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What |s shap|ng and how |t can be used as management too|?

Learning take place on the job as well as prior to it,manager are concerned with how
they can teach employee to behave in ways that most beneIit the organization.when we attempt
to mold individual by guiding their learning in graduated steps,we are shaping behaviour.
$ystematically reinIorcing each successive step that
moves an individual closer to the desired resopense.


We shape behavior by systematically reinIorcing each successive step that
moves individual close to the desired response.EXAMPLE iI an employee who has chronically been
a halI hour late Ior work comes in only 20 minutes late,we can reinIorce that improvement.reinIorcement
woulad increase as responses more closely appreximated the desired behavior.


There are Iour ways to shape behavior.
1- !ositive reinIorcement
2- Negative reinIorcement
3- !unishment
4- Extinction

Response with something pleasant is called positive reinforcement.
anager determine what consequences a worker consider positive.potential reinIorce rewards such as pay
bonus,promotionjob titles and verbal praise.rewards are positive reinIorcement iI a worker acts in the
desired manner to obtain them.EXAMPLE a boss who praise an employee Ior job well done.

Response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasent is called negative

The negative consequences is Iaced until a worker perIorms the desired behavior then the consequences is
removed.A manager nagging is a negative reinIorcement iI the nagging stops when worker perIorms task
correctly.negative reinIorces diIIer Ior various individuals.Nagging may not aIIect some subordinates.

Punishment is causing an unpleasant condition in an attempt to elaminate an undiserable
!unishment consists oI administering a negative consequence when the undesired behavior
occurs.punishment is not the same as negative an employee a 2 days suspension
Irom work without pay Ior showing up drunk is an example oI punishment.

Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior is called extinction.
When the behavior is not reinIorced it tends to be gradually instructors who wish to
discourage students Irom asking question in class can eliminate this behavior in their students by igniring
those who raise their hands to ask question.hand raising will become extinct when it is invariably met
with an absence oI reinIorcement.

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