Felix Summer

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ReviewI Units1-3

I Circlethe correctverbform.
Thewoitresses weor re weonn ew uniforms.
Theohos/'s hovingicecreomtodog.
I'm looking/look out of the windowof the moment.
Hurrgup!Thecof6ctosesf 's ctosingnow.
Howoftenis gourfomil,gcoming/ doesgourfomilgcomehere?
Lookot thot bird!Whot doesit do / isitdoing?
It doesn'tsnow/isn't snowingin summer.
Mondg's woshing/ woshesherhoirrightnow.

Usethe odverbin brockets.

2 Writesentences.
I cActeto school.(usuoLLg)
I usuotlucucteto schoot.

Thegsit bg the door.(olwogs)

3 Doro'shungrgof 5 o'clock.(sometimes)

duringthe week.(never)
4 Bethgoesshopping

( u su o il.g )
o n dG r o n d m o r eo f h o m eo n Su n d o g s.
5 G rondpo

6 I'm lotefor schoot.(never)

thetext.Usethe postsimpleof theverbsin brockets.

3 Complete
LostSoturdog,we' hod (hove)o portgto celebrote the end
HorrgondI ]
of term.Chor[ie, (invite)o[[ ourfriends.
Therel (be)Lotsof peoplethere.Mongof them
- (orrive)
with somefoodor drink.Mg friendGemmo
(ptoU)thepiono.EvergoneI (hove)so

4 Tick (/) the correct sentences.
1 We arrived three days ago. (3 2 The concert was Last near good. [ ]
We arrived ago three days. (3 The concert was good Last year. 3
3 Diana rang me evening yesterday. (3 4 Two weeks ago, Ivisited Zoe. [ )
Diana rang me yesterday evening. 3 3
Itwo weeks ago, visited Zoe.

5 Night Last, it rained. 3 6 Yesterday, we had a party. 3

Last night, it rained. 3 We had a yesterday party. 3

5 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 Emma _saw_ (see) dinosaurs at the museum. She _ didn't see_ (not see) fish.
2 They (eat) outside. They (not eat) inside.
3 Sidney and I (go) to school. We (not go) to the swimming pool.
4 The girls _ (buy) cheese. They _ (not buy) fruit.
5 I (hear) a cat. I (not hear) a dog.
6 Seb _ (make) Lunch today. He _ (not make) breakfast.

5 Look at exercise 5. Write past simple questions and answers.

1 Emma / see / dinosaurs
Did Emma see dinosaurs? Yes, she did._
2 where /they / eat
Where did they eat? They ate outside._
3 Sidney and I/go /to the swimming pool

4 the girls / buy /fruit

5 what / you / hear

6 what / Seb / make

Review 1 21
Review 2 Units4
4-€ II

1 Complete the sentences. Use possessive pronouns.

Whose coat is this? Whose is this?

It's mine

Whose are these? Whose is this?

Is this oar umbrella?

2 Complete the sentences. Make adverbs with words from the box.

fast careful heavy good quiet bad loud

1 They were late. They ran fast
2 I'm very pleased. Iplayed football
3 We got wet. It was raining
4 The ice was dangerous. We walked
5 People were asleep. We talked
6 He got a low markfor his homework. He did it
7 We could hear herfrom the next room. She sang

3 Complete the dialogue. Use the verb in brackets and have to, had to
or an imperative.
"Are you looking for the cinema? You 1 have to turn
(turn) left here.
2_ (go) straight on, then _ (turn) 3

right. You t_ (go) over the bridge. It isn't easy to find.

I5- (ask) someone when Ifirst moved here!"
34 Review 2
4 Write the words in the correct order. Use why or because.
1 Ijou / nrp / hprp / wniting / ? Why are you waiting here?
2 didn't / a map /we / have
3 is / happy / Judy / ? _
4 angry / are / Mum and Dad / ?
5 we /did /get Lost/ ? _
6 her/ it's / birthday
5 Look at the tables. Complete the sentences. Use comparative adjectives,
including less.
expensive comfortable interesting good/bad
1 red carpet 2 trainers 3 history 4 Seb can swim
£20 per square metre //_ // 400 metres
5 blue carpet 6 high-heeLed 7 maths 8 Leo can swim 10
£40 per square metre shoes / / metres

1 The red carpet is Less expensive than the blue carpet.

2 The trainers are _ the high-heeLed shoes.
3 History is _ maths.
4 In swimming, Seb is _ Leo.
5 The bLue carpet is _ the red carpet.
6 The high-heeLed shoes are _ the trainers.
7 Maths is _ history.
8 In swimming, Leo is _ Seb.

6 Look at the tables. Complete the sentences. Use superlative adjectives,

including least.
tall comfortable old good
HotelAlbert 1* / // 2///
Hotel Charles / 3/// / 4/
Hotel Victoria // [ // 5/// //
1 Hotel Albert is
2 Hotel Albert is
3 Hotel Charles is
4 Hotel Charles is
5 Hotel Victoria is

Review 2 35
Review 3 Units 7-9

1 Rewrite the sentences and questions. Use will or won't.

1 We don't travel by hologram. 2 There are flights to the moon.
We won't travel by hologram. _
3 Ihave more money to spend. 4 Children don't eat unhealthy food.

5 Do people go on holiday every year? 6 We don't have to work.

7 Are there robots in every home? 8 There isn't any pollution.

2 Complete the text. Use future time expressions from the box.

later on Thursday tomorrow

this Friday in 24 hours' time next week
Monday go shopping

later , because
Tuesday meet Alice and Jason
Ihave to go shopping ' at the airport
we're going to need lots of food. Alice and Jason are Wednesday
arriving2 or : Q . Ican't believe they'll be
Thursday visit the tovJn museum
here3 . Jason Loves museums, so I've
decided we're going to visit the town museum Friday have a partÿ
. Alice wants to see the countryside, Saturday
so we re going on a picnic .And of
course, we'll have a party for them Sunday

Monday go on picnic
3 Circle the correct answer.
1 Have you got many / much suitcases?
2 Don't worry. We've got much of / lots of time.
3 Do we need many / much food?
4 There are a lot of / many newspapers over there.
5 How much / How many money is one dollar?
6 How many / How much bread have we got?
7 Ihaven't got a lot of / lots orange juice.
8 We need to get much / lots of ice cream for the party.

48 Review 3
Completethe sentences.
Usesomeor ong.
1 Mum needs-S-aXXe** shompoo.
2 Woito minute.IU Liketo bug -- chocolotes
for Sue.
3 I con'tsee--- -- - shopossistonts.
4 Theghoven'tgot --- - - - biscuits.
5 WouLdgoutike--- * - icecreom?

Motch 1-7 with o-9.

1 -E- Mg Dodtistensto clossicot music a to do herhomework.
2 Hebou g h ot n e w t e n t b to seethe dolphins.
3 -- Wewent to town c to relox.
4 B obbgo n dM o xw e n tt o t h e o q u o r iu m d to bugsomenewclothes.
5 Mum switched on the rodio e to put mg booksin.
6 S heus e dt h e c o m p u t e r f to Listento somemusic.
7 I needo newschoolbog g to to keo n h o lid o g .

6 Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences

ond questions.
1 ofien/ Vou/ how/ Lotefor
/ ore/?
How oftenore uou lotefor schoot?
J----- - --.----------- --

og / twice/ geor
2 mgfomiLg/ o /goes/ on hoLid

3 doV/ footboLL /I / everg/ hove

4 visit/ ofien / Vou/ do / gour grondporents

/ how / 7

s Au ntLuc g/U e o/r o / s t o y s / w i t hu slth r e e /tim e s

6 go / we / o / geor/ on hoLidog

7 d oV/ c leons /M u m/ t h e h o u s e/ o / o n ce

8 I/wit h Chor l i e l s w i m m i n/gF r i d oV/g o /e ve r g

9 gUm/ t he / s i x/ m g s i s t e r / v i s i t s /we e/ktim e s/ o

Review4 Units10-12

1 Writestotements or questions Usethe presentperfect.

1 I /switchoff/the computer
'v e s wi t c h e do f f t h e c o m p u te r .
2 we /notfinish /our schoolproject

/ t id y / h e r r o o m/ ? / /
3 HoLLg

4 GeorgeondTheo/ notput /the booksowog

s Eric/ moke/ hisbedtodog/ ?/ X

6 Dod/ print/ olLthe documents

7 we / seorch/ the Internetforthe informotion/ ?/ X

8 Gemmo/ not tog on / todog

or questions Usethe presentperfectondgo.
1 ev er / He i d/iA m e r i c o/ 7 / /
*Hqr HgtdLqver
beento America?Yes shehos.
2 Mr ond Mrs Cooke/ AJrico
f never

3 Iosperf ever/Austrolio/7 / X

4 LiLgondMorion/ never/ Americo

5 F ronk / A u s t r o t i o / e v/e?r / /

6 everf Andy ondTheo/ Africo/ 7/ X

62 Review4
Lookof the pictures.Write sentences.
Useshou[dond shou[dn't.

@ d o m o r e e x e r cise wo r kso h o r d
drinksomewoter spendo[[ dog pl.oging computergomes

u shouldn't egt so_mqnq=s_w_e_q_ts,


4 look of the chort.Complete Usecould,couldn't,conor con't.
the sentences.
Ti m/ plog t heg u i t o r
I / speokFrench
we / cook
Vou/ s peokEn g L i s h
Gron d m oo n d Grondpo/w ol k o l ongwo g
we/ ptogin the ofternoon

F iv eg e o rso g o,Ti m i c i :G Rt p [ o gt h e g u it o r .No w,h e . i. n

Now,I s p e o kF r e n chF.iveg e or so g o ,I
Fivegeorsogo,we cook.Now,we
Fivegeorsogo,Uou s p e o kEn g L ishNo. w,g o u
Fivegeorsogo,Grondmo ondGrondpo wolko longwog.Now,theg
Now,we plogin theofiernoon. Fivegeorsogo,we
HIH Review
1 Circle the correct answer.
Units 13-15

1 Can you hear I/ me?

2 Iwant to see that film. Shall we go and see it / her?
3 That boy's funny. Let's watch he / him.
4 Do you have much homework? Have you finished it / them yet?
5 Can Iplay with they /them?
6 Do you know her / she?
7 Can you come to the beach with us / ours at the weekend?
8 Ican't hear you / your. Please speak louder.

2 Complete the sentences. Use who or which.

1 There's the boy who_ won the trophy.
2 I'd like to meet the man _ invented this.
3 Here's the milk you need for the smoothie.
4 Look. There's the monument _ Itold you about.
5 A man was born deaf and blind can now see and hear.
6 Are those the glasses _ you like?
7 Where's the man helped you carry the bags?
8 They're the people _ moved here from America recently.

3 Rewrite the sentences and questions with the past continuous.

1 Ilooked at the photos. Iwas looking at the photos._
2 The man didn't listen to me.
3 She painted a picture.
4 Did it rain?
5 Who did you talk to?
6 We finished our homework.
7 The children made a mess in the kitchen.
8 An hour ago, Imade dinner.

76 Review 5
4 Look at the notes. Write sentences. Use was born, in or on and a date.
1 Tinn- Mmj 1Q7R Tina was born in May 1975.
2 Frank: 7th June 1980
3 Fred: 1988
4 Carrie: 1st January
5 Lily : 8th October
6 Tina: March 1995
7 Sidney: 2001

5 Write sentences. Use the past simple, the past continuous and when.
1 Phil / run / he /fall over
Phil was running when he Jell over.
2 they / arrive / it / snow
3 we /have dinner /you /call
4 Billy / tell a joke / Tim / come into the room
5 they /cook dinner /the film /start
6 I/ have a bad dream / 1wake up
7 everyone / arrive / you / listen to your MP3 player

6 Complete the conversation. Use they're, their or there.

Cathy Ilike Zoe and Tara Smith. Ithink theyVe_. lovely girls.

Penny Yes, they are. They live in a very nice house, too. How long have they lived
Cathy In Oxton Street? About three months. It isn't house, though.
Penny Really? Whose is it?
Cathy It belongs to grandparents.
Penny It's a big house.
Cathy Yes, and5 's a big garden at the back.
Penny *_ very lucky!

Review 5 77

Verb E xcmp Le Chonge - ingfor m
mo s tv e r b s pl.og + - ing ploging
v e r b se n d i n gc on so n o n+t -e w ri te )(+ -ing writing
v e r b se n d i n gv ow e L+ tro ve L doubLe + - ing
finol consonont tr oveLting
t o r -g
c o n s o n o net ,x ce p -w

I T hepresent
simp te
AlJirmotive N e g o ti ve Qu e stions Shor tonswer s
I pl,og I d o n 't p [o g Do I pl.og? Yes,I do. No,I don' t.
g o up l o g g o ud o n 'tp l o g Do gou pl.og? Yes,gou do. No,goudon' t.
it p L o g s i t d o e sn 'tp l o g Doesit pl.og? Yes,it does. No,it doesn't.
we ptog w e d o n 't p l o g Do we pl.og? Yes,we do. No,we don't.
t h e gp L o g th e gd o n 'tp to g D oth eg pl.og? Yes,theg do. No,they don' t.

T hepresent
Alfirmotive N e g o ti ve Questions Shor tonswer s
I 'm p t o g i n g I'm not pl.oging Am I ptoging? Yes,I om. No,I'm not.
g o u ' r ep l , o g i n g g o uo re n 'tp L o g i n g Ar egou ptoging? Yes,gou ore. No,gouor en't.
it 'sp l o g i n g i t i sn 'tp l .o g i n g Is it pl.oging? Yes,it is. No,it isn't.
we'repl.oging we oren'tpl.oging Arewe pl.oging? Yes,we ore. No,we oren't.
t he g ' r ep l o g i n g th e g o re n 'tp l .o g i n gAr etheg pl.oging?Yes,theg oren't. No,theg or en't.

T hepostsimp| .e
AlJirmotive N e g o ti ve Questions Shor tonswer s
I pl.oged I d i d n 'tp l o g Did I pl.og? Yes,I did. No,I didn' t.
g o up l o g e d g o ud i d n 'tp l o g Did gou pl,og? Yes,goudid. No,goudidn't.
it pLoged it didn't pl.og Didit ptog? Yes,it did. No,it didn't.
we ptoged w e d i d n 'tp l o g Didwe pl.og? Yes,we did. No,we didn't.
t h e gp L o g e d th e g d i d n 'tp L o g Didtheg ptog? Yes,
theg did. No,theg did n't.

78 G r o m m o rre Je re n ce
Affirmotive Negotive Questions Shortonswers
I've ploged I hoven'tpLoged HoveI pl.oged? Yes,I hove. No,I hoven't.
gou'vepLoged gou hoven'tploged Hovegou pl.oged? Yes,gou hove. No,gou hoven't.
it's ploged it hosn'tploged Hosit ptoged? Yes,it hos. No,it hosn't.
we've pl,oged we hoven'tptoged Hovewe ploged? Yes,we hove. No,we hoven't.
theg'veptoged theg hoven'tploged Hovetheg ploged? Yes,theg hove. No,theg hoven't.

Affirmotive Negotive Questions Shortonswers
I wos ptoging I wosn't ploging WosI pl,oging? Yes,I wos. No,I wosn't.
gou were pl.oging Uouweren'tploging Weregou ploging? Yes,gou were. No,gou weren't.
it wos pl.oging it wosn't ptoging Wosit pl.oging? Yes,it wos. No,it wosn't.
we were pl.oging we weren't ploging Werewe ploging? Yes,we were. No,we weren't.
theg were ploging theg weren'tploging Weretheg ptoging? Yes,theg were. No,theg weren't.

n umbers
O r d inoL
Lst first llth eleventh
2nd second 12th tweLfih
3rd third 13th thirteenth
4th fourth 20th twentieth
sth fifth 21.st twentg-first
6th sixth 30th thirtieth
7th seventh 3Lst thirtg-first
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth


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