing computer games, which can
distract them from their academic responsibilities.
 This can lead to poor performance in school and hinder their
intellectual growth.
- be bad for teenagers’ health
 Many debaters in Oxford debating firm argued how watching
TV or the internet collapses human interaction.
 They believe that spending hours in front of these tools will
harm emotional development.
 Children will talk less than others who do not involve their
electronics on a daily basis.
 In addition, kids may behave differently; uncontrolled and
 Spending lots of time in front of digital devices can cause
disordered behaviors
 For instance, various kindergartens prefer to provide real
learning media instead of simply giving these children tablets
to play.
shouldn’t strictly limit teenagers’screen time.
- limit teenagers’ benefits from using degital devices to study
- widen the gap between teenagers and parents
Question 3.
Advantages of living in a nuclear family
- reduce conflicts among family members over small things
- develop children’s independence and problem- solving skills
Disadvantages of living in a nuclear family
- increase children’s insecurity
- feel the sense of loneliness

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