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TagedEnSeminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

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TagedH13D Metal Printing in Orthodontics: Current Trends, Biomaterials, Workflows

and Clinical ImplicationsTagedEn
T imon Graf a, Digant Thakkar b, Ismaeel Hansa c, Srirengalakshmi Muthuswamy Pandian d,
Samar M. Adel e,*TagedEn
TagedP Smile AG, Eichenweg 23, Belp CH-3123, Switzerland

Private Practice Silver Smile Dental Specialists, Product Specialist Digant’s 3D Orthodontics, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies (MRIIRS), Raj-
kot, Gujarat India
Durban, South Africa
Department of Orthodontics, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Insitute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, India
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Champolion St, El Azarita, Alexandria, Egypt

Three-dimensional (3D) metal printing of customized orthodontic appliances is at the cutting edge of orthodontic
technology. Different additive techniques as well as materials have been employed in order to directly 3D metal
print an orthodontic appliance. The potential advantages of 3D metal printed appliances include greater treatment
efficiency, increased patient’s comfort, reduced orthodontic appointments, reduced workflow steps, thus reducing
the chances of error and resulting in a more accurate fit and better standardization. This article aims to describe
the current trends, biomaterials, workflows and clinical implications of metal 3D printing, in order to aid clini-
cians in gaining some insight on this novel technology and to allow for greater incorporation in contemporary dig-
ital orthodontic workflows.

TagedH1IntroductionTagedEn TagedEnPsolid one using a laser beam. The printed part is built up incrementally
layer by layer, each time applying more powder and then melting it
TagedPThe field of orthodontics continues its inexorable technological again. This additive process allows metal parts to be grown out of a bed
advancement with the development and uptake of metal 3D printing.1 of powdered metal.3TagedEn
3D metal printing is a type of additive manufacturing that creates 3D TagedPElectron Beam Melting (EBM) uses a similar process; however,
metal parts by adding sequential layers of metal powder. This technol- the metal powder is melted using an electron beam instead of a
ogy has revolutionized the way metal parts are designed and manufac- laser as in DMLS and DMLM. Binder Jetting (BJ) is the other com-
tured, allowing for greater design flexibility and faster production times. monly used technique that deposits a binder over metal powder
With 3D metal printing, complex shapes and internal structures can be layers and requires additional steps involving de-powdering, sinter-
created that would be impossible to achieve using traditional ing, and annealing of the object. BJ is currently the cheapest method
manufacturing techniques. The process starts with a 3D design, which is of 3D printing and was also found to have the highest dimensional
then sliced into digital cross-sections and sent to the 3D printer. The 3D accuracy and the smoothest surfaces, however the strength of these
printer then deposits layers of metal material, which are fused together products is less than those of DMLS or EBM.3 Additionally, scanning
using heat or a binding agent. This creates the finished metal part, which electron microscopy found greater surface porosities which may
can be used in a variety of applications, from aerospace and automotive increase plaque accumulation.4 Although metal 3D printing has been
to medical and dental appliances.2TagedEn utilized since the mid-1990’s, this technology has only recently
TagedPMetal 3D printing can be performed by a variety of processes. Direct become mainstream due to the advancement in Computer-Auto-
Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) and Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLM) mated Design/ Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technol-
are the most commonly used technologies in orthodontic manufacturing, ogy and software. Metal 3D printing is ideal for manufacturing low-
and involve the application of a thin layer of metal powder (20-60 volume, small, precise parts which appears to perfectly suit ortho-
micron layers), followed by melting of the metal powder layer into a dontic use.TagedEn

TagedEn * Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (S.M. Adel).

1073-8746/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

TagedPAnother crucial factor influencing the adoption of 3D printing in TagedH2BiomaterialsTagedEn

general is the improvement and remarkable advances of 3D intra-
oral scanning. This combination of intra-oral scanning and CAD/ TagedPAt this current timepoint, there are only few printable metal alloy
CAM technology has allowed for the development of numerous powders available such as Cobalt-Chromium (CoCr) alloys and Titanium
orthodontic products, such as individual bracket base manufactur- alloys, with the CoCr alloy being most commonly used. The appliances
ing, automated wire bending, and clear aligner appliances.5,6 Cus- described by Graf et al.4,7,9,11,12,14,15 were printed with Remanium® Star
tomized metal orthodontic appliances however, are still routinely CL (Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany), a CoCr alloy powder with some
produced traditionally using analogue impressions and conventional Tungsten and Selenium. As with most novel technologies implemented in
laboratory techniques. Progressing to 3D printed appliances may orthodontics, there remains a dearth of evidence in the scientific literature
allow for greater treatment efficiency and patient comfort. The regarding this technology and the materials utilized. Eliades and Zinelis16
orthodontic workflow can be streamlined and by limiting the steps pointed out that the properties of CoCr 3D printed appliances, their aging
in the manufacturing process, this reduces the probability of error, pattern, and their corrosion potential and release of ions have not been
thus resulting in greater accuracy. Communication between the lab sufficiently investigated. The corrosion resistance and resultant ion
and the clinician is also improved and adjustments can be custom- release of metal appliances are primarily based on their electrochemical
ized based on each patient’s requirements. Furthermore, the design and mechanical properties, which are determined by the type of alloy
is not limited to what the technician can physically manipulate. used, and the method of 3D printing. Nevertheless, the unique and harsh
Clinicians could, in the future, use this technology to fabricate appli- intra-oral environment consists of wide temperature and pH fluctuations,
ances in-house, bringing financial and practical advantages. Patient as well as mechanical loads and microbial interactions that have unknown
comfort is also improved, as a traditional impression, and it’s associ- effects on corrosion and ion release of CoCr alloys.TagedEn
ated drawbacks, are not necessary. Likewise, separators, one of the TagedPIn a study by Graf et al.,7 a 3D printed Hyrax was tested for its yield
chief causes of orthodontic discomfort, can be avoided in addition strength in three patients requiring expansion. In all these patients a sim-
to the extra office visits required.TagedEn ilar protocol for bonding of the Hyrax appliances was used and activa-
TagedPThe use of 3D printed metal appliances was first described in the ortho- tion was done as per the requirement for correction of crossbites. No
dontic literature by Graf et al. in 2017.7 They reported on 3 cases that used breakage was observed in 3D printed Hyrax appliances and the finite
a 3D printed Hyrax appliance and found promising results. A thesis at the element analysis showed that the maximum stress concentrations were
University of North Carolina,8 also in 2017, investigated the accuracy and far below the yield strength of the material.TagedEn
performance of 3D metal printed brackets and described some advantages TagedPThe mechanical and electrochemical properties of the material used
and disadvantages of its usage in that form of application.TagedEn for fabrication of 3D printed metallic appliances have a great influence
TagedPAs a new and developing technology in the orthodontic field, on the success of the treatment. These properties should be tested for
metal 3D printing is still unfamiliar to the majority of the ortho- appliances fabricated by 3D printing to observe the longevity of these
dontic community. This article thus aims to describe the current appliances. This is possible by subjecting the 3D printed appliance to
trends, biomaterials, workflows and clinical implications of metal intraoral ageing and observing the surface changes using the Scanning
3D printing, to aid clinicians in gaining some insight on this novel Electron Microscopy (SEM) and mechanical properties using Instrumen-
technology to be more widely incorporated in the digital ortho- tation Indentation Technique (IIT), as well as electrochemical changes
dontic workflows.TagedEn using an artificial saliva. A study by Zinelis et al in 202217 studied the
mechanical and electrochemical properties of 3D printed molar distali-
TagedH2Current trendsTagedEn zation appliances made of CoCr. They observed that intraorally aged
appliances had no gross porosity and similar strength as the controls,
TagedPThe contemporary trend in the orthodontic fraternity is the “in- however they did lose the protective passivation layer when being com-
house” method of fabricating orthodontic appliances. The rapid pared to the controls. This implies that 3D printed appliances have good
uptake of 3D intra-oral scanners coupled with improvements and mechanical and surface properties to achieve clinical success and that
reduced costs of CAD/CAM software and 3D printers have encour- the harsh intra-oral environment did not greatly influence their proper-
aged clinicians to attempt to manufacture appliances (specifically ties.TagedEn
clear aligners) without the need for outsourcing. This trend may TagedPIn addition to the different techniques employed for the fabrication
well continue to metal 3D printed customized appliances. However, of orthodontic appliances, the toxicity of metal ion release raises a con-
this technology is not yet so well developed, nor is the equipment cern on the biocompatibility of these materials and the patient safety.
cost reduced to such an extent that makes this a viable in-house Different metals such as Nickel Titanium, Cobalt Chromium, Stainless
product at this moment in time. With continued development, metal Steel and Titanium have been used extensively for fabrication of ortho-
printers may well follow the trend of resin printers, and could con- dontic appliances. The toxicity from these materials, if not within the
siderably reduce in cost.TagedEn tolerated daily intake, can greatly produce cytotoxic effects. The metal
TagedPThe potential of CAD/CAM allows for limitless creativity of ion leaching from the orthodontic materials can be assessed by Atomic
design and customization. Currently however, the metals commonly Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical
used in 3D printed appliances are extremely rigid, and hence can Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
only be indicated in some instances. The Hyrax appliance was one Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS),
of the first, and is still the most popular, 3D printed appliance and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS). Ortho-
described in the literature.7 Simpler appliances such as transpalatal dontic appliances can be thermo-cycled against artificial saliva or other
arches and lingual arches (both active and passive) and space main- immersing solutions like lactic acid etc., and studied for their cytotoxic
tainers can all be produced.9,10 Flexible alloys are not, as of now, effects using any one of the aforementioned methods. Therefore, it is
able to be 3D printed, and thus require addition of supplementary mandatory to test for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity which can be done
components (usually via laser welding) if active tooth movement is by using the modified comet assays before clinical application.18TagedEn
desired. More complicated (albeit still rigid) usage, such as mini-
screw retained appliances and components of the Herbst appliance TagedH2Clinical applications and digital workflows of different types and designs of
have also been described in the literature.11−13 Attempts to use 3D metal printed appliancesTagedEn
metal 3D printing on high volume items such as brackets have been
investigated. However, greater variation in slot size, as well as a TagedPA plethora of software are used for designing appliances and Table 1
lack of cost effectiveness have been documented.8TagedEn describes the salient features of the available software. The presented


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

TagedEn Table 1
Summary of the various utilized CAD software.

Software name One-time license* Annual license** Subscription model*** Orthodontic software Dental software

1 3Shape Ortho Analyzer Yes No Yes Yes Yes

2 Onyx Ortho Apps Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Deltaface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 3D Leone Designer No Yes No Yes Yes
5 Blender for dental Yes Yes No No Yes
6 Exocad Yes No Yes No Yes
7 Rhino 3d Yes Yes Yes No No
8 Fusion 360 No Yes No No No
9 Meshmixer Free Free Yes No No

* Pay once and software is valid for life

** License valid for one year only
** Fixed sum to be paid yearly to receive regular software updates

TagedEnPsoftware can all be used for designing appliances for metal 3D printing; TagedEnPand non-TAD based appliances. The TAD based appliances can be
however, some are geared towards general usage, and their usage may further subcategorized into either TAD first workflow or Appliance
be complicated and time-consuming when designing orthodontic appli- first workflow according to whether the TAD or the appliance will
ances. Other software are very specific to orthodontics, and are usually be inserted first inside the patient’s mouth and the subsequent dig-
easier to use and time-efficient when designing orthodontic appliances. ital workflow. A workflow is a great way to explain and clarify the
These are however, usually more expensive. Each software has its own processes involved in 3D metal printing appliances. Fig. 1 shows
pros and cons, and demoing the software is recommended prior to pur- the workflow for normal 3D printed metal appliances. Fig. 2 dis-
chasing a license.TagedEn plays the workflow for TAD-first metal appliances and Fig. 3
TagedP3D metal printed orthodontic appliances can be broadly catego- shows the workflow for the Appliance-first approach of TAD-based
rized into TAD based appliances (Temporary Anchorage Device) appliances.TagedEn

Fig. 1. Digital workflow for customised orthodontic appliances.TagedEn


Fig. 2. Digital workflow for TAD-first approach of TAD-based customised orthodontic appliances.TagedEn


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

Fig. 3. Digital workflow for the Appliance-first approach of TAD-based customised orthodontic appliances.TagedEn
TagedPFabricating a one-piece metal 3D printed appliances from dental
alloys like CoCr can reduce the chances of appliance breakage and
thereby reducing orthodontic emergencies. The appliance is designed
digitally using any commercially available CAD software (Fig. 5).TagedEn
TagedPThe 3D printed band thickness in designing is kept at 0.55 mm with
a luting cement gap of 0.05 mm, the loop is 0.75 mm in diameter, start-
ing in the middle 3rd of the band on the side of extracted/missing tooth,
progressing close to the gingiva and contacting the middle 3rd of the
opposite tooth. Occlusally the loop is kept wide Bucco-lingually approxi-
mating the size of erupting permanent successor. Similar to a band and
loop space maintainer, various types of space maintainers such as the
lingual arch (Fig. 6), transpalatal arch, functional space maintainer
Fig. 4. Broken band and loop space maintainer.TagedEn (Fig. 7) and Nance palatal arch (Figs. 8 and 9) can be digitally designed
and 3D printed with similar band and wire dimensions.TagedEn
TagedH1Non-TAD based 3D metal printed orthodontic appliancesTagedEn
TagedH2Tooth borne expandersTagedEn
TagedH2Space maintainers (SMs)TagedEn
TagedPSimilar to the space maintainer design workflow, a digital scan of the
T pace maintainers are placed to maintain the space created by pre-
agedPS maxillary arch is loaded in the CAD software of choice. In the 3D print-
mature loss of primary teeth. Among the various fixed types of SMs, the ing of orthodontic expanders, a prefabricated Hyrax of choice is used,
band and loop type of SMs is the most frequently used appliance.19 Sol- the connecting arms and bands are 3D printed and then joining of the
der failure, caries formation along the margins of band and long con- printed framework and Hyrax screw are performed by laser welding.7
struction time are some of the complications and disadvantages First, the digital file of the Hyrax screw (Fig. 10) can be requested from
associated with this type of SMs.20 (Fig. 4)TagedEn manufacturers, which is usually provided readily. In fact, many CAD

Figs. 5. Figs. a, b, and c show the digital design of space maintainer and Figs d and e show the 3D metal printed space maintainer inserted inside the patient’s mouth.TagedEn


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Fig. 9. Nance palatal arch space maintainer with anterior bite platform.TagedEn

Fig. 6. Lingual arch space maintainer.TagedEn

TagedFiur TagedFiur

Fig. 10. Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany; 12 mm expansion; 0.9 mm/turn

Hyrax digital file.TagedEn

TagedEnPsoftware have these files from affiliated manufactures already present on

the system. The Hyrax is then digitally placed on the palatal vault (Fig.
11). The band thickness for the Hyrax workflow is 0.75 mm and the
cement gap remains at 0.05mm. Additional calculation of undercuts,
digital surveying and path of insertion should be considered as multiple
teeth have bands and the rigid nature of the appliance will not allow for
any modification. The connecting arms between the bands and Hyrax
are 2mm in diameter. Finally, the connecting arms join the bands and
the Hyrax (Figs. 12−14).TagedEn

TagedH1TAD based 3D metal printed orthodontic appliancesTagedEn

Fig. 7. Functional space maintainer.TagedEn

TagedH2MARPE (miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander)TagedEn
TagedPRapid maxillary expansion devices have been routinely used in cor-
TagedFiurrection of transverse discrepancies such as unilateral and bilateral

Fig. 8. Nance palatal arch space maintainer.TagedEn Fig. 11. Hyrax expander placed on the palatal vault.TagedEn


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

TagedEnPcrossbites in young individuals.21 However, managing problems in the

transverse dimension in adults has always been a challenge. To over-
come this, Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palate Expansion (MARPE) was
introduced.22 Many pre-fabricated MARPE are available in the market,
however, they have serious limitations in narrow and high arched palate
as it cannot reach the full depth of the palate. Additionally, if the minis-
crews are not properly engaged in the cortex of the palate, the appliance
success may be considerably affected.23 Using digital technologies,
proper engagement of miniscrews can be assured through use of CBCT
guidance superimposed with 3D intra-oral scans.23−25 (Fig. 15)TagedEn
TagedPOnce placement of the TADs is performed, the remaining workflow is
similar to designing a Hyrax expander. The design is similar to Hybrid
Hyrax.26 Several illustrations of MARPE can be seen in the following
images (Figs. 16 and 17).TagedEn
Fig. 12. Final Hyrax appliance digital design.TagedEn
TagedFiur TagedH2DistalizersTagedEn

TagedPMolar distalization is considered a preferred treatment option for

patients having Class II molar relationship with mild maxillary protru-
sion when upper premolar extractions are contraindicated. Hilgers
developed the Pendulum and Pendex appliance that rely on the curva-
ture of the anterior hard palate and the upper premolars to provide
anchorage. This design has been associated with anchorage loss by ante-
rior movement of the upper premolars.27,28 To minimize such anchorage
loss, mini-implants, usually placed in the anterior palate, have been
incorporated into the design of maxillary distalization appliances.29
Wilmes and colleagues have introduced a method for distalizing the
molars without adverse effects on the anterior dentition, coupling two
implants in the anterior hard palate with a prefabricated framework that
Fig. 13. 3D printed metal framework on plastic model.TagedEn can be adapted for individual patients.30−32TagedEn
TagedP3D metal printing is used to design and manufacture a distalizer
TagedFiur based on the appliance design of Wilmes and colleagues. The MARPE
TADs are also placed based on CBCT guidance, preferably in the midpa-
late or paramedian areas, based on bicortical engagement for maximum
stability. Similar to the Hyrax, MARPE bands are 0.75mm thick with a
0.05mm cement gap. Bands are fabricated only on the molars to be dis-
talized (Fig. 18). A mini/slimline Hyrax screw is used and placed paral-
lel to the arch form occlusally and parallel to the occlusal plane when
viewed sagittaly (Fig. 19). The orientation of this Hyrax screw can be
altered in the sagittal direction to obtain posterior intrusion or extrusion
as required. The Hyrax screw is laser welded to the 3D metal printed
appliance. Alternatively, a slider assembly like the BeneSlider can also
be printed and an open coil spring with activation locks can be used to
distalize the molars (Fig. 20). Activation of the Hyrax screw is a quar-
ter-turn twice a week, and the open coil spring, if used, can be activated
by 3mm at each visit. Fig. 21 shows an appliance first approach, where
the appliance is digitally designed, and TAD placement was planned
optimally with CBCT and 3D intra-oral scan superimpositions. This
appliance is cemented in place and then TADs are placed through the
Fig. 14. Laser welded Hyrax appliance after printed metal polishing.TagedEn metal collars.TagedEn

Fig. 15. Bicortical anchorage of miniscrews using CBCT guidance in a. superior, b. lateral and c. posterior views.TagedEn


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

Fig. 16. Despite having a broad Hyrax that is away from the base of the palate, the arms of the MARPE still adapt well to the base of the palate.TagedEn


Fig. 17. Various customised designs of MARPE.TagedEn

TagedPFuture of metal 3D printing in orthodonticsTagedEn TagedEnPtooth position, manufacture with a NiTi alloy powder bed fusion.
TagedPDMLS 3D printed appliances in orthodontics are mainly made Cementing the appliance will deform the appliances and the shape
from CoCr alloy and can also be made from Titanium. However, memory of NiTi alloy will gradually move the teeth to the planned
both metals are rigid and non-formable/malleable once they are in position.TagedEn
final form. This is an advantage for appliances like expanders and TagedPGreater integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI) may also play a
distalizers but limits its usage in appliances for space regainers and role in the future.34,35 AI could be used to automate the design process.
for transpalatal arches used to derotate molars. L. Xue et al.,33 have In addition, we could perhaps see a comprehensive 3D printed fixed
studied laser powder bed fusion for defect free NiTi Shape Memory appliance which moves teeth according to pre-programmed steps deter-
alloy. Though the system still needs refinements and would take a mined by AI. This could be in the form of 3D printed traditional labial
bit of time before becoming mainstream, the possibility of its usage appliances, or a completely new appliance design altogether.5 Remote
in orthodontics is very promising. A simple band and loop space AI monitoring of tooth movement or adverse effects can also be used in
maintainer can couple as a space regainer also, a trans-palatal arch conjunction with 3D printed appliances to increase efficiency.36−38 3D
can be used to de-rotate molars. How? Just move the teeth using printed metal appliances show great potential to augment the way
software to final position of interest, fabricate the appliance on this orthodontics is practiced and the road ahead looks promising.TagedEn


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

Fig. 18. 3D digital appliance design: a, b: TADs are placed median; c: TADs are placed paramedian.TagedEn


Fig. 19. Hyrax orientation (a) parallel to arch form (b) parallel to occlusal plane.TagedEn
TagedFiur TagedFiur

Fig. 20. Slider designed for 3D metal printing.TagedEn


TagedPThe rapid and remarkable advances of 3D intraoral scanning and

CAD/CAM technology have allowed for greater incorporation of 3D
printed, customized orthodontic appliances. The additive technology of
3D metal printing has revolutionized the way metal parts are designed
and manufactured, allowing for greater design flexibility, customization Fig. 21. Appliance fabricated and cemented in patient’s mouth.TagedEn
and faster production times. Progressing to 3D printed metal appliances
may allow for greater treatment efficiency due to its greatest advantage
which is customization. Patient comfort during seating of appliances, TagedEnPpatient’s requirements and the design is not limited to what a technician
reduced orthodontic appointments by eliminating the need for separa- can physically manipulate. Clinicians could, in the near future, use this
tors, together with good mechanical and surface properties of these additive technology to fabricate appliances in-house, bringing financial
materials intraorally are added advantages to achieve excellent clinical and practical advantages. The different digital designs and types of
success. Moreover, the reduced digital orthodontic workflow steps can metallic appliances have been outlined in this article in order to help
reduce the chances of error and thus results in a more accurate fit and clinicians better understand the whole digital workflow and current
better standardization. Adjustments can be customized based on each trends for 3D printing of these appliances.TagedEn


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TagedEnS. Graf et al. Seminars in Orthodontics 29 (2023) 34−42

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