Bahasa Inggris Vocabulary

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VOCABULARY ANSWERS 5.1 (page 97) Place Person Gerund/Thing Adjective Verb Adverb ‘ustor——eatingéduction —_—edheated * ccate teacher's college teacher seching tought * fsoch sungjor —suveyingiuvey surveys * mney : invrictor ——isreinginsmction —_instrcive insinet—fastuctively ‘suiy sudeat—_ studying study sede stay stoicasy : hilly : rctice etter __areingacice __pacsnged * pce team tl_remes—etearghetems Potyem Fron = : seer asesingiasewsmen! aed * : : ‘quali qualifying ualiieston guaifyingualiied * ay : scademy —_acaemie academia teademie saleicaly ‘Nir The given words in the exerts are underlined * past prxiple> (and in’ forms) may also be adetival in wom exes i.e. an educated person (taught fereyed / practised / performed /ssesed!gualiiod) VOCABULARY EXERCISES 5.1 - 5.3 8.1 WORD FORMATION: Complete the char to provide the correct form of the words shown for the given parts of speech: (Not all forms are possible.) NOUNS ADJECTIVE) VERB | ADVERB PLACE® | PERSON [GERUNDTHING ‘washing : ~ ane | studying 7 - atiy acting practic 5 Pecfomer = - quid : academy - VOCABULARY ANSWERS 4.1 (page 78) +1 Phase Person Gerund/Thing ‘Adgctve Verb Adverb politician polis elite Politess—poltially Govt Howse goveroe severing goverment goremmecal gover goveramentally searmeat Scparen Sepa cpatmctally reponstegonibiity —_gsmsbletepmre - sponte) amecting pce oe : : Seemaic Ssstemaiie sstomatcally : Sot Ete ES] ett oom Senter contllingcoatat tontoling* antl = ° TNR: The given words inthe exercise are undertined ecammended/ produced /eontlled) * post paticiples (nin forms) my also be atv in some cass ie negotiated egrement (net! im VOCABULARY EXERCISE! 43 4.1 WORD FORMATION: Complete the chart to provide the correct form of the words shown for the given part of speech: (Not all forms are possible) NOUNS apjective} veRB | ADVERB PLACE | PERSON [GERUNDITHING| - pois - ‘govern depariment | ~ - : responsible | = ‘negotiator iaeet : recommend | = sae - ‘productively contol - VOCABULARY ANSWERS 3.1 (page59) Place Person Gerund/Thing ‘Adjective Verb Adve - ‘echnivian —schnolgy ‘wctnal = ‘echnealy (Gory) “afer enufacingmamnictare—_ennfaciued * manufacture = conpliingconpacrcompatsion ~compusrscd * compute network ——netnorker —_-rerwekng rewworkol®—nemwok : " {clovsinelevision (enna! * tevse inventor —inventinginvention iventves invent : ddscoverer discovering discovery dscovered* discover inporer —inporing impo fnperted* import * : fet cfixive cfitiey crstusion _consructor constuctingconstucion -—«consirucive* cnstuct__—_Sonsrbawely : : vavingevolution ciahed* eve NB: The given words in the exercise are underlined. * past patcpls (and '-ing! forms) may aso be adjectival in some cases i.e momufactned item (computers / neoworked / televised / invented / discovered / imported / consmucted/ evolved) us 3.1 WORD FORMATION: Complete the char to provide the correct form of the words shown for the given parts of speech: (Not all forms are possible.) ___NOUNS ADIECTIVE] VERB) | ADVERB © | PERSON [GERUNDTHING| - ‘eshnician - : mauled : - compute | = network - : - television - : Gaconer | : “import : : : - ectively| : : woke | VOCABULARY ANSWERS. a4 Now Tadieaars ser sm ist sment ross tion ship | __al Verb Indicators fy ise ie) ate 23 | Place Person Gerund/Thing Adjestive Verb Adverb ‘alls politi polation ‘lll * poll cenwmet Ean © Soacemenal remy EStge dewoymgdemetor_—Seraine™ dewey Stunts eerie > | pve preven TREO coment erageoarawaion — Eomeratne * Fomewe Bomeraely : oceer pomanghmecson”—pomrve” Pes posi Somer seen ne Eigrtone deatroinly aigiariey jaune vary San nue sane manwadasive traly ‘posing nie Sate esity _ Specy "NB: The given words inthe exercise are undedined pant periciples ing!) may ao be ade in ome ean ie « pled country deseo / Irovened conser! protected / varied / spect) 6 * ako ‘preventative’ 2.3 WORD FORMATION: Complete the chart to provide the correct form of | the words shown forthe given parts of speceh: (Not all forms are possible.) NOUNS ADJECTIVE) VERB | ADVERB PLACE* | PERSON [GERUNDTHING pollute - desrsctive - : prevention = penaliy : aster ate - - - : sci (ANSWERS ON PAGE 116) VOCABULARY ANSWERS 13 (page 21) 13 [ Place Person Gerund/Thing ‘Adjective Verb Adverb ‘wit writing ‘witen* write esiner_denngdsigdsgmtin _devgnng* sien ant gallery ‘tse Iisicaly Conmusicar cmmuicaiagcomeicton commniathe cenunale cnmaninately : cxpresion ‘Garesive” express expessnely meaning ‘remingiil mean memingily ‘infomation ded informant informing/infrmation _—infrmatve * inform ——_informatively explanation eaplanaoy * opin conclusion ‘conclusive ¥ conclude conclusively evelopment developer developingevelopment developing * “develop ~~ encouragement ‘encouraging encourage excurgingly 'NB: The given words in the exercise are underlined. * past participles (and "ing forms) may also be adjectival in some cases i.e. a written document (designed / communicated / expressed / informed / explained / concluded / developed) 13 WORD FORMATIO! 13 + Complete the chart to provide the correct form of the words shown for the given parts of speech: (Not al forms are possible) NOUNS ADJECTIVE) VERB | ADVERB PLACE* | PERSON [GERUND/THING| ~ write - designing/design artist - : expression ‘ormant - - explanatory 2 - - conclude development = ~ > encourngingly (ANSWERS ON PAGE 113) 2

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