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Navasana, also known as Boat Pose, is a yoga

pose that strengthens the core muscles and
improves balance. Here are the steps to practice
Navasana, along with its benefits and

Steps to do navasana:
**Starting Position:**
Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front
of you.
Place your hands on the floor slightly behind
your hips, fingers pointing toward your feet.

**Lifting the Legs:**

Lean back slightly and lift your legs off the
floor, bringing them to a 45-degree angle from
the ground.
Keep your spine straight, and balance on your
sitting bones.
**Arms Position:**
Stretch your arms parallel to the floor, reaching
forward alongside your legs.
Keep your chest lifted and your shoulder blades
**Engaging Core:**
Engage your core muscles to maintain balance.
Lift your chest towards the ceiling and keep
your back straight.
**Extended Legs (Advanced Variation):**
For a more advanced variation, straighten your
knees, bringing your legs closer to a 90-degree
angle with the floor.
Breathe deeply and hold the pose for as long as
you can maintain proper form.
To release, lower your legs and torso back to the
Benefits of Navasana (Boat Pose):
**Strengthens Core Muscles:**
Navasana is excellent for building strength in
the abdominal muscles, including the rectus
abdominis and obliques.
**Improves Digestion:**
The pose can stimulate the digestive organs,
aiding in digestion and relieving mild digestive
**Enhances Balance:**
Balancing on the sitting bones helps improve
overall balance and stability.
**Tones Leg Muscles:**
The pose engages and tones the muscles in the
thighs and hip flexors.
**Stimulates Kidneys:**
The compression of the abdomen in Navasana
can stimulate the kidneys.
**Encourages Mind-Body Connection:Practicing
Boat Pose requires focus and concentration,
promoting a connection between the mind and

Limitations and Cautions:

**Avoid with Certain Injuries:**
If you have a neck or back injury, it's advisable
to avoid or modify this pose. Consult with a
yoga instructor or healthcare professional if
you're uncertain.
**Pregnancy:**Pregnant women should practice
with caution and might need to modify the pose
by keeping the feet on the ground and leaning
back at a lesser angle.
**Wrist or Shoulder Issues:**If you have wrist or
shoulder issues, be mindful of the strain on
these areas. You can modify the hand position
or choose alternative poses.
**High Blood Pressure:**Individuals with high
blood pressure should be cautious and may
need to avoid holding the pose for an extended
**Beginner Modifications:**
Beginners may find it challenging to lift both
legs off the ground initially. You can start with
one leg at a time or keep your toes lightly
touching the floor.

Always listen to your body, and if you have any concerns or medical
conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified
yoga instructor before attempting new poses.

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