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This chapter presents research methodology. It covers research design,

research subject, research instruments, data collection, and data analysis. Each

section will be explained below.

3.1. Research Design

Research design is the plan made by the researcher that required how data

should be collected and analyzed. Ary (2010), defines that research design is the

researcher’s plan of how to proceed to gain and understanding of some group or

some phenomenon in its context. Besides, the researcher need design analysis to

direct the research. In conducting a research, Ary (2010) says classifies research

design into two broad categories; quantitative and qualitative research.

Quantitative research uses objective measurement and statistical analysis of

numeric data to understand and explain phenomena. Just as quantitative, so

qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the

perspective of the human participants in the study. Qualitative research is

descriptive that the written results of the research contain quotations from the data

to illustrated and substantiate the presentation (Bogdan and Biklen, 2003).

In addition, Ary (2010: p.424) states that the data in qualitative research are in

form of words or pictures instead of statistics and numbers. Thus, researcher used

descriptive qualitative because the researcher wanted to describe the level of

students speaking fluency on eight class in SMP Raden Fatah Batu and the problem

they faced in speaking regarding to their fluency.

3.2. Research Subject

The subject of this research is the students from SMP Raden Fatah Batu at

eight class. There are three classes: 8A, 8B, and 8C. Each class consists of 18-25

students. Beside the high number of classes and students, the limited time of

research became consideration for the researcher to use convenience sampling


Convenient sampling according to Ary (2010: p.431) is “choosing a sample

based on availability, time, location or ease of access.” Therefore, the researcher

took 10 students as the subject research.

3.3. Research Instrument

The research instruments can be defined as tools to collect, measure, and

analyze data. Ary (2010: p. 431) mentions that “there are the most three common

instruments used in collecting data namely observation, interview and document or

artifact analysis”. In this research, the researcher used two instruments which were

document analysis using speaking fluency scale and followed by interview.

3.3.1 Primary Instrument

Primary instrument is an implement for collect data from themselves.

According to Hatch (2002), to understand the needs of being studied object, it is

necessary to emphasizes human ability. Based on those statements above, the

researcher considers himself as the primary instrument in this research because he

serves determining focus of the research, selecting information as data source,

collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing a conclusion based on data analysis. In

case to completing and make this research more accurate the researcher needs

another instrument called as secondary instrument.

3.3.2 Secondary Instrument

Secondary instrument can be collected from document analysis, and interview.

The researcher chooses document analysis such as, asked several questions about

personal identity and their opinions about online school during the Covid-19

pandemic in English using phonecall, interviewing in secondary instrument to

collect the data, analyzing and get data from the outcome of problem’s students

speaking fluency. In this research, the researcher used document analysis and

interview for collecting the data which were recording phone call while the

participant speaking to know the students speaking fluency level. Then, the

researcher used interview to validate the data obtained from the document analysis

regarding the problem’s students speaking fluency. Document Analysis

Document analysis is a form of qualitative research where documents are

interpreted by researchers to voice and interpret an assessment topic. (Bowen,

2009). Analyze documents incorporate the coding content into themes similar to

how focus groups or interview transcripts are analyzed (Bowen,2009). In this

research, the participants from 10 students at eighth grades were asked to answer

several questions about personal identity and their opinions about online school

during the Covid-19 pandemic in English using phonecall and this would be

recording while the participant speaking to know the students speaking fluency


13 Speaking Fluency Scale

Speaking fluency scale was used to measure the level of students speaking

fluency. The speaking fluency scale used in this study is adapted from Luoma


Table 3.1 Speaking Fluency Scale

Scale Description
Speaker’s utterances are short, often a single word. There are
1 long pauses when he or she is trying to search for words or
Basic User of forms. Repetitions and restarts are common. Sometimes the
English speaker is unable to make a response, and messages are
sometimes abandoned because of language limitations.
The speaker is able to produce simple utterances. Pausing still
occurs when looking for grammatical and words choice.
Switching the form during speaking often. Making repetition
and self-correction often. The speaker speaks with some
User of English
hesitations which often disrupts speech.
Appropriate word choice becomes more important, and
3 pausing will occur in making these choices. Speech is
Intermediate relatively smooth. Sometimes the speaker is repeating the
User of English words and self-correcting. The speaker is able to complete his
or her thought as the utterances tend to be more expanded.
Few single-word utterances are given, and speaker expands
his/her utterances, e.g. providing back-ups to opinions. Quite
smooth and fluid speech. Few hesitations and slightly
searching for words but manage to continue and complete
Speaker demonstrates more confidence and is unlikely to
express hesitation. The speaker rarely pauses for reasons of
Very Fluent
grammar or word choice. The speaker responds very quickly. Interview

The next instrument is interview. The aims of using interview is to validate the

data obtained from the observation. As Ary (2010: 438) states, “interview may

provide information that cannot be obtained through observation, or they can be

used to verify observation.” Ary (2010) also proposes three kinds of interview, they

are; unstructured interview, semi or partially interview and structured interview.

In this study, the researcher used semi-structured interview in order to obtain

the data. The interview was aimed to know the students’ problems in speaking

fluency. The data obtained from the interview was used to validate the data obtained

from the document analysis regarding the problem’s students speaking fluency.

Thus, the respondents of the interview were 10 students from eighth grades.

3.4. Data Collection

This section explains about the procedures in collecting the data required to

answer the statement of problems. The data collected by the researcher through the

following processes:

1. The researcher asked to 10 students whom available to investigate which the

researcher will asking about self-introduction and their opinion about online

school to the students, this activity would use recorder while phonecall to

detemine the level of speaking fluency. Thus, the researcher conducted the

document analysis only once. In addition, the researcher used the speaking

fluency scale to determine the fluency level of the participant and the researcher

used mode formula to obtain the speaking fluency level on SMP Radenn Fatah

Batu at eighth grade.

2. The researcher conducted interview to get the answer of the problem do they

usually face in speaking regarding to their fluency. During interview, phone call

recorder was used in order to help the researcher in analyzing the interview.

3.5. Data Analysis

In this section, the researcher analyzed the data obtained through observation

and interview. There were a few steps used by the researcher in analyzing the data

as follows:

1. Gathering all data about this research through document analysis and interview

and doing transcription from the recording.

2. Reviewing the data obtained and reducing unnecessary data obtained from

document analysis and interview. The researcher only took important data

related to the students speaking fluency and problem they face regarding their


3. Displaying the data based on the research questions.

4. Confirming the findings to the theories.

5. Drawing conclusion.


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