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Gather travel
User opens AI data and store
application and in S3 bucket
enters travel plans
and currency needs

Gather historical
exchange rate Data Collec- Collect relevant
data from various tion from dif- economic data and
sources and store ferent sources store in S3 bucket
in S3 bucket

Lambda function
retrieves data from
S3 bucket, sends
it to the AI model
Store the collected
in SageMaker
data into S3Bucket
for prediction,
and returns the
prediction result
to API Gateway

Process and prepare User triggers

the collected data API Gateway to
AI Model Training
from S3 bucket initiate exchange
for AI training rate prediction

API Gateway
Train the AI model invokes Lambda
to predict exchange Exchange Rate function to retrieve
rates based on Prediction data from S3 bucket
the prepared data and trigger AI
model for prediction

Deploy the trained

AI model to
Amazon SageMaker

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