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WINMUN Draft Resolution Agenda 2

Topic: Addressing The Humanitarian Crisis in Syria

Committee: UNSC-JR
Country: Japan
Main Submitter: Japan

Fully aware that the Japanese government has allocated humanitarian aid to Syria in the sum
of more than $1,500,000,000

Reaffirming that Japan whole-heartedly contributes to the passing of the civil war, while
aiding Syria and it’s neighbours,

Re-establishes the Geneva Communique and it’s importance to the ongoing crisis in Syria
and how it can can slow down the war.

Expressing the fact that since becoming a non-permanent member of the UN Security
Council in 2016, Japan has actively contributed to the discussion of how the crisis can come
to a halt.

1. Requests the creation of a humanitarian aid fund, in which all nations must contribute
to ensure that countries in crises can recover from their losses:

a. Advising the United Nations Security Councils (UNSC) on necessary

actions to be executed to ensure the security and complete safety of the area
and its inhabitants;

i. Necessary actions can be to determine the amount of aid needed to a
specific country to ensure the financial stability to each contributing
nation, bordering nations holding refugees have the choice to abstain
in contributing to humanitarian aid;

ii. Stresses the importance of unhindered humanitarian access to all

areas of Syria and calls upon all parties to the conflict to simplify the
safe on-time delivery of humanitarian aid.

iii. Keep border crossing policies open and fair while still allowing for
residents to evacuate the area, while allowing the nation to keep open
arms to refugees coming back in if needed.

a. Requests the nation’s border-crossing policy to be turned flexible keeping in
mind the security of the nation, it’s refugees and inhabitants;
i. Requests for more efficient and thorough delivery of humanitarian aid by
different manners, eg: air-drops, shipments and etc;

ii. This can be further enhanced by adding security to arrival of humanitarian

aid, which in turn improves the efficiency and guarantee of humanitarian
aid arriving at the doorstep of said troubled country.


a. Requests the connection between families to be re-established, while also

highlighting the fact that children’s education should be restarted as a whole for
ages throughout;

b. Includes the importance of the Geneva Communique and it’s policies inflicting the
decisions and solutions presented to the council.

Requests the secretary-general to

1. To bring this resolution to the attention of the next conference for considering action,
as appropriate,
2. To include solutions from this resolutions and include an enlightening addition to
emphasize these resolutions,
3. To consider the fact that these resolutions not only affect Japan, but the rest of the

Calls upon all member states to

1. Respect and uphold international humanitarian law, including the protection of

civilians and humanitarian helpers in Syria,
2. Keep foreign policies in mind when making decisions as to the improvement of
conditions in Syria.

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