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In this part of the study, it presents the review of the information from the

literature and studies that researchers gathered from different articles,

journals, books, research, unpublished thesis and internet sources which are

connected to the study of the researchers. The variables in the research

entitled An Analysis of the Buying Behavior of Senior High School Students

Towards Skincare Products will be given emphasis in this chapter.

Related Literatures

According to Longman and other dictionaries, skin care is the process

of keeping the skin's hygiene in check to get the optimal degrees of

cleanliness and comfort. Given that facial skin serves as a window into the

health of the body, a variety of procedures are necessary to maintain skin

integrity, enhance its appearance, and address any unfavorable symptoms.

Skin care is a daily activity that is done in a number of situations, depending

on the skin's wetness or dryness. Cosmetic products, which include lotions,

ointments, and powders for skincare, are frequently composed of synthetic,

natural, or blends of the two materials. They also contain a variety of

chemicals that we come into contact with on a regular basis. In today's

industry, marketers have gained insight into the possibilities of the youth

market. Customers are more conscious of what they put on their bodies these
days, and they are prepared to spend money on goods that maintain their

youthful, attractive appearances (Nair, D. V., and R, D. P. 2007).

When considering customers as unique individuals, a variety of internal

and external factors significantly impact their purchasing decisions. The

marketing stimuli that marketers choose to offer to customers are the only

ones they can really influence, thus it's critical to consider other variables. The

book of principles of marketing states that consumer purchasing decisions are

influenced by stimuli from a range of sources, including environmental factors

like economic, legal/political, technological, and cultural aspects, as well as

stimuli from marketers in the form of the 4Ps: product, price, promotion, and


In addition, the purchasing behavior of consumers is influenced by a

variety of circumstances. These elements are the following: psychological,

social, economic, and personal. In his research, he examined the effects of

consumers at various life stages and ages. The consumer's environment has

a significant impact on their purchasing decision, and their motivation and

perception also influence their purchasing behavior (Qazzafi, S. 2020).

The skin care product market in the Philippines was valued at $1,205.6

million in 2017 and is projected to increase to $2,018.6 million by 2027 at a

compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% from 2021 to 2027. It has

expanded dramatically over the last few years due to rising disposable income

and the Filipino population's shift toward a healthier lifestyle. The recent

coronavirus outbreak has had a significant effect on the personal care and

cosmetics industries, as well as all stages of the supply chain and value
chain. Likewise it has affected the way that Filipino consumers purchase skin

care and cosmetics (Allied Market Research, 2020).

Related Studies

The study by D. Kapoor & P. Gupta (2022) examines how university

students in the Delhi-NCR area behave as consumers when it comes to

buying high-end skin care products. It focuses on the influence that factors

like vanity, perceived quality, brand equity, brand loyalty, and brand

awareness have on these consumers' purchase intentions. Through the use

of a cross-sectional survey, it was discovered that every independent variable

had a substantial impact on the desire to purchase premium skincare

products. The study's findings also show that, with differing degrees of

influence, quality, brand equity, physical vanity, brand loyalty, and brand

awareness are all strongly correlated with purchase intention. According to

the study, purchase intention may be most significantly influenced by physical

vanity, which is followed by brand equity and brand awareness.

On the other hand, the research of Chin, S. T. S. and Fong, S. Y.

(2012), examine how younger generations purchase skin care products and

identify the variables that affect their purchasing decisions. Using a structured

questionnaire and 200 respondents, the researchers came to the conclusion

that, out of the six variables they had selected for the study, Environmental

Concerns was ranked top. Price, packaging, promotion, branding, and self-

image are the remaining factors. People definitely care about what is applied

on their skin, this study also found.

The research of Manohar, S. J., and Koshy, L. (2017) used a self-

designed questionnaire to gather data from respondents, totaling 200 sample

size, in order to identify the key factors that customers take into account when

making purchases of face care products. They came to the conclusion that

female consumers place the highest value on the product's brand name,

followed by its ingredients and advertisements, in that order. However, brand

name is the most important factor to male consumers, followed by price and


The investigation, which employed questionnaires to gather data from

100 respondents, came to the conclusion that, at Yangon University of

Economics, cultural and psychological variables had a major impact on

consumers' decisions to purchase skincare goods. The findings indicated that

cultural influences have grown in importance in the cosmetic industry and are

a potent tool for encouraging more people to purchase skincare products.

Then, when consumers make any kind of purchasing decision, psychological

elements including motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes play

a bigger role. Consequently, it has also been determined that one of the most

significant and potent aspects influencing consumers' purchasing decisions is

the psychological component (Phyu, M. P. 2019).

Nevertheless, the research by Goh, M. L., Lee, J. E., and Mohd Noor,

M. N. B. (2019) looked at the four elements that influence customers'

propensity to purchase skin care products: brand awareness, brand

association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. It was discovered that there

are positive correlations between consumers' purchase intentions for skin

care products and brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality,

and brand loyalty using 150 sets of self-administered questionnaires given to

students at a nearby private university in Melaka. It is also shown that the

most important element affecting consumers' intention to buy is perceived



The maintenance of skin hygiene for the best possible cleanliness and

comfort is known as skincare, and it entails a daily regimen impacted by

variables like skin type and environmental circumstances. Cosmetics, which

include both natural and synthetic components, are essential to this process.

Customers participate in skincare routines that are influenced by both internal

and external variables as they become more aware of what they put on their


The Philippines' skincare product market is expected to increase at a

compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% from $1,205.6 million in 2017

to $2,018.6 million in 2027. Rising disposable money and a move toward

healthier lives are blamed for this increase. However, the current COVID-19

epidemic has changed the entire supply chain and value chain by having a

considerable impact on consumer behavior in the personal care and

cosmetics industries.

Numerous factors, including psychological, social, economic, and

personal aspects, influence the decisions made by consumers while making

purchases. Product, price, promotion, and place—the four Ps of marketing—

all play crucial roles. Concerns about the environment, physical vanity, brand

equity, and awareness are found to be important variables influencing

customers' decisions when it comes to buying skincare products.

Several studies provide insightful information about how consumers

behave when it comes to skincare products. Purchase intentions are strongly

influenced by elements such as vanity, perceived quality, brand equity,

loyalty, and awareness, according to research conducted by Kapoor and

Gupta on university students in Delhi-NCR. Comparably, Chin and Fong's

research identifies environmental concerns as the primary factor driving the

purchasing of skincare products by younger generations.

Key findings from a number of studies highlight how complicated

skincare consumer choices may be. Purchase decisions are influenced by

cultural and psychological factors, but perceived quality stands out as being

crucial. In order to successfully navigate this dynamic industry, marketers and

businesses must have a thorough awareness of these multiple factors,

particularly as consumers become more discriminating about skincare. All

things considered, the integration of research and literature offers a

comprehensive grasp of skincare, customer behavior, and market dynamics.

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