WEEK 1 - LS 1 ENGLISH - Final-Version

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Name: _____________________________ Level: _______________ Date: _______________

Competency Code: LS1CS/EN-L-PSA-BL/LE/AE/JHS-3 Activity No.: 1
Title: Sequencing Events
Learning Objective: Give the correct sequence of the events.


Arrange each set of sentences in correct number order.

Set A
______ Then, she cleaned, washed and diced the pork and beef.
______ When mother arrived from the market she put her basket on the table.
______ In an hour, dinner was served on the table for a family of five.
______ Afterwards, she cooked the diced meat and pork.

Set B
_____ In a second, there was a brother laughing carrying a heavy toolbox.
_____ Afterwards, I heard heavy footsteps going up the stairs.
_____ As soon as I entered the room I closed the door and slept on bed.
_____ I felt tired one late afternoon so I entered the bedroom.
_____ I felt afraid and pulled my linen sheet up to my face.
_____ Then I feel somebody pulling my feet and I pulled down my linen sheet.
Learning Concepts
Guide Questions
When is your father’s birthday?
What plans do you have for his birthday?
Why do you need to do this?

How to Make Father Happy

First of all wake up at six o’clock in the morning on your father’s birthday. Next go to
the kitchen to prepare a surprise breakfast for Daddy. Then fry some bacon and egg and put them
on a plate. After that go to Mommy and Daddy’s room as you carry the breakfast tray. After a
few moments of silence sing a “Happy Birthday” song together with your brothers and sisters. By
this time Daddy will be awake and surely will be happy and proud of all of you.

 Sequencing the events is another term for arranging the order of events to form a good
story. Sequencing the major ideas/events in a story is easy. First, read it carefully.
Next, arrange the ideas which are important. Always arrange or consider in your mind
which ideas range from important to least important.

PROJECT CALM (Contextualized Accessible Learning Materials)


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Experiential Learning

Read again the story “How to Make Father Happy. “Then, answer the set of questions that
1. What is the first thing to do to make father happy?
a. Wake up early at six o’clock.
b. Prepare a surprise breakfast for him.
c. Fry some bacon and egg in the kitchen.

2. What is the next thing to do to make father happy?

a. Sing a birthday song.
b. Fry some bacon and egg.
c. Kiss father on the forehead.

3. What are you going to do after frying some bacon and egg?
a. Sing a birthday song.
b. Go to Daddy and Mommy’s room.
c. Smile at your brother and sister.

4. What do you do after a few moments of silence?

a. Go to the kitchen and cook.
b. Sing a birthday song.
c. Prepare a surprise breakfast.

5. What is the last thing to do to make father happy?

a. Kiss and hug him.
b. Cook for him.
c. Go to his room.

Post Assessment

Arrange the sequence of events that happened in the story by numbering the sentences in
correct order from 1-6.

____________ After that, go to your parent’s room.

____________ First, wake up early.
____________ Then, fry some bacon and egg.
____________ Next, go to the kitchen.
____________ After a few moments, sing a birthday song.
____________ By this time, father, father is awake.

PROJECT CALM (Contextualized Accessible Learning Materials)

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