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Title Bar- This is located at the top of the program window.

displays the name of the active document and provides tools for
managing the program and the program window.

Quick Access Toolbar- This displays the Save, Undo, and Redo
buttons. This toolbar can be customized to display any commands
that you want.

Ribbon- This contains all the commands you can use to work on
Word document. These commands are grouped together to help
users work effectively.

Rulers- These are the horizontal (top) and vertical (left) bars that are
marked with units of measure to set margins, tabulation stops, and

Task Pane- A task- related pane on the side of the document window
can be opened to make formatting and editing certain types of
material easy. Its location and small size allow the use of these
commands while work on file is ongoing.

Navigation Pane- The Navigation Pane can be used to go to a

particular spot in a document by clicking a listed heading, page
thumbnail, or search result.

Scroll Bars- These appear along the right side and bottom edge of
the document window and help in scrolling vertically or horizontally
along a document to view the parts beyond what the window

Zoom Slider- This changes the zooming level to view the document.

Page Number- This page indicator displays the current page number
and the total number of pages in the document. Click it to open or
close the Navigation Pane.

Word Count- This indicator shows the number of words in the

document. If text is selected, it shows the number of words in the

Quick Access Toolbar




Page number Zoom slider

Word count

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