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John Angelo E.


1. What information from the report makes you believe or not believe that Big Foot exists?
-First, eyewitness Accounts many individuals claim to have seen a large, ape-like creature in various parts
of North America. These eyewitness accounts form the basis of belief in Bigfoot. Second, footprints some
plaster casts of large, human-like footprints have been discovered in remote areas, which are attributed to
Bigfoot. However, these prints are not considered conclusive evidence by the scientific community. Third,
native American Legend some Native American tribes have legends and stories about large, hairy
creatures that resemble the description of Bigfoot.

2. After listening to Germaine Greer, would you agree that men who underwent gender
reassignment are not women? Why?
-Transgender Women Are Women: Many individuals, including most major medical and psychological
organizations, recognize that gender identity is a deeply held sense of being male, female, a blend of both,
or neither. From this perspective, a transgender woman's gender identity as a woman is valid, and she
should be recognized and treated as such. This view emphasizes the importance of self-identification and
respecting an individual's gender identity.

3. Would you reconsider using plastic despite the evident problems it has caused to the
environment? Why?
-Environmental Impact: Plastic pollution is a significant global problem. Plastics can take hundreds of
years to decompose, and they often end up in the oceans and other ecosystems, causing harm to wildlife
and the environment. Health Concerns: Some plastics can release harmful chemicals when they degrade,
potentially impacting human health, particularly if they leach into food or water. Resource Depletion:
Plastic is made from petroleum, a finite resource. The production of plastic contributes to the depletion of
non-renewable fossil fuels. Recycling Challenges: While recycling can mitigate the environmental impact
of plastics to some extent, it's often challenging to recycle all types of plastic, and not all regions have
effective recycling programs.

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