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Systematic Review

Deep transverse friction massage in the management

of adhesive capsulitis: A systematic review
Shahid Khan1, Aatik Arsh2,
Sargand Khan3, Shahid Ali4

Objectives: To review published clinical trials which assessed the effects of deep transverse friction massage on pain
and range of motion in patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. Literature search was performed in
MEDLINE, AMED, EMBASE, HMIC, CINAHL, PEDRO, and SPORTDiscus. Two independent reviewers performed screening of
the articles retrieved from different databases. Clinical trials published in English language from the earliest record to
March 2022 that reported effects of deep transverse friction massage/Cyriax’s friction massage on pain and/or range
of motion in patients with diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis were included. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme was
used for quality assessment of the included studies.
Results: A total of six studies reporting on 226 adhesive capsulitis patients were included in the systematic review. All
the six studies were randomized controlled clinical trials. On the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool, four of the
six studies had a score of 8/11, while the other two studies received a score of 7/11 and 6/11. Out of these six trials,
four reported that pain was significantly (P<0.05) improved in the deep transverse friction massage group as compared
to the control group. Regarding range of motion outcome, five studies showed that range of motion was significantly
(P<0.05) improved in the deep transverse friction massage group while only one study showed non-significant results.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that deep transverse friction massage significantly relieves pain and improves the
range of motion in individuals with adhesive capsulitis.

KEYWORDS: Adhesive capsulitis, Manual Therapy, Pain, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Shoulder.

How to cite this: Khan S, Arsh A, Khan S, Ali S. Deep transverse friction massage in the management of adhesive capsulitis: A systematic review.
Pak J Med Sci. 2024;40(3):526-533. doi:
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Adhesive capsulitis, often termed as frozen shoulder,
is a common musculoskeletal disorder problem
1. Shahid Khan, DPT, MSPT
characterized by scapulohumeral pain and limited
2. Aatik Arsh, DPT, MSPT, PhD
3. Sargand Khan, DPT, MSPT range of motion (ROM).1 Patients suffering from
4. Shahid Ali DPT, MSPT adhesive capsulitis experience a painful restriction in
1-4: Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, both active and passive movements, most prominently
Khyber Medical University, in external rotation.2 It is estimated that adhesive
Peshawar, Pakistan.
capsulitis affects 2% of the general population and has
Correspondence: a prevalence rate of 2.4 per 1000 persons per year.3,4
Aatik Arsh A wide variety of conservative and non-conservative
Assistant Professor, treatment strategies are used for the management
Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, of adhesive capsulitis.1 Conservative treatments
Khyber Medical University, that are commonly used are muscle stretching and
Peshawar, Pakistan.
strengthening, mobilization techniques, massage
therapy, ultrasound and diathermy.5,6
* Received for Publication: October 5, 2022 Deep transverse friction massage (DTFM), also
* Revision Received: December 25, 2023 known as Cyriax friction massage, is a form of massage
* Corrected & Edited: December 27, 2023 technique that focuses on the body’s deep tissues.7
* Revision Accepted: December 31, 2023 It is administered to maintain the ROM present

Pak J Med Sci January - February 2024 (Part-II) Vol. 40 No. 3 526
Shahid Khan et al.

inside the ligament, tendon, and muscle’s soft tissue METHODS

structures and prevent the formation of scars.8 DTFM
A systematic review was conducted according to
uses strong movements of the hand to physically
PRISMA guidelines. Literature search was performed in
manipulate the affected tissues. The massage is deep
and should be delivered in transverse direction to the MEDLINE, AMED, EMBASE, HMIC, CINAHL, PEDRO
particular tissue affected, as opposed to superficial and SPORTDiscus using search terms “Adhesive
massage applied longitudinally parallel to the vessels, Capsulitis” “Frozen Shoulder” “Deep transverse
which promotes circulation and fluid return.9,10 The friction massage” “Cyriax’s friction massage” “Pain”
therapist uses fingertips, pads, knuckles or even and “Range of motion”. Boolean operators and
elbows. For further pressure one hand reinforced truncations were used where appropriate.
on the other technique can be used. DTFM results in In accordance with PRIMSA guidelines, complete
traumatic hyperemia which results in removal of pain search strategy for one database (CINAHL) is presented
aggravating metabolites and movement of the affected in Table-I. General search was performed in Google
structure releasing the adhesions and scar tissue.11 scholar to find any additional articles. Furthermore,
DTFM restores muscle mobility in the same manner as reference list of the retrieved articles from different
mobilization does, while the pressure exerted is within databases were also checked to locate relevant studies.
the patient’s tolerance.12,13 Clinical trials published in English language from the
Evidence suggests that DTFM can help reduce pain earliest record to March 2022 that reported effects of
and improve ROM, nevertheless there is scarcity of DTFM/Cyriax’s friction massage on pain and/or ROM
high-quality evidence to support the use of DTFM in patients with diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis were
in patients with diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis. included. Reviews, commentaries, letter to editors and
Therefore, current study was designed to review conference papers were excluded.
published clinical trials which assessed effects of DTFM Search results from different databases and additional
on pain and ROM in patients with adhesive capsulitis. searching were imported into Rayyan (www.rayyan.

Table-I: Search strategy used for CINAHL database.

Search Concept Search String

(MH “Adhesive Capsulitis” OR “Frozen shoulder”) OR

(MJ “Adhesive Capsulitis” OR “frozen shoulder”)
(TI Adhesive Capsulitis OR frozen shoulder) OR
S2 Adhesive
(AB Adhesive Capsulitis OR frozen shoulder)
S3 (Adhesive Capsulitis OR frozen shoulder OR shoulder contracture syndrome)

S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3
(MH “Deep Transverse Friction Massage”) OR
(MJ “Deep Transverse Friction Massage”)
(TI Deep Transverse Friction Massage OR
S6 transverse
(AB Deep Transverse Friction Massage)
S7 massage (Deep Transverse Friction Massage OR Cross friction massage OR Cyriax massage)

S8 S5 OR S6 OR S7
(MH “Usual Care” OR “standard care” OR “usual treatment”) OR (MJ “Usual
Care” OR “standard care” OR “usual treatment”)
(TI Usual Care OR standard care OR usual treatment) OR
Control (AB Usual Care OR standard care OR usual treatment)
S11 Physiotherapy OR Physical therapy OR Rehabilitation

S12 S9 OR S10 OR S11

(Pain OR NRS pain scale OR VAS) OR
S13 Outcomes
(Range of motion OR ROM OR range of movement OR Goniometry)
S14 Final Search S4 AND S8 AND S12 AND S13

Pak J Med Sci January - February 2024 (Part-II) Vol. 40 No. 3 527
Shahid Khan et al.

ai) to remove duplicates and perform screening. Two to control group.12,16,18,20 Only two studies showed non-
authors (SK and SA) independently screened the titles significant differences.17,19 Five studies12,16,18-20 showed
and abstracts of the studies and divided the articles that ROM was significantly (P<0.05) improved in
into “include” “exclude” and “unsure” categories. experimental group as compared to control group
Full text screening was performed by the same authors while only one study17 reported non-significant
(SK and SA), who performed the title and abstract (P=0.107) results.
screening. Discrepancies between the two authors (SK On the CASP tool, four studies had a score of
and SA) were resolved by consensus meeting, and if 8/1112,16,19,20, while the other two studies received a
needed, third reviewer (AA) was consulted to make score of 7/1117 and 6/11.18 One of the study18 included
the final decision. A data extraction form was designed in this review were of medium quality while five
in MS excel to extract data from the included studies. studies12,16,17,19,20 had high quality.
The data extraction form was piloted before the data
The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) The study aim was to assess the effectiveness of
was used for quality assessment of the included DTFM in treating patients with adhesive capsulitis.
studies. CASP is a well-structured, widely used Pain is a common symptom of adhesive capsulitis
quality appraisal tool. The CASP checklist comprises and the primary outcome in all the included studies
of eleven questions divided into three categories (A, in current review was pain. The findings of the review
B, and C). The first three questions act as screening demonstrated that patients in the DTFM groups
questions, establishing whether it is appropriate to experienced significant pain reduction as compared
continue with the remaining questions or not. The to control group. Only two of the included studies
remaining questions are more in-depth questions on contradict the effectiveness of DTFM as compared to
particular areas of the paper’s methodology. Each control group.
question in a CASP checklist for RCT is given one Out of the total six studies, five studies applied
point, so the CASP checklist has a total score of eleven. the DTFM for two weeks. Only one study had a
Studies with a score of 7/11 or higher are regarded to treatment period of three weeks.19 Studies that have
be of good quality. Studies with a score of four to six
out of 11 are considered medium quality, while those
with a score of less than four are called low quality
Initial search identified 8,314 research articles.
Titles and abstracts of these articles were screened,
and 8,305 studies were excluded because these were
irrelevant. Of the remaining nine studies, three studies
were excluded at full text screening stage. Finally, six
publications reporting on 226 patients were included
in the systematic review (Fig.1).
The six studies that were selected for this systematic
review were all randomized controlled trials. Three
studies16-18 made the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis
based on (i) History of pain lasting equal to or less than
two months, (ii)Capsular pattern, (iii) Loss of ROM both
active and passive by more than 50% in comparison
to the sound side, (iv) Shoulder radiographs and (v)
No other shoulder or medical conditions. Sonkusale et
al. kept the same criteria but included only idiopathic
adhesive capsulitis patients.12 Vijayan & Jayabharathi
S recruited individuals with clinically diagnosed
adhesive capsulitis (Stage-II), with a minimum
duration of two months and a marked decrease of
passive and active ROM.19 Mogahed et al., included
only female post-mastectomy adhesive capsulitis
patients who had scapulo-thoracic and glenohumeral
changes but no other shoulder disorders.20
Four studies reported that pain was significantly
(P<0.05) improved in experimental group as compared Fig.1: PRISMA Flow chart (Studies selection process).

Pak J Med Sci January - February 2024 (Part-II) Vol. 40 No. 3 528
Shahid Khan et al.

Table-II: Summary of the included studies

Author Arm Intervention
information Post-
Baseline Baseline inter-

Sonkusale 60 male and Experi- DTFM and 3.567 0.7667± ER 28.667 47.333± In compari-
et al. 201612 female par- mental PNF ±1.569 0.8976 ± 17.748 18.503 son to control
ticipants 6 sessions for 2 group, pain
Age=40-60 weeks and ROM
years Control Only PNF 2.633± 2 ± 1.339 ER 28.113 37.7 ± was signifi-
6 sessions for 2 1.273 ± 16.111 15.75 cantly (P<0.01)
weeks improved in
Guler- 40 par- Experi- DTFM, 1 hour 30.6 ± 15.2 ± FLX 128.6 155.5 ± In compari-
Uysal & ticipants (12 mental session, 22.9 18.5 ± 18.6 14.2 son to control
Kozanogl male and 3 days per ABD 114.8 157.7 ± group, pain
2004 16
28 female) week for 2 ± 22.3 21.6 and ROM
weeks IR 48.2 ± 66.7 ± was signifi-
11.9 10.0 cantly (P <0.05)
Age=40-85 ER 40.8 ± 74.4 ± improved in
years 11.7 14.2 experimental
Control Hot pack and 37.1 ± 21.2 ± FLX 125.8 146.4 ± group
diathermy 24.0 17.9 ± 24.9 22.7
for 20 mints ABD 116.0 145.3 ±
followed by ± 25.6 28.5
stretching and IR 42.7 ± 56.1 ±
pendulum 13.7 14.7
exercises for 2 ER 36.3 ± 52.8 ±
weeks 16.5 24.3
Mogahed 40 Experi- DTFM and 69.2± 8.7 52.1± 10.9 FLX 173.75± In compari-
et al., female par- mental scapular PNF 65.5±6.46 6.04 son to control
202020 ticipants 15 mints ses- group, pain
sion, 3 sessions ABD and ROM
Age=35-65 per week for 2 68.5±17.85 166± was signifi-
years months 10.2 cantly (P<0.01)
Control Traditional 68± 10.2 55.6± 0.1 FLX 136.25± improved in
shoulder ex- 63.5±12.57 9. 71 experimental
ercises, 3 ses- group
sions per week ABD
for 2 months 70.5±10.87 124±

Pak J Med Sci January - February 2024 (Part-II) Vol. 40 No. 3 529
Sah et al. 30 par- Experi- DTFM in the 64.60± 23.73± AROM AROM There was no
2017 17 ticipants (19 mental form of Cyriax 8.7 6.52 83.33± 98.87± significant dif-
male & 11 manipulation 17.55 20.64 ference (P>0.05)
female) and conven- between the ex-
tional physi- PROM PROM perimental and
cal therapy, 90.00± 105.13± control group
Age=46-60 45-minute ses- 17.55 20.24 about pain and
years sion, 3 times ROM.
per week for 2
Control Gongs 59.53± 21.47± AROM AROM
mobilization 12.41 7.01 82.60± 111.93±
and conven- 16.70 22.32
tional physical
therapy, PROM PROM
45-minute ses- 89.53± 117.20±
sion, 3 times 17.44 21.97
per week for 2
Chauhan 26 par- Experi- DTFM and NR NR NR NR The study re-
et al., 2011 ticipants (11 mental conventional ported that im-
male & 15 physical provements in
female) therapy, 3 shoulder ROM
days a week and pain were
Age=40-60 for 2 weeks significantly (P
years Control Conven- NR NR NR NR <0.05) better in
tional physi- the experimen-
cal therapy, 3 tal group post
days a week treatment.
for 2 weeks
(Vijayan 30 male and Experi- DTFM with 58.67± 48.71± ABD In compari-
& Jayab- female par- mental mobilization 11.68 10.28 50.33± 73.21± son to control
harathi. ticipants technique, 15 13.16 14.09 group, ROM
2019 19 minutes ses- was signifi-
Age=40-60 sion, ER 15.67± 23.93± cantly (P <0.05)
years 5 days per 7.53 8.59 improved in
week for 3 experimen-
weeks FLX 111.79 ± tal group.
98.33± 21.89 Nonetheless
19.97 there was no
Control Muscle energy 54.13± 43.71± ABD 86.07± significant dif-
technique with 10.97 10.78 44.33± 19.73 ference (P>0.05)
mobilisation 15.45 between the
technique, 33.57± groups regard-
1 session per ER 12.44± 8.42 ing pain.
day, 5 days 5.94
per week for 2 118.21±
weeks FLX 15.14
ABD, Abduction; AROM, Active Range of Motion; DTFM, Deep transverse friction massage; ER, External Rotation;
FLX, Flexion, IR, Internal Rotation; NR, Not Reported; PNF, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation;
ROM, Range of Motion.

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Shahid Khan et al.

Table-III: Methodological quality of the included studies.

Sonkusale Vijayan &
CASP Score Uysal & Mogahed et al. Sah et al. Chauhan et al.
et al. Jayabharthi

Was the trial’s topic

fully defined?
Was the trial’s topic
Y Y Y Can’t tell Can’t tell Y
fully defined?
At the trial’s conclusion,
were all of the
Can’t tell Can’t tell Can’t tell Can’t tell Can’t tell Can’t tell
participants accurately
Were all the
N N N N N Can’t tell
individual’s blind?
Were the groups
comparable in the Y Y Y Y Y Y
Were the various
groups handled fairly?
How significant was the
therapeutic impact?
How accurate was
the treatment effect N N N N N N
Can the findings
be applied to the Y Y Y Y Y Y
Were all clinically
significant outcomes Y Y Y Y Y Y
taken into account?
Were all clinically
significant outcomes Y Y Y Y Y Y
taken into account?

Total score 8 8 8 7 6 8

been conducted on the problem of recovery from are needed because the included studies in current
adhesive capsulitis have found that the length of review assessed the short-term outcomes of DTFM.
the recovery period can be noticed in individuals The pain relief produced by DFTM may be the result
anywhere from one to four years following the of the control of nociceptive impulses at the level of the
initial start of the symptoms.21 There is a widespread spinal cord.16,26,27 According to Cyriax, friction causes an
agreement among medical professionals that non increase in the breakdown of pain-inducing metabolites
operative care is the most effective form of first line such as Lewis’ chemicals. Another mechanism that
of treatment for adhesive capsulitis.22 The long-term may help in reducing pain is diffuse noxious inhibitory
prognosis of adhesive capsulitis cannot be changed control, which is a pain suppression mechanism that
by non-operative therapies, although they do bring produces endogenous opiates, reducing the integrity
symptomatic pain relief and enhance shoulder range of pain communicated to higher centers.28-30
of motion in the short term.23 Evidence suggests The ROM was the second outcome of the review. The
that the healing of adhesive capsulitis will occur as results of the included studies showed that the outcome
expected given sufficient time, which can take from regarding the ROM significantly improved in patients
around two to three years on average.23-25 Therefore, who receive DTFM. Only one study reported that control
studies that examine DFTM over a longer timeframe group had the same efficacy as the DTFM intervention

Pak J Med Sci January - February 2024 (Part-II) Vol. 40 No. 3 531
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