Advertising Campaign For National Skin Centre (NSC)

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Campaign’s background
The National Skin Centre (NSC) has a
vision of “adding years of healthy life.” For

years, NSC has been working on
increasing the public awareness of skin
health in general. increase in
number of Skin Cancer
Alarming research finding coming from the
Associate Consultant at the National patients between 40 and 50 years old
Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)
revealed that youth and young adults in
Singapore have active outdoor lifestyle yet
low sun protection (Gan et al ,2018).
2 in every 5 diagnosed
Skin Cancer Patients are under 50
Among two to five skin cancer diagnosed years old
individuals are those under 50 years old. In
the past five years, 10% increase of
patients between 40 to 50 years old was recorded.


To promote optimum awareness on the importance of skin protection against skin

diseases like skin cancer and how each can personally address it with proper knowledge

Who Should be Concerned?

Those individuals who should be concerned
with this are those men and women in
Singapore, as early as 18 years old and up
to 40 years old. They are individuals that
have active outdoor activities; either work or
These people are active individuals that always explore the outside world. They are not
content to move within their comfort zone; so, they tend to go out into the open. They
are not conscious about their skin. They love the heat of the sun.
As they are active in the outdoor scene, they usually experience skin discoloration or
sun burnt. Since they are curious about anything, they are receptive to new ideas and
information that would benefit them and their lifestyles.



Billboard Advertising
One of the ways to channel this campaign is through utilizing a billboard that shall stand
in the bustle and hustle of Singapore. This will showcase the key facts about the effect
of skin cancer which is normally brought by people that are unprotected by the heat of
the sun. A model represents two skins; one that has skin cancer and the other that has
healthy skin. It will try to depict that unprotected skin against the dangers of the heat of
the sun will put a limit to the kind of freedom these target audiences like to experience
(Dadlani & Orlow, 2008). While sun-shielded skin not only allows skin protection, but the
freedom to do more outdoor activities that they love.
Facebook and YouTube Campaign
Another way to promote this campaign is through non-
conventional media through Facebook and YouTube. Facebook
has been consistently hailed as a social media that has a wide
range of demographic; allowing more target audiences to be
reached out (Martin, 2022). Second, YouTube’s video content
type of platform will help in creating viral media marketing with
the aim of reaching out to more audiences.
Social Media Influencer Marketing
As social media influencers have a huge impact in the buying behavior of consumers in
the market, utilizing them to promote this campaign is aimed at gathering more attention
to make them believed and be influenced (Bognar, Puljic & Kadezabek, 2019).

1. Idea Generation for Key Visual

The frames that define meaning might be regarded of as mental frameworks that are
used to make sense of things. It might be the meaning of a debate or the meaning of a
certain scenario or situational argument. Frames provide meaning in context, and they
aid us in better understanding our reality and making rapid decisions about what is
going on in it (Chang & Lee, 2010). To evaluate a brand and hunt for insights within the
advertising message, we might use a frame of reference.
The proposed media is through the use of Billboard which serves as the key visual of
the advertising campaign. The following shows how the scenario of the billboard is
The Framing
Scenario There are two scenarios in the proposed key visual (billboard).
First, a sad environment where there is weakness and
unhappiness. With core tone colors of gray and black.

The second scenario is a contrast of the first environment; a

sunny or summer feel. Therefore, the dominant colors are:
 White
 Khaki
 Turquoise
 Yellow
 Fuchsia

Setting The setting is preferably in the seashore or in the beach.

Something that represents summer or where people mostly enjoy
the heat of the sun. However, one scenario represents a lovely
summer and a grey or sad summer.
People/Person The key person is a woman that wears a bikini; someone that
represents the demographic. She is around 40 years old.
Point of view A designer must consider point of view when creating a
composition. It is the viewer's position in relation to what he is
looking at and from which angle. For this, since the billboard likes
to showcase the features of skin cancer feature, it will utilize a
near point of view and profile angle.
Goals The main goals are to give a real picture of how skin cancer looks
like and how it will impact a person that has it; comprising the joy
of outdoor activities.
Assumptions It is assumed that audiences will feel the guilt or fear to see how
and Perceptions skin cancer looks like and would ponder a lesson.
A product or service's functionality is shown during a demonstration. A functional
advantage of the product or service is often presented as evidence of the brand's
soundness. An audience's rationality and practicality are appealed to in this piece,
rather than their wishes (Reger, Wootan & Booth-Butterfield,1999). In addition to seeing
the product or service, the audience is likely to view its packaging. This provides
valuable information.
2. Idea Generation for Unconventional Idea.
The usage of social media (Facebook and YouTube) and influencer marketing are two
of the unconventional concepts proposed in Section A. There are eight approaches that
may be used in the development and design of unusual advertising campaigns and
materials. Intrusion, transformation, installation, illusion, infiltration, sensation,
interaction, and stunt are some of the terms used to describe these acts of intervention.
All of these approaches have the power, in one way or another, to get under people's
skin, to catch them off guard at a time, in a place, and in a manner that they do not
expect it to happen. The organisation may use many approaches at the same time in
each circumstance it encounters.

Unconventional Media through Facebook and YouTube Video Marketing

Illusion- Using people as performers

Performers, on the other hand, do not just carry a message. They dramatise it and turn
it into an act. By adding the element of theatrics, these performers gain people's
attention through their actions. These acts are also referred to as 'street theatre' or
'performance advertising', for which the people are trained to mesmerize crowds
through their skills and abilities through the return to the traditions of jugglers,
magicians, storytellers, puppeteers, acrobats, clowns, or mime artists.
A video of a story about a woman that has been into outdoor activities; typically having
fun. However, as the lack of awareness about the dangers of unprotected skin from the
heat of the sun, all those summer flashbacks remain in memory. Thus, it is necessary to
look for people or stage actors that will represent the message of the campaign.
Unconventional Media through Social Media Influencer

Infiltration — The use of people to penetrate an area. Using people as advertising

conduits is a great approach to get your message out there since they've always been
sociable beings. People, in contrast to most media, are extremely mobile and
adaptable, allowing them to travel freely and adapt to any setting. In a sense, carriers
are like empty containers that can be labelled for every occasion; they literally 'transport'
messages. These are persons who volunteer their time and resources to promote a
product or service to anybody they come across.
A selection of influencers shall be done, along with a background of this influencer.
Someone that has been advocating the health. This is to make sure that the influencer
has already gathered some target audiences. Also, he or she can effectively showcase
the message because he or she initially believes in it.
1. Design of Key Visual

Based on Section B1, the key visual design of the proposed campaign advertisement
billboard shall use the framing method.

 The Importance and Roles Headline and Body Copy

The dominant colors for the Headline and Body copy are dark colors. These are
Fiery Red and Orange; with shades of white. These are chosen as it will help in
the identification of the core message of the campaign. As mentioned, people
tend to read dark colors first. Therefore, the headline will have dark colors. More
so, the background are lighter colors of blue and grey.

 The Criteria in the Selection of Typeface Design

One of the criteria in the selection of Typeface design is the type of media
channel that the conventional media content shall be delivered. As this is a
billboard, the typeface chosen is huge; enough that those who are in a distant
can still see the message of the campaign.

Second, the content is also considered as one of the criteria. As the billboard is
positioned in a faraway position, it should be readable and legible. Thus, the
typeface chosen avoided script-like or cursive-like typefaces. Rather, it uses
those print typefaces such as Arial or Tahoma.

The third criteria is the audience. As the demographics is core is deciding on the
typeface of the campaign; we look into those 40 to 50 aged individuals. We have
considered their vision status; what fonts or how large should they be when look
at the billboard.

 The Choice of image-making method

It was proposed during the first stages of developing the campaign's look to use
pencil drawings as a starting point. The use of sketches allows me to produce a
large number of early drawings that are rapid, tiny, and unpolished in their
presentation. Best practise recommends that conventional image-making
approaches such as drawing should be used rather than digital media in order to
get the best results. When one first begins to work with digital media, he will
search for pictures and limit his or her ability to be creative. However, sketching
will enable one to think visually, experiment, explore, discover and remain open
to possibilities throughout the image-making process, while painting will allow
him to think visually while painting.

 The Use of Design Principle

The need of balance was stressed throughout the advertising campaign's
creative process. A harmonic composition is more likely to be found in a
balanced composition. Stability is achieved by an equal distribution of visual
components on either side of a central axis, which creates a sense of balance. A
balanced composition might have either a symmetrical or an asymmetrical
This was accomplished via the use of asymmetry. Weight and counterweight are
used to establish an equal distribution of visual components. One element is
balanced with a contrasting element on each side of a central axis, and no
elements are mirrored on either side of the centre axis.
Bognar, Z. B., Puljic, N. P., & Kadezabek, D. (2019). Impact of influencer marketing on
consumer behaviour. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings,
Chan, A., Poon, E., Goh, W. L., Gan, Y., Tan, C. J., Yeo, K., ... & Farid, M. (2018).
Assessment of psychological distress among Asian adolescents and young
adults (AYA) cancer patients using the distress thermometer: a prospective,
longitudinal study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(9), 3257-3266.
Chang, C. T., & Lee, Y. K. (2010). Effects of message framing, vividness congruency
and statistical framing on responses to charity advertising. International Journal
of Advertising, 29(2), 195-220.
Dadlani, C., & Orlow, S. J. (2008). Planning for a brighter future: a review of sun
protection and barriers to behavioral change in children and
adolescents. Dermatology Online Journal, 14(9).
Martin, M. (2022). 39 Facebook Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2022. Hootsuite.
Reger, B., Wootan, M. G., & Booth-Butterfield, S. (1999). Using mass media to promote
healthy eating: a community-based demonstration project. Preventive
Medicine, 29(5), 414-421.

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