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Unique Features and Requirements of a Position Paper

Grade & Section:__________________________________Score:______________

Learning Competency

Identify the unique features of and requirements in

composing texts that are useful across disciplines
(position paper) (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.4)


1. Define what is a Position Paper.

2. Explain the features of Position Paper.
3. Explain the purpose of a position paper.
4. Write a position paper

Let’s Understand

Position Paper
A position paper, also known as point of view paper, is used to
claim a one-side position on a specific issue. This type of paper is used in
academics, law, and politics and is usually one to one-and-a-half pages in
length. It contains factual arguments to support the one-side claim or position
statement, but this will not limit the paper to present just only the strength but
also the weakness of the position statement.

Before writing a position paper, you must identify the issue to be discussed.
The issue must be interesting, valid, and specific. The issue must also have two
identifiable positions or sides – either in favor or against the claim or position
statement. Research both positions and collate the arguments, scholarly articles
and in-depth studies from academic books and journals.
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After performing thorough research on a certain issue and its arguments, you
need to choose the position or side you want to support. Remember that this type
of paper requires you to take only one side of argument – either in favor or against
the issue.

Structure of a Position Paper

The sandwich graphic organizer below is used to understand how to easy it
is to write a position paper.

A sandwich is made up of a top loaf, its content, and a bottom loaf. A top loaf,
as compared to writing a position paper, contains the background and the writer's
stand on the issue. The content, like ham, cheese or lettuce of a sandwich, is
compared to the arguments and evidence presented. Lastly, the bottom loaf serves
as a concluding paragraph which includes the recommended solution of the writer
to the issue presented.

Writing a Position Paper

The Introduction
Write the specific issue, together with its importance and effect to the
society. End the introductory paragraph with your position statement or your
stand on the issue. Keep in mind that you could take only one side of the

The implementation of the K-12 program this year has a tremendous effect
on the Philippines’ education system. The implementation by the Department of
Education is in compliance with the Republic Act 10533 Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2012 mandating the ten-year to an additional two years,
making it a twelve-year span of education for all. This paper will solely focus on
its claim that an additional two years is necessary to improve the quality of
education in the country.
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The purpose of writing the introduction is to give the reader an overview of the
issue and to arouse their interest to read your paper. In this example, the writer
states a brief background on the position statement or claims that will be the
focus of this position paper.

The Content
The content may have several paragraphs. It may begin with short
background information or a discussion of arguments on both sides of the issue.**
In each paragraph, write an explanation or observation to clarify the portion of
the position statement, followed by the supporting evidence**. Evidence that can
be used is primary source quotation, interviews with field experts, a
recommendation from scholarly articles and position papers, historical dates or
events, and statistical data.


The quality of education reflects on the achievement scores of the Filipino

students. To note, the Philippines ranked twenty-third (23rd) out of twenty-five
(25) countries that participated in the international test - the "Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study" (TIMMS). The mathematics and
science test were taken by grade four students in 2003. DepEd itself pointed out
that the decline in quality of education is partly attributed to the ten-year basic
education cycle.


The writer presents that the basis of the position statement is the scores of
the Filipino students. The examination performance shows a low quality of
education and it must be improved immediately. Notice that the data was taken
from TIMMS and must be cited in a footnote.

The End Statement

On the last part of writing the paper, summarize and reinforce the concepts
and facts presented without repeating the introduction and its content. It is also
optional to include the procedure used to deal with the issue and your suggested
possible solution or recommendation.


The paper still stands on the claim that the additional school years are needed
by our educational system. Based on the evidence presented including the low
test scores in mathematics and sciences by grade four Filipino students, it shows
that the additional two years will aid the student in gaining mastery of school
subjects. Since our country has one of the highest number of labor workforce in
the world, focusing on both on enhancing knowledge and skills are applicable to
strengthen our workforce.
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For that reason, the paper suggests that DepEd and the government should
focus on teacher training and development, for the law and its implementation
will not fully succeed without these teachers who are fully equipped and highly


In this end statement, the writer summarizes and reinforces the evidence.
The recommendation is also provided at the end of the paper.

Keep in mind that a position paper takes only one side of the argument.
If the paper represents a group of people (e.g. committee or organization), refrain
from using first person singular pronouns such as I, my, and mine; instead, use
first person plural pronouns like we, us, our, and ours.

Cite the book or website where the evidence is, including the statistical data and
facts. If unfamiliar with the bibliographic form or putting a footnote, try to search
the MLA or APA guidelines.

Use the sandwich graphic organizer (Introduction, Content, End Statement) in

writing your position paper.
If possible, review and rewrite your position paper.

Let’s Apply

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement

is incorrect.
_____1. A position paper is an academic writing that shows the
stand on a controversial issue.
_____2. The purpose of the position paper is to inform others about the
issue at hand.
_____3. Writing a position paper showcases the writer’s capability to
present pieces of evidence for the claim based on his or her
_____4. It is important to know the interest of the audience about
the issue.
_____5. The audience will not mind the pieces of evidence presented
in the position paper to convince them that the claim has merit.
_____6. Writing an outline beforehand can help in organizing the
contents of a position paper.
_____7. Statistics can be used as evidence to support an argument.
_____8. Opinions are better than facts in supporting arguments.
_____9. Audience analysis will help you write a more persuasive
position paper.
_____10. Your position should be restated in the concluding paragraph
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Let’s Analyze

Directions: Using online sources, get one sample of position

paper that deals with any social issue relevant to the Filipinos.
Read very carefully and analyze the arguments used by the
writer. Submit your analysis in a short bond paper using double
space and a font size of 12. You may use the following guide in writing your

• This argument analysis examines the article titled (title of the article)
written by (author). This article is about (briefly summarize the content
of the article in 3 to 5 sentences). Specifically, this analysis identifies
the position of the author, his main arguments, and the evidence
supporting these arguments. (Author) makes (number of claims) and
supports them with various pieces of evidences.

• The first main argument is (state the argument in your own words). To
support this argument, the author uses (number of evidences
presented). (State all the pieces of evidence presented by the author to
support the first argument.). (State your analysis of the argument and
evidence presented. When presenting your analysis, you may use
phrases such as “first of all,” “the author assumes,” and “the author
fails to consider.”)

• In conclusion, the author (state the author’s purpose). I agree that

(state the arguments of the author in which you agree with). However,
(state your major arguments).

Let’s Try

Directions: Test your knowledge by answering the following

questions. Choose the best answer by writing the letter on the space
before each number.

_____1. An essay used to present a one-side position on specific issue is called

A. Paper of positions
B. Position Paper
C. One-point view paper
D. Positioning paper
_____2. A position paper is also known as [Math Processing Error].
A. One-point view paper
B. View point paper
C. Point of view paper
D. Paper on view point
_____3. What is the sequence in writing a position paper?
A. Introduction – End statement – Content
B. End statement – Introduction – Content
C. Content – Introduction – End statemen
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D. Introduction – Content – End statement

_____4. Why do we need to write position paper? (Choose two answers)
A. To state arguments based on facts.
B. To present one-side position on a specific issue.
C. To establish your credibility as a writer.
D. To limit the paper in presenting strengths and weaknesses.
_____5. What appropriate phrase can you use if you are to write the introduction
of the position paper?
A. “The argument presented in the paper shows that… this is supported
by the research made by…”
B. “To discuss further the issue, a statement by the… proves that…”
C. “The paper recommends that the … and the resolution to the problem is
D. “The main issue to be discussed on the paper is … and the paper claims
to stand on the argument that …”
_____6. What makes a good position paper?
A. The position paper must be at least ten to fifteen pages in length that
is edited by a field expert.
B. The position paper should include arguments and evidence to support
one position statement.
C. The arguments in the position paper can contain observation based
on intuition or gut feeling.
D. The content of a position paper must focus on arguments and
evidences of both position statements.
_____7. Which of the following statements is not a pre-writing process for a
position paper?
A. Identify a specific issue to be written on the paper.
B. Research the different sides or positions of the issue.
C. Claim a position or stand on the issue presented.
D. Review and rewrite the position paper if needed.
_____8. Arrange the steps in writing a position paper.
I. Explain the position statement and present the evidence.
II. Summarize arguments made and propose a suggestion.
III. Conduct a research on the chosen issue.
IV. Write the issue, its importance, and your position.

A. I, III, IV and II C. II, I, IV and III

B. III, IV, I and II D. IV, III, I and II
_____9. The statement, “With the evidence presented, the authors of this paper
strongly recommend the hiring of not only licensed teachers but also
industry experts to facilitate the learning of Senior High School
Students. This would enable the students to acquire training from expert
industry trainers.” is an example of [Math Processing Error].
A. Explaining the position statement and presenting the evidence.
B. Summarizing arguments made and proposing a suggestion.
C. Writing the issue, its importance and the position statement.
D. Conducting a research on the chosen issue.
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_____10. Arrange the statements based on the structure of a position paper.

I. “The paper stands on its position against the implementation of
K-12 education in the country. The needs of the former
educational system must be met first. The solution to this issue is
to strengthen the curriculum rather than coping with the
standards set by the international community.”

II. “DepEd estimated a need of additional Php 150 billion to support

this program (DepEd Briefer, 2010). The outcome of this program
depends on resources offered by the country.”

III. “Philippines is one of the last countries in the world to have a ten-
year education system. The issue being tackled in this paper is
whether or not the K-12 education is needed by the country.

A. I, II and III C. III, II and I

B. I, III and II D. II, I and III

Let’s Create

Your task is to write a position paper about your stand on a
particular issue to be printed or posted on a student council
managed website or social media page.
You are an aspiring student leader who is asked to give an
opinion for the student council’s social media page and website.

Your target audience are members of the school community:
Students from junior and senior high school and teaching and non-
Teaching personnel.

The student council is looking for aspiring student leaders
who are capable of providing a voice for the student body through
writing about causes and advocacies. You are tapped by the
student council to do a write-up about it. This is a good
opportunity for you to express your thought s/ opinions on
important social issues.

A position paper about the Passing of the Anti-discrimination/
Sexual orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE)
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