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Test 1 – M4

1. Which girl is May’s sister?

A. black hair, blue coat
B. fair hair, blue coat
C. fair hair, red coat

2. Where did Kim Play?

A. beach
B. field, behind your house
C. field, next to the river

3. Which animals did Sam like

best at the zoo?
A. pandas
B. lions
C. bears

4. What did Jill buy at the shops?

A. video
B. new skates

5. What is Ben’s mum cooking for

A. french fries
B. chicken
C. pasta
Test 2

1. What did Jane have for lunch

A. soup
B. sandwich
C. pasta

2. Which girl is Ann?

A. dancing with a boy
B. glass in the hand
C. choosing a CD

3. What does Mary choose to do?

A. go to supermarket
B. draw a picture
C. read

4. Which photo does Nick’s dad

A. the mountains
B. water pool
C. moon

5. How does Sue’s mum go to work?

A. bus
B. bicycle
C. car
Test 3

1. Which animal is Tom’s favourite

A. snake
B. spider
C. mouse

2. Which girl is Fred’s cousin?

A. blue dress
B. straight black hair , yellow dress
C. yellow shirt and trouser

3. What’s Kim doing?

A. washing her hair
B. there is a film about dolphins
C. cooking her super

4. What can Paul have for his game?

A. a map
B. a box
C. a camera

5. What does Sally always do on

Monday evening?
A. hockey
B. go to the supermarket
C. go to swimming
Test 1 -M5

1. What did the boy draw?

A. a lion
B. a bat
C. a kangaroo

2. Where can they have the picnic?

A. by the river
B. on the rock
C. next to the waterfall

3. What’s the parrot doing?

A. give the parrot some food
B. talking
C. sleeping

4. Where’s the blanket?

A. upstair, in the bedroom
B. outside in the garden
C. downstair

5. Which girl is Ann’s sister?

A. on the balcony
B. skipping
C. playing with the leaves ( chơi
với lá)
Test 2

1. What did the boy wash?

A. bowls
B. cups
C. glasses

2. What did Sue buy?

A. bread, coffee
B. fruit, coffee
C. bread, fruit

3. What’s the baby doing?

A. take off the shoes
B. the baby is hungry, mum should
cook a supper
C. read the baby a story

4. Where’s the cheese?

A. in the shoping bag
B. under my bag
C. next to the bag

5. Which child is Jim?

A. curly hair, glass
B. straight hair, glass
C. scraf (khăn choàng cổ)
Test 3

1. What did Jane watch on TV?

A. dolphins
B. clown
C. jungle

2. What’s the matter with Sue?

A. ear hurt
B. headache
C. hot temperature

3. What do they need to wash?

A. glasses
B. cups
C. bowls

4. Which boy is Ben’s brother?

A. blue sweater, hat
B. blue sweater
C. black sweater

5. What can’t Sam find?

B. toothbrush
C. comic (truyện tranh)

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