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Entry Test:

4. The integer with which we can denote
the temperatures below zero.
5. It is the numerical value of an integer
regardless of its sign.
1. The integer with which we can denote
the money deposited in the bank.
2. The collection of zero, positive and
negative numbers.
3. The number which is neither positive
nor negative.

Subtopic: Integers: Introduction, Representation on

the number line, Absolute value, Comparing and Ordering
Learning Objective: (i) To represent Integers on the number line.
(ii) To compare and arrange the Integers in an appropriate order.
PSC: 1. Fill in the blank with an appropriate value.
2. Represent the given statement using suitable sign.
3. Write the opposites of the given statements using Integers.
4. Compare the Integers and put an appropriate symbol.
5. Find the absolute value of the given Integers.
6. Arrange the given Integers in an appropriate order.
7. Represent the given Integers on the number line.

1. Fill in the blanks.
a) On the number line, −18 is to the _________ side of zero.
b) Zero is considered neither ________ nor _________.
c) A positive integer is always __________ than a negative integer.
d) The additive inverse of 14 is ______.
2. Represent the following statements with appropriate sign :
a) Loss of Rs.85 b) 10 m to the right
3. Write opposites of the followings:
a) 90 km above sea level b) Decrease in population
4. Compare the following pairs of integers using > or <.
a) 6 _____ −6 b) −20 _____ −1 c) 0 _____ −2
5. Find the absolute value of the followings: a) 36 b) −23
1. Write three negative integers greater than −10.
2. Write all integers between 2 and −6.
3. Arrange the following integers in ascending order. −2, 2, 5, −8, 0, −11, 6, −15
4. Represent the following integers on the same number line: a) −5 b) +4
Able to identify the Able to identify the Able to identify Unable to identify Name of
concepts of integers concepts of integers the concepts of concepts of appraisee
and apply them to and apply them to integers and apply integers and apply
solve the problems solve the problems them to solve the them to solve the
accurately. most of the times problems partially problems
4 3 2 1

Subtopic: Operations on Integers: Addition and Subtraction

Learning Objective: (i) To add and subtract Integers.
(ii) To apply the concept of Integers in real life situation.
PSC: 1. To add/subtract Integers and get the simplified answer.
2. Solve the given real life situation based on the concept of Integers.

1. Find the solution of the following additions using number line:
a) – 9 + 6 b) 6 less than 2
2. Find: a) – 16 – 15 b) 23 – (–10) + (– 2 )
1. A submarine was situated 800 feet below sea level. If it ascends 250 feet, what is its new
2. Observe the following:
1 + 2 – 3 + 4 + 5 – 6 – 7 + 8 – 9 = (-5)
Change one ‛‛ –” sign as ‛‛ +” sign to get the sum as 9.
Able to add and Able to add and Able to add and Unable to add Name of
subtract integers subtract integers subtract integers and subtract appraisee
accurately most of the times partially integers
4 3 2 1

Exit Test:

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