MS Physics Class XII

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Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

PB-2 Examination (2023-24)

Marking Scheme
XII Physics
Q. No Value Points Marks
1 (d) 1
2 (d) both (b) and (c) are correct. 1
3 B 1
4 D 1
5 (a) By lenz’s law, the induced current must produce inward flux to counter 1
magnetic flux of AB. So induced current is clockwise in the loop.
6 (b) vector quantity 1
7 (c) uncharged 1
8 (c) Magnetic field. 1
9 Answer: (c) lighter nuclei 1
10 Answer: (a) It varies with the frequency of light 1
11 Answer: (b) a circle of an allowed radius 1
12 Answer: (d) ) work function 1
13 A 1
14 Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: E = - grad V 1
15 Ans. Option (D) is correct. 1
Explanation: Current or moving charged particle creates magnetic field
irrespective of direct current or alternating current. So assertion is false.
Alternating current changes direction with time. So, the reason is true, but can not
explain the assertion.
16 Ans. Option (C) is correct. 1
Explanation: Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves having the smallest
wavelength. So, the assertion is true.
Relation between wavelength and frequency is
ν = c/λ. c is the velocity of light and same for all electromagnetic waves. For
Gamma rays wavelength being smallest, frequency will be highest. So, the reason
is false.
17 (a) λ1 – Ultraviolet radiations. ½
(b) λ2 – Microwaves ½
(c) λ3 – Infrared rays ½
Their order is λ1 < λ3 < λ2. ½

18 Answer (a): 1+1

(b) Since nuclear density is independent of the mass number, the ratio of nuclear
densities will be 1:1.
19 (i)Each graph (ii) Interpretation ½+½




OR (a) (i) surface charge density on inner surface 1/2

σ= -q\ 4πr12
(ii) Surface charge density on outer surface 1/2
σ = Q+ q\4πr22
(b)Electric field at a (an outside) point x distant from centre the shell
E= Q+ q \4πЄ0x2 1
20 fo = 1cm and fe =3cm for Microscope and 1+1
fo= 100cm and fe= 1cm for telescope
21 (ii) (a) In forwarding bias the potential barrier decreases. 1+1=2
(b) In reverse bias the potential barrier increases.
22 0.5+0.

23 (i)Answer: 1+1+1
Line B corresponds to C1 =3
Reason: Since slope (q/v) of ‘B’ is less than that of ‘A’
No work is done
[W = q VAB = q × 0 = 0, since potential remains constant]
24 (a) Rectifier 1
(b) Circuit diagram of full wave rectifier and wave form 2
25 Ans (a). Metal ‘A’, because of higher threshold frequency for it. 1+2=3
(b) Given : n = 2 of hydrogen atom X = ?
Kinetic energy for the second state,

26 The fringe width β = λ D/d

(i) When the width of the slit is doubled; the intensity of interfering wave
becomes four times, intensity of maxima
becomes 16 times i.e., fringes become brighter. 1+1+1
(ii) β α 1/d =3
, when separation between the slits is increased the fringe width decreases i.e.,
fringes comes closer.
(iii) β α D, when screen is moved away from the plane of the slits, the fringe
width increases i.e., fringes become
farther away.
27 Defination+principle+derivation 1/2+1/2
28 Defination gauss’s law 1/2+1+
Case 1:outside the shell 1/2=3

Φ = E × 4πr²= q0/ε0 …(1)

. E= q /4πr² ε0
Case 2: at a point inside the spherical shell+
In this case, the Gaussian surface Lies inside the shell. Since no charge is
enclosed In this surface therefore we have
E × 4πr²=q/ε0 [∵ q=0]
Therefore E=0 (ii)

Statement and derivation
29 (i)d. All the above 1+2+1
OR =4
Yes, microwaves can undergo total internal reflection. When the microwaves
travel from denser to lighter medium and have oblique incidence, it undergoes
total internal reflection.
(ii)Two conditions -Ray should be travel from denser to rarer medium, Angle of
incidence should be greater than critical angle.
(iii)R.I=n=1/sin C =1/sin300 =2
V=c / n = 3x108/2=1.5x108m/s
(i) B
(ii) A
(iii) B
(iv) A The condition where the frequency of the AC equals the
natural frequency of the circuit. 1+1+1
OR (iv) (C) To represent the phase difference between voltage
and current in an AC circuit.
31 Answer:The labelled diagram of the telescope is as shown in the figure. 2+1+1

(a) The magnifying power of a telescope is given by M = f0/fe. If the focal length
of the eyepiece is increased, it will decrease the magnifying power of the
(b)Magnifying power does not depend upon the aperture of the eyepiece.
Therefore there is no change in the magnifying power if the aperture of the
eyepiece is increased.
(ii) m=10
Two assumption +Derivation of the Lens Maker’s formula.1/2+1/2+2
According to lens maker formula :


New focal length, fw = 52 cm

32 Working 1 1
Labeled diagram 1 1
Expression for alternating emf generated 2 2
Source of energy generation (Mechanical energy) 1 1

Ans.(i) Principle of transformer A transformer is based on the principle of

mutual induction, 1marks+working 02marks 1+2
(ii) Any Two losses .1marks
(iii) No, it does not violate the law of conservation of energy because voltage
increase is accompanied by decrease in it. In alternative, current in such a way for 1
an ideal transformer input power equals to the output power. 1marks

33 (a)Principle: Torque acts on a current carrying coil suspended in magnetic field. 1+1+1
(τ= NIAB sin θ) +2=5
Two reasons: (i) Galvanometer is a very sensitive device, it gives a full-scale
deflection for a current of the order of a few µA.
(ii) For measuring currents, the galvanometer has to be connected in series,
and as it has a finite resistance, this will change the value of the current in the
Two factors: The current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer can be
increased by (i) increasing the number of turns (ii) increasing area of the loop.
(iii) increasing magnetic field
(iv) decreasing the torsional constant of the suspension wire. (Any two)
Resistance of the galvanometer, G = 15 Ω
Current through the galvanometer, Ig = 4 mA = 4 x 10-3 A
Ammeter range = 0 to 6 A
S = 10 m Ω

B = μ0i/2πr
Given that Current in the wire, I = 35 A Distance of a point from the wire, r = 20
cm = 0.2 m Where, μ0 = Permeability of free space = 4π × 10−7 T m A−1
B = 4π × 10-7 × 35/2π × 0.2 = 3.5 × 10−5 T


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