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Chemical Composition, Mineral Profile, and Functional Properties of Canna

(Canna edulis) and Arrowroot (Maranta spp.) Starches

Article in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition · September 2005

DOI: 10.1007/s11130-005-6838-9 · Source: PubMed

29 1,848

2 authors, including:

Elevina Pérez
Central University of Venezuela


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Production of special foods for children with inherited metabolic diseases by using raw materials grown at the country. View project

In vitro and in vivo digestibility of unconventional starches and starch based edible films View project

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Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 60: 113–116, 2005.

C 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 113
DOI: 10.1007/s11130-005-6838-9

Chemical Composition, Mineral Profile, and Functional Properties of Canna (Canna edulis) and
Arrowroot (Maranta spp.) Starches

1 Instituto
de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Alimentos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 47.097, Caracas 1041 A, Venezuela;
2 Escuelade Nutrición y Dietética, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 48.321, Caracas 1041-A, Venezuela (∗ author for
correspondence; e-mail:

Abstract. The aim of the present study was to evaluate some chemical Starches isolated from corn, potato, tapioca, and wheat
and mineral characteristics and functional and rheological properties of are among the few available starch sources that have been
Canna and Arrowroot starches produced in the Venezuelan Andes. Canna
extensively studied. Starches, such as Canna and Arrowroot,
starch showed a higher (P < 0.05) moisture, ash, and crude protein content
than arrowroot starch, while crude fiber, crude fat, and amylose content have received less attention, despite their potential in dif-
of this starch were higher (P < 0.05). Starches of both rhizomes own ferent industrial areas. To overcome the problem, research
phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc in must be conducted extensively in order to reach a better
their composition. Phosphorus, sodium, and potassium are the higher in knowledge and a rational use of these unexploited starch
both starches. Water absorption, swelling power, and solubility values re-
sources. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate
vealed weak bonding forces in Canna starch granules; this explained the
lower gelatinization temperature and the substantial viscosity development the chemical composition, mineral profile, and functional
of Canna starch during heating. Arrowroot starch showed a higher gela- properties of starches isolated from the edible portion of
tinization temperature measure by DSC, than Canna starch and exhibited Canna (Canna edulis) and Arrowroot (Maranta spp.) tu-
a lower value of H. Both starches show negative syneresis. The apparent bers.
viscosity of Canna starch was higher (P < 0.05) than the Arrowroot starch
values. The size (wide and large) of Canna starch granules was higher than
arrowroot starch. From the previous results, it can be concluded that Canna
and Arrowroot starches could become interesting alternatives for food de-
velopers, depending on their characteristics and functional properties. Materials and Methods

Key words: Arrowroot starch, Canna starch, Chemical composition, Min- Materials
eral composition, Rheological and functional properties

Canna (Canna edulis Kerr) and Arrowroot (Maranta spp.)

starches were kindly supplied by local producers from the
Venezuelan Andes (Trujillo State, Venezuela). Three lots of
Introduction each starch produced in the same region at different times
(within 3 months) were analyzed for all the parameters.
The Arrowroot (Maranta spp.) and Canna (Canna edulis)
plants could be suitable food potential sources, because
they have good yields of high quality rhizomes, among Methods
other agronomic advantages. The Canna and Arrowroot rhi-
zomes, have been grow in small family farms or “conucos” Composition of Canna and Arrowroot Starches. Both
in Venezuela and used since ancient times in South America starches were analyzed for moisture, ash, crude protein
for fresh consumption and to isolate starch [1]. Arrowroot (%N × 6.25), crude fiber AACC [11], crude fat following
starch is produced primarily in the tropics and historically the method of Schoch [12], and amylose using methodolo-
in St. Vincent, West Indies, from where it is exported to gies described by Juliano [13]. Additionally, amylopectin
USA, Canada, Britain, and Europe [2]. Cassava and Arrow- content (100 − amylose percentage) was estimated. Mineral
root starches have similar features and isolation procedures; composition was evaluated using the Atomic Absorption
this is the reason why, tapioca was once called “Brazilian Spectrophotometer procedure reported by A.O.A.C [14].
Arrowroot” [3]. The Canna starch is produced commer-
cially in Taiwan [4] and is sold erroneously like Arrowroot
starch in some grocery stores in Venezuela. Functional Properties of Canna and Arrowroot Starches.
Few published studies have considered the complete Water absorption, swelling power, and solubility of these
characterization of Canna [4–6] and Arrowroot [2, 7–9] starches were measured by a combination of the methods
starches; the most recent article dealt with their gelatiniza- of Anderson, 1982 and Schoch, 1964 described by Perez
tion parameters and was written by Pérez et al. [1, 10]. et al. [15].
Differential Scanning Calorimetric Analysis of Canna and Table 1. Chemical compositiona of Canna and Arrowroot
Arrowroot Starches. The gelatinization profiles measured
by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and reported Parameter Canna starch Arrowroot starch
in degrees Celsius were performed following methodolo-
gies described by Lund [16] and Pérez et al. [10]. The ther- Moisture (%) 18.17a 15.34b
Crude Proteinb (%) 0.67a 0.50b
mal transitions of the starch were defined in terms of To
Crude fat (%) 0.05a 0.18b
(onset), T p (peak), and Te (endpoint gelatinization temper- Crude fibre (%) 0.34a 0.47b
ature). Enthalphy (DH, J/g) was calculated based on the Ash (%) 0.32a 0.21b
DSC endotherm. Amylose (%) 13.77a 15.21b
Amylopectin (%) 86.23a 84.79b
Apparent Viscosity Measurement of Canna and Arrowroot Note. The values (mean of nine values, three values of each
Starches. The apparent viscosity was determined, using a lot of starch analyzed) in the same row followed by the same
Brookfield Viscosimeter (model LVT), in the two starch letter are not statistically different at a 5% significance level.
a Dry basis, except moisture. b % N × 6.25.
suspensions heated in the amylograph [16]; this determina-
tion was done with no. 4 spindle at two temperatures (50
and 30 ◦ C) [17].
Canna and Arrowroot starches were higher than those values
reported in literature [2, 3, 8]. These compositional varia-
Syneresis of Starch Gels. To measure qualitative syneresis,
tions between the starches could be due to the varietals
a starch water suspension was prepared with 60 g of starch
intrinsic differences of the starch source. Also, this could
(14% of moisture) in a total volume of 500 ml; the suspen-
reflect the nature of the typical hand isolation procedure
sion was heated from 30 to 95 ◦ C. The slurry was cooled
used to obtain these starches in Venezuela. Also, the value
and stored overnight for 24 h at refrigeration temperature
crude fiber for arrowroot starch was lower than that obtained
(3–4 ◦ C) and the water lixiviation was qualified as positive
by Erdman [2].
(+) and the absence of water lixiviation as negative (−).
The amylose and amylopectin values for Canna starch
were 13.77 and 86.23%, while for Arrowroot starch those
Granular Size. The starch granular size ranges (large and
were 15.21 and 84.79%; showing a little difference between
wide) were estimated measuring randomly selected gran-
them (P < 0.05). Similarly Erdman and Kim et al. [2, 7]
ules from triplicate Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
reported values between 1.9–19.1 and 22% of amylose for
Arrowroot starch.
The Canna and Arrowroot starches were sprinkled on
As can be seen in the Table 2, both kinds of starches have
adhesive tapes, attached to circular specimen stubs, coated
phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium,
with 200 Å of gold/palladium, examined at 20 kV, and pho-
and zinc contents in their composition. Concentration of
tographed in a Hitachi 2400 Scanning Electron Microscope
phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium are high
(SEM). The starch granule diameter was estimated by aver-
in both starches as compared to the content of iron, cal-
aging the largest dimension of 20–30 random starch gran-
cium, and zinc. In spite of the obvious importance, very
ules from duplicated micrographs for each starch type.
few researches have been done with regards to the mineral
composition in starches. On the other hand, it is a general
Statistical Evaluation of Analytical Data. In order to eval-
consensus, that mineral composition such as phosphorus
uate the date obtained, the parameters of the all of three
lots of each starch were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and
Duncan test by using the statistical program Statgraphics Table 2. Mineral compositiona of Canna and Arrowroot
Vs. 6.0 (1992, Graphic Software Systems Inc., USA). starches

Parameter Canna starch Arrowroot starch

Results and Discussion Sodium 44,29a 57,26b

Potassium 27,20a 28,60a
Phosphorus 77,91a 75,10b
Composition of Canna and Arrowroot Starches
Calcium 2,40a 2,79a
Zinc 2,21a 3,82b
The chemical composition of starches is shown in Table 1. Magnesium 20,37a 12,24b
Canna starch moisture, crude protein, and ash were higher Iron 4,79a 14,27b
(P < 0.05) than the arrowroot starch one; crude fiber and
Note. The values (mean of nine replicates, three values of each
crude fat of Arrowroot starch were higher (P < 0.05) than lot of starch analyzed) in the same row followed by the same
the Canna starch values. The results of this study suggested letter are not statistically different at a 5% significance level.
a Dry basis and mg/100 g.
that moisture, ash, and crude protein content obtained from
Table 3. Water absorption, solubility, and swelling power of Canna and
Arrowroot starches at different temperatures

Solubilityb Swelling Power

Water Absorptiona
Temp. (◦ C) 1 2 1 2 1 2

60 13.39a 1.94b 13.32a 2.09b 14.39a 2.94b

65 19.07a 2.13b 15.63a 2.21b 20.07a 3.13b
70 23.10 a 3.13b 17.71a 2.38b 24.10a 4.13b
75 26.59a 4.19b 18.35a 8.64b 27.59a 5.19b
80 31.16a 6.88b 20.00a 9.03b 32.16a 7.88b
85 36.76a 14.20b 19.26a 12.48b 37.76a 15.2b
90 44.10a 15.29b 18.05a 13.22b 45.10a 16.29b
Figure 1. Apparent viscosity (centipoises) of Canna and Arrowroot
Note. The values (mean of nine values, three values of each lot of starch Starches.
analyzed) in the same row and column followed by the same letter are not
statistically different at a 5% significance level.
1: Canna starch; 2: Arrowroot starch. a g water/g starch. b Percentage. were lower in Canna (58.95 ◦ C) than in Arrowroot starch
(67.75 ◦ C) (P < 0.05) after using measures of the gela-
changes the functional properties of starches and it is tech- tinization profile by DSC as is shown in Table 4. The
nologically and nutritionally important. Therefore, it will results are similar to those reported in literature [1]. The
be a goal to determine, and study the relationship between peak and final temperature and H were high in Arrowroot
mineral composition and functional properties of these starch (P < 0.05).The associative forces inside the Arrow-
starches. root starch granules could explain this fact. Beside this could
be supported by its lower water absorption, solubility, and
Functional Properties of Canna and Arrowroot Starches swelling power (Table 4). Enthalphy did not show statisti-
cally significant differences (P < 0.05).
The effects of temperature on water absorption, solubility,
and swelling power of these starches are shown in Table 3.
Apparent Viscosity
These parameters’ tendency could reflect differences in
strength and nature of intragranular bonding, which is a di-
The apparent viscosity values of Canna and Arrowroot
rect result of variations in crystalline and amorphous regions
starches for different shearing forces and temperatures are
inside the starch granules. For all considered temperatures
shown in Figure 1. There was an increase of this param-
(60–90 ◦ C), Canna starch showed higher values of water
eter (P < 0.05) when the temperature decreased from 50
absorption, solubility, and swelling power than Arrowroot
to 30 ◦ C, while the increase of shearing force caused the
starch (P < 0.05). This suggested that Canna starch have a
contrary effect (P < 0.05); this latter behavior reflected
less ordered structure and/or weak bonding, similar to that
the pseudoplastic character of both starch suspensions.
reported by Lorenz and Kulp [8].
The Canna starch apparent viscosity values were higher
(P < 0.05) than the Arrowroot ones for all combinations
Differential Scanning Calorimetric Analysis of Canna and of temperatures and shearing forces.
Arrowroot Starches

The gelatinization temperature ranges were similar in both Syneresis of Starch Gels. Both starches show negative
starches. However, initial, final gelatinization temperatures syneresis, in fact, it is strengthened by the strong associative
forces inside their granules as is shown in Table 5.
Table 4. Gelatinization endotherm parameters of Canna and Arrow-
root starches
Table 5. Granular size and syneresis of Canna and Arrowroot
Parameter Canna starch Arrowroot starch starches

Temperatura endotherm (◦ C) Parameter Canna starch Arrowroot starch

To initial gelatinization 58.95a 67.75b
Tp peak 63,61a 73.62b Large (µm) 55.05a 22.25b
Te end gelatinization 72.10a 81.40b Wide (µm) 62.60a 26.65b
AH enthalpic changes (J/g) 9.4 10.36 Syneresis Negative Negative

Note. The values (mean of nine values, three values of each lot of Note. The values (mean of nine values, three values of each
starch analyzed) in the same row followed by the same letter are not lot of starch analyzed) in the same row followed by the same
statistically different at a 5% significance level. letter are not statistically different at a 5% significance level.
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