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IOM455 Spring 2010 Due 02/01/10 Team assignment

Assignment 03

1. Discuss the Southern Care Hospital case study starting on page 67 and answer the questions that follow. (5 points) 1. Explain how you would execute your roles as project manager of this project. The roles mentioned in the book are facilitator, communicator, virtual project manager and meetings chair. Since the project is just starting, the virtual project manager role is the most important to get the project off the ground and select members. The others on the team do not know what is expected. The next role is as meeting chair to start with a kickoff meeting. However, one cannot have a meeting without other people, so I would have to communicate with the people I have selected as well as their managers. Finally, I have to facilitate the process of making a team out of this group of people. 2. As the project manager how would you manage tradeoffs? Given the nature of this project I would be inclined to give on the objective and on schedule and minimize the cost. 3. How would you recommend this project be organized? It is mostly functional, as the whole task is in radiology, except for myself, which will be the small matrix part. 4. What criteria would you use in selecting resources to serve on your project team? My main criterion is the job title or function, the second would be the availability coupled with the hourly rate. The reminder of the data are not particularly important in my eyes. 5. From the available resource pool, whom would you select to be on your process team/ Why? I would want to have supervision, administrative and working level representation. As such, I would chose the less expensive Radiology supervisor, the radiology info systems Manager, The senior nurse manager and the less expensive staff nurse. One important aspect, for which there are no data and no question, is the time I estimated for the various tasks and which of the resources are best suited to them. Once I had determined that (with the teams help or without if I wanted to use some of this to chose the team), we could calculate the schedule and the budget. 2. Do problem 25 on page 35. (2 points) From the simulation:

3. United Screen Printers case study on page 36 Answer questions 2, 3 and 4. This one is a good opportunity to subdivide the work of your team. (3 points)

IOM455 Spring 2010

Assignment 03

US as P-C e Inho prop Worder to recommend or to chooseselecting one should generally consider these questions. osed the project?: When a project

project one must recognize who is proposing the project. Usually when the CEO suggests a feasible proposal (Sacred Cow Theory), the project will have support from upper management because it was their idea. This How is the project related to the companys short-term or long term objective? How much will the project change the current product or processes within the company? Is this project a necessity? What are the financial implications? What is the likely profitability? How risky is the project? Is there a potential partner to help with the project? (Some what relates back to the Sacred Cow Theory). Are the right resources available at the right times? Does the project have a good technological/ knowledge fit with the organization? Is the project synergistic with other important projects? Is this within our budget?
In order to specify our criteria and measure it quantitatively we used a weighted score model and explained it below.

weights project 1 Profitability C ost-budget-analysis C ustomer Relationship Internal Business Process improvements Learning and growth effects Urgency Result ratings: good= fair= 3, 2,poor= 1 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.15 0.05 0.3 0.75 0.3 0.3 0.45 0.1 0.9 2.8 2 0.25 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.4 3 0.5 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.65 4 0.75 0.45 0.1 0.45 0.1 0.6 2.45 5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.45 0.1 0.3 1.85 6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.05 0.6 1.95

To analyze this problem we used a weighted score m odel. Our criteria consists of financial and strtategic criteria. As we do not have so much information about the case we just could assume the outcomes of the projects, thus some of the weights might be based on subjective reasoning. We would recommend to pursue projects 1,4,6 and 5. This amount of money is smaller than 700,000, so the rest of the money could be saved or spent on other projects in the different departments. Project 3 would be affordable, but it is not urgent now. Projects 2 seems to be unprofitable.

IOM455 Spring 2010

Assignment 03

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