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Name: "Mountain Strong: Supporting Highland Communities"

Discover the Enchanting Life of Romania's Mountain Dwellers

Nestled in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains, Romania unveils a world of untamed wilderness and
rugged beauty. However, beyond the awe-inspiring mountain forests, another treasure awaits—a
community of resilient individuals who have chosen to live a life of solitude amidst nature's whims.
These mountain dwellers, often isolated at the end of arduous paths, possess a wisdom that can only be
attained through their unique way of existence.

In this remote corner of Romania, modern amenities such as roads, doctors, and shops are absent.
These humble residents rely solely on the resources bestowed upon them by nature and their own inner
strength. Their lives are an ongoing journey, devoid of the comfort and convenience we take for
granted. Instead, they navigate an exceptional path, ascending the peaks of self-discovery and self-
reliance, accompanied solely by their thoughts.

Who are these extraordinary people? They are a simple and warm-hearted community, always delighted
to welcome outsiders into their midst. Unacquainted with the hustle and bustle of cities or the wonders
of foreign lands, they have cultivated an intimate connection with their surroundings. Their small patch
of sky, stretching above their homes, encompasses the mysteries of the world—life, God, self, and
peace. With every gaze towards the heavens, they immerse themselves in contemplation. It is from this
celestial vantage point that all things become clear to them. Their voices resonate with profound
simplicity, skillfully expressing the essential wisdom acquired through their unique life experiences.

In the face of their remote existence, the question arises—how can we help these resilient mountain
dwellers? Aware of the challenges they face, individuals and organizations make valiant efforts to reach
the secluded villages nestled within the Apuseni Mountains every few months. Armed with medicines
and non-perishable food, these compassionate souls embark on a mission to provide relief. Yet, reaching
these isolated areas poses a significant challenge. The terrain is unforgiving, demanding vehicles capable
of navigating even the most treacherous roads. It is imperative to secure a truck that can withstand the
rugged landscape, enabling aid workers to reach as many cases as possible and distribute essential food
packages. Additionally, these efforts extend to assisting the local children by providing school supplies,
ensuring their education continues unhindered.

By extending a helping hand to these resilient communities, we can make a tangible difference in their
lives. Offering vital resources and support, we become catalysts for change, empowering them to
maintain their self-reliance while alleviating some of the burdens they bear. Furthermore, our presence
and interactions with these mountain dwellers foster a sense of connection and mutual understanding.
As we engage with these remarkable individuals, we come to appreciate the depth of their wisdom, and
in turn, they gain insight into the world beyond their mountains.

In conclusion, Romania's mountain dwellers, residing in the shadow of the Carpathian Mountains, lead a
remarkable existence that epitomizes resilience, simplicity, and self-sufficiency. Their isolation from
modern amenities fuels a unique perspective, as they traverse their individual paths, unburdened by the
trappings of contemporary life. While their needs may be few, extending our support through aid efforts
can have a profound impact on their well-being. By recognizing and valuing their way of life, we can
forge a connection that transcends our differences and reminds us of the universal truths that lie within
the simplicity of the human experience.

[17:44, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 1:Familia Beleiu, Poiana Vadului, sat Morcanesti, 2 adulți și 5
copii mici, vârste de la 3 la 14 ani!!! Haine am dus multe in alte acțiuni, aici alimente și ceva dero ar fi
nevoie eventual la sac!! Venituri au doar ce obțin din creșterea animalelor

[17:46, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 2: Mihai, batran singur de 78 ani sat Duduieni, comuna Poiana
Vadului, trăiește cu 150 lei pe luna, alimente și medicamente doar algocalmin și vitamax mai duc eu
când mai îl vizitez, este cel cu telefonul a zis dragos ca ii comanda el cu butoane ceva mai mari

[17:47, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 3: Sat Duduieni, Saveta și soțul ei, de 82 și 83 ani, aici la fel ceva
vitamine, ca nu or mers la spital sa știe dacă mai au și alte probleme 😏

[17:51, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 4: Elena Varga, Vadu Motilor, aici trebuie alimente, pampersi
mărime XS, șervețele umede, are o fetita de 5 ani care este țintuita la pat, nu merge, mănâncă doar supe
și mix de fructe,locuiesc acolo pe chirie

[17:52, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 5: Gligor Ioana, sat Valea Lamasoi, Albac, 4 copii mici cu vârste
între 3 ani și 14 ani, doi băieți, doua fetite!!!

[17:52, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 6: Ileana, 82 ani, femeie singura, cătun Știuleți, aici vitamine și

[17:54, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 7: Tanți Silia, sat Runc, femeie singura, are un ulcer varicos
foarte urat, și coxatroza, aici trebuie dermazin unguent, comprese sterile, fesi pansament și betadina!!!
Plus alimente(o sa ne roage sa ii caram apa de la fantana ca nu are cine sa ii aduca ) 🙂

[17:55, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 8: Familia Toader, 5 copii mici, vârste între 5 și 14 ani, haine le-
am dus, alimente pt copii, pt ei!! Iaurturi, fructe etc

[17:56, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 9: tanti Lucreția,sat Runc, femeie singura, aici doar vitamine, tot
la fel cam vitamax ii duc ca nu au efect advers și le creste și pofta de mancare
[17:57, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 10: Mărioara, 3 adulți și un băiat de 5 ani, alimente, etc

[17:58, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 11: Aurelia, femeie singura 76 ani, aici trebuie Aspacardin,
controloc, Coprenesa de 4 mg!!!cartofi eventual ca mai postește tanti asta

[17:59, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 12: Vasile, 65 ani, barbat singur, sat Huzaresti,alimente

[18:00, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 13: Felicia, 29 ani, țintuita la pat, cam cel mai delicat Caz la care
mergem, e de mers pe jos aici cam 1 km jumate prin pădure, aici trebuie pampersi mărime L, servetele
umede, fructe, supe, doar din astea mănâncă

[18:01, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Cazul este în sat Plisti, comuna Garda de Sus

[18:01, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 14: Gabi, baiat crescut de bunici, sat Ocoale, Garda de Sus

[18:02, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 15: Avram, 78 ani bătrânel singur, foarte sărac, Sat Sfoartea

[18:02, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 16: Eugen, 86 ani, barbat singur, sat Sfoartea

[18:03, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 17: Ioana, probleme psihice, femeie singura, 72 ani, sat Sfoarteq

[18:07, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 18: tanti ana, 86 ani, aici alimente, medicamente are: Lisinopril
de 10mg, prestarium 5mg(2 pachete) leridip(2 pachete ), voltaren unguent, mydocalm, fenilbutazona,
algocalmin!!!  a murit

[18:08, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 19: Maria, femeie singura 87 ani, alimente și vitamine

[18:09, 21/03/2023] Alin Purda Isu: Caz 20: Aurelia, 74 ani, femeie singura

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