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Wavefront - wavefront Ja olifinec! ab Hee cont. nuous Locus of those porticles of a medium, which one vibyeding in the same phoie- Depending on the shape of the source of Light wave font can be of tyeee “kypes + 5 ? UU) Spherical Wavefront - When the Source of Li 4s a point Source the wavefront 18 & sbhure with centre ot the Source Gi) Cylindrical Wove front - when the Source of Light is Linton (a slit). tren QU the poms equiclutant the Source Me ma indir. Therefore Hre wavefront is cult SA \ On AWCh & plane wavefront KB 4s Inciclent. enant paxts He. wavefront travel cifferett aie lows es moximum at tre ciffeer and Minimum at the Jo As speed of ag in * material oh prism is Is then the speed of Li in oir , therrtore emernging plane wave front i CL Whire - KA + AL 2 speesl of signs In aiy Speed of “liga in pAism _e J --rT7 > Fro B oh he It wa clear from the figure trot on Passing Harough @ prism, the vous bend towoads the boxe of the prism. Behaviour of a Lens towards Plane Wave front- When a plone Wavefront AB Wd Inciclent on a eonvex lens x¥, then Afperant portion ob this wowefront have to travel through i ffersnt thicknesses of the Lut before emerging ot being maximum of the Centre ond minimum of the edges. As Aight travels slower in lens mateval than in ay, theactpre yefractec| wavefront JA Converging Spherical wavefront APL. Hence on passing throygh @ Convex hems , the poral yaya tend 4o Converge Behaviour of & Spherical Mirror towards Plane Wove front When a Plane Wavefront AB dd inciclnt On a Concave mirror with pole ot P. The Cenhe Of tHe wavefront has to travel the largest olistance ao P betpre , 2 Th T as +he vesuttant |} mty , then- wre Concktion for baight fringe or Cenatmelve Interference When Cor(#) = +4 T-I. = 4q?> Hence = 2 Alse path dlitfermee = Prone clijference x 2e - A or x = Ax ann Path clifferumee x = nA YU 0,1,2,—-. Hence the bright fringe Js obtained when potn GU fferonce of inter fering waves in NA and phe clifferencee 48 ani. Condition for dark fringe ov clestvuctive Interference When Coa & =<6 thon v! =o Hence P = (an-1)2 2 (2n-1) » Whee ns aa Path chifferece x - A x¢ ~ Dar OA Path clifferene X = (en- DA ov J NX Hence dark fringes are obtained, when interfering. wave have path cUfference is ode multiple of Afr and phase ciffercrte Ja ode multiple of rt. Expression jor Fringe width in Inderference- Suppose A omd B are two fine slits ond Seporated by a catane a. The slits ore illumi- Neded by qa monochromoHe LU wav elin: A. KN if Q screen at a distance D from he. Shits. The two waves Stasting from A ond B Superimpose om eachother, Arsulting ™ inderference Petter, on the Screen. © js the centre of eistence a between dre slits A and B. Draw AE, BF and oc perpendicular. to KN- Consicer a point Pon the Screen, at @ distance 2 frm c. TAc poth clifference betveen interfering waves is gren by = BP - AP Potn olitfernce = BP-AP = BM d Sine Here AM 1 BP and 2am = L Poe (By geometry ) Ig © % small, ten Sineéwe x tend Poth li fference BM = dsind * dtan® ol x ae (1 tone =3 ) nou For Constructive Tnderferarce - path oliffamce = nA, where N= 044,2,-.. Hence AX = mA = mnAD D ~ ae 4 ; Fringe Width of dark Fringe Bz Lnay- Xn BPs DA (M+) _~ dAN = BA “a a “a Fringe wielth of donk Fringe Be BA For destruchve Interference - Podty chffeamce = (2n-1)A » (m= 1,2,-.) a Hence. (am-1).A - ax a D or ae (2m-1) DA a . Fringe wich of balglt Fringe B = Laer -%m B = (2M4+N- DA ~— (2n-1)DA_ = DA ad ad a Fringe Width of baight Fringe = BA HK Here we can see thet , fringe wiclth of clark Fringe 4s equal to te fringe width ob bright Frmge - * At the sites of constructive exafrence - Lima, %~(A&+a2)° = Constant Hence ath bri inteafrrnce bonds hove the Same intensity: * AL the Sites of ceatructive interference - Hence all the dark fringes have Same (zer) intensity. I=l+h+ 2/5 i Cosp a= a + A + 2a, a,Cosd INTENSITY (I) foe SCREEN Limon _ (a+as)” Tmtn (@,-@2)~ e oO 7 PHASE DIFF ($) 3a 2n 2x on Za = Sn eh CO RH Note- when we use a source of cohite srt, Containing Lght of olifferent colouns (ie. ctifferent wavelengths A), then at a- particular point, Conclition for ceritructive interference may be Sotiafiedl only fer seme partculorn value of A. Therefore 5 Colon Corresponclin, to thle valuc ef A alone, shal be visible at that peimr. Hence the imtarference fringes will be Coloured. TRe Centre of coloured’ Fringe pattem will be cahtte. As Ay DAy anol pad, te. ved fringe will Pr? Py violet- fringe A be Bic cCemparocl to the Some Importemt Peints- (1) Tke on Separodion of ‘interterence frin As Ans Tt 1s inclependent of position of Screen. The on Separokion of the fu increases orth” iIncreare mM A omd cecreakes When A increases. Angular Pesition of nth order - Gi) Bright Fimge 22. = RA (n=42,---.J Gi) Dork Fringe 2m =@nt)A Cn=42,--J (2) In Young/s clouble Slit experiment, when the 4g clipped m Aiquiol then wavelen A will Change , tt anll becomes Sat Kimea of its value in aly Fringe dsictth im Mekum B= DA. How wowd the a lan. Separntion of Inter— eS fersnce fring es in Youn: g's Aouble. Lit expen chan hen’ the oliatante between the slits and Screzry is halved ? Sal We Know that - angular. oe = 2, Hence the an intexsomec tengo Temaids cone on wy cows not’ clepends @ Hows cloes the fringe width of inferfrenes i sete ee when whole apparatus of Young's experiment is kept ima Liquiel of refractive inclex is ? Sel. we Know that- Fringe width in medium B= oe = ie Hence the new fringe width becomes y= tims of original fringe width. Lorer Li of wavelength ze nin incident on eee pair of Alits produad an interference pattern in which ‘the bright fringes ane Aeporsted by 7-2mm th “hick wav emothtra Source SS Laser w voduce interfersnee fri fi ofak, “Ps al mm using. same pair Seb as Feinge wsictth (p)= BA > a = (“= Dand 4 are same] 3 yS Ane Ar of e30 xis Sx Sa = 708-75 nM a 2 x13 The intensity ot the Centra) maxima (0) In a SEV Young's double shit experiment is Io. Tp the distance cp equals one third oh fringe width of the peiene , ieee thet the miensity ot pont P would be Te/q Sel) Given that, the clistane cP equals one-third of fringe width of the pattern. Hence x =F 2 4x DA > xd .A Ss 3 a D = 3 i = - + ax = A > Path difference BP - AP a= 4 Phase iffrwnce = 2a x Path difference Hence Prose clifference = 21t nd = 20 a = Th Intensity of the Centrod fri 4s Te, then bend a peimt- Py where Pe Aiffacne 43 p is given by - I= Rees => L= & Co&(2m1) = Ty (“Ay or I= bo a E\ Im Young's double slit experiment the two slits EE OS mm apart Ake Uluminated by monochromatic di wavelength 450 nm. Tre Sereen is im aqua the shits” Find the olistance off the Second bright fringe amd clark fringe from the Centril makimum . Sel: Given thal - ol = O-lS mm = psxio tm A = 4s0nm = 480x106 9m. D=im. Distance of ri bright finge fom central fringe = ADA Secon , i Xa = 2DA For Second balgnt fringe a= 2PA X_ = 2X 1% 450x10 Ls x10°4 The Aatance of nih oxdn dark fringe from Centred, fringe ah gven by- i DA , Sey Gna for 274 dark fringe Xp = (2xa-19.DA ; Xe = Bx 1x 4s0xIe9 = 6xXio 3m. Bh = 4sxIT m, 2x bs xlo-+ % ral A beam of Light, consisting of two wavel ‘Sa 560 2M ond: oes 4 uae te obtain inter pes fringes in a Young's double slit experiment Find the Least distana from the Cerro! maximum, wore the balght fringes , clue do both the wave. hangths coincicle. The olistance between the two slits 44 4mm and the Screen 2 at a clistene of Im frm the slits. Se). =) Given thot - Delm. , de 4x10%m. Ai = Séonm > Ag = 420mm. Let nth ovcler br) fringe of AL Comciola with (n+1)th order bai fringe of Aa. > Gen )a, 2 (mei), > NDA, = (n41)DAr a or NA, = 41)Ar = Atl - A = 3 > = i. = +L =_$60x10 te Az ? * 420x109 > wuwis4 & doe kb 2 - > 7 = 7 gy > n=3 » Least clatance the Centred fringe ohne baignt Fringe of tuo wavelungHy coincioles 44 (= = 3DA = _3x1xsé0x167 3) 2223 = a = 4 x1o-> (eea dy, = 04 2415%m = OU2mm. Hente, 2rd ovo t dinge 6 A, omd 4th order baignt fringe of Az Conch ot 0-42mm cdiatence “from the Centro fringe - Ql Tm Young's double slit experiment, intexference Bmx oe obsewed on a eben | Kept et distance DB from the Shits. Th the screen is moved towords the Sdits by Sxigtm , the change in fringe width ig found do be 3x10 xh Aeparotion between the SUts Ja 103m Codcubete the wavelength of the Light ured. Sh: Given th- d= fo3m. , AB =axi55m AD = SxIS*m, fringe width pf = ye > Se = A,YAD al > A = AR xd = 102x axjo* AD Sx 10-= A = Goo x1I09m. = Goo nm. Diffraction of Light - Diffraction of Higint Ub the phenomenon of bending “of Hight arounel Corners of an obstacle or erturr in the path of ght. On account of this bending dhe Penetrodes iacto the geometrical Shadow of the obstacle - The. iffracten betomes much more effective. whon the colimenstons of the aperture ov the obstacle ane comparable to the wavelength of Light. Out of the given three Cases’, diffraction is most Pronounced — us skt width (a) is smaller then wave- Aung (A) te aKa. Diffracted Diffracted wave tncigent Diffracted anaes inedent ea Se aa aes i iL. IH ee: EE Ue Soren! ara a=h a then we gu second secondary maximum of Lowey ibensity ard so on, Hence for nth Secondary maximum - asing = (@ansi.a Trdensity Clatibution cuwe and idfraetion Pater Y 2a 3A = ° ences PATH DIFFERENCE (a sin 8) = The port © corresponds 4o the position of the central bright maximum omd dhe pomts with peth Aiffeene “asin® = A, 2A,.-.. ane setondary minima . The Sectonclary maxima are the points in behween Stcondany minima amd are of clecreaaing intensity: Ip intensity of © is Toy then the indemnity act first setondl maximum is found do be Ie/g° and at Setond Seeondony meximum is Te/2s and Se on, Wiolth of Cental Maximum - The width of central maximum: is the distance between fivat secondary minimum on either side of oO. Th P +s the position of Ist Secondary minimum an OF = ke than - asin® = 1xA Ih 8 is 4malt Hence ton® = A a or oc = BDA a Note- When sourte is emiting white Light . Hoon the cliffracton pattern is Colowred). The Centro) maximum wa white, but other bands art Colourrd, As band width x A, therefore » red banol with higher wavelength 4s wicdtrA than the Violet band “tsith smote wavelenpth, Di Ffevence between Interference 4 Diffraction- E]_znterference | >ifhaction Tt Ja produucdl aa vex oF superpasition of the setenda wavelets Com from i fexent ort S mee the some wave. Position of two olistinc: waves coming pom two Cohtrwent Sowrcer, Im interrence potttean GU the bright fringes ane of same intensity - 4 TRe Wwictt of the inter ference frin me on mou not be~ equal. To Uffraction poctteen, et the br}, bands are not of the “same. intensity. The fein: oA 0: enemas TQ\ How doce the ao separotion betwen fri see im single - slt-cliFtrachon experiment change when the distanu of Aeparodion between the Sit and screen ia cloubled? Sb Angular width (8) = 2 Here 8 Je independent of iene between slit and Screen CD). Hence the emgular separotion temains the Same. Fresnel Distance - Tt ds the minimum felon feoen a me oF +a con travel befpre its clewiation podth- The angle of Ui ffractim * Central maximum Con be given “aa- 8 & Sing = Ala Tr travelling a clistence Z , the an ingolon Wiolth of beam would kecorie. = wb TWA beam width will besome moze than width of the At (ZA za) only when zz a alt Hence | Fresnel distance Zp = #

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