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Level Kognitif: Jenis Teks: Kemampuan Yang Contoh Indikator Soal Fungsi Struktur Unsur

Diuji Sosial Teks Kebahasaan

1. C1 & C2 1. Teks fungsional pendek
Pengetah (invitation, announcement,
uan dan letter, advertisement and short
Pemaham message)
an 2. Teks esei (descriptive,
procedure, recount, narrative,
2. C3. report.)

3. C4.
1 Invitation Informasi tertentu Diberikan text invitation, siswa dapat
menentukan info tertentu dr text tersebut
dengan benar.
E.g: Who are invited? v

Rujukan kata What does “us” refer to? v

2 1 Informasi rinci Why....? v

2 1 Kalimat acak Rearrange the following sentences into a v
coherent and unified paragraph
2 1 Menentukan kata Complete the following paragraph with the v
kerja yang tepat most appropriate word given
3 1 Menentukan effect How do you feel after reading the text? v
dr membaca teks
3 1 Info tersirat From the text, we can conclude that …. v

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