Plant Diseases and Weeds Planner

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Subject: ACP

Grade Level: Grade 12

1 Define what is plant pathology
2. Appreciate the importance of plant Pathologist in Agricultural Crops Production.
3. Discuss the Pathogens that can cause diseases in plants.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Biology: Study the structure and functions of plant cells and how pathogens can
affect these cells.
2) Chemistry: Explore the chemical interactions between plants and pathogens, such
as the production of defense compounds.
3) Economics: Investigate the economic impact of plant diseases on agricultural
crops and the role of plant pathologists in mitigating these impacts.

Review Motivation:
[Teaching Strategy: Storytelling]

[Instructional Materials: Pictures of diseased plants]

1) Share real-life stories of farmers who have experienced significant crop losses
due to plant diseases.
2) Show pictures of plants affected by different diseases and ask students to identify
the symptoms and possible pathogens.
3) Discuss the importance of plant health in ensuring food security and sustainable

Activity 1: Plant Disease Investigation

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Samples of diseased plants, microscopes, slides, field guides

Significance: Students will learn to identify plant diseases and understand the role
of plant pathologists in diagnosing and managing these diseases.

1) Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a sample of a
diseased plant.
2) Instruct students to use microscopes to examine the plant tissues and identify any
signs of pathogens.
3) Ask students to refer to field guides or online resources to determine the possible
pathogens causing the disease.

- Accuracy of disease identification: 15 pts
- Correct identification of the pathogen: 10 pts
- Collaboration within the group: 10 pts
Assessment Questions:
1) What are the signs and symptoms of the disease you observed?
2) How can plant pathologists determine the causative agent of a plant disease?
3) Why is it important to accurately identify the pathogen causing a plant disease?

Activity 2: Role-Playing as Plant Pathologists

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: Role-playing scenario cards, props (lab coats, magnifying glasses, etc.)

Significance: Students will understand the responsibilities and tasks of plant

pathologists in agricultural crops production.

1) Assign roles to students, such as plant pathologists, farmers, and researchers.
2) Provide role-playing scenario cards that depict different plant disease situations.
3) Instruct students to act out the roles and engage in discussions on diagnosing and
managing plant diseases.

- Accuracy and depth of role portrayal: 15 pts
- Contribution to the discussion: 10 pts
- Creativity in problem-solving: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the main responsibilities of plant pathologists in agricultural crops
2) How can plant pathologists help farmers in managing and preventing plant
3) What are the challenges that plant pathologists may face in their work?

Activity 3: Disease Prevention and Management Plan

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials: Research materials, posters, markers

Significance: Students will develop a disease prevention and management plan for
a specific agricultural crop.

1) Assign students to research a specific agricultural crop and the common diseases
it faces.
2) Instruct students to create a poster presenting a disease prevention and
management plan for the chosen crop.
3) Students should include information on disease identification, preventive
measures, and treatment options.

- Thoroughness and accuracy of research: 15 pts
- Clarity organization of the poster: 10 pts
- Creativity in presenting the prevention and management plan: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the key components of a disease prevention and management plan for
agricultural crops?
2) How can plant pathologists contribute to the development and implementation of
such plans?
3) Why is it important for farmers to follow disease prevention and management

Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of plant diseases and their
impact on agricultural crops. They were able to accurately identify the signs and
symptoms of the diseases and determine the possible pathogens causing them. This
activity connected to the objective by providing a hands-on experience in plant
pathology and fostering an appreciation for the importance of plant pathologists in
diagnosing and managing diseases.
Activity 2 - Students actively participated in the role-playing activity and showed a
deep understanding of the responsibilities of plant pathologists in agricultural crops
production. They engaged in discussions on diagnosing and managing plant
diseases, highlighting the importance of plant pathologists in supporting farmers.
This activity connected to the objective by emphasizing the appreciation for the role
of plant pathologists.
Activity 3 - Students conducted thorough research on specific agricultural crops and
developed comprehensive disease prevention and management plans. They
demonstrated their understanding of disease identification, preventive measures,
and treatment options. This activity connected to the objective by providing an
opportunity for to discuss and apply their knowledge of plant pathology in real-life

The main objective of this lesson is to develop students' understanding of plant
pathology, the importance of plant pathologists in agricultural crops production, and
the pathogens that can cause diseases in plants. By engaging in various activities
and discussions, students will deepen their knowledge of plant diseases and
appreciate the role of plant pathologists in ensuring plant health and food security.

Task 1 - Visit a local farm or agricultural research center and interview a plant
pathologist to learn about their daily tasks and the challenges they face in diagnosing
and managing plant diseases.
Task 2 - Conduct a field survey in your community to identify common plant diseases
affecting local crops. Create a report summarizing your findings and
recommendations for disease prevention and management.

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment Rubrics]

Question 1: Describe two common signs of plant diseases and explain how they
can help in identifying the causative agent. (10 pts)

Question 2: Discuss the role of plant pathologists in preventing the spread of plant
diseases and ensuring sustainable agriculture. (10 pts)

Question 3: How can farmers collaborate with plant pathologists to manage and
prevent plant diseases effectively? (10 pts)

1) Research and write a short essay on the economic impact of plant diseases on
agricultural crops. Include examples of specific crops affected by diseases and the
measures taken to mitigate these impacts. (Guiding Overview for the Teacher:
Provide students with a list of resources for research and specify the required length
and format of the essay.)
2) Create an infographic highlighting the importance of plant health in ensuring food
security. Include information on common plant diseases, their impact on crop
production, and the role of plant pathologists in disease management. (Guiding
Overview for the Teacher: Specify the dimensions and format of the infographic, and
provide examples or templates for students to use.)

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