MIS - April 2014 - V1

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Jade eServices Private Limited

Balance Sheet as at April 30, 2014

Note As at
Apr 30, 2014
Shareholders' funds
Share Capital 1 583,539,860
Reserves and surplus 2 1,123,931,446
Share Application Money Pending Allotment 411,770,230

Non Current Liablities

Long Term Provisions 3 31,911,450
Deffered Tax Liabilities -
Current Liablities :
Payables 4 859,362,997
Other Current Liablities 5 174,296,083
Short Term Provisions 6 -

TOTAL 3,184,812,066

Non Current Assets
Fixed assets
Tangible Assets 7 347,349,899
Intangible Assets 27,440,167

Long Term Loans & Advances 8 52,910,271

Current Assets
Inventories 9 1,462,671,923
Trade Receivables 10 634,892,126
Cash & Cash Equivalents 11 633,684,964
Short Term Loans & Advances 12 14,152,933
Other Current Assets 13 11,709,784

TOTAL 3,184,812,067

Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 22

The notes referred to above form an integral part of the Balance Sheet.
Di 1.24
Jade eServices Private Limited
Statement of Profit and Loss for the period ended April 30, 2014

Note Year Ended

Apr 30, 2014

Revenue From Operations 14 521,187,099

Other Income 15 15,366,647
TOTAL REVENUE 536,553,746

Purchase of products 16 1,560,698,727
Changes in inventory of Stock in Trade 17 (1,033,671,164)
Employee Benefits Expenses 18 50,848,375
Depreciation and Amortization 19 8,642,664
Other Expenses 20 115,482,400
TOTAL EXPENSES 702,001,001

Profit Before Exceptional and Extraordinary items and Tax (165,447,256)

Exceptional/ Extraordinary Items -

Profit Before Tax (165,447,256)

Tax Expenses
Current Tax -
Deferred Tax - -
Profit (Loss) for the Period (165,447,256)
Jade eServices Private Limited
Schedules forming part of Balance Sheet
As at
Apr 30, 2014

1. Share Capital

Breakup of equity Shares

75,000,000 (Previous year: 10,000) Equity shares of face Value Rs. 10/-
each 750,000,000

Issued, subscribed and paid up

3,50,89,916 (Previous year: 10,000) Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each
fully paid 583,539,860
(Of the above, 14,756,414 (previous year: 9,990) Equity shares of Rs. 10
each fully paid up held by, the holding company VRB GmbH & Co.)


2. Reserves and Surplus

Securities premium
Opening Balance 2,679,115,230
Additions during the year 2,571,843,510

Surplus/ (deficit)
Opening Balance (3,961,580,038)
Profit/ (loss) during the year (165,447,256)

TOTAL 1,123,931,446

3. Long Term Provisions

Provision for Employee Benefits
Provision for gratuity 10,191,679
Provision for leave encashment 21,719,771

4. Trade Payables
Trade payables 859,362,997

5. Other Current Liabilities

Salaries and benefits 407,020
Non trade payables 129,862,828
Other liabilities -
Taxes payables 44,026,235

6. Short Term Provisions

Provision for gratuity -
Provision for leave encashment -

8. Long Term Loans & Advances

Other Deposits
Security Deposits 52,910,271

9. Inventory
Stock in trade 1,467,236,850
Stock in transit (4,564,926)

10. Trade Receivables

Other Debts
Considered Good 634,892,126

11. Cash & Cash Equivalents

Balances with Bank 393,317,372
Cash in Hands 187,000
Deposit A/c with less than 12 months maturity 50,000,000
Balance with Bank held as margin Money against Guarantee 190,180,592

12. Short Terms Loans & Advances

Loans & Advances to related parties -
Prepaid Expenses 6,069,871
Interest Accrued but not Due 7,418,870
Loans & Advances to Employees 724,413
Other Deposits -
Other loans & advances (60,221)

13. Other Current Assets

Other current assets 11,709,784
Jade eServices Private Limited
Schedules forming part of Statement of Profit and Loss
Year Ended
Apr 30, 2014

14. Revenue from operations

Sales of Products (Net of Returns) 521,187,099


15. Other Income

Interest earned from
bank (including TDS of Rs. 94,512 (Previous year: Rs. Nil) 15,183,847
Rent income 182,800
Foreign exchange fluctuation -

16. Purchase of Stock in Trade

Purchases-Material 1,560,698,727
17. Changes in inventory of Stock in Trade
Opening Stock 429,000,759
Closing Stock 1,462,671,923

18. Employee benefit Expenses

Salary & Wages 48,940,207
Contribution to Provident and other Fund 641,960
Staff Welfare Expenses 1,266,208

19. Depreciation and Amortisation Expenses

Depreciation/ amortisation 8,642,664

20. Other Expenses

Packing charges 6,467,428
Contract manpower 9,525,000
Marketing cost 54,499,441
Rent 6,561,289
Contract manpower exp-others 940,567
Repair and office maintenance 1,731,810
Housekeeping Expenses 1,281,619
Security Expenses 1,024,539
Electricity Expenses 2,213,769
Professional & Legal Fees 3,099,702
IT support 6,465,053
Production expenses 3,649,629
Recruitment Expenses 1,301,936
Rates and taxes -
Printing and Stationary 497,666
Insurance Expenses 601,600
Communication expenses 2,192,007
Travelling and conveyance 3,607,812
Miscellaneous Expenses 6,363,166
Bank charges 173,803
Audit Fees -
Management consultancy fee 3,284,564



Profit/ (loss) after taxation

Weighted average number of equity shares of Rs. 10 each for:

Basic and diluted
Nominal value of equity share

Earnings per share

Basic and diluted
Sr No Code Head Remarks 1 Amount 1
2 10001 ASSETS -
3 10002 Fixed Assets -
4 10003 Tangible Fixed Assets -
5 10100 Land -
6 10101 Increases, Land -
7 10102 Decreases, Land -
8 10119 Land , Total -
9 10120 Buildings -
10 10121 Increases, Buildings -
11 10122 Decreases, Buildings -
12 10139 Buildings, Total -
13 10140 Leaseholds -
14 10141 Increases, Leaseholds 34,454,319
15 10142 Decreases, Leaseholds -
16 10159 Leaseholds, Total -
17 10160 Office Equipment -
18 10161 Increases, Office Equipment 36,214,555
19 10162 Decreases, Office Equipment (4,461,239)
20 10179 Office Equipment, Total -
21 10180 Computers & Peripherals -
22 10181 Increases, Computers & Perph. 126,941,624
23 10182 Decreases, Computers & Perph. (21,744,812)
24 10199 Computer & Perph., Total -
25 10220 Furniture & Fixtures -
26 10221 Increases, Furn & Fix. 289,689,304
27 10222 Decreases, Furn & Fix. (373,855)
28 10239 Furniture & Fixtures, Total -
29 10240 Vehicles -
30 10241 Increases,Vehicle 4,000
31 10242 Decreases,Vehicle -
32 10259 Vehicles, Totals -
33 10260 Plant & machinery -
34 10261 Increases, Plant & machinery 8,022,403
35 10262 Decreases, Plant & machinery -
36 10270 Plant & machinery, Totals -
37 10500 Capital Work in Progress 4,778,169
38 10551 FA Control Account -
39 10999 Tangible Fixed Assets, Total -
40 12999 Fixed Assets, Total -
42 10123 Accum. Depreciation, Buildings -
43 10143 Accum. Depreciation, leasehold (10,602,965)
44 10163 Accum Dep ,Office Eqipment (6,742,053)
45 10183 Accum. Depr., Comp. & Perph. (48,774,223)
46 10223 Accum. Depr. Furniture-Fixture (58,776,120)
47 10243 Accum. Depreciation, Vehicle (4,000)
48 10263 Accum. Depreciation, Plant & M (1,275,205)
50 11000 Intangible Fixed Assets -
51 11121 Increases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. 49,855,274
52 11122 Decreases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. -
53 11100 Patents, Licenses, rights & tr -
54 11101 Increases, Patents, Licences 8,117,737
55 11102 Decreases, Patents, Licences -
56 11119 Patents, Licenses, Total -
57 11499 Intangible F.A. , Total -
59 11123 Accum. Depr.,Comp.Soft.& Dev. (27,224,936)
60 11103 Accum. Dep.-Patents, Licences (3,307,908)
62 13500 Investment -
63 13501 Investments -
64 13599 Investment, Total -
65 13600 Deferred Tax (Asset) -
66 14000 Current Assets , Loans & Adv -
67 14100 Current Assets -
68 14200 Interest Accrued on Invest. -
69 14201 Interest Accrued on FDR 7,418,870
70 14202 Interest Accrued on BG -
71 14299 Interest Accd on Invest, Total -
73 14300 Inventory -
74 14301 Raw Material (4,564,926)
75 14302 Finished Goods 1,560,542,740
76 14303 Packing Material 5,773,767
77 14304 Trims -
78 14305 Labels -
79 14306 Raw Materials (Interim) -
80 14307 WIP Account, Finished goods -
81 14308 Spares -
82 14309 Inventory uninvoiced -
83 14310 Packing WH Inventory (9,727,911)
84 14311 Capital Goods -
85 14312 Invt. lying under consignment 2,148,254
86 14313 Goods in transit -
87 14314 Prov for slow moving inventory (91,500,000)
89 14399 Inventory, Total -
91 14400 Works-in-Progress -
92 14401 Works-in-Progress -
93 14499 Works-in-Progress, Total -
95 14500 Sundry Debtors -
96 14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic 544,338,257
97 14502 Debtors-B2B-International (50,039)
98 14503 Debtors-B2C-Domestic 246,032
99 14504 Debtors-B2C-International (1,381,435)
100 14505 Debtors-Employee (3,230)
101 14506 Debtors-Offline 10,324,371
102 14507 Debtors-Others 80,527,054
103 14508 Debtors-Advances -
104 14580 Common Party-Branch -
105 14581 Branch Creditors -
106 14582 Branch Debtors 891,116
107 22304 Provision for sales return -
108 14589 Common Party-Branch, Total -
109 14599 Sundry Debtors, Totals -
111 14600 Prepaid Expenses -
112 14601 Prepaid Expenses 6,069,871
113 14699 Prepaid Expenses, Total -
114 14717 TDS Receivable-Asset 2013-14 4,225,242
115 14703 TDS Receivable-Asset 2012-13 7,484,542
117 14700 Rates & Duties -
118 14701 Service Tax Receivable -
119 14702 Service Tax Receivable Interim -
120 14704 CENVAT Cr. Receivable 3,567,120
121 14705 Cenvat Cr. Deffered Account -
122 14706 PLA -
123 14707 VAT Cr. Carried Forward A/C -
124 14708 Cenvat Cr. Receivable (Tra) -
125 14709 Cenvat Cr Transfered (Tra) -
126 14710 Input VAT Credit 45,768,213
127 14711 VAT Refund A/C -
128 14712 VAT Deferment A/C -
129 14715 Excise Refund -
130 14716 INPUT VAT CREDIT(MKTP-DEL+MUM) 9,331,527
131 14718 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-DELHI) 19,010,164
132 14719 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-MUMBAI) 7,151,019
133 14720 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-KAR) 606,799
134 14799 Rates & Duties, Totals -
136 20900 Rates & Duties -
137 20901 TDS Payable-Commission -
138 20902 TDS Payable-Contractor (259,198)
139 20903 TDS Payable-Interest -
140 20904 TDS Payable- Professional (1,894,628)
141 20905 TDS payable- Rent (483,067)
142 20906 TDS Payable- Non Resident (72,431)
143 20907 TDS Payable - Salary (4,617,927)
144 20908 TDS Receivable-Devidend -
145 20909 TDS Receivable-Int.on Sec. -
146 20910 TDS Receivable-Lotteries -
147 20911 TDS Payable-Ins. Comm. -
148 20912 TDS Payable-NSS -
149 20913 TDS Payable-Mutual Fund -
150 20914 TDS Payable-Brokerage 6
151 20915 TDS Payable-Inc. fm Units -
152 20916 TDS Payable-Capital Assets -
153 20917 TDS Payable-Horse Race -
154 20918 TDS Payable-Sports Asst. -
155 20919 TDS Payable-Inc. of MF -
156 20920 TDS Payable-Units -
157 20921 TDS Payable-FCY Bonds -
158 20922 TDS Payable-FII fm Sec. -
159 20923 Works Tax Payable -
160 20924 Service Tax Payable Interim -
161 20925 Sales Tax Payable -
162 20926 VAT Payable 69,195,657
163 20927 Output VAT (143,574,937)
164 20928 CST Account (Sales) (26,079)
165 20929 Service Tax Payable 2,133
166 20930 Service Tax Payable-Reverse ch (44,400)
167 20931 Excise Payable (3,997,739)
168 20932 TCS Payable-A -
169 20933 TCS Payable-B -
170 20934 TCS Payable-C -
171 20935 TCS Payable-D -
172 20936 TCS Payable-E -
173 20937 TCS Payable-F -
174 20938 TCS Payable-G -
175 20939 TCS Payable-H -
176 20940 TCS Payable-I -
177 20941 OUTPUT VAT (MKTP-DELHI+MUMBAI) (15,546,849)
178 20942 VAT PAYABLE( MARKETPLACE ) 10,954,189
179 20943 OUTPUT VAT DELHI MARKETPLACE (31,184,181)
181 20945 CST Payable Delhi -
182 20946 OUTPUT VAT KARNATAKA MKTP (568,030)
183 21004 PF Payable (768,895)
184 21005 ESIC Payable (11,372)
185 21006 HLWF Payable (20,290)
186 20999 Rates & Duties, Totals -
188 15000 Deposits -
189 15100 Term Deposits -
190 15102 FDR Sweep 35,102,975
191 15103 FDR- against BG/ LC 155,077,617
192 15105 FDR-Axis Bank -
193 15199 Term Deposits, Totals -
195 15200 Other Deposits -
196 15201 Security Deposits 49,110,271
197 15204 Security Deposits - Cheque 3,800,000
198 15202 Utilities Deposits -
199 15203 Collateral Deposits -
200 20803 Creditors-Security (0)
201 15299 Other Deposits , Totals -
202 15399 Deposits, Totals -
204 15400 Cash and bank balances -
205 15500 Cash balance on hand -
206 15501 Cash-in Hand 187,000
207 15599 Cash bal on hand, Totals -
208 15101 Fixed Deposits 50,000,000
209 15106 FDR-ICICI sweep -
210 15107 FDR-ICICI bank -
211 15104 FDR-HDFC sweep -
213 15600 Bank Balance -
214 15601 HDFC Bank 221 213,501,093
215 15602 AXIS Bank -
216 15603 ICICI Bank-0016 43,822,163
217 15604 HDFC 392 58,207
218 15605 ICICI Bank-443 4,542,081
219 15606 CITI Bank 612,245
220 15607 CITI bank 2 380
221 15608 State Bank of India - 2221 2,509,909
222 15609 Kotak Mahindra Bank - 3743 128,271,293
223 15699 Bank Balance, Totals -
224 15799 Cash and bank bal, Totals -
226 15999 Current Assets, totals -
227 16000 Loans & Advances -
228 16100 Adv and Loans -
229 16101 Adv and Loans (60,221)
230 16199 Adv and Loans,Totals -
232 16200 Advance to Employees -
233 16201 Advances to staff 273,232
234 16202 0 -
235 16299 Advance to Employees, Totals -
236 16300 Advance Income Tax -
237 16301 Advance Income Tax -
238 16302 Advance FBT -
239 16399 Advance Income Tax, Totals -
240 16400 Imprest to Staff -
241 16401 Imprest to Staff (Expenses) 451,181
242 16450 Imprest to Staff total -
243 16499 Loans & Advances, Totals -
244 16999 Current Ast ,Loans & Adv,Tot -
246 17000 Misc. Expenditure -
247 17001 Preincorporation Expenses -
248 17019 Misc. Expenditure, totals -
249 19999 TOTAL ASSETS -
251 20000 LIABILITIES -
252 20100 Share Capital -
253 20101 Authorised Share Capital -
254 20102 Subscribed Share Capital -
255 20103 Issued Share Capital (583,539,860)
256 20104 Share Appl & Allotment Money (411,770,230)
257 20105 Calls in Arrears -
258 20199 Share Capital, Total -
260 20200 Reserves and Surplus -
261 20201 Share Premium (5,250,958,740)
262 20202 Retained Earnings 3,961,580,038
263 20203 General Reserve -
264 20299 Reserves and Surplus, Total -
266 20300 Secured Loans -
267 20301 Cash Credits -
268 20302 Corporate Loans -
269 20303 Hire Purchase Loans -
270 20399 Secured Loans, Totals -
271 20400 Unsecured Loans -
272 20401 Unsecured Loans -
273 20499 Unsecured Loans, Totals -
274 20600 CurrentLiabilities&Provisions -
275 20700 Current Liabilities -
277 20500 Deferred Tax Liabilities -
279 20800 Sundry Creditors -
280 20801 Creditors-Raw Material (1,811,103)
281 20802 Creditors-Job Work -
282 20804 Creditors-Transporter -
283 20805 Creditors-Packing Material -
284 20806 Creditors-Service -
285 20807 Creditors-Administrator -
286 20808 Creditors-Marketing (14,468)
287 20809 Creditors-Employee 3,197,103
288 20810 Creditors-Asset 5,292,439
289 20812 Creditors-Expenses (64,585,137)
290 20813 Creditors-Modeling -
291 22301 Provision for Expenses (70,427,749)
292 20899 Sundry Creditors, Totals -
294 20811 Creditors-Finished (649,760,461)
295 20814 Creditors-Market place (109,602,536)
296 22302 Provision for Purchases (100,000,000)
298 20815 Creditors-Employee-Advance -
299 20816 Creditors-Asset-Advance -
300 20817 Creditors-Finished-Advance -
301 20818 Creditors-Expenses-Advance -
303 21000 Expenses Payable -
304 21001 Expenses Payable -
305 21002 Rent Payable -
306 21003 Salary Payable (407,020)
307 21007 Reimbursement Payable -
308 21008 Telephone Expenses Payable -
309 21199 Expenses Payable, Totals -
311 21101 Gift coupon Liability -
313 21200 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim) -
314 21201 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Raw Mat -
315 21202 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Pac Mat -
316 21203 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Store -
317 21299 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Total -
319 21999 Current Liabilities, Totals -
320 22000 Provisions -
321 22100 Provision for Taxes & Duties -
322 22101 Provision for Income Tax -
323 22102 Provision for FBT -
324 22199 Provision for Taxes & Dut,Tot -
325 22200 Provision for Statutory liab -
326 22201 Provision for Gratuity (10,191,679)
327 22202 Provision for Leave Encashment (21,719,771)
328 22299 Provision for Stat. liab-Total -
329 22300 Other Provisions -
330 22305 Rent Equalisation Reserve (1,513,908)
331 22303 Initial Upload (4)
332 22399 Other Provisions, Totals -
334 22599 Provisions, Totals -
335 22600 Provision for Bad Debts -
336 28999 Current Liab & Prov, Totals -
339 30200 Sales -
340 30201 Sales-Domestic (533,976,538)
341 30202 Sales-Foreign (2,441,345)
342 30203 Sales-Trading -
343 30210 Sales-Consignment -
344 30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) (128,043,803)
345 30204 Sales Return-Domestic 116,831,471
346 30205 Sales Return-Foreign 13,307
347 30206 Sales Return-Trading -
348 30211 SalesReturn-Consignment -
349 30212 Sales Offline Stors -
350 30213 Sales Return Offline Stors -
351 30221 Sales-International business -
352 30262 SALES RETURN-DOMESTIC (MKTPLA) 22,078,053
354 30264 SALES RETURN-DOM (DWARKA W/H) 2,194,192
355 30252 Line Discount Granted 2,272,147
356 30292 Marketing Promotions -
357 30293 Store Credit -
358 30241 Sales-Marketing -
359 30250 Sales-Scrape (114,583)
360 30251 Sales-Scrape/Raw material -
361 30291 Invoice Discount Granted -
362 30294 Sales-return provision -
363 30299 Sales others, Total -
365 30300 Other Income -
366 30301 Unrealized Profit (7,097)
367 30302 Income - Ops IT Project -
368 30303 Cash Discount (588,592)
369 30399 Other Income, Total -
371 30400 Profit on Sales on Fixed Ast -
372 30401 Profit on Sale of Land -
373 30402 Profit on sale of Building -
374 30403 Profit on sale of Vehicle -
375 30404 Profit on Sale of Compperf. -
376 30405 Profit on Sale of Compsoftw -
377 30406 Profit on Sale of Furn& Fix. -
378 30407 Profit on Sale on Office Eqp. -
379 30499 Profit on Sales on F A,Total -
381 30500 Profit on Sales of Invest -
382 30501 Profit on Sales of Invest -
383 30599 Profit on Sales ofInvest,Total -
385 30600 Interest Income -
386 30601 Bank Interest Income (1,588,158)
387 30603 Other income -
388 30604 Maintainance Fees (13,000,000)
389 30602 Interest Income - Others -
390 30699 Interest Income, Total -
391 30999 Total Other Income -
393 31201 Rent income (182,800)
395 31100 Prior Period Incomes -
396 31101 Prior Period Incomes -
397 31199 Prior Period Incomes,Total -
399 31200 Gain on Foreign Ex. Flut. -
400 39990 Total Revenue -
402 40100 Purchases -
403 40101 Purchases-Raw Material 468,518
404 40102 Purchases-Finished Material 367,086,074
405 40104 Direct Cost Applied (410,732,674)
406 40107 Purchase-Packing Material 504,237
407 40108 Purchase Consignment 42,213,402
408 40109 Inward Freight (Purchase) -
409 40110 Purchase Import -
410 40111 Purchase International C form -
411 40112 Purchase International Local -
412 40113 Purchase Inter centr without C -
413 40114 Purchases-Against Form H -
414 40123 COGS-Marketing -
415 40121 Purchase-Marketing -
416 40125 Discount Received (5,918,823)
417 40126 Purchases-Trims -
418 40127 Cost of Goods Sold 433,311,846
419 40004 COGS Excise 1,933,658
420 40128 Invent Adj.-Raw Material -
421 40129 Invent Adj.-Finished goods 4,328
422 40131 Invent Adj.-Trims -
423 40132 Invent Adj.-Labels -
424 40134 Invoice clearing account -
425 40002 Branch Stock Transfer Inward 1,982,811
426 40003 Branch Stock Transfer Outward (2,338,407)
427 40005 Direct Cost Applied (1,982,811)
428 40136 Inventory Provision -
429 40133 Purchase-rate difference (12,269)
430 40199 Purchases, Total -
432 40135 PURCHASES (Dwarka Warehouse) 139,271
433 40137 PURCHASES RETURN (Dwarka WH) (2,850)
435 40105 PURCHASES (MARKETPLACE) 130,735,998
436 40106 PURCHASES-RETURN (MARKETPLACE) (37,625,070)
437 30296 Direct Cost Applied MKTP (85,850,604)
438 30295 COGC Marketplace 93,110,927
440 40300 Salaries Wages & Allowance -
441 40301 Employees Salary - Basic 19,020,300
442 40302 Employees Salary - HRA 9,510,150
443 40303 Employees Salary- Trans. Allow 428,585
444 40304 Employees Salary - Spl. Allow 15,399,553
445 40305 Employee Uniform Allowance -
446 40306 Employees Reimb. - Medial 625,791
447 40307 Employees Reimb. - Telephone -
448 40308 Employees Reimb - VRME 418,955
449 40309 Employee Reimb. - Driver Sal. -
450 40310 Employees-LTA (27,600)
451 40311 Employees - Meal allowance -
452 40312 Employees Reimb. Book & Period -
453 40313 Ex Gratia 195,968
454 40314 Incentive -
455 40315 Statutory Bonus -
456 40316 Leave encashment 115,596
457 40317 Joining bonus 200,000
458 40318 Employees Salary - Arrears 70,779
459 40319 Referral bonus 10,000
460 40320 Notice pay 27,978
461 40321 Variable Allowance 2,616,090
462 40322 Children Education Allowance 20,130
463 40399 Salaries Wages &Allow Total -
465 43425 Stipend 307,932
467 40400 Cont to PF & Other Funds -
468 40401 Employer Contribution to PF 575,853
469 40402 Employer Contribution - HLWF (6,880)
470 40403 Employer Contribution to ESIC -
471 40404 PF Administration Charges 72,987
472 40499 Cont to PF & Other Funds Tot -
474 40700 Gratuity -
476 40500 Welfare Expenses -
477 40501 Entertainment - Internal -
478 40502 Office Canteen 400,006
479 40503 Staff Welfare 718,489
480 40504 Office Expenses 100,000
481 43500 Medical Expenses -
482 40505 Relocation Expenses -
483 40506 Staff Welfare-Team Expenses 47,713
484 40507 Staff Training & Develop. Exp. -
485 40599 Welfare Expenses Total -
487 40600 Advertising & Sales Promo. -
488 40601 Brand building cost-Online 41,978,149
489 40602 Bussiness Promotions 12,475,449
490 40603 Fair & Exibition -
491 40604 Gift Expenses -
492 40605 Sales Promotion Exp./ sample -
493 40606 Publicity Expense -
494 40607 Testing transaction 36,843
495 40608 Membership Fee 9,000
496 40609 Sponsorship Exp -
497 40610 Sponsorship Exp - ST -
498 40611 Advertisement Expenses - ST -
499 40612 Brand Building cost-Offline -
500 40613 Brand Building cost-TV -
501 40699 Advert. & Sales Promo.,Total -
503 40900 Utility,stors and pack Exp. -
504 40901 Electricity Charges 1,251,292
505 40902 Power Fuel Charges 882,477
506 40903 Water Expenses 30,000
507 40908 Rent-Generator 50,000
508 40999 Utility,stores pack Exp., Tot. -
510 40904 Stores and consumbale-Domestic 20,410
511 40103 Purchases-Packing agnst Form C -
512 40130 Invent Adj.-Packing Mat. 6,433,518
513 40906 Packing Expense-Consumption -
514 40907 Stores and consumbale-Foreign -
515 40905 Packing Expenes-Domestic 13,500
517 41000 Travelling & Conveyance -
518 41001 Conveyance Expenses 99,993
519 41002 Vehicle hire charges 1,984,000
520 41003 Travel Expenses Foreign 292,461
521 41004 Travel Expenses-Domestic 1,000,010
522 41005 Boarding and lodging charges (11)
523 41006 Vehicle hire chg - ST 231,359
524 41099 Travelling & Conv Total -
526 41100 Telephone Expenses -
527 41101 Telephone Expenses -
528 41102 Internet charges 761,761
529 41103 Mobile expenses 561,701
530 41199 Telephone Expenses Total -
532 41200 Administrative & Other Exp -
533 41300 Insurance Expenses -
534 41301 Insurance Office 8,060
535 41302 General Insurance-Misapp. -
536 41303 Staff Insurance Premium 593,540
537 41399 Insurance Expenses Total -
539 41400 Consultancy/Professional Exp. -
540 41401 Audit Expenses -
541 41402 Accounting Expenses -
542 41403 Prof. & Consultancy 3,099,702
543 41404 Legal Expenses -
544 41408 Legal Expenses - ST -
546 41405 Modeling charges 3,499,987
547 41406 Production expenses 149,642
548 41499 Consultancy/Prof Exp Total -
550 41407 Audit Fees -
552 41600 Repair & Maintenance -
553 41601 UPS hire charges 109,687
554 41602 Repairs & Maintenance 1,374,297
555 41605 Computer Maintenance Charges 247,826
556 41606 House Keeping Exp - ST -
557 41607 Security Service Chg - ST -
558 41608 Repairs & Maintenance - ST -
559 41699 Total Repair & Maintenance -
561 41603 House Keeping Expenses 1,281,619
563 41604 Security Service Charges 1,024,539
565 41700 Postage & Telegram -
566 41701 Postage & Telegram Expenses -
567 41702 Courier Charges 868,545
568 41799 Postage & Telegram,Totals -
570 41900 Depreciation -
571 41901 Depreciation, Compt. & Perph. 1,932,747
572 41902 Depreciation, Office Equipment 311,535
573 41903 Depreciation, F & F 4,740,204
574 41904 Depreciation, Leasholds 671,616
575 41905 Depreciation, Vehicles -
576 41906 Depreciation,Comp.Soft.&WebDev 771,186
577 41907 Depreciation, Patents 133,345
578 41908 Depreciation, Plant & Machin. 82,031
579 41999 Total Depreciation -
581 42100 Duties & Taxes -
582 42101 Service Tax Expense -
583 42102 Excise Expense -
584 42103 Excise Expense-Job Work -
585 42104 Rates & taxes -
586 42199 Total Duties & Taxes -
588 42900 Filling Charges -
589 42901 Filling Charges -
590 42999 Total Filling Charges -
592 42200 Donations -
594 42300 Printing & Stationery -
595 42301 Printing & Stationery 497,666
596 42399 Total Printing & Stationery -
598 42600 Finance Charges -
599 42601 Finance Charges -
600 42699 Total Finance Charges -
602 43000 Bank Charges -
603 43001 Interest Expenses -
604 41503 Interest on Late Payment 6,800
605 43002 Bank Charges 167,003
606 43003 Bank charges -INT SALE -
607 43099 Total Bank Charges -
609 43100 Rent Expenses -
610 43101 Office Rent 2,727,811
611 43102 Warehouse rent 3,334,727
612 43104 Rent other location 375,627
613 43103 Rent others 123,124
614 43199 Total Rent expenses -
616 43200 IT & Support Services Exp. -
617 43201 IT & Support Services Exp. 6,465,053
618 43202 IT Exps-Office ExpsE-Mail&Tele -
619 43203 IT Exps -Stationary -
620 43204 IT Exps-Computer AMC -
621 43205 Domain charges -
622 43206 Software licence cost -
623 43207 IT & Support -ERP -
624 43208 IT & Support -WEB -
625 43299 IT & Support Serv. Exp.,Totals -
627 43300 Festival Expenses -
628 43301 Festival Expenses -
629 43399 Total Festival Expenses -
631 43410 Recruitment expenses 1,301,936
632 43411 Recruitment expenses - ST -
633 43421 Contract manpower expenses-WH 9,525,000
634 43422 Contract manpower exp-others 940,567
635 43423 Contract manpower others - ST -
636 43430 Management consultancy fee 3,284,564
638 43440 Freight/ transport charges 1,260,000
639 43442 Loss in-Transit -
640 43443 Freight Charges Recovery -
641 43444 Freight/transport-Internation 857,776
642 43445 Freight/ transport chg - ST 1,133,103
643 30311 Freight outward (37,528)
644 43435 Clearing & forwarding/ Cartage 3,142,089
645 43400 Commision on sales -
646 40800 Brokerage and commission -
648 45200 Selling & Dist Overhead -
649 45201 Customer Discount Given -
650 45202 Invoice Rounding (357)
651 45203 PIT Difference -
652 45299 Tot, Selling & Dist Overhead -
654 41500 Miscellaneous Expenses -
655 42000 Books & Periodicals -
656 43441 Discount on coupon -
657 41501 Short & Excess (5)
658 41502 Miscellaneous Expenses -
659 41599 Total Miscellaneous Exp -
661 43600 Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets -
662 43601 Loss on Sale of Land -
663 43602 Loss on sale of Building -
664 43603 Loss on sale of Vehicle -
665 43604 Loss on sale of Computer Perf. -
666 43605 Loss on sale of Computer Softw -
667 43606 Loss on sale of Furniture & Fx -
668 43607 Loss on sale of Office Eqp. -
669 43699 Tot Loss on Sale of Fixed Ast -
671 43700 Loss on sale of Investment -
672 43701 Loss on sale of Investment -
673 43799 Total Loss on sale of Invest -
675 43800 Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss -
676 43810 Unrealized FX Gains -
677 43820 Unrealized FX Losses -
678 43830 Realized FX Gains -
679 43840 Foreign Exchange Gain/ Loss 8,087
680 43899 Foreign Exch. Gain/Loss, Total -
681 44200 Bad Debts -
682 44300 Impairment Loss -
683 44400 CWIP Written off -
684 44500 Misc Balances Written Off 1
685 44999 Total Admin. & Other Expenses -
686 45000 Provision for Bad Debts -
687 45100 Provision for Refund Claim Rec -
689 45300 Amortisation -
690 45301 Amortisation -
691 45399 Total Amortisation -
692 45400 Income Tax & FBT -
693 45401 Income tax expense -
694 45402 FBT expense -
695 45403 Interset on FBT -
696 45499 Total Income Tax & FBT -
697 49999 Total Expenditure -
Amount 2 Remarks 2 Head Head Type
Balance Sheet Heading
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
473,524,466 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(126,174,567) Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
57,973,011 Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Posting
(30,532,844) Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
7,418,870 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
1,467,236,850 Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
(4,564,926) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
634,892,126 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
6,069,871 Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
11,709,784 Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
85,434,843 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(129,461,078) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
190,180,592 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
52,910,271 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
187,000 Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
50,000,000 Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
393,317,372 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
(60,221) Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet End-Total
724,413 Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
- Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(995,310,090) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(1,289,378,702) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
- Balance Sheet Begin-Total
#N/A #N/A
- Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(128,348,916) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(859,362,997) Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
- Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(407,020) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
- Balance Sheet Posting
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
- Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
(10,191,679) Balance Sheet Posting
(21,719,771) Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet Begin-Total
Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet Posting
(1,513,912) Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Balance Sheet End-Total
- Balance Sheet Posting
Balance Sheet End-Total
Balance Sheet End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
(521,187,099) Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
(595,689) Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement End-Total
(14,588,158) Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
(182,800) Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
426,519,891 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
136,421 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
100,371,251 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
48,632,275 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
307,932 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
641,960 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
- Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
1,266,208 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
54,499,441 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
2,213,769 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
6,467,428 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
3,607,812 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
1,323,462 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
601,600 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
3,099,702 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
3,649,629 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
- Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
1,731,810 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
1,281,619 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
1,024,539 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
868,545 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
8,642,664 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
- Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
497,666 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
173,803 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
6,561,289 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
6,465,053 Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
1,301,936 Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
9,525,000 Income Statement Posting
940,567 Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
3,284,564 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
6,355,440 Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
(357) Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
(5) Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
- Income Statement End-Total
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement End-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement End-Total
Income Statement Posting
8,088 Income Statement Posting
#N/A #N/A
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement End-Total
Income Statement Begin-Total
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement Posting
Income Statement End-Total
- Income Statement End-Total


Particulars Amount in Rs.
Fixed Assets 531,497,477
Accumulated depreciation (156,707,411)
Deferred Tax (Asset) -
Current Assets -
Interest Accrued on Invest. 7,418,870
Inventory 1,462,671,923
Sundry Debtors 49,182,203
Sundry Debtors - ( Receivable from Xerion ) 585,709,923
Rates & Duties (Other than VAT) 15,276,903
Rates & Duties (VAT Receivable) 81,867,723
Rates & Duties (Prepaid Exp) 6,069,871
Term Deposits 155,077,617
Other Deposits 52,910,271
Cash and bank balances 478,607,347
Loans & Advances 664,192
Carried loss 165,447,256

Total 3,435,694,165

Share Capital (995,310,090)

Reserves and Surplus (1,289,378,702)
Sundry Creditors-purchases and provision (Payables) (942,471,363)
Sundry Creditors-purchases and provisions (Advances) 81,297,262
Sundry Creditors-others (Payables) (117,288,815)
Sundry Creditors-others (Advances) 61,178,752
Rates & Duties (Others) (49,662,503)
Rates & Duties (VAT Output) (78,998,018)
Deferred Tax Liabilities -
Expenses Payable (1,207,577)
Provision for Statutory liab (31,911,450)
Other Provisions (71,941,661)

Total (3,435,694,165)

Diff (0.37)
Particular April/14 YTD
Sales 511,518,139 511,518,139
Less : Sales return (121,297,809) (121,297,809)
Sales MKTP 128,043,803 128,043,803
Less : Sales return MKTP (22,078,053) (22,078,053)
Sales International (Net of Returns) 2,428,038 2,428,038
ORD/ ORP working 22,572,982 22,572,982
* Net Sales 521,187,099 521,187,099
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of goods sold-Ownwarehouse & International 426,656,312 426,656,312
Cost of goods sold Market place 100,371,251 100,371,251
** Gross margin before other direct cost (5,840,464) (5,840,464)
Other direct cost
Packing charges 6,467,428 6,467,428
Contract manpower 9,525,000 9,525,000
Total direct cost 15,992,428 15,992,428
Contract number of employees 948 948
Average salary per employee 10,047 10,047
Gross Margin (21,832,892) (21,832,892)
Other Income 15,183,847 15,183,847
Rent income 182,800 182,800
*** Total Income (6,466,245) (6,466,245)

Sr No Code Account type Head Amount 1

1 10000 Heading BALANCE SHEET -
2 10001 Begin-Total ASSETS -
3 10002 Begin-Total Fixed Assets -
4 10003 Begin-Total Tangible Fixed Assets -
5 10100 Begin-Total Land -
6 10101 Posting Increases, Land -
7 10102 Posting Decreases, Land -
8 10119 End-Total Land , Total -
9 10120 Begin-Total Buildings -
10 10121 Posting Increases, Buildings -
11 10122 Posting Decreases, Buildings -
12 10139 End-Total Buildings, Total -
13 10140 Begin-Total Leaseholds -
14 10141 Posting Increases, Leaseholds 34,454,319
15 10142 Posting Decreases, Leaseholds -
16 10159 End-Total Leaseholds, Total -
17 10160 Begin-Total Office Equipment -
18 10161 Posting Increases, Office Equipment 36,214,555
19 10162 Posting Decreases, Office Equipment (4,461,239)
20 10179 End-Total Office Equipment, Total -
21 10180 Begin-Total Computers & Peripherals -
22 10181 Posting Increases, Computers & Perph. 126,941,624
23 10182 Posting Decreases, Computers & Perph. (21,744,812)
24 10199 End-Total Computer & Perph., Total -
25 11121 Posting Increases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. 49,855,274
26 11122 Posting Decreases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. -
27 10220 Begin-Total Furniture & Fixtures -
28 10221 Posting Increases, Furn & Fix. 289,689,304
29 10222 Posting Decreases, Furn & Fix. (373,855)
30 10239 End-Total Furniture & Fixtures, Total -
31 10240 Begin-Total Vehicles -
32 10241 Posting Increases,Vehicle 4,000
33 10242 Posting Decreases,Vehicle -
34 10259 End-Total Vehicles, Totals -
35 10260 Begin-Total Plant & machinery -
36 10261 Posting Increases, Plant & machinery 8,022,403
37 10262 Posting Decreases, Plant & machinery -
38 10270 End-Total Plant & machinery, Totals -
39 10500 Posting Capital Work in Progress 4,778,169
40 10999 End-Total Tangible Fixed Assets, Total -
41 11000 Begin-Total Intangible Fixed Assets -
42 11100 Begin-Total Patents, Licenses, rights & tr -
43 11101 Posting Increases, Patents, Licences 8,117,737
44 11102 Posting Decreases, Patents, Licences -
45 11119 End-Total Patents, Licenses, Total -
46 11499 End-Total Intangible F.A. , Total -
47 10551 Posting FA Control Account -
48 11120 Begin-Total Comp. Soft. & Web Dev. -
49 11139 End-Total Comp. Soft. & Web Dev., Total -
50 12999 End-Total Fixed Assets, Total -
52 10123 Posting Accum. Depreciation, Buildings -
53 10143 Posting Accum. Depreciation, leasehold (10,602,965)
54 10163 Posting Accum Dep ,Office Eqipment (6,742,053)
55 10183 Posting Accum. Depr., Comp. & Perph. (48,774,223)
56 11123 Posting Accum. Depr.,Comp.Soft.& Dev. (27,224,936)
57 10223 Posting Accum. Depr. Furniture-Fixture (58,776,120)
58 10243 Posting Accum. Depreciation, Vehicle (4,000)
59 10263 Posting Accum. Depreciation, Plant & M (1,275,205)
60 11103 Posting Accum. Dep.-Patents, Licences (3,307,908)
62 13500 Begin-Total Investment -
63 13501 Posting Investments -
64 13599 End-Total Investment, Total -
65 13600 Posting Deferred Tax (Asset) -
66 14000 Begin-Total Current Assets , Loans & Adv -
67 14100 Begin-Total Current Assets -
68 14200 Begin-Total Interest Accrued on Invest. -
69 14201 Posting Interest Accrued on FDR 7,418,870
70 14202 Posting Interest Accrued on BG -
71 14299 End-Total Interest Accd on Invest, Total -
73 14300 Begin-Total Inventory -
74 14301 Posting Raw Material (4,564,926)
75 14302 Posting Finished Goods 1,560,542,740
76 14303 Posting Packing Material 5,773,767
77 14304 Posting Trims -
78 14305 Posting Labels -
79 14306 Posting Raw Materials (Interim) -
80 14307 Posting WIP Account, Finished goods -
81 14308 Posting Spares -
82 14309 Posting Inventory uninvoiced -
83 14310 Posting Packing WH Inventory (9,727,911)
84 14311 Posting Capital Goods -
85 14312 Posting Invt. lying under consignment 2,148,254
86 14314 Posting Prov for slow moving inventory (91,500,000)
87 14313 Posting Goods in transit -
88 14399 End-Total Inventory, Total -
90 14400 Begin-Total Works-in-Progress -
91 14401 Posting Works-in-Progress -
92 14499 End-Total Works-in-Progress, Total -
94 14500 Begin-Total Sundry Debtors -
95 14501 Posting Debtors-B2B-Domestic 544,338,257
96 14502 Posting Debtors-B2B-International (50,039)
97 14503 Posting Debtors-B2C-Domestic 246,032
98 14504 Posting Debtors-B2C-International (1,381,435)
99 14505 Posting Debtors-Employee (3,230)
100 14506 Posting Debtors-Offline 10,324,371
101 14507 Posting Debtors-Others 80,527,054
102 14508 Posting Debtors-Advances -
103 14580 Begin-Total Common Party-Branch -
104 14581 Posting Branch Creditors -
105 14582 Posting Branch Debtors 891,116
106 14589 End-Total Common Party-Branch, Total -
107 14599 End-Total Sundry Debtors, Totals -
109 14600 Begin-Total Prepaid Expenses -
110 14601 Posting Prepaid Expenses 6,069,871
111 14699 End-Total Prepaid Expenses, Total -
112 14700 Begin-Total Rates & Duties -
113 14701 Posting Service Tax Receivable -
114 14702 Posting Service Tax Receivable Interim -
115 14703 Posting TDS Receivable-Asset 2012-13 7,484,542
116 14717 Posting TDS Receivable-Asset 2013-14 4,225,242
117 14704 Posting CENVAT Cr. Receivable 3,567,120
118 14705 Posting Cenvat Cr. Deffered Account -
119 14706 Posting PLA -
120 14707 Posting VAT Cr. Carried Forward A/C -
121 14708 Posting Cenvat Cr. Receivable (Tra) -
122 14709 Posting Cenvat Cr Transfered (Tra) -
123 14710 Posting Input VAT Credit 45,768,213
124 14711 Posting VAT Refund A/C -
125 14712 Posting VAT Deferment A/C -
126 14715 Posting Excise Refund -
127 14716 Posting INPUT VAT CREDIT(MKTP-DEL+MUM) 9,331,527
128 14718 Posting INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-DELHI) 19,010,164
129 14719 Posting INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-MUMBAI) 7,151,019
130 14720 Posting INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-KAR) 606,799
131 14799 End-Total Rates & Duties, Totals -
133 15000 Begin-Total Deposits -
134 15100 Begin-Total Term Deposits -
135 15103 Posting FDR- against BG/ LC 155,077,617
136 15105 Posting FDR-Axis Bank -
137 15199 End-Total Term Deposits, Totals -
139 15200 Begin-Total Other Deposits -
140 15201 Posting Security Deposits 49,110,271
141 15204 Posting Security Deposits - Cheque 3,800,000
142 15202 Posting Utilities Deposits -
143 15203 Posting Collateral Deposits -
144 15299 End-Total Other Deposits , Totals -
145 15399 End-Total Deposits, Totals -
147 15400 Begin-Total Cash and bank balances -
148 15500 Begin-Total Cash balance on hand -
149 15501 Posting Cash-in Hand 187,000
150 15599 End-Total Cash bal on hand, Totals -
151 15600 Begin-Total Bank Balance -
152 15101 Posting Fixed Deposits 50,000,000
153 15601 Posting HDFC Bank 221 213,501,093
154 15602 Posting AXIS Bank -
155 15104 Posting FDR-HDFC sweep -
156 15106 Posting FDR-ICICI sweep -
157 15107 Posting FDR-ICICI bank -
158 15102 Posting FDR Sweep 35,102,975
159 15603 Posting ICICI Bank-0016 43,822,163
160 15604 Posting HDFC 392 58,207
161 15605 Posting ICICI Bank-443 4,542,081
162 15606 Posting CITI Bank 612,245
163 15607 Posting CITI bank 2 380
164 15608 Posting State Bank of India - 2221 2,509,909
165 15609 Posting Kotak Mahindra Bank - 3743 128,271,293
166 15699 End-Total Bank Balance, Totals -
167 15799 End-Total Cash and bank bal, Totals -
169 15999 End-Total Current Assets, totals -
170 16000 Begin-Total Loans & Advances -
171 16100 Begin-Total Adv and Loans -
172 16101 Posting Adv and Loans (60,221)
173 16199 End-Total Adv and Loans,Totals -
174 16200 Begin-Total Advance to Employees -
175 16201 Posting Advances to staff 273,232
176 16202 Posting 0 -
177 16299 End-Total Advance to Employees, Totals -
178 16300 Begin-Total Advance Income Tax -
179 16301 Posting Advance Income Tax -
180 16302 Posting Advance FBT -
181 16399 End-Total Advance Income Tax, Totals -
182 16400 Begin-Total Imprest to Staff -
183 16401 Posting Imprest to Staff (Expenses) 451,181
184 16450 End-Total Imprest to Staff total -
185 16499 End-Total Loans & Advances, Totals -
186 16999 End-Total Current Ast ,Loans & Adv,Tot -
188 17000 Begin-Total Misc. Expenditure -
189 17001 Posting Preincorporation Expenses -
190 17019 End-Total Misc. Expenditure, totals -
191 19999 End-Total TOTAL ASSETS -
193 20000 Begin-Total LIABILITIES -
194 20100 Begin-Total Share Capital -
195 20101 Posting Authorised Share Capital -
196 20102 Posting Subscribed Share Capital -
197 20103 Posting Issued Share Capital (583,539,860)
198 20104 Posting Share Appl & Allotment Money (411,770,230)
199 20105 Posting Calls in Arrears -
200 20199 End-Total Share Capital, Total -
202 20200 Begin-Total Reserves and Surplus -
203 20201 Posting Share Premium (5,250,958,740)
204 20202 Posting Retained Earnings 3,961,580,038
205 20203 Posting General Reserve -
206 20299 End-Total Reserves and Surplus, Total -
208 20300 Begin-Total Secured Loans -
209 20301 Posting Cash Credits -
210 20302 Posting Corporate Loans -
211 20303 Posting Hire Purchase Loans -
212 20399 End-Total Secured Loans, Totals -
213 20400 Begin-Total Unsecured Loans -
214 20401 Posting Unsecured Loans -
215 20499 End-Total Unsecured Loans, Totals -
216 20600 Begin-Total CurrentLiabilities&Provisions -
217 20700 Begin-Total Current Liabilities -
219 20500 Posting Deferred Tax Liabilities -
221 22302 Posting Provision for Purchases (100,000,000)
222 20801 Posting Creditors-Raw Material (1,811,103)
223 20814 Posting Creditors-Market place (109,602,536)
224 20811 Posting Creditors-Finished (649,760,461)
226 20815 Posting Creditors-Employee-Advance -
227 20816 Posting Creditors-Asset-Advance -
228 20817 Posting Creditors-Finished-Advance -
229 20818 Posting Creditors-Expenses-Advance -
231 20800 Begin-Total Sundry Creditors -
232 20802 Posting Creditors-Job Work -
233 20803 Posting Creditors-Security (0)
234 20804 Posting Creditors-Transporter -
235 20805 Posting Creditors-Packing Material -
236 20806 Posting Creditors-Service -
237 20807 Posting Creditors-Administrator -
238 20808 Posting Creditors-Marketing (14,468)
239 20809 Posting Creditors-Employee 3,197,103
240 20810 Posting Creditors-Asset 5,292,439
241 20812 Posting Creditors-Expenses (64,585,137)
242 20813 Posting Creditors-Modeling -
243 20899 End-Total Sundry Creditors, Totals -
245 20900 Begin-Total Rates & Duties -
246 20901 Posting TDS Payable-Commission -
247 20902 Posting TDS Payable-Contractor (259,198)
248 20903 Posting TDS Payable-Interest -
249 20904 Posting TDS Payable- Professional (1,894,628)
250 20905 Posting TDS payable- Rent (483,067)
251 20906 Posting TDS Payable- Non Resident (72,431)
252 20907 Posting TDS Payable - Salary (4,617,927)
253 20908 Posting TDS Receivable-Devidend -
254 20909 Posting TDS Receivable-Int.on Sec. -
255 20910 Posting TDS Receivable-Lotteries -
256 20911 Posting TDS Payable-Ins. Comm. -
257 20912 Posting TDS Payable-NSS -
258 20913 Posting TDS Payable-Mutual Fund -
259 20914 Posting TDS Payable-Brokerage 6
260 20915 Posting TDS Payable-Inc. fm Units -
261 20916 Posting TDS Payable-Capital Assets -
262 20917 Posting TDS Payable-Horse Race -
263 20918 Posting TDS Payable-Sports Asst. -
264 20919 Posting TDS Payable-Inc. of MF -
265 20920 Posting TDS Payable-Units -
266 20921 Posting TDS Payable-FCY Bonds -
267 20922 Posting TDS Payable-FII fm Sec. -
268 20923 Posting Works Tax Payable -
269 20924 Posting Service Tax Payable Interim -
270 20925 Posting Sales Tax Payable -
271 20926 Posting VAT Payable 69,195,657
272 20927 Posting Output VAT (143,574,937)
273 20928 Posting CST Account (Sales) (26,079)
274 20929 Posting Service Tax Payable 2,133
275 20930 Posting Service Tax Payable-Reverse ch (44,400)
276 20931 Posting Excise Payable (3,997,739)
277 20932 Posting TCS Payable-A -
278 20933 Posting TCS Payable-B -
279 20934 Posting TCS Payable-C -
280 20935 Posting TCS Payable-D -
281 20936 Posting TCS Payable-E -
282 20937 Posting TCS Payable-F -
283 20938 Posting TCS Payable-G -
284 20939 Posting TCS Payable-H -
285 20940 Posting TCS Payable-I -
286 20941 Posting OUTPUT VAT (MKTP-DELHI+MUMBAI) (15,546,849)
287 20942 Posting VAT PAYABLE( MARKETPLACE ) 10,954,189
288 20943 Posting OUTPUT VAT DELHI MARKETPLACE (31,184,181)
289 20944 Posting OUTPUT VAT MUMBAI MARKETPLACE (6,543,041)
290 20945 Posting CST Payable Delhi -
291 20946 Posting OUTPUT VAT KARNATAKA MKTP (568,030)
292 20999 End-Total Rates & Duties, Totals -
294 21000 Begin-Total Expenses Payable -
295 21001 Posting Expenses Payable -
296 21002 Posting Rent Payable -
297 21003 Posting Salary Payable (407,020)
298 21004 Posting PF Payable (768,895)
299 21005 Posting ESIC Payable (11,372)
300 21006 Posting HLWF Payable (20,290)
301 21007 Posting Reimbursement Payable -
302 21008 Posting Telephone Expenses Payable -
303 21101 Posting Gift coupon Liability -
304 21199 End-Total Expenses Payable, Totals -
306 21200 Begin-Total Inv. Adjmt. (Interim) -
307 21201 Posting Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Raw Mat -
308 21202 Posting Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Pac Mat -
309 21203 Posting Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Store -
310 21299 End-Total Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Total -
312 21999 End-Total Current Liabilities, Totals -
313 22000 Begin-Total Provisions -
314 22100 Begin-Total Provision for Taxes & Duties -
315 22101 Posting Provision for Income Tax -
316 22102 Posting Provision for FBT -
317 22199 End-Total Provision for Taxes & Dut,Tot -
318 22200 Begin-Total Provision for Statutory liab -
319 22201 Posting Provision for Gratuity (10,191,679)
320 22202 Posting Provision for Leave Encashment (21,719,771)
321 22299 End-Total Provision for Stat. liab-Total -
322 22300 Begin-Total Other Provisions -
323 22301 Posting Provision for Expenses (70,427,749)
324 22303 Posting Initial Upload (4)
325 22304 Posting Provision for sales return -
326 22305 Posting Rent Equalisation Reserve (1,513,908)
327 22399 End-Total Other Provisions, Totals -
329 22599 End-Total Provisions, Totals -
330 22600 Posting Provision for Bad Debts -
331 28999 End-Total Current Liab & Prov, Totals -
332 29999 End-Total TOTAL LIABILITIES -
334 30200 Begin-Total Sales -
335 30201 Posting Sales-Domestic (533,976,538)
336 30204 Posting Sales Return-Domestic 116,831,471
337 30263 Posting SALES-DOMESTIC (DWARKA W/H) -
338 30264 Posting SALES RETURN-DOM (DWARKA W/H) 2,194,192
339 30203 Posting Sales-Trading -
340 30210 Posting Sales-Consignment -
341 30206 Posting Sales Return-Trading -
342 30252 Posting Line Discount Granted 2,272,147
343 30250 Posting Sales-Scrape (114,583)
344 30211 Posting SalesReturn-Consignment -
345 30212 Posting Sales Offline Stors -
346 30213 Posting Sales Return Offline Stors -
347 30261 Posting SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) (128,043,803)
348 30262 Posting SALES RETURN-DOMESTIC (MKTPLA) 22,078,053
349 30202 Posting Sales-Foreign (2,441,345)
350 30205 Posting Sales Return-Foreign 13,307
351 30221 Posting Sales-International business -
352 30241 Posting Sales-Marketing -
353 30260 Begin-Total Sales Others -
354 30291 Posting Invoice Discount Granted -
355 30292 Posting Marketing Promotions -
356 30293 Posting Store Credit -
357 30000 Begin-Total INCOME STATEMENT -
358 30001 Begin-Total Revenue -
359 30100 Begin-Total Revenue -
360 30251 Posting Sales-Scrape/Raw material -
361 30259 End-Total Sales, Total -
362 30294 Posting Sales-return provision -
363 30299 End-Total Sales others, Total -
365 30300 Begin-Total Other Income -
366 30301 Posting Unrealized Profit (7,097)
367 30302 Posting Income - Ops IT Project -
368 30303 Posting Cash Discount (588,592)
369 30399 End-Total Other Income, Total -
371 30400 Begin-Total Profit on Sales on Fixed Ast -
372 30401 Posting Profit on Sale of Land -
373 30402 Posting Profit on sale of Building -
374 30403 Posting Profit on sale of Vehicle -
375 30404 Posting Profit on Sale of Compperf. -
376 30405 Posting Profit on Sale of Compsoftw -
377 30406 Posting Profit on Sale of Furn& Fix. -
378 30407 Posting Profit on Sale on Office Eqp. -
379 30499 End-Total Profit on Sales on F A,Total -
381 30500 Begin-Total Profit on Sales of Invest -
382 30501 Posting Profit on Sales of Invest -
383 30599 End-Total Profit on Sales ofInvest,Total -
385 30600 Begin-Total Interest Income -
386 30601 Posting Bank Interest Income (1,588,158)
387 30603 Posting Other income -
388 30604 Posting Maintainance Fees (13,000,000)
389 30602 Posting Interest Income - Others -
390 30699 End-Total Interest Income, Total -
391 30999 End-Total Total Other Income -
393 31201 Posting Rent income (182,800)
395 31100 Begin-Total Prior Period Incomes -
396 31101 Posting Prior Period Incomes -
397 31199 End-Total Prior Period Incomes,Total -
399 31200 Posting Gain on Foreign Ex. Flut. -
400 39990 End-Total Total Revenue -
402 40100 Begin-Total Purchases -
403 40101 Posting Purchases-Raw Material 468,518
404 40102 Posting Purchases-Finished Material 367,086,074
405 40104 Posting Direct Cost Applied (410,732,674)
406 40107 Posting Purchase-Packing Material 504,237
407 40108 Posting Purchase Consignment 42,213,402
408 40109 Posting Inward Freight (Purchase) -
409 40110 Posting Purchase Import -
410 40111 Posting Purchase International C form -
411 40112 Posting Purchase International Local -
412 40113 Posting Purchase Inter centr without C -
413 40114 Posting Purchases-Against Form H -
414 40123 Posting COGS-Marketing -
415 40126 Posting Purchases-Trims -
416 40127 Posting Cost of Goods Sold 433,311,846
417 40004 Posting COGS Excise 1,933,658
418 40128 Posting Invent Adj.-Raw Material -
419 40129 Posting Invent Adj.-Finished goods 4,328
420 40131 Posting Invent Adj.-Trims -
421 40132 Posting Invent Adj.-Labels -
422 40134 Posting Invoice clearing account -
423 40133 Posting Purchase-rate difference (12,269)
424 40000 Begin-Total EXPENDITURE -
425 40001 Begin-Total Branch Stock Transfer -
426 40002 Posting Branch Stock Transfer Inward 1,982,811
427 40003 Posting Branch Stock Transfer Outward (2,338,407)
428 40005 Posting Direct Cost Applied (1,982,811)
429 40136 Posting Inventory Provision -
430 40010 End-Total Branch Stock Transfer, Total -
431 40135 Posting PURCHASES (Dwarka Warehouse) 139,271
432 40137 Posting PURCHASES RETURN (Dwarka WH) (2,850)
433 40121 Posting Purchase-Marketing -
434 40199 End-Total Purchases, Total -
436 40125 Posting Discount Received (5,918,823)
439 40105 Posting PURCHASES (MARKETPLACE) 130,735,998
440 40106 Posting PURCHASES-RETURN (MARKETPLACE) (37,625,070)
441 30296 Posting Direct Cost Applied MKTP (85,850,604)
442 30295 Posting COGC Marketplace 93,110,927
445 40300 Begin-Total Salaries Wages & Allowance -
446 40301 Posting Employees Salary - Basic 19,020,300
447 40302 Posting Employees Salary - HRA 9,510,150
448 40303 Posting Employees Salary- Trans. Allow 428,585
449 40304 Posting Employees Salary - Spl. Allow 15,399,553
450 40305 Posting Employee Uniform Allowance -
451 40306 Posting Employees Reimb. - Medial 625,791
452 40307 Posting Employees Reimb. - Telephone -
453 40308 Posting Employees Reimb - VRME 418,955
454 40309 Posting Employee Reimb. - Driver Sal. -
455 40310 Posting Employees-LTA (27,600)
456 40311 Posting Employees - Meal allowance -
457 40312 Posting Employees Reimb. Book & Period -
458 40313 Posting Ex Gratia 195,968
459 40314 Posting Incentive -
460 40315 Posting Statutory Bonus -
461 40316 Posting Leave encashment 115,596
462 40317 Posting Joining bonus 200,000
463 40318 Posting Employees Salary - Arrears 70,779
464 40319 Posting Referral bonus 10,000
465 40320 Posting Notice pay 27,978
466 40321 Posting Variable Allowance 2,616,090
467 40322 Posting Children Education Allowance 20,130
468 40399 End-Total Salaries Wages &Allow Total -
470 43425 Posting Stipend 307,932
472 40400 Begin-Total Cont to PF & Other Funds -
473 40401 Posting Employer Contribution to PF 575,853
474 40402 Posting Employer Contribution - HLWF (6,880)
475 40403 Posting Employer Contribution to ESIC -
476 40404 Posting PF Administration Charges 72,987
477 40499 End-Total Cont to PF & Other Funds Tot -
479 40700 Posting Gratuity -
481 40500 Begin-Total Welfare Expenses -
482 40501 Posting Entertainment - Internal -
483 40502 Posting Office Canteen 400,006
484 40503 Posting Staff Welfare 718,489
485 40504 Posting Office Expenses 100,000
486 43500 Posting Medical Expenses -
487 40505 Posting Relocation Expenses -
488 40506 Posting Staff Welfare-Team Expenses 47,713
489 40507 Posting Staff Training & Develop. Exp. -
490 40599 End-Total Welfare Expenses Total -
492 40600 Begin-Total Advertising & Sales Promo. -
493 40601 Posting Brand building cost-Online 41,978,149
494 40602 Posting Bussiness Promotions 12,475,449
495 40603 Posting Fair & Exibition -
496 40604 Posting Gift Expenses -
497 40605 Posting Sales Promotion Exp./ sample -
498 40606 Posting Publicity Expense -
499 40607 Posting Testing transaction 36,843
500 40608 Posting Membership Fee 9,000
501 40609 Posting Sponsorship Exp -
502 40610 Posting Sponsorship Exp - ST -
503 40611 Posting Advertisement Expenses - ST -
504 40612 Posting Brand Building cost-Offline -
505 40613 Posting Brand Building cost-TV -
506 40699 End-Total Advert. & Sales Promo.,Total -
509 40900 Begin-Total Utility,stors and pack Exp. -
510 40901 Posting Electricity Charges 1,251,292
511 40902 Posting Power Fuel Charges 882,477
512 40903 Posting Water Expenses 30,000
513 40908 Posting Rent-Generator 50,000
514 40999 End-Total Utility,stores pack Exp., Tot. -
516 40904 Posting Stores and consumbale-Domestic 20,410
517 40103 Posting Purchases-Packing agnst Form C -
518 40130 Posting Invent Adj.-Packing Mat. 6,433,518
519 40906 Posting Packing Expense-Consumption -
520 40907 Posting Stores and consumbale-Foreign -
521 40905 Posting Packing Expenes-Domestic 13,500
523 41000 Begin-Total Travelling & Conveyance -
524 41001 Posting Conveyance Expenses 99,993
525 41002 Posting Vehicle hire charges 1,984,000
526 41003 Posting Travel Expenses Foreign 292,461
527 41004 Posting Travel Expenses-Domestic 1,000,010
528 41005 Posting Boarding and lodging charges (11)
529 41006 Posting Vehicle hire chg - ST 231,359
530 41099 End-Total Travelling & Conv Total -
532 41100 Begin-Total Telephone Expenses -
533 41101 Posting Telephone Expenses -
534 41102 Posting Internet charges 761,761
535 41103 Posting Mobile expenses 561,701
536 41199 End-Total Telephone Expenses Total -
538 41200 Begin-Total Administrative & Other Exp -
539 41300 Begin-Total Insurance Expenses -
540 41301 Posting Insurance Office 8,060
541 41302 Posting General Insurance-Misapp. -
542 41303 Posting Staff Insurance Premium 593,540
543 41399 End-Total Insurance Expenses Total -
545 41400 Begin-Total Consultancy/Professional Exp. -
546 41401 Posting Audit Expenses -
547 41402 Posting Accounting Expenses -
548 41403 Posting Prof. & Consultancy 3,099,702
549 41404 Posting Legal Expenses -
550 41408 Posting Legal Expenses - ST -
552 41405 Posting Modeling charges 3,499,987
553 41406 Posting Production expenses 149,642
554 41499 End-Total Consultancy/Prof Exp Total -
556 41407 Posting Audit Fees -
558 41600 Begin-Total Repair & Maintenance -
559 41601 Posting UPS hire charges 109,687
560 41602 Posting Repairs & Maintenance 1,374,297
561 41605 Posting Computer Maintenance Charges 247,826
562 41606 Posting House Keeping Exp - ST -
563 41607 Posting Security Service Chg - ST -
564 41608 Posting Repairs & Maintenance - ST -
565 41699 End-Total Total Repair & Maintenance -
567 43422 Posting Contract manpower exp-others 940,567
568 43423 Posting Contract manpower others - ST -
570 41603 Posting House Keeping Expenses 1,281,619
572 41604 Posting Security Service Charges 1,024,539
574 41700 Begin-Total Postage & Telegram -
575 41701 Posting Postage & Telegram Expenses -
576 41702 Posting Courier Charges 868,545
577 41799 End-Total Postage & Telegram,Totals -
579 41900 Begin-Total Depreciation -
580 41901 Posting Depreciation, Compt. & Perph. 1,932,747
581 41902 Posting Depreciation, Office Equipment 311,535
582 41903 Posting Depreciation, F & F 4,740,204
583 41904 Posting Depreciation, Leasholds 671,616
584 41905 Posting Depreciation, Vehicles -
585 41906 Posting Depreciation,Comp.Soft.&WebDev 771,186
586 41907 Posting Depreciation, Patents 133,345
587 41908 Posting Depreciation, Plant & Machin. 82,031
588 41999 End-Total Total Depreciation -
591 42100 Begin-Total Duties & Taxes -
592 42101 Posting Service Tax Expense -
593 42102 Posting Excise Expense -
594 42103 Posting Excise Expense-Job Work -
595 42104 Posting Rates & taxes -
596 42199 End-Total Total Duties & Taxes -
598 42900 Begin-Total Filling Charges -
599 42901 Posting Filling Charges -
600 42999 End-Total Total Filling Charges -
602 42200 Posting Donations -
604 42300 Begin-Total Printing & Stationery -
605 42301 Posting Printing & Stationery 497,666
606 42399 End-Total Total Printing & Stationery -
608 42600 Begin-Total Finance Charges -
609 42601 Posting Finance Charges -
610 42699 End-Total Total Finance Charges -
612 43000 Begin-Total Bank Charges -
613 43001 Posting Interest Expenses -
614 41503 Posting Interest on Late Payment 6,800
615 43002 Posting Bank Charges 167,003
616 43003 Posting Bank charges -INT SALE -
617 43099 End-Total Total Bank Charges -
619 43100 Begin-Total Rent Expenses -
620 43101 Posting Office Rent 2,727,811
621 43102 Posting Warehouse rent 3,334,727
622 43104 Posting Rent other location 375,627
623 43103 Posting Rent others 123,124
624 43199 End-Total Total Rent expenses -
626 43200 Begin-Total IT & Support Services Exp. -
627 43201 Posting IT & Support Services Exp. 6,465,053
628 43202 Posting IT Exps-Office ExpsE-Mail&Tele -
629 43203 Posting IT Exps -Stationary -
630 43204 Posting IT Exps-Computer AMC -
631 43205 Posting Domain charges -
632 43206 Posting Software licence cost -
633 43207 Posting IT & Support -ERP -
634 43208 Posting IT & Support -WEB -
635 43299 End-Total IT & Support Serv. Exp.,Totals -
637 43300 Begin-Total Festival Expenses -
638 43301 Posting Festival Expenses -
639 43399 End-Total Total Festival Expenses -
641 43410 Posting Recruitment expenses 1,301,936
642 43411 Posting Recruitment expenses - ST -
643 43421 Posting Contract manpower expenses-WH 9,525,000
644 43430 Posting Management consultancy fee 3,284,564
646 43440 Posting Freight/ transport charges 1,260,000
647 43442 Posting Loss in-Transit -
648 43443 Posting Freight Charges Recovery -
649 43444 Posting Freight/transport-Internation 857,776
650 43445 Posting Freight/ transport chg - ST 1,133,103
651 30311 Posting Freight outward (37,528)
652 43435 Posting Clearing & forwarding/ Cartage 3,142,089
653 43400 Posting Commision on sales -
654 40800 Posting Brokerage and commission -
656 45200 Begin-Total Selling & Dist Overhead -
657 45201 Posting Customer Discount Given -
658 45202 Posting Invoice Rounding (357)
659 45203 Posting PIT Difference -
660 45299 End-Total Tot, Selling & Dist Overhead -
662 41500 Begin-Total Miscellaneous Expenses -
663 42000 Posting Books & Periodicals -
664 43441 Posting Discount on coupon -
665 41501 Posting Short & Excess (5)
666 41502 Posting Miscellaneous Expenses -
667 41599 End-Total Total Miscellaneous Exp -
669 43600 Begin-Total Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets -
670 43601 Posting Loss on Sale of Land -
671 43602 Posting Loss on sale of Building -
672 43603 Posting Loss on sale of Vehicle -
673 43604 Posting Loss on sale of Computer Perf. -
674 43605 Posting Loss on sale of Computer Softw -
675 43606 Posting Loss on sale of Furniture & Fx -
676 43607 Posting Loss on sale of Office Eqp. -
677 43699 End-Total Tot Loss on Sale of Fixed Ast -
679 43700 Begin-Total Loss on sale of Investment -
680 43701 Posting Loss on sale of Investment -
681 43799 End-Total Total Loss on sale of Invest -
683 43800 Begin-Total Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss -
684 43810 Posting Unrealized FX Gains -
685 43820 Posting Unrealized FX Losses -
686 43830 Posting Realized FX Gains -
687 43840 Posting Foreign Exchange Gain/ Loss 8,087
688 43899 End-Total Foreign Exch. Gain/Loss, Total -
689 44200 Posting Bad Debts -
690 44300 Posting Impairment Loss -
691 44400 Posting CWIP Written off -
692 44500 Posting Misc Balances Written Off 1
693 44999 End-Total Total Admin. & Other Expenses -
694 45000 Posting Provision for Bad Debts -
695 45100 Posting Provision for Refund Claim Rec -
698 45300 Begin-Total Amortisation -
699 45301 Posting Amortisation -
700 45399 End-Total Total Amortisation -
701 45400 Begin-Total Income Tax & FBT -
702 45401 Posting Income tax expense -
703 45402 Posting FBT expense -
704 45403 Posting Interset on FBT -
705 45499 End-Total Total Income Tax & FBT -
706 49999 End-Total Total Expenditure -

Amount 2 Remarks 1 Remarks 2 Groups

Fixed assets - Tangible

Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible
Fixed assets - Tangible

Fixed assets - Intangible

Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Intangible
Fixed assets - Tangible

531,497,477 Fixed assets - Tangible

Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Intangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
Accumulated Depreciation - Tangible
(156,707,411) Accumulated Depreciation - Intangible

Interest Accrued but not Due

Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
Interest Accrued but not Due
7,418,870 Interest Accrued but not Due

Stock in trade
Stock in trade
1,558,736,850 Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
Stock in trade
(4,564,926) Stock in trade

Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables
634,892,126 Trade Receivables

6,069,871 Prepaid Expenses

Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Other current assets
Other current assets
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
81,867,723 Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables

15,276,903 Taxes payables

Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
155,077,617 Cash & Cash Equivalents

Security Deposits
Security Deposits

Security Deposits
Security Deposits
52,910,271 Security Deposits
Security Deposits

Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash & Cash Equivalents
478,607,347 Cash & Cash Equivalents

Other loans & advances

Other loans & advances
Other loans & advances
Other loans & advances

Loans & Advances to Employees

Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
Loans & Advances to Employees
664,192 Loans & Advances to Employees

Issued, subscribed and paid up

Share Application Money Pending Allotment


Securities premium
Surplus/ (deficit)
Surplus/ (deficit)

- Deffered Tax Liabilities

Trade payables
Non trade payables
Trade payables
(861,174,101) Trade payables

- Advances

Non trade payables

Non trade payables
Security Deposits
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
Non trade payables
(56,110,063) Non trade payables

Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
(78,998,018) Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables

Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables

Taxes payables
(49,662,503) Taxes payables

Salaries and benefits Payables

Salaries and benefits Payables
Salaries and benefits Payables
Salaries and benefits Payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Taxes payables
Salaries and benefits Payables
Salaries and benefits Payables
Other liabilities
(1,207,577) Salaries and benefits Payables

Provision for gratuity
Provision for leave encashment

Non trade payables

Trade Receivables


Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

(534,091,121) Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
121,297,809 Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

(128,043,803) Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

22,078,053 Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
(2,441,345) Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
13,307 Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Sales of Products (Net of Returns)
Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Sales of Products (Net of Returns)

Other Income
Other Income

(595,689) Other Income

Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
- Other Income

Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income

(182,800) Other Income

Miscellaneous Expenses
- Miscellaneous Expenses

Marketing cost

Stock in trade
Stock in trade


432,575,135 Purchases-Material

(5,918,823) Purchases-Material


Salary & Wages

Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages
Salary & Wages

48,632,275 Salary & Wages

307,932 Salary & Wages

Contribution to Provident and other Fund
Contribution to Provident and other Fund
Contribution to Provident and other Fund
Contribution to Provident and other Fund
Contribution to Provident and other Fund
641,960 Contribution to Provident and other Fund

- Contribution to Provident and other Fund

Staff Welfare Expenses

Staff Welfare Expenses
Staff Welfare Expenses
Staff Welfare Expenses
Staff Welfare Expenses
Staff Welfare Expenses
Staff Welfare Expenses

1,266,208 Staff Welfare Expenses

Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost
Marketing cost

54,499,441 Marketing cost

Electricity Expenses
Electricity Expenses
Electricity Expenses
Electricity Expenses
Electricity Expenses
2,213,769 Electricity Expenses

Packing charges
Packing charges
Electricity Expenses
Electricity Expenses
6,467,428 Packing charges

Travelling and conveyance

Travelling and conveyance
Travelling and conveyance
Travelling and conveyance
Travelling and conveyance
Travelling and conveyance

3,607,812 Travelling and conveyance

Communication expenses
Communication expenses
Communication expenses
Communication expenses
1,323,462 Communication expenses

Insurance Expenses
Insurance Expenses
Insurance Expenses
Insurance Expenses
Insurance Expenses
601,600 Insurance Expenses

Professional & Legal Fees

Professional & Legal Fees
Professional & Legal Fees
Professional & Legal Fees
Professional & Legal Fees

Production expenses
Production expenses
3,649,629 Production expenses

- Audit Fees

Repair and office maintenance

Repair and office maintenance
Repair and office maintenance
Repair and office maintenance

1,731,810 Repair and office maintenance

Contract manpower exp-others

940,567 Contract manpower exp-others

1,281,619 Repair and office maintenance

1,024,539 Repair and office maintenance

Communication expenses
Communication expenses
Communication expenses
868,545 Communication expenses
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation
Depreciation/ amortisation

8,642,664 Depreciation/ amortisation

Rates and taxes

Rates and taxes
Rates and taxes
Rates and taxes
Rates and taxes
- Rates and taxes

Rates and taxes

Rates and taxes
- Rates and taxes

- Miscellaneous Expenses

Printing and Stationary

Printing and Stationary
497,666 Printing and Stationary

Bank charges
Bank charges
Bank charges
Bank charges

173,803 Bank charges

6,561,289 Rent

IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
IT support
6,465,053 IT support

Miscellaneous Expenses

1,301,936 Recruitment Expenses

Recruitment Expenses
9,525,000 Contract manpower
3,284,564 Management consultancy fee

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
6,355,440 Miscellaneous Expenses
- Miscellaneous Expenses
- Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
(357) Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
(5) Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
- Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
- Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous Expenses
Miscellaneous Expenses
8,088 Miscellaneous Expenses


Remarks 3 Income/Balace Remarks 1 April May June
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Balance Sheet
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Balance Sheet

Income Statement
Income Statement (511,403,556)
Income Statement 116,831,471
Income Statement -
Income Statement 2,194,192
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 2,272,147
Income Statement (114,583)
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement (192,578)
Income Statement -
Income Statement (2,441,345)
Income Statement 13,307
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement (7,097)
Income Statement -
Income Statement (588,592)
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement (1,588,158)
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement

Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement Part of Purchase Entries 468,518
Income Statement Part of Purchase Entries 267,086,074
Income Statement Part of Purchase Entries (310,732,674)
Income Statement 504,237
Income Statement Part of Purchase Entries 42,213,402
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 433,311,846
Income Statement 1,933,658
Income Statement -
Income Statement 4,328
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement (12,269)
Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement 1,982,811
Income Statement (2,338,407)
Income Statement (1,982,811)
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement 139,271
Income Statement (2,850)
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement (518,823)

Income Statement 130,735,998

Income Statement (37,625,070)
Income Statement (85,850,604)
Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement 19,020,300
Income Statement 9,510,150
Income Statement 428,585
Income Statement 15,399,553
Income Statement -
Income Statement 625,791
Income Statement -
Income Statement 418,955
Income Statement -
Income Statement (27,600)
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 195,968
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 115,596
Income Statement 200,000
Income Statement 70,779
Income Statement 10,000
Income Statement 27,978
Income Statement 116,090
Income Statement 20,130
Income Statement

Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement (6,880)
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement 179,206
Income Statement 114,589
Income Statement 9,900
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 47,713
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement 12,186,711
Income Statement 12,615,449
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 36,843
Income Statement 9,000
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement 1,032,412
Income Statement 487,177
Income Statement -
Income Statement 50,000
Income Statement

Income Statement 5,410

Income Statement -
Income Statement 6,433,518
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 13,500

Income Statement
Income Statement 3,993
Income Statement (16,000)
Income Statement 135,417
Income Statement 126,310
Income Statement 42,889
Income Statement 231,359
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement 235,960
Income Statement 433,401
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement 8,060
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 2,297,228
Income Statement -
Income Statement -

Income Statement 4,896,087

Income Statement 193,442
Income Statement

Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement 109,687
Income Statement 227,707
Income Statement (2,174)
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement -
Income Statement -

Income Statement 73,179

Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement 264,945
Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement 58,366
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement 6,800
Income Statement 79,203
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement 2,727,811
Income Statement 2,222,363
Income Statement 382,527
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement 1,586,995
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -

Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 857,776
Income Statement 1,133,103
Income Statement (37,528)
Income Statement 42,089
Income Statement -
Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement (357)
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement (5)
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement 8,087
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -

Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement -
Income Statement
Income Statement
July August September October November December January
February March Provision Total Diff
(22,572,982) (533,976,538) -
- 116,831,471 -
- - -
- 2,194,192 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- 2,272,147 -
- (114,583) -
- - -
- - -
- - -
(127,851,225) (128,043,803) -
22,078,053 22,078,053 -
- (2,441,345) -
- 13,307 -
- - -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -

- (7,097) -
- - -
- (588,592) -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

- (1,588,158) -
- - -
(13,000,000) (13,000,000) -
- - -

(182,800) (182,800) -

- - -

- - -

- 468,518 -
100,000,000 367,086,074 -
(100,000,000) (410,732,674) -
- 504,237 -
- 42,213,402 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- 433,311,846 -
- 1,933,658 -
- - -
- 4,328 0
- - -
- - -
- - -
- (12,269) -

- 1,982,811 -
- (2,338,407) -
- (1,982,811) -
- - -

- 139,271 -
- (2,850) -
- - -

(5,400,000) (5,918,823) -

- 130,735,998 -
- (37,625,070) -
- (85,850,604) -
93,110,927 93,110,927 -

- 19,020,300 -
- 9,510,150 -
- 428,585 -
- 15,399,553 -
- - -
- 625,791 -
- - -
- 418,955 -
- - -
- (27,600) -
- - -
- - -
- 195,968 -
- - -
- - -
- 115,596 -
- 200,000 -
- 70,779 -
- 10,000 -
- 27,978 -
2,500,000 2,616,090 -
- 20,130 -

307,932 307,932 -
575,853 575,853 -
- (6,880) -
- - -
72,987 72,987 -

- - -

- - -
220,800 400,006 -
603,900 718,489 -
90,100 100,000 -
- - -
- - -
- 47,713 -
- - -

29,791,438 41,978,149 -
(140,000) 12,475,449 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- 36,843 -
- 9,000 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

218,880 1,251,292 -
395,300 882,477 -
30,000 30,000 -
- 50,000 -

15,000 20,410 -
- - -
- 6,433,518 -
- - -
- - -
- 13,500 -

96,000 99,993 -
2,000,000 1,984,000 -
157,044 292,461 -
873,700 1,000,010 -
(42,900) (11) -
- 231,359 -

- - -
525,801 761,761 -
128,300 561,701 -

- 8,060 -
- - -
593,540 593,540 -

- - -
- - -
802,474 3,099,702 -
- - -
- - -

(1,396,100) 3,499,987 -
(43,800) 149,642 -

- - -

- 109,687 -
1,146,590 1,374,297 -
250,000 247,826 -
- - -
- - -
- - -

940,567 940,567 -
- - -

1,208,440 1,281,619 -

1,024,539 1,024,539 -

- - -
603,600 868,545 -
1,932,747 1,932,747 -
311,535 311,535 -
4,740,204 4,740,204 -
671,616 671,616 -
- - -
771,186 771,186 -
133,345 133,345 -
82,031 82,031 -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -

439,300 497,666 -

- - -

- - -
- 6,800 -
87,800 167,003 -
- - -

- 2,727,811 -
1,112,364 3,334,727 -
(6,900) 375,627 -
123,124 123,124 -

4,878,058 6,465,053 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

1,301,936 1,301,936 -
- - -
9,525,000 9,525,000 -
3,284,564 3,284,564 -

1,260,000 1,260,000 -
- - -
- - -
- 857,776 -
- 1,133,103 -
- (37,528) -
3,100,000 3,142,089 -
- - -
- - -

- - -
- (357) -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- (5) -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- 8,087 -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - 1

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
January February March
(530,686,508) (424,308,183) (536,095,705)
129,982,050 105,011,046 125,613,076
(16,039,488) (15,478,393) (8,558,160)
- 3,835,782 2,671,663
- - -
- - -
- - -
(266,270) 528,980 362,714
(158,698) (142,619) (119,083)
- - -
- (523,272) (369,686)
- - -
(115,090,570) (101,663,782) (122,321,110)
16,287,298 13,129,737 1,600
(3,593,695) (2,143,938) (3,163,919)
273,422 8,979 30,978
(3,052,274) (1,149,922) (2,080,040)
(5) (1) -

- - -
- - -
- - -

- (56,141) (5,526)

(124,000,000) - -

(8,925) (108) 9,032

- - -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

(1,739,345) (2,803,186) (1,836,206)

(10,000) (341,681) (494,480)
48,415,468 (48,415,468) (30,550,000)
- - -

(195,462) (195,462) (195,462)

- - -

- - -

(3,568,928) 7,330,629 20,311,977

203,995,348 464,140,221 505,202,907
(291,949,455) (539,483,868) (589,544,588)
- - 8,361,052
73,934,274 51,123,579 84,212,122
- - 63,814
- - 3,493,761
380,166 400,935 1,146,996
44,766 31,103 62,006
393,303 427,549 379,162
- - -
141,120 23,520 -
- - -
563,328,748 340,089,360 425,363,471
13,940,080 5,356,268 4,699,274
- - -
(156,536) (2,880) (413,882)
- - -
- - -
0 - (3)
(40,705) (1,912) (338,308)

15,372,750 7,749,851 5,757,589

(13,940,111) (5,356,296) (4,627,718)
(15,372,750) (7,749,851) (5,757,589)
- - -

17,530,542 16,914,861 5,333,280

(15,569) - (36,919)
- - -

2,296,335 (587,606) (58,783,849)

117,479,568 101,937,992 130,987,414

(31,567,344) (26,771,082) (26,664,126)
(85,754,560) (75,154,974) (102,403,560)
130,827,752 11,430,172 682,759

18,275,644 18,666,899 19,530,340

9,137,825 9,333,448 9,765,165
441,366 458,870 480,239
15,611,068 15,842,785 16,576,964
- - -
594,880 628,058 639,000
- - -
- 279,783 296,515
- - -
29,613 95,921 1,890,213
- - -
- - -
(100,001) 100,000 -
- - -
- - 65,576
428,745 386,619 1,013,362
- 104,247 1,396,438
144,582 119,369 242,514
30,000 - (10,000)
(10,101) (73,675) 30,791
- - -
- - -

228,333 248,979 321,205

- 575,853 586,094
168,360 - (120)
- - -
- 72,987 76,683

- - -

- - -
421,628 470,240 671,363
818,428 1,011,261 3,221,313
71,816 101,922 97,095
- - -
- - 112,509
68,243 15,825 73,043
- 6,750 -

21,908,838 48,347,511 43,834,450

2,408,847 1,351,650 15,713,252
- - 150
- - -
6,329,568 100,280 283,541
- - -
- (56,690) 56,290
13,483 106,750 38,842
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

1,615,028 1,457,065 40,781

747,000 602,000 598,953
36,000 45,000 (103,249)
42,000 54,000 104,033

302,671 200,283 267,530

3,442,211 2,028,121 2,186,223
1,784,733 4,824,829 6,610,219
- - -
- - -
3,500,000 1,371,879 (5,130,857)

107,709 49,153 187,797

1,906,231 1,534,917 3,556,712
677,879 735,135 969,080
423,049 2,318,898 2,349,187
31,187 - 190,585
- - -

2,023 51,057 11,689

520,000 848,709 304,874
660,611 661,378 (424,412)

190,945 174,355 200,927

- - -
613,325 612,263 1,026,724

- - 40,095
- - -
4,127,086 5,307,735 8,731,658
38,857 56,180 17,354
- - -

440,861 3,497,504 1,918,251

894,611 580,867 1,293,395

- - 561,800

136,125 154,125 173,250

2,222,125 1,429,345 3,062,561
291,795 427,939 161,245
- - -
- - -
- - -

1,074,666 639,477 34,094

- - -

457,083 1,405,113 1,672,989

935,168 957,703 1,055,538

- 39 -
984,461 1,593,454 1,134,256
- - 6,965,639
- - 943,382
- - 12,629,567
- - 1,483,424
- - 416
- - 3,593,267
- - 404,125
- - 246,971

- - -
- - -
- - -
(550,282) 15,926 14,475

1,000 3,605 -

- 23,443 -

492,259 548,008 481,875

- - -

- - -
95,820 1,310 74,425
50,321 47,090 186,382
88,971 - -

4,726,554 4,062,226 2,727,811

2,634,761 2,135,934 2,391,058
255,124 399,436 425,942
60,000 22,000 52,800

2,843,083 8,830,838 21,918,685

196,686 - 400,789
- - -
- - -
- - -
- 13,916 65,582
- - -
- - -

- 2,310 9,513

427,113 2,865,428 666,377

- - -
5,484,765 11,569,102 10,199,389
3,739,464 3,326,904 3,284,564

1,078,128 1,413,329 211,534

- 11,448 1,436
- - (46,876)
- - -
- - -
(47,607) (29,658) (87,221)
(1,362,898) 2,109,560 4,560,557
- - -
- - 129,326

- - -
(312) (1,109) 19
- - -

744 6,413 22,651

- - -
0 0 665
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
1,793,754 (1,553,754) (756,617)

- - -
- - -
- - -
0 - 135

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 98

92,565,915,855 92,565,915,855 (0)

No. Name Ref - 1 Ref - 2 Balance at Date - Debit Balance at Date - Credit Net balance
30001 Revenue - - -
30100 Revenue - - -
30200 Sales - - -
30201 Sales-Domestic - 511,403,556 (511,403,556)
30202 Sales-Foreign - 2,441,345 (2,441,345)
30203 Sales-Trading - - -
30204 Sales Return-Domestic 116,831,471 - 116,831,471
30205 Sales Return-Foreign 13,307 - 13,307
30206 Sales Return-Trading - - -
30210 Sales-Consignment - - -
30211 SalesReturn-Consignment - - -
30212 Sales Offline Stors - - -
30213 Sales Return Offline Stors - - -
30221 Sales-International business - - -
30241 Sales-Marketing - - -
30250 Sales-Scrape - 114,583 (114,583)
30251 Sales-Scrape/Raw material - - -
30252 Line Discount Granted 2,944,204 672,058 2,272,147
30259 Sales, Total - - -
30260 Sales Others - - -
30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) - 192,578 (192,578)
30264 SALES RETURN-DOM (DWARKA W/H) 2,194,192 - 2,194,192
30291 Invoice Discount Granted - - -
30292 Marketing Promotions - - -
30293 Store Credit - - -
30294 Sales-return provision - - -
30295 COGC Marketplace - - -
30296 Direct Cost Applied MKTP 12,123,213 97,973,817 (85,850,604)
30299 Sales others, Total - - -
30300 Other Income - - -
30301 Unrealized Profit 4,697 11,794 (7,097)
30302 Income - Ops IT Project - - -
30303 Cash Discount - 588,592 (588,592)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 99

30311 Freight outward - 37,528 (37,528)

30399 Other Income, Total - - -
30400 Profit on Sales on Fixed Ast - - -
30401 Profit on Sale of Land - - -
30402 Profit on sale of Building - - -
30403 Profit on sale of Vehicle - - -
30404 Profit on Sale of Compperf. - - -
30405 Profit on Sale of Compsoftw - - -
30406 Profit on Sale of Furn& Fix. - - -
30407 Profit on Sale on Office Eqp. - - -
30499 Profit on Sales on F A,Total - - -
30500 Profit on Sales of Invest - - -
30501 Profit on Sales of Invest - - -
30599 Profit on Sales ofInvest,Total - - -
30600 Interest Income - - -
30601 Bank Interest Income 130,900 1,719,058 (1,588,158)
30602 Interest Income - Others - - -
30603 Other income - - -
30604 Maintainance Fees - - -
30699 Interest Income, Total - - -
30999 Total Other Income - - -
31100 Prior Period Incomes - - -
31101 Prior Period Incomes - - -
31199 Prior Period Incomes,Total - - -
31200 Gain on Foreign Ex. Flut. - - -
31201 Rent income - - -
39990 Total Revenue - - -
39999 Total INCOME STATEMENT - - -
40000 EXPENDITURE - - -
40001 Branch Stock Transfer - - -
40002 Branch Stock Transfer Inward 1,982,811 - 1,982,811
40003 Branch Stock Transfer Outward - 2,338,407 (2,338,407)
40004 COGS Excise 2,048,536 114,878 1,933,658
40005 Direct Cost Applied - 1,982,811 (1,982,811)
40010 Branch Stock Transfer, Total - - -
40100 Purchases - - -
40101 Purchases-Raw Material 468,518 - 468,518
40102 Purchases-Finished Material 287,315,137 20,229,062 267,086,074
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 100

40103 Purchases-Packing agnst Form C - - -

40104 Direct Cost Applied 32,220,646 342,953,320 (310,732,674)
40105 PURCHASES (MARKETPLACE) 130,792,608 56,611 130,735,998
40106 PURCHASES-RETURN (MARKETPLACE) 4,937 37,630,006 (37,625,070)
40107 Purchase-Packing Material 504,237 - 504,237
40108 Purchase Consignment 53,481,904 11,268,502 42,213,402
40109 Inward Freight (Purchase) - - -
40110 Purchase Import - - -
40111 Purchase International C form - - -
40112 Purchase International Local - - -
40113 Purchase Inter centr without C - - -
40114 Purchases-Against Form H - - -
40121 Purchase-Marketing - - -
40123 COGS-Marketing - - -
40125 Discount Received - 518,823 (518,823)
40126 Purchases-Trims - - -
40127 Cost of Goods Sold 562,461,989 129,150,143 433,311,846
40128 Invent Adj.-Raw Material - - -
40129 Invent Adj.-Finished goods 404,085,797 404,081,469 4,328
40130 Invent Adj.-Packing Mat. 11,976,436 5,542,918 6,433,518
40131 Invent Adj.-Trims - - -
40132 Invent Adj.-Labels - - -
40133 Purchase-rate difference 2,898 15,167 (12,269)
40134 Invoice clearing account 15,693,412 15,693,412 -
40135 PURCHASES (Dwarka Warehouse) 139,271 - 139,271
40136 Inventory Provision - - -
40137 PURCHASES RETURN (Dwarka WH) - 2,850 (2,850)
40199 Purchases, Total - - -
40300 Salaries Wages & Allowance - - -
40301 Employees Salary - Basic 19,020,300 - 19,020,300
40302 Employees Salary - HRA 9,510,150 - 9,510,150
40303 Employees Salary- Trans. Allow 428,585 - 428,585
40304 Employees Salary - Spl. Allow 15,399,553 - 15,399,553
40305 Employee Uniform Allowance - - -
40306 Employees Reimb. - Medial 625,791 - 625,791
40307 Employees Reimb. - Telephone - - -
40308 Employees Reimb - VRME 418,955 - 418,955
40309 Employee Reimb. - Driver Sal. - - -
40310 Employees-LTA - 27,600 (27,600)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 101

40311 Employees - Meal allowance - - -

40312 Employees Reimb. Book & Period - - -
40313 Ex Gratia 195,968 - 195,968
40314 Incentive - - -
40315 Statutory Bonus - - -
40316 Leave encashment 115,596 - 115,596
40317 Joining bonus 200,000 - 200,000
40318 Employees Salary - Arrears 70,779 - 70,779
40319 Referral bonus 10,000 - 10,000
40320 Notice pay 27,978 - 27,978
40321 Variable Allowance 116,090 - 116,090
40322 Children Education Allowance 20,130 - 20,130
40399 Salaries Wages &Allow Total - - -
40400 Cont to PF & Other Funds - - -
40401 Employer Contribution to PF 744,250 744,250 -
40402 Employer Contribution - HLWF - 6,880 (6,880)
40403 Employer Contribution to ESIC - - -
40404 PF Administration Charges - - -
40499 Cont to PF & Other Funds Tot - - -
40500 Welfare Expenses - - -
40501 Entertainment - Internal - - -
40502 Office Canteen 179,206 - 179,206
40503 Staff Welfare 114,589 - 114,589
40504 Office Expenses 9,900 - 9,900
40505 Relocation Expenses - - -
40506 Staff Welfare-Team Expenses 47,713 - 47,713
40507 Staff Training & Develop. Exp. - - -
40599 Welfare Expenses Total - - -
40600 Advertising & Sales Promo. - - -
40601 Brand building cost-Online 12,186,711 - 12,186,711
40602 Bussiness Promotions 12,615,449 - 12,615,449
40603 Fair & Exibition - - -
40604 Gift Expenses - - -
40605 Sales Promotion Exp./ sample - - -
40606 Publicity Expense - - -
40607 Testing transaction 36,843 - 36,843
40608 Membership Fee 9,000 - 9,000
40609 Sponsorship Exp - - -
40610 Sponsorship Exp - ST - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 102

40611 Advertisement Expenses - ST - - -

40612 Brand Building cost-Offline - - -
40613 Brand Building cost-TV - - -
40699 Advert. & Sales Promo.,Total - - -
40700 Gratuity - - -
40800 Brokerage and commission - - -
40900 Utility,stors and pack Exp. - - -
40901 Electricity Charges 1,032,412 - 1,032,412
40902 Power Fuel Charges 487,177 - 487,177
40903 Water Expenses - - -
40904 Stores and consumbale-Domestic 5,410 - 5,410
40905 Packing Expenes-Domestic 13,500 - 13,500
40906 Packing Expense-Consumption - - -
40907 Stores and consumbale-Foreign - - -
40908 Rent-Generator 50,000 - 50,000
40999 Utility,stores pack Exp., Tot. - - -
41000 Travelling & Conveyance - - -
41001 Conveyance Expenses 3,993 - 3,993
41002 Vehicle hire charges - 16,000 (16,000)
41003 Travel Expenses Foreign 135,417 - 135,417
41004 Travel Expenses-Domestic 126,310 - 126,310
41005 Boarding and lodging charges 42,889 - 42,889
41006 Vehicle hire chg - ST 231,359 - 231,359
41099 Travelling & Conv Total - - -
41100 Telephone Expenses - - -
41101 Telephone Expenses - - -
41102 Internet charges 235,960 - 235,960
41103 Mobile expenses 452,610 19,209 433,401
41199 Telephone Expenses Total - - -
41200 Administrative & Other Exp - - -
41300 Insurance Expenses - - -
41301 Insurance Office 8,060 - 8,060
41302 General Insurance-Misapp. - - -
41303 Staff Insurance Premium - - -
41399 Insurance Expenses Total - - -
41400 Consultancy/Professional Exp. - - -
41401 Audit Expenses - - -
41402 Accounting Expenses - - -
41403 Prof. & Consultancy 2,297,228 - 2,297,228
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 103

41404 Legal Expenses - - -

41405 Modeling charges 4,896,087 - 4,896,087
41406 Production expenses 193,442 - 193,442
41407 Audit Fees - - -
41408 Legal Expenses - ST - - -
41499 Consultancy/Prof Exp Total - - -
41500 Miscellaneous Expenses - - -
41501 Short & Excess 21 26 (5)
41502 Miscellaneous Expenses - - -
41503 Interest on Late Payment 6,800 - 6,800
41599 Total Miscellaneous Exp - - -
41600 Repair & Maintenance - - -
41601 UPS hire charges 109,687 - 109,687
41602 Repairs & Maintenance 239,768 12,061 227,707
41603 House Keeping Expenses 73,179 - 73,179
41604 Security Service Charges - - -
41605 Computer Maintenance Charges 4,576 6,750 (2,174)
41606 House Keeping Exp - ST - - -
41607 Security Service Chg - ST - - -
41608 Repairs & Maintenance - ST - - -
41699 Total Repair & Maintenance - - -
41700 Postage & Telegram - - -
41701 Postage & Telegram Expenses - - -
41702 Courier Charges 405,716 140,771 264,945
41799 Postage & Telegram,Totals - - -
41900 Depreciation - - -
41901 Depreciation, Compt. & Perph. - - -
41902 Depreciation, Office Equipment - - -
41903 Depreciation, F & F - - -
41904 Depreciation, Leasholds - - -
41905 Depreciation, Vehicles - - -
41906 Depreciation,Comp.Soft.&WebDev - - -
41907 Depreciation, Patents - - -
41908 Depreciation, Plant & Machin. - - -
41999 Total Depreciation - - -
42000 Books & Periodicals - - -
42100 Duties & Taxes - - -
42101 Service Tax Expense - - -
42102 Excise Expense - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 104

42103 Excise Expense-Job Work - - -

42104 Rates & taxes - - -
42199 Total Duties & Taxes - - -
42200 Donations - - -
42300 Printing & Stationery - - -
42301 Printing & Stationery 59,516 1,150 58,366
42399 Total Printing & Stationery - - -
42600 Finance Charges - - -
42601 Finance Charges - - -
42699 Total Finance Charges - - -
42900 Filling Charges - - -
42901 Filling Charges - - -
42999 Total Filling Charges - - -
43000 Bank Charges - - -
43001 Interest Expenses - - -
43002 Bank Charges 80,933 1,730 79,203
43003 Bank charges -INT SALE - - -
43099 Total Bank Charges - - -
43100 Rent Expenses - - -
43101 Office Rent 2,727,811 - 2,727,811
43102 Warehouse rent 2,222,363 - 2,222,363
43103 Rent others - - -
43104 Rent other location 382,527 - 382,527
43199 Total Rent expenses - - -
43200 IT & Support Services Exp. - - -
43201 IT & Support Services Exp. 1,586,995 - 1,586,995
43202 IT Exps-Office ExpsE-Mail&Tele - - -
43203 IT Exps -Stationary - - -
43204 IT Exps-Computer AMC - - -
43205 Domain charges - - -
43206 Software licence cost - - -
43207 IT & Support -ERP - - -
43208 IT & Support -WEB - - -
43299 IT & Support Serv. Exp.,Totals - - -
43300 Festival Expenses - - -
43301 Festival Expenses - - -
43399 Total Festival Expenses - - -
43400 Commision on sales - - -
43410 Recruitment expenses - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 105

43411 Recruitment expenses - ST - - -

43421 Contract manpower expenses-WH - - -
43422 Contract manpower exp-others - - -
43423 Contract manpower others - ST - - -
43425 Stipend - - -
43430 Management consultancy fee - - -
43435 Clearing & forwarding/ Cartage 42,089 - 42,089
43440 Freight/ transport charges - - -
43441 Discount on coupon - - -
43442 Loss in-Transit - - -
43443 Freight Charges Recovery - - -
43444 Freight/transport-Internation 857,776 - 857,776
43445 Freight/ transport chg - ST 1,133,103 - 1,133,103
43500 Medical Expenses - - -
43600 Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets - - -
43601 Loss on Sale of Land - - -
43602 Loss on sale of Building - - -
43603 Loss on sale of Vehicle - - -
43604 Loss on sale of Computer Perf. - - -
43605 Loss on sale of Computer Softw - - -
43606 Loss on sale of Furniture & Fx - - -
43607 Loss on sale of Office Eqp. - - -
43699 Tot Loss on Sale of Fixed Ast - - -
43700 Loss on sale of Investment - - -
43701 Loss on sale of Investment - - -
43799 Total Loss on sale of Invest - - -
43800 Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss - - -
43810 Unrealized FX Gains - - -
43820 Unrealized FX Losses - - -
43830 Realized FX Gains - - -
43840 Foreign Exchange Gain/ Loss 8,087 - 8,087
43899 Foreign Exch. Gain/Loss, Total - - -
44200 Bad Debts - - -
44300 Impairment Loss - - -
44400 CWIP Written off - - -
44500 Misc Balances Written Off 1 - 1
44999 Total Admin. & Other Expenses - - -
45000 Provision for Bad Debts - - -
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45100 Provision for Refund Claim Rec - - -

45200 Selling & Dist Overhead - - -
45201 Customer Discount Given - - -
45202 Invoice Rounding 920 1,277 (357)
45203 PIT Difference - - -
45299 Tot, Selling & Dist Overhead - - -
45300 Amortisation - - -
45301 Amortisation - - -
45399 Total Amortisation - - -
45400 Income Tax & FBT - - -
45401 Income tax expense - - -
45402 FBT expense - - -
45403 Interset on FBT - - -
45499 Total Income Tax & FBT - - -
49999 Total Expenditure - - -
10000 BALANCE SHEET - - -
10001 ASSETS - - -
10002 Fixed Assets - - -
10003 Tangible Fixed Assets - - -
10100 Land - - -
10101 Increases, Land - - -
10102 Decreases, Land - - -
10119 Land , Total - - -
10120 Buildings - - -
10121 Increases, Buildings - - -
10122 Decreases, Buildings - - -
10123 Accum. Depreciation, Buildings - - -
10139 Buildings, Total - - -
10140 Leaseholds - - -
10141 Increases, Leaseholds 139,794,151 105,339,832 34,454,319
10142 Decreases, Leaseholds - - -
10143 Accum. Depreciation, leasehold 4,233,471 14,164,820 (9,931,349)
10159 Leaseholds, Total - - -
10160 Office Equipment - - -
10161 Increases, Office Equipment 41,880,553 5,665,998 36,214,555
10162 Decreases, Office Equipment - 4,461,239 (4,461,239)
10163 Accum Dep ,Office Eqipment 1,058,255 7,488,773 (6,430,518)
10179 Office Equipment, Total - - -
10180 Computers & Peripherals - - -
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10181 Increases, Computers & Perph. 170,446,331 43,504,707 126,941,624

10182 Decreases, Computers & Perph. 4,490,750 26,235,562 (21,744,812)
10183 Accum. Depr., Comp. & Perph. 15,299,773 62,141,250 (46,841,476)
10199 Computer & Perph., Total - - -
10220 Furniture & Fixtures - - -
10221 Increases, Furn & Fix. 294,207,430 4,518,127 289,689,304
10222 Decreases, Furn & Fix. - 373,855 (373,855)
10223 Accum. Depr. Furniture-Fixture 5,026,309 59,062,225 (54,035,916)
10239 Furniture & Fixtures, Total - - -
10240 Vehicles - - -
10241 Increases,Vehicle 4,000 - 4,000
10242 Decreases,Vehicle - - -
10243 Accum. Depreciation, Vehicle - 4,000 (4,000)
10259 Vehicles, Totals - - -
10260 Plant & machinery - - -
10261 Increases, Plant & machinery 11,282,616 3,260,213 8,022,403
10262 Decreases, Plant & machinery - - -
10263 Accum. Depreciation, Plant & M 1,533 1,194,708 (1,193,174)
10270 Plant & machinery, Totals - - -
10500 Capital Work in Progress 4,778,169 - 4,778,169
10551 FA Control Account 12,354,464 12,354,464 -
10999 Tangible Fixed Assets, Total - - -
11000 Intangible Fixed Assets - - -
11100 Patents, Licenses, rights & tr - - -
11101 Increases, Patents, Licences 17,502,537 9,384,800 8,117,737
11102 Decreases, Patents, Licences - - -
11103 Accum. Dep.-Patents, Licences 46,432 3,220,996 (3,174,563)
11119 Patents, Licenses, Total - - -
11120 Comp. Soft. & Web Dev. - - -
11121 Increases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. 54,866,188 5,010,913 49,855,274
11122 Decreases, Comp.Soft.&WebDev. - - -
11123 Accum. Depr.,Comp.Soft.& Dev. 868,280 27,322,030 (26,453,750)
11139 Comp. Soft. & Web Dev., Total - - -
11499 Intangible F.A. , Total - - -
12999 Fixed Assets, Total - - -
13500 Investment - - -
13501 Investments - - -
13599 Investment, Total - - -
13600 Deferred Tax (Asset) - - -
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14000 Current Assets , Loans & Adv - - -

14100 Current Assets - - -
14200 Interest Accrued on Invest. - - -
14201 Interest Accrued on FDR 22,309,330 14,890,460 7,418,870
14202 Interest Accrued on BG - - -
14299 Interest Accd on Invest, Total - - -
14300 Inventory - - -
14301 Raw Material 46,508,977 51,073,903 (4,564,926)
14302 Finished Goods 22,313,769,071 20,798,314,848 1,515,454,223
14303 Packing Material 288,145,446 282,371,679 5,773,767
14304 Trims - - -
14305 Labels - - -
14306 Raw Materials (Interim) - - -
14307 WIP Account, Finished goods - - -
14308 Spares - - -
14309 Inventory uninvoiced 118,424,334 118,424,334 -
14310 Packing WH Inventory 22,092,700 31,820,611 (9,727,911)
14311 Capital Goods - - -
14312 Invt. lying under consignment 12,250,135 10,101,882 2,148,254
14313 Goods in transit 52,429,144 52,429,144 -
14314 Prov for slow moving inventory 2,755,000 94,255,000 (91,500,000)
14399 Inventory, Total - - -
14400 Works-in-Progress - - -
14401 Works-in-Progress - - -
14499 Works-in-Progress, Total - - -
14500 Sundry Debtors - - -
14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic 8,592,817,756 8,147,938,789 444,878,967
14502 Debtors-B2B-International 9,338,458 9,388,498 (50,039)
14503 Debtors-B2C-Domestic 1,268,082 1,022,050 246,032
14504 Debtors-B2C-International 91,052,430 92,433,865 (1,381,435)
14505 Debtors-Employee 165,378 168,608 (3,230)
14506 Debtors-Offline 27,722,596 17,398,225 10,324,371
14507 Debtors-Others 402,137,310 334,793,057 67,344,254
14508 Debtors-Advances 2,893,226 2,893,226 -
14580 Common Party-Branch - - -
14581 Branch Creditors 112,745,932 112,745,932 -
14582 Branch Debtors 113,637,041 112,745,925 891,116
14589 Common Party-Branch, Total - - -
14599 Sundry Debtors, Totals - - -
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14600 Prepaid Expenses - - -

14601 Prepaid Expenses 40,773,544 34,703,673 6,069,871
14699 Prepaid Expenses, Total - - -
14700 Rates & Duties - - -
14701 Service Tax Receivable - - -
14702 Service Tax Receivable Interim 2,475 2,475 -
14703 TDS Receivable-Asset 2012-13 7,614,861 130,319 7,484,542
14704 CENVAT Cr. Receivable 6,401,083 2,833,963 3,567,120
14705 Cenvat Cr. Deffered Account - - -
14706 PLA - - -
14707 VAT Cr. Carried Forward A/C - - -
14708 Cenvat Cr. Receivable (Tra) - - -
14709 Cenvat Cr Transfered (Tra) - - -
14710 Input VAT Credit 157,844,988 112,076,774 45,768,213
14711 VAT Refund A/C - - -
14712 VAT Deferment A/C - - -
14715 Excise Refund 411 411 -
14716 INPUT VAT CREDIT(MKTP-DEL+MUM) 14,867,058 5,535,531 9,331,527
14717 TDS Receivable-Asset 2013-14 4,248,798 23,556 4,225,242
14718 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-DELHI) 25,187,412 6,177,248 19,010,164
14719 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-MUMBAI) 8,919,724 1,768,705 7,151,019
14720 INPUT VAT CREDIT (MKTP-KAR) 738,506 131,707 606,799
14799 Rates & Duties, Totals - - -
14919 - - -
15000 Deposits - - -
15100 Term Deposits - - -
15101 Fixed Deposits 4,122,104,463 4,072,104,463 50,000,000
15102 FDR Sweep 717,697,701 682,594,726 35,102,975
15103 FDR- against BG/ LC 1,024,488,580 869,410,963 155,077,617
15104 FDR-HDFC sweep 179,707,523 179,707,523 -
15105 FDR-Axis Bank 100,000 100,000 -
15106 FDR-ICICI sweep 60,000,000 60,000,000 -
15107 FDR-ICICI bank 1,500,000 1,500,000 -
15199 Term Deposits, Totals - - -
15200 Other Deposits - - -
15201 Security Deposits 135,037,587 85,927,316 49,110,271
15202 Utilities Deposits - - -
15203 Collateral Deposits - - -
15204 Security Deposits - Cheque 3,800,000 - 3,800,000
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15299 Other Deposits , Totals - - -

15399 Deposits, Totals - - -
15400 Cash and bank balances - - -
15500 Cash balance on hand - - -
15501 Cash-in Hand 6,854,985 6,667,985 187,000
15599 Cash bal on hand, Totals - - -
15600 Bank Balance - - -
15601 HDFC Bank 221 16,745,817,049 16,532,315,955 213,501,093
15602 AXIS Bank 67,046,750 67,046,750 -
15603 ICICI Bank-0016 1,539,597,278 1,495,775,115 43,822,163
15604 HDFC 392 16,934,487 16,876,279 58,207
15605 ICICI Bank-443 42,951,378 38,409,296 4,542,081
15606 CITI Bank 104,914,297 104,302,052 612,245
15607 CITI bank 2 19,335,935 19,335,555 380
15608 State Bank of India - 2221 2,510,213 304 2,509,909
15609 Kotak Mahindra Bank - 3743 478,286,125 350,014,832 128,271,293
15699 Bank Balance, Totals - - -
15799 Cash and bank bal, Totals - - -
15999 Current Assets, totals - - -
16000 Loans & Advances - - -
16100 Adv and Loans - - -
16101 Adv and Loans 23,379,089 23,439,310 (60,221)
16199 Adv and Loans,Totals - - -
16200 Advance to Employees - - -
16201 Advances to staff 9,453,883 9,180,651 273,232
16202 - - -
16299 Advance to Employees, Totals - - -
16300 Advance Income Tax - - -
16301 Advance Income Tax - - -
16302 Advance FBT - - -
16399 Advance Income Tax, Totals - - -
16400 Imprest to Staff - - -
16401 Imprest to Staff (Expenses) 5,802,093 5,350,912 451,181
16450 Imprest to Staff total - - -
16499 Loans & Advances, Totals - - -
16999 Current Ast ,Loans & Adv,Tot - - -
17000 Misc. Expenditure - - -
17001 Preincorporation Expenses - - -
17019 Misc. Expenditure, totals - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 111

19999 TOTAL ASSETS - - -

20000 LIABILITIES - - -
20100 Share Capital - - -
20101 Authorised Share Capital - - -
20102 Subscribed Share Capital - - -
20103 Issued Share Capital - 583,539,860 (583,539,860)
20104 Share Appl & Allotment Money 5,878,895,300 6,290,665,530 (411,770,230)
20105 Calls in Arrears - - -
20199 Share Capital, Total - - -
20200 Reserves and Surplus - - -
20201 Share Premium - 5,250,958,740 (5,250,958,740)
20202 Retained Earnings 3,965,069,673 3,489,635 3,961,580,038
20203 General Reserve - - -
20299 Reserves and Surplus, Total - - -
20300 Secured Loans - - -
20301 Cash Credits - - -
20302 Corporate Loans - - -
20303 Hire Purchase Loans - - -
20399 Secured Loans, Totals - - -
20400 Unsecured Loans - - -
20401 Unsecured Loans - - -
20499 Unsecured Loans, Totals - - -
20500 Deferred Tax Liabilities 3,489,635 3,489,635 -
20600 CurrentLiabilities&Provisions - - -
20700 Current Liabilities - - -
20800 Sundry Creditors - - -
20801 Creditors-Raw Material 73,498,192 75,309,295 (1,811,103)
20802 Creditors-Job Work - - -
20803 Creditors-Security 43,445,439 43,445,439 (0)
20804 Creditors-Transporter - - -
20805 Creditors-Packing Material - - -
20806 Creditors-Service 4,510,593 4,510,593 -
20807 Creditors-Administrator - - -
20808 Creditors-Marketing 5,353,510 5,367,978 (14,468)
20809 Creditors-Employee 58,186,012 54,988,910 3,197,103
20810 Creditors-Asset 541,395,557 536,103,118 5,292,439
20811 Creditors-Finished 10,355,058,571 11,010,219,032 (655,160,461)
20812 Creditors-Expenses 3,262,118,048 3,326,703,185 (64,585,137)
20813 Creditors-Modeling 40,390,034 40,390,034 -
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20814 Creditors-Market place 1,381,346,982 1,490,949,519 (109,602,536)

20815 Creditors-Employee-Advance 4,146,953 4,146,953 -
20816 Creditors-Asset-Advance 3,224,577 3,224,577 -
20817 Creditors-Finished-Advance 56,796,898 56,796,898 -
20818 Creditors-Expenses-Advance 7,015,457 7,015,457 -
20899 Sundry Creditors, Totals - - -
20900 Rates & Duties - - -
20901 TDS Payable-Commission 21,297 21,297 -
20902 TDS Payable-Contractor 45,288,784 45,547,982 (259,198)
20903 TDS Payable-Interest - - -
20904 TDS Payable- Professional 36,589,919 38,484,547 (1,894,628)
20905 TDS payable- Rent 17,151,814 17,634,881 (483,067)
20906 TDS Payable- Non Resident 23,488,912 23,561,343 (72,431)
20907 TDS Payable - Salary 113,583,805 118,201,732 (4,617,927)
20908 TDS Receivable-Devidend - - -
20909 TDS Receivable-Int.on Sec. - - -
20910 TDS Receivable-Lotteries - - -
20911 TDS Payable-Ins. Comm. - - -
20912 TDS Payable-NSS - - -
20913 TDS Payable-Mutual Fund - - -
20914 TDS Payable-Brokerage 666,243 666,237 6
20915 TDS Payable-Inc. fm Units - - -
20916 TDS Payable-Capital Assets - - -
20917 TDS Payable-Horse Race - - -
20918 TDS Payable-Sports Asst. - - -
20919 TDS Payable-Inc. of MF - - -
20920 TDS Payable-Units - - -
20921 TDS Payable-FCY Bonds - - -
20922 TDS Payable-FII fm Sec. - - -
20923 Works Tax Payable - - -
20924 Service Tax Payable Interim - - -
20925 Sales Tax Payable 2,431 2,431 -
20926 VAT Payable 451,959,629 382,763,972 69,195,657
20927 Output VAT 473,039,895 614,544,857 (141,504,962)
20928 CST Account (Sales) 1,197,984 1,224,063 (26,079)
20929 Service Tax Payable 28,236,517 28,234,384 2,133
20930 Service Tax Payable-Reverse ch - 44,400 (44,400)
20931 Excise Payable 23,958,851 27,956,590 (3,997,739)
20932 TCS Payable-A - - -
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20933 TCS Payable-B - - -

20934 TCS Payable-C - - -
20935 TCS Payable-D - - -
20936 TCS Payable-E - - -
20937 TCS Payable-F - - -
20938 TCS Payable-G - - -
20939 TCS Payable-H - - -
20940 TCS Payable-I - - -
20941 OUTPUT VAT (MKTP-DELHI+MUMBAI) 11,527,792 19,832,036 (8,304,244)
20942 VAT PAYABLE( MARKETPLACE ) 10,954,189 - 10,954,189
20943 OUTPUT VAT DELHI MARKETPLACE 6,210,049 37,394,231 (31,184,181)
20944 OUTPUT VAT MUMBAI MARKETPLACE 874,361 7,417,402 (6,543,041)
20945 CST Payable Delhi - - -
20946 OUTPUT VAT KARNATAKA MKTP 91,148 659,177 (568,030)
20999 Rates & Duties, Totals - - -
21000 Expenses Payable - - -
21001 Expenses Payable 1,729,640 1,729,640 -
21002 Rent Payable - - -
21003 Salary Payable 984,999,512 985,406,532 (407,020)
21004 PF Payable 29,636,734 29,756,789 (120,055)
21005 ESIC Payable 526,952 538,324 (11,372)
21006 HLWF Payable 275,775 296,065 (20,290)
21007 Reimbursement Payable - - -
21008 Telephone Expenses Payable - - -
21101 Gift coupon Liability 3,495,768 3,495,768 -
21199 Expenses Payable, Totals - - -
21200 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim) - - -
21201 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Raw Mat - - -
21202 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Pac Mat - - -
21203 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Store - - -
21299 Inv. Adjmt. (Interim), Total - - -
21999 Current Liabilities, Totals - - -
22000 Provisions - - -
22100 Provision for Taxes & Duties - - -
22101 Provision for Income Tax - - -
22102 Provision for FBT - - -
22199 Provision for Taxes & Dut,Tot - - -
22200 Provision for Statutory liab - - -
22201 Provision for Gratuity 427,262 10,618,941 (10,191,679)
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22202 Provision for Leave Encashment 6,474 21,726,245 (21,719,771)

22299 Provision for Stat. liab-Total - - -
22300 Other Provisions - - -
22301 Provision for Expenses 3,032,433,922 3,034,855,280 (2,421,358)
22302 Provision for Purchases 594,348,532 594,348,532 -
22303 Initial Upload 497,330,489 497,330,493 (4)
22304 Provision for sales return 171,000,000 171,000,000 -
22305 Rent Equalisation Reserve 6,719,500 8,233,408 (1,513,908)
22399 Other Provisions, Totals - - -
22599 Provisions, Totals - - -
22600 Provision for Bad Debts - - -
28999 Current Liab & Prov, Totals - - -
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- (0)

ADJ Net balance CODE Remarks - 1 Remarks - 2 Account type Income/Balace

- - 30000 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 30001 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 30100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 30200 Begin-Total Income Statement
(22,572,982) (533,976,538) 30201 Posting Income Statement
- (2,441,345) 30202 Posting Income Statement
- - 30203 Posting Income Statement
- 116,831,471 30204 Posting Income Statement
- 13,307 30205 Posting Income Statement
- - 30206 Posting Income Statement
- - 30210 Posting Income Statement
- - 30211 Posting Income Statement
- - 30212 Posting Income Statement
- - 30213 Posting Income Statement
- - 30221 Posting Income Statement
- - 30241 Posting Income Statement
- (114,583) 30250 Posting Income Statement
- - 30251 Posting Income Statement
- 2,272,147 30252 Posting Income Statement
- - 30259 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30260 Begin-Total Income Statement
(127,851,225) (128,043,803) 30261 Posting Income Statement
22,078,053 22,078,053 30262 Posting Income Statement
- - 30263 Posting Income Statement
- 2,194,192 30264 Posting Income Statement
- - 30291 Posting Income Statement
- - 30292 Posting Income Statement
- - 30293 Posting Income Statement
- - 30294 Posting Income Statement
93,110,927 93,110,927 30295 Posting Income Statement
- (85,850,604) 30296 Posting Income Statement
- - 30299 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30300 Begin-Total Income Statement
- (7,097) 30301 Posting Income Statement
- - 30302 Posting Income Statement
- (588,592) 30303 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 116

- (37,528) 30311 Posting Income Statement

- - 30399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30400 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 30401 Posting Income Statement
- - 30402 Posting Income Statement
- - 30403 Posting Income Statement
- - 30404 Posting Income Statement
- - 30405 Posting Income Statement
- - 30406 Posting Income Statement
- - 30407 Posting Income Statement
- - 30499 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30500 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 30501 Posting Income Statement
- - 30599 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30600 Begin-Total Income Statement
- (1,588,158) 11120 Posting Income Statement
- - 11121 Posting Income Statement
- - 11122 Posting Income Statement
(13,000,000) (13,000,000) 11123 Posting Income Statement
- - 30699 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 31100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 31101 Posting Income Statement
- - 31199 End-Total Income Statement
- - 31200 Posting Income Statement
(182,800) (182,800) 31201 Posting Income Statement
- - 39990 End-Total Income Statement
- - #N/A End-Total Income Statement
- - 40000 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 40001 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 1,982,811 40002 Posting Income Statement
- (2,338,407) 40003 Posting Income Statement
- 1,933,658 40004 Posting Income Statement
- (1,982,811) 40005 Posting Income Statement
- - 40010 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 468,518 40101 Posting Income Statement
100,000,000 367,086,074 40102 Posting Income Statement
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- - 40103 Posting Income Statement

(100,000,000) (410,732,674) 40104 Posting Income Statement
- 130,735,998 40105 Posting Income Statement
- (37,625,070) 40106 Posting Income Statement
- 504,237 40107 Posting Income Statement
- 42,213,402 40108 Posting Income Statement
- - 40109 Posting Income Statement
- - 40110 Posting Income Statement
- - 40111 Posting Income Statement
- - 40112 Posting Income Statement
- - 40113 Posting Income Statement
- - 40114 Posting Income Statement
- - 40121 Posting Income Statement
- - 40123 Posting Income Statement
(5,400,000) (5,918,823) 40125 Posting Income Statement
- - 40126 Posting Income Statement
- 433,311,846 40127 Posting Income Statement
- - 40128 Posting Income Statement
- 4,328 40129 Posting Income Statement
- 6,433,518 40130 Posting Income Statement
- - 40131 Posting Income Statement
- - 40132 Posting Income Statement
- (12,269) 40133 Posting Income Statement
- - 40134 Posting Income Statement
- 139,271 40135 Posting Income Statement
- - 40136 Posting Income Statement
- (2,850) 40137 Posting Income Statement
- - 40199 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40300 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 19,020,300 40301 Posting Income Statement
- 9,510,150 40302 Posting Income Statement
- 428,585 40303 Posting Income Statement
- 15,399,553 40304 Posting Income Statement
- - 40305 Posting Income Statement
- 625,791 40306 Posting Income Statement
- - 40307 Posting Income Statement
- 418,955 40308 Posting Income Statement
- - 40309 Posting Income Statement
- (27,600) 40310 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 118

- - 40311 Posting Income Statement

- - 40312 Posting Income Statement
- 195,968 40313 Posting Income Statement
- - 40314 Posting Income Statement
- - 40315 Posting Income Statement
- 115,596 40316 Posting Income Statement
- 200,000 40317 Posting Income Statement
- 70,779 40318 Posting Income Statement
- 10,000 40319 Posting Income Statement
- 27,978 40320 Posting Income Statement
2,500,000 2,616,090 40321 Posting Income Statement
- 20,130 40322 Posting Income Statement
- - 40399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40400 Begin-Total Income Statement
575,853 575,853 40401 Posting Income Statement
- (6,880) 40402 Posting Income Statement
- - 40403 Posting Income Statement
72,987 72,987 40404 Posting Income Statement
- - 40499 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40500 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 40501 Posting Income Statement
220,800 400,006 40502 Posting Income Statement
603,900 718,489 40503 Posting Income Statement
90,100 100,000 40504 Posting Income Statement
- - 40505 Posting Income Statement
- 47,713 40506 Posting Income Statement
- - 40507 Posting Income Statement
- - 40599 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40600 Begin-Total Income Statement
29,791,438 41,978,149 40601 Posting Income Statement
(140,000) 12,475,449 40602 Posting Income Statement
- - 40603 Posting Income Statement
- - 40604 Posting Income Statement
- - 40605 Posting Income Statement
- - 40606 Posting Income Statement
- 36,843 40607 Posting Income Statement
- 9,000 40608 Posting Income Statement
- - 40609 Posting Income Statement
- - 40610 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 119

- - 40611 Posting Income Statement

- - 40612 Posting Income Statement
- - 40613 Posting Income Statement
- - 40699 End-Total Income Statement
- - 40700 Posting Income Statement
- - 40800 Posting Income Statement
- - 40900 Begin-Total Income Statement
218,880 1,251,292 40901 Posting Income Statement
395,300 882,477 40902 Posting Income Statement
30,000 30,000 40903 Posting Income Statement
15,000 20,410 40904 Posting Income Statement
- 13,500 40905 Posting Income Statement
- - 40906 Posting Income Statement
- - 40907 Posting Income Statement
- 50,000 40908 Posting Income Statement
- - 40999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41000 Begin-Total Income Statement
96,000 99,993 41001 Posting Income Statement
2,000,000 1,984,000 41002 Posting Income Statement
157,044 292,461 41003 Posting Income Statement
873,700 1,000,010 41004 Posting Income Statement
(42,900) (11) 41005 Posting Income Statement
- 231,359 41006 Posting Income Statement
- - 41099 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 41101 Posting Income Statement
525,801 761,761 41102 Posting Income Statement
128,300 561,701 41103 Posting Income Statement
- - 41199 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41200 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 41300 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 8,060 41301 Posting Income Statement
- - 41302 Posting Income Statement
593,540 593,540 41303 Posting Income Statement
- - 41399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41400 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 41401 Posting Income Statement
- - 41402 Posting Income Statement
802,474 3,099,702 41403 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 120

- - 41404 Posting Income Statement

(1,396,100) 3,499,987 41405 Posting Income Statement
(43,800) 149,642 41406 Posting Income Statement
- - 41407 Posting Income Statement
- - 41408 Posting Income Statement
- - 41499 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41500 Begin-Total Income Statement
- (5) 41501 Posting Income Statement
- - 41502 Posting Income Statement
- 6,800 41503 Posting Income Statement
- - 41599 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41600 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 109,687 41601 Posting Income Statement
1,146,590 1,374,297 41602 Posting Income Statement
1,208,440 1,281,619 41603 Posting Income Statement
1,024,539 1,024,539 41604 Posting Income Statement
250,000 247,826 41605 Posting Income Statement
- - 41606 Posting Income Statement
- - 41607 Posting Income Statement
- - 41608 Posting Income Statement
- - 41699 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41700 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 41701 Posting Income Statement
603,600 868,545 41702 Posting Income Statement
- - 41799 End-Total Income Statement
- - 41900 Begin-Total Income Statement
1,932,747 1,932,747 41901 Posting Income Statement
311,535 311,535 41902 Posting Income Statement
4,740,204 4,740,204 41903 Posting Income Statement
671,616 671,616 41904 Posting Income Statement
- - 41905 Posting Income Statement
771,186 771,186 41906 Posting Income Statement
133,345 133,345 41907 Posting Income Statement
82,031 82,031 41908 Posting Income Statement
- - 41999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 42000 Posting Income Statement
- - 42100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 42101 Posting Income Statement
- - 42102 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 121

- - 42103 Posting Income Statement

- - 42104 Posting Income Statement
- - 42199 End-Total Income Statement
- - 42200 Posting Income Statement
- - 42300 Begin-Total Income Statement
439,300 497,666 42301 Posting Income Statement
- - 42399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 42600 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 42601 Posting Income Statement
- - 42699 End-Total Income Statement
- - 42900 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 42901 Posting Income Statement
- - 42999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43000 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 43001 Posting Income Statement
87,800 167,003 43002 Posting Income Statement
- - 43003 Posting Income Statement
- - 43099 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43100 Begin-Total Income Statement
- 2,727,811 43101 Posting Income Statement
1,112,364 3,334,727 43102 Posting Income Statement
123,124 123,124 43103 Posting Income Statement
(6,900) 375,627 43104 Posting Income Statement
- - 43199 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43200 Begin-Total Income Statement
4,878,058 6,465,053 43201 Posting Income Statement
- - 43202 Posting Income Statement
- - 43203 Posting Income Statement
- - 43204 Posting Income Statement
- - 43205 Posting Income Statement
- - 43206 Posting Income Statement
- - 43207 Posting Income Statement
- - 43208 Posting Income Statement
- - 43299 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43300 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 43301 Posting Income Statement
- - 43399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43400 Posting Income Statement
1,301,936 1,301,936 43410 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 122

- - 43411 Posting Income Statement

9,525,000 9,525,000 43421 Posting Income Statement
940,567 940,567 43422 Posting Income Statement
- - 43423 Posting Income Statement
307,932 307,932 43425 Posting Income Statement
3,284,564 3,284,564 43430 Posting Income Statement
3,100,000 3,142,089 43435 Posting Income Statement
1,260,000 1,260,000 43440 Posting Income Statement
- - 43441 Posting Income Statement
- - 43442 Posting Income Statement
- - 43443 Posting Income Statement
- 857,776 43444 Posting Income Statement
- 1,133,103 43445 Posting Income Statement
- - 43500 Posting Income Statement
- - 43600 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 43601 Posting Income Statement
- - 43602 Posting Income Statement
- - 43603 Posting Income Statement
- - 43604 Posting Income Statement
- - 43605 Posting Income Statement
- - 43606 Posting Income Statement
- - 43607 Posting Income Statement
- - 43699 End-Total Income Statement
- - 43700 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 43701 Posting Income Statement
- - 30210 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30211 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 43810 Posting Income Statement
- - 43820 Posting Income Statement
- - 43830 Posting Income Statement
- 8,087 43840 Posting Income Statement
- - 43899 End-Total Income Statement
- - 30291 Posting Income Statement
- - 44300 Posting Income Statement
- - 44400 Posting Income Statement
- 1 44500 Posting Income Statement
- - 44999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 45000 Posting Income Statement
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 123

- - 45100 Posting Income Statement

- - 45200 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 45201 Posting Income Statement
- (357) 45202 Posting Income Statement
- - 45203 Posting Income Statement
- - 45299 End-Total Income Statement
- - 45300 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 45301 Posting Income Statement
- - 45399 End-Total Income Statement
- - 45400 Begin-Total Income Statement
- - 45401 Posting Income Statement
- - 45402 Posting Income Statement
- - 45403 Posting Income Statement
- - 45499 End-Total Income Statement
- - 49999 End-Total Income Statement
- - 10000 Heading Balance Sheet
- - 10001 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10002 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10003 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10102 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10119 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10120 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10121 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10122 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10123 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10139 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10140 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 34,454,319 10141 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10142 Posting Balance Sheet
(671,616) (10,602,965) 10143 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10159 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10160 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 36,214,555 10161 Posting Balance Sheet
- (4,461,239) 10162 Posting Balance Sheet
(311,535) (6,742,053) 10163 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10179 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 40110 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 124

- 126,941,624 10181 Posting Balance Sheet

- (21,744,812) 10182 Posting Balance Sheet
(1,932,747) (48,774,223) 10183 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10220 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 289,689,304 10221 Posting Balance Sheet
- (373,855) 10222 Posting Balance Sheet
(4,740,204) (58,776,120) 10223 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10239 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 40134 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 4,000 10241 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10242 Posting Balance Sheet
- (4,000) 10243 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10259 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 10260 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 8,022,403 10261 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10262 Posting Balance Sheet
(82,031) (1,275,205) 10263 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10270 End-Total Balance Sheet
- 4,778,169 10500 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10551 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 10999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 11000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 11100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 8,117,737 11101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 11102 Posting Balance Sheet
(133,345) (3,307,908) 11103 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 11119 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 11120 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 49,855,274 11121 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 11122 Posting Balance Sheet
(771,186) (27,224,936) 11123 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 11139 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 11499 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 12999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 13500 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 13501 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 13599 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 13600 Posting Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 125

- - 14000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet

- - 14100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 7,418,870 14201 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14202 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14299 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14300 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- (4,564,926) 14301 Posting Balance Sheet
45,088,517 1,560,542,740 14302 Posting Balance Sheet
- 5,773,767 14303 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14304 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14305 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14306 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14307 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14308 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14309 Posting Balance Sheet
- (9,727,911) 14310 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14311 Posting Balance Sheet
- 2,148,254 14312 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14313 Posting Balance Sheet
- (91,500,000) 14314 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14399 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14400 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14401 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14499 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14500 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
99,459,290 544,338,257 14501 Posting Balance Sheet
- (50,039) 14502 Posting Balance Sheet
- 246,032 14503 Posting Balance Sheet
- (1,381,435) 14504 Posting Balance Sheet
- (3,230) 14505 Posting Balance Sheet
- 10,324,371 14506 Posting Balance Sheet
13,182,800 80,527,054 14507 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14508 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14580 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14581 Posting Balance Sheet
- 891,116 14582 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14589 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14599 End-Total Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 126

- - 14600 Begin-Total Balance Sheet

- 6,069,871 14601 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14699 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14700 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 14701 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14702 Posting Balance Sheet
- 7,484,542 14703 Posting Balance Sheet
- 3,567,120 14704 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14705 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14706 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14707 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14708 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14709 Posting Balance Sheet
- 45,768,213 14710 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14711 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14712 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14715 Posting Balance Sheet
- 9,331,527 14716 Posting Balance Sheet
- 4,225,242 14717 Posting Balance Sheet
- 19,010,164 14718 Posting Balance Sheet
- 7,151,019 14719 Posting Balance Sheet
- 606,799 14720 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 14799 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - #N/A Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 50,000,000 15101 Posting Balance Sheet
- 35,102,975 15102 Posting Balance Sheet
- 155,077,617 15103 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15104 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15105 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15106 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15107 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 49,110,271 15201 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15202 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15203 Posting Balance Sheet
- 3,800,000 15204 Posting Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 127

- - 15299 End-Total Balance Sheet

- - 15399 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15400 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15500 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 187,000 15501 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15599 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15600 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 213,501,093 15601 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15602 Posting Balance Sheet
- 43,822,163 15603 Posting Balance Sheet
- 58,207 15604 Posting Balance Sheet
- 4,542,081 15605 Posting Balance Sheet
- 612,245 15606 Posting Balance Sheet
- 380 15607 Posting Balance Sheet
- 2,509,909 15608 Posting Balance Sheet
- 128,271,293 15609 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 15699 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15799 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 15999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- (60,221) 16101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 273,232 16201 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16202 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16299 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16300 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16301 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16302 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16399 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16400 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- 451,181 16401 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 16450 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16499 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 16999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 17000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 17001 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 17019 End-Total Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 128

- - 19999 End-Total Balance Sheet

- - 20000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20102 Posting Balance Sheet
- (583,539,860) 20103 Posting Balance Sheet
- (411,770,230) 20104 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20105 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- (5,250,958,740) 20201 Posting Balance Sheet
- 3,961,580,038 20202 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20203 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20299 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20300 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20301 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20302 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20303 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20399 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20400 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20401 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20499 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20500 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20600 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20700 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20800 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- (1,811,103) 20801 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20802 Posting Balance Sheet
- (0) 20803 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20804 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20805 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20806 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20807 Posting Balance Sheet
- (14,468) 20808 Posting Balance Sheet
- 3,197,103 20809 Posting Balance Sheet
- 5,292,439 20810 Posting Balance Sheet
5,400,000 (649,760,461) 20811 Posting Balance Sheet
- (64,585,137) 20812 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20813 Posting Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 129

- (109,602,536) 20814 Posting Balance Sheet

- - 20815 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20816 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20817 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20818 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20899 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20900 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 20901 Posting Balance Sheet
- (259,198) 20902 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20903 Posting Balance Sheet
- (1,894,628) 20904 Posting Balance Sheet
- (483,067) 20905 Posting Balance Sheet
- (72,431) 20906 Posting Balance Sheet
- (4,617,927) 20907 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20908 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20909 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20910 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20911 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20912 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20913 Posting Balance Sheet
- 6 20914 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20915 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20916 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20917 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20918 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20919 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20920 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20921 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20922 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20923 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20924 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20925 Posting Balance Sheet
- 69,195,657 20926 Posting Balance Sheet
(2,069,975) (143,574,937) 20927 Posting Balance Sheet
- (26,079) 20928 Posting Balance Sheet
- 2,133 20929 Posting Balance Sheet
- (44,400) 20930 Posting Balance Sheet
- (3,997,739) 20931 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20932 Posting Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 130

- - 20933 Posting Balance Sheet

- - 20934 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20935 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20936 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20937 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20938 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20939 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20940 Posting Balance Sheet
(7,242,605) (15,546,849) 20941 Posting Balance Sheet
- 10,954,189 20942 Posting Balance Sheet
- (31,184,181) 20943 Posting Balance Sheet
- (6,543,041) 20944 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20945 Posting Balance Sheet
- (568,030) 20946 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 20999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 21000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 21001 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21002 Posting Balance Sheet
- (407,020) 21003 Posting Balance Sheet
(648,840) (768,895) 21004 Posting Balance Sheet
- (11,372) 21005 Posting Balance Sheet
- (20,290) 21006 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21007 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21008 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 21200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 21201 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21202 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21203 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 21299 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 21999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22000 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22100 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22101 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 22102 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 22199 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22200 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
- (10,191,679) 22201 Posting Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 131

- (21,719,771) 22202 Posting Balance Sheet

- - 22299 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22300 Begin-Total Balance Sheet
(68,006,391) (70,427,749) 22301 Posting Balance Sheet
(100,000,000) (100,000,000) 22302 Posting Balance Sheet
- (4) 22303 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 22304 Posting Balance Sheet
- (1,513,908) 22305 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 22399 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22599 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 22600 Posting Balance Sheet
- - 28999 End-Total Balance Sheet
- - 29999 End-Total Balance Sheet
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 132

#N/A #N/A
Amount in
New GL in Financials Financials Diff April May June July August
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
30200 - -
30201 (533,976,538) - (511,403,556)
30202 (2,441,345) - (2,441,345)
30203 - - -
30204 116,831,471 - 116,831,471
30205 13,307 - 13,307
30206 - - -
30210 - - -
30211 - - -
30212 - - -
30213 - - -
30221 - - -
30241 - - -
30250 (114,583) - (114,583)
30251 - - -
30252 2,272,147 - 2,272,147
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
30261 (128,043,803) - (192,578)
30262 22,078,053 - -
30263 - - -
30264 2,194,192 - 2,194,192
30291 - - -
30292 - - -
30293 - - -
30294 - - -
30295 93,110,927 - -
30296 (85,850,604) - (85,850,604)
30299 - -
30300 - -
30301 (7,097) - (7,097)
30302 - - -
30303 (588,592) - (588,592)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 133

30311 (37,528) - (37,528)

30399 - -
30400 - -
30401 - - -
30402 - - -
30403 - - -
30404 - - -
30405 - - -
30406 - - -
30407 - - -
30499 - -
30500 - -
30501 - - -
30599 - -
30600 - -
30601 (1,588,158) - (1,588,158)
30602 - - -
30603 - - -
30604 (13,000,000) - -
30699 - -
30999 - -
31100 - -
31101 - - -
31199 - -
31200 - - -
31201 (182,800) - -
39990 - -
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
40002 1,982,811 - 1,982,811
40003 (2,338,407) - (2,338,407)
40004 1,933,658 - 1,933,658
40005 (1,982,811) - (1,982,811)
#N/A #N/A #N/A
40100 - -
40101 468,518 - 468,518
40102 367,086,074 - 267,086,074
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 134

40103 - - -
40104 (410,732,674) - (310,732,674)
40105 130,735,998 - 130,735,998
40106 (37,625,070) - (37,625,070)
40107 504,237 - 504,237
40108 42,213,402 - 42,213,402
40109 - - -
40110 - - -
40111 - - -
40112 - - -
40113 - - -
40114 - - -
40121 - - -
40123 - - -
40125 (5,918,823) - (518,823)
40126 - - -
40127 433,311,846 - 433,311,846
40128 - - -
40129 4,328 - 4,328
40130 6,433,518 - 6,433,518
40131 - - -
40132 - - -
40133 (12,269) - (12,269)
40134 - - -
40135 139,271 - 139,271
40136 - - -
40137 (2,850) - (2,850)
40199 - -
40300 - -
40301 19,020,300 - 19,020,300
40302 9,510,150 - 9,510,150
40303 428,585 - 428,585
40304 15,399,553 - 15,399,553
40305 - - -
40306 625,791 - 625,791
40307 - - -
40308 418,955 - 418,955
40309 - - -
40310 (27,600) - (27,600)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 135

40311 - - -
40312 - - -
40313 195,968 - 195,968
40314 - - -
40315 - - -
40316 115,596 - 115,596
40317 200,000 - 200,000
40318 70,779 - 70,779
40319 10,000 - 10,000
40320 27,978 - 27,978
40321 2,616,090 - 116,090
40322 20,130 - 20,130
40399 - -
40400 - -
40401 575,853 - -
40402 (6,880) - (6,880)
40403 - - -
40404 72,987 - -
40499 - -
40500 - -
40501 - - -
40502 400,006 - 179,206
40503 718,489 - 114,589
40504 100,000 - 9,900
40505 - - -
40506 47,713 - 47,713
40507 - - -
40599 - -
40600 - -
40601 41,978,149 - 12,186,711
40602 12,475,449 - 12,615,449
40603 - - -
40604 - - -
40605 - - -
40606 - - -
40607 36,843 - 36,843
40608 9,000 - 9,000
40609 - - -
40610 - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 136

40611 - - -
40612 - - -
40613 - - -
40699 - -
40700 - - -
40800 - - -
40900 - -
40901 1,251,292 - 1,032,412
40902 882,477 - 487,177
40903 30,000 - -
40904 20,410 - 5,410
40905 13,500 - 13,500
40906 - - -
40907 - - -
40908 50,000 - 50,000
40999 - -
41000 - -
41001 99,993 - 3,993
41002 1,984,000 - (16,000)
41003 292,461 - 135,417
41004 1,000,010 - 126,310
41005 (11) - 42,889
41006 231,359 - 231,359
41099 - -
41100 - -
41101 - - -
41102 761,761 - 235,960
41103 561,701 - 433,401
41199 - -
41200 - -
41300 - -
41301 8,060 - 8,060
41302 - - -
41303 593,540 - -
41399 - -
41400 - -
41401 - - -
41402 - - -
41403 3,099,702 - 2,297,228
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 137

41404 - - -
41405 3,499,987 - 4,896,087
41406 149,642 - 193,442
41407 - - -
41408 - - -
41499 - -
41500 - -
41501 (5) - (5)
41502 - - -
41503 6,800 - 6,800
41599 - -
41600 - -
41601 109,687 - 109,687
41602 1,374,297 - 227,707
41603 1,281,619 - 73,179
41604 1,024,539 - -
41605 247,826 - (2,174)
41606 - - -
41607 - - -
41608 - - -
41699 - -
41700 - -
41701 - - -
41702 868,545 - 264,945
41799 - -
41900 - -
41901 1,932,747 - -
41902 311,535 - -
41903 4,740,204 - -
41904 671,616 - -
41905 - - -
41906 771,186 - -
41907 133,345 - -
41908 82,031 - -
41999 - -
42000 - - -
42100 - -
42101 - - -
42102 - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 138

42103 - - -
42104 - - -
42199 - -
42200 - - -
42300 - -
42301 497,666 - 58,366
42399 - -
42600 - -
42601 - - -
42699 - -
42900 - -
42901 - - -
42999 - -
43000 - -
43001 - - -
43002 167,003 - 79,203
43003 - - -
43099 - -
43100 - -
43101 2,727,811 - 2,727,811
43102 3,334,727 - 2,222,363
43103 123,124 - -
43104 375,627 - 382,527
43199 - -
43200 - -
43201 6,465,053 - 1,586,995
43202 - - -
43203 - - -
43204 - - -
43205 - - -
43206 - - -
43207 - - -
43208 - - -
43299 - -
43300 - -
43301 - - -
43399 - -
43400 - - -
43410 1,301,936 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 139

43411 - - -
43421 9,525,000 - -
43422 940,567 - -
43423 - - -
43425 307,932 - -
43430 3,284,564 - -
43435 3,142,089 - 42,089
43440 1,260,000 - -
43441 - - -
43442 - - -
43443 - - -
43444 857,776 - 857,776
43445 1,133,103 - 1,133,103
43500 - - -
43600 - -
43601 - - -
43602 - - -
43603 - - -
43604 - - -
43605 - - -
43606 - - -
43607 - - -
43699 - -
43700 - -
43701 - - -
43799 - -
43800 - -
43810 - - -
43820 - - -
43830 - - -
43840 8,087 - 8,087
43899 - -
44200 - - -
44300 - - -
44400 - - -
44500 1 - -
44999 - -
45000 - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 140

45100 - - -
45200 - -
45201 - - -
45202 (357) - (357)
45203 - - -
45299 - -
45300 - -
45301 - - -
45399 - -
45400 - -
45401 - - -
45402 - - -
45403 - - -
45499 - -
49999 - -
10000 - -
10001 - -
10002 - -
10003 - -
10100 - -
10101 - -
10102 - -
10119 - -
10120 - -
10121 - -
10122 - -
10123 - -
10139 - -
10140 - -
10141 34,454,319 -
10142 - -
10143 (10,602,965) -
10159 - -
10160 - -
10161 36,214,555 -
10162 (4,461,239) -
10163 (6,742,053) -
10179 - -
10180 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 141

10181 126,941,624 -
10182 (21,744,812) -
10183 (48,774,223) -
10199 - -
10220 - -
10221 289,689,304 -
10222 (373,855) -
10223 (58,776,120) -
10239 - -
10240 - -
10241 4,000 -
10242 - -
10243 (4,000) -
10259 - -
10260 - -
10261 8,022,403 -
10262 - -
10263 (1,275,205) -
10270 - -
10500 4,778,169 -
10551 - -
10999 - -
11000 - -
11100 - -
11101 8,117,737 -
11102 - -
11103 (3,307,908) -
11119 - -
#N/A #N/A #N/A
11121 49,855,274 -
11122 - -
11123 (27,224,936) -
#N/A #N/A #N/A
11499 - -
12999 - -
13500 - -
13501 - -
13599 - -
13600 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 142

14000 - -
14100 - -
14200 - -
14201 7,418,870 -
14202 - -
14299 - -
14300 - -
14301 (4,564,926) -
14302 1,560,542,740 -
14303 5,773,767 -
14304 - -
14305 - -
14306 - -
14307 - -
14308 - -
14309 - -
14310 (9,727,911) -
14311 - -
14312 2,148,254 -
14313 - -
14314 (91,500,000) -
14399 - -
14400 - -
14401 - -
14499 - -
14500 - -
14501 544,338,257 -
14502 (50,039) -
14503 246,032 -
14504 (1,381,435) -
14505 (3,230) -
14506 10,324,371 -
14507 80,527,054 -
14508 - -
14580 - -
14581 - -
14582 891,116 -
14589 - -
14599 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 143

14600 - -
14601 6,069,871 -
14699 - -
14700 - -
14701 - -
14702 - -
14703 7,484,542 -
14704 3,567,120 -
14705 - -
14706 - -
14707 - -
14708 - -
14709 - -
14710 45,768,213 -
14711 - -
14712 - -
14715 - -
14716 9,331,527 -
14717 4,225,242 -
14718 19,010,164 -
14719 7,151,019 -
14720 606,799 -
14799 - -
#N/A #N/A #N/A
15000 - -
15100 - -
15101 50,000,000 -
15102 35,102,975 -
15103 155,077,617 -
15104 - -
15105 - -
15106 - -
15107 - -
15199 - -
15200 - -
15201 49,110,271 -
15202 - -
15203 - -
15204 3,800,000 -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 144

15299 - -
15399 - -
15400 - -
15500 - -
15501 187,000 -
15599 - -
15600 - -
15601 213,501,093 -
15602 - -
15603 43,822,163 -
15604 58,207 -
15605 4,542,081 -
15606 612,245 -
15607 380 -
15608 2,509,909 -
15609 128,271,293 -
15699 - -
15799 - -
15999 - -
16000 - -
16100 - -
16101 (60,221) -
16199 - -
16200 - -
16201 273,232 -
16202 - -
16299 - -
16300 - -
16301 - -
16302 - -
16399 - -
16400 - -
16401 451,181 -
16450 - -
16499 - -
16999 - -
17000 - -
17001 - -
17019 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 145

19999 - -
20000 - -
20100 - -
20101 - -
20102 - -
20103 (583,539,860) -
20104 (411,770,230) -
20105 - -
20199 - -
20200 - -
20201 (5,250,958,740) -
20202 3,961,580,038 -
20203 - -
20299 - -
20300 - -
20301 - -
20302 - -
20303 - -
20399 - -
20400 - -
20401 - -
20499 - -
20500 - -
20600 - -
20700 - -
20800 - -
20801 (1,811,103) -
20802 - -
20803 (0) -
20804 - -
20805 - -
20806 - -
20807 - -
20808 (14,468) -
20809 3,197,103 -
20810 5,292,439 -
20811 (649,760,461) -
20812 (64,585,137) -
20813 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 146

20814 (109,602,536) -
20815 - -
20816 - -
20817 - -
20818 - -
20899 - -
20900 - -
20901 - -
20902 (259,198) -
20903 - -
20904 (1,894,628) -
20905 (483,067) -
20906 (72,431) -
20907 (4,617,927) -
20908 - -
20909 - -
20910 - -
20911 - -
20912 - -
20913 - -
20914 6 -
20915 - -
20916 - -
20917 - -
20918 - -
20919 - -
20920 - -
20921 - -
20922 - -
20923 - -
20924 - -
20925 - -
20926 69,195,657 -
20927 (143,574,937) -
20928 (26,079) -
20929 2,133 -
20930 (44,400) -
20931 (3,997,739) -
20932 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 147

20933 - -
20934 - -
20935 - -
20936 - -
20937 - -
20938 - -
20939 - -
20940 - -
20941 (15,546,849) -
20942 10,954,189 -
20943 (31,184,181) -
20944 (6,543,041) -
20945 - -
20946 (568,030) -
20999 - -
21000 - -
21001 - -
21002 - -
21003 (407,020) -
21004 (768,895) -
21005 (11,372) -
21006 (20,290) -
21007 - -
21008 - -
21101 - -
21199 - -
21200 - -
21201 - -
21202 - -
21203 - -
21299 - -
21999 - -
22000 - -
22100 - -
22101 - -
22102 - -
22199 - -
22200 - -
22201 (10,191,679) -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 148

22202 (21,719,771) -
22299 - -
22300 - -
22301 (70,427,749) -
22302 (100,000,000) -
22303 (4) -
22304 - -
22305 (1,513,908) -
22399 - -
22599 - -
22600 - -
28999 - -
29999 - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 149

September October November December January February March Provision Total

(22,572,982) (533,976,538)
- (2,441,345)
- -
- 116,831,471
- 13,307
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- (114,583)
- -
- 2,272,147

(127,851,225) (128,043,803)
22,078,053 22,078,053
- -
- 2,194,192
- -
- -
- -
- -
93,110,927 93,110,927
- (85,850,604)

- (7,097)
- -
- (588,592)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 150

- (37,528)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- -

- (1,588,158)
- -
- -
(13,000,000) (13,000,000)

- -

- -
(182,800) (182,800)

- 1,982,811
- (2,338,407)
- 1,933,658
- (1,982,811)

- 468,518
100,000,000 367,086,074
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 151

- -
(100,000,000) (410,732,674)
- 130,735,998
- (37,625,070)
- 504,237
- 42,213,402
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
(5,400,000) (5,918,823)
- -
- 433,311,846
- -
- 4,328
- 6,433,518
- -
- -
- (12,269)
- -
- 139,271
- -
- (2,850)

- 19,020,300
- 9,510,150
- 428,585
- 15,399,553
- -
- 625,791
- -
- 418,955
- -
- (27,600)
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 152

- -
- -
- 195,968
- -
- -
- 115,596
- 200,000
- 70,779
- 10,000
- 27,978
2,500,000 2,616,090
- 20,130

575,853 575,853
- (6,880)
- -
72,987 72,987

- -
220,800 400,006
603,900 718,489
90,100 100,000
- -
- 47,713
- -

29,791,438 41,978,149
(140,000) 12,475,449
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 36,843
- 9,000
- -
- -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 153

- -
- -
- -

- -
- -

218,880 1,251,292
395,300 882,477
30,000 30,000
15,000 20,410
- 13,500
- -
- -
- 50,000

96,000 99,993
2,000,000 1,984,000
157,044 292,461
873,700 1,000,010
(42,900) (11)
- 231,359

- -
525,801 761,761
128,300 561,701

- 8,060
- -
593,540 593,540

- -
- -
802,474 3,099,702
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 154

- -
(1,396,100) 3,499,987
(43,800) 149,642
- -
- -

- (5)
- -
- 6,800

- 109,687
1,146,590 1,374,297
1,208,440 1,281,619
1,024,539 1,024,539
250,000 247,826
- -
- -
- -

- -
603,600 868,545

1,932,747 1,932,747
311,535 311,535
4,740,204 4,740,204
671,616 671,616
- -
771,186 771,186
133,345 133,345
82,031 82,031

- -

- -
- -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 155

- -
- -

- -

439,300 497,666

- -

- -

- -
87,800 167,003
- -

- 2,727,811
1,112,364 3,334,727
123,124 123,124
(6,900) 375,627

4,878,058 6,465,053
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- -

- -
1,301,936 1,301,936
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 156

- -
9,525,000 9,525,000
940,567 940,567
- -
307,932 307,932
3,284,564 3,284,564
3,100,000 3,142,089
1,260,000 1,260,000
- -
- -
- -
- 857,776
- 1,133,103
- -

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- -

- -
- -
- -
- 8,087

- -
- -
- -
- -

- -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 157

- -

- -
- (357)
- -

- -

- -
- -
- -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 158

Diff January February March

- (530,686,508) (424,308,183) (536,095,705)

- (3,593,695) (2,143,938) (3,163,919)
- - - -
- 129,982,050 105,011,046 125,613,076
- 273,422 8,979 30,978
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - (523,272) (369,686)
- - - -
- (3,052,274) (1,149,922) (2,080,040)
- (5) (1) -
- (158,698) (142,619) (119,083)
- - (56,141) (5,526)
- (266,270) 528,980 362,714

- (115,090,570) (101,663,782) (122,321,110)

- 16,287,298 13,129,737 1,600
- (16,039,488) (15,478,393) (8,558,160)
- - 3,835,782 2,671,663
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- (124,000,000) - -
- 130,827,752 11,430,172 682,759
- (85,754,560) (75,154,974) (102,403,560)

- (8,925) (108) 9,032

- - - -
- - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 159

- (47,607) (29,658) (87,221)

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

- - - -

- (1,739,345) (2,803,186) (1,836,206)

- - - -
- (10,000) (341,681) (494,480)
- 48,415,468 (48,415,468) (30,550,000)

- - - -

- - - -
- (195,462) (195,462) (195,462)

- 15,372,750 7,749,851 5,757,589

- (13,940,111) (5,356,296) (4,627,718)
- 13,940,080 5,356,268 4,699,274
- (15,372,750) (7,749,851) (5,757,589)

- (3,568,928) 7,330,629 20,311,977

- 203,995,348 464,140,221 505,202,907
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 160

- 3,442,211 2,028,121 2,186,223

- (291,949,455) (539,483,868) (589,544,588)
- 117,479,568 101,937,992 130,987,414
- (31,567,344) (26,771,082) (26,664,126)
- - - 8,361,052
- 73,934,274 51,123,579 84,212,122
- - - 63,814
- - - 3,493,761
- 380,166 400,935 1,146,996
- 44,766 31,103 62,006
- 393,303 427,549 379,162
- - - -
- - - -
- 141,120 23,520 -
- 2,296,335 (587,606) (58,783,849)
- - - -
- 563,328,748 340,089,360 425,363,471
- - - -
0 (156,536) (2,880) (413,882)
- 1,784,733 4,824,829 6,610,219
- - - -
- - - -
- (40,705) (1,912) (338,308)
- 0 - (3)
- 17,530,542 16,914,861 5,333,280
- - - -
- (15,569) - (36,919)

- 18,275,644 18,666,899 19,530,340

- 9,137,825 9,333,448 9,765,165
- 441,366 458,870 480,239
- 15,611,068 15,842,785 16,576,964
- - - -
- 594,880 628,058 639,000
- - - -
- - 279,783 296,515
- - - -
- 29,613 95,921 1,890,213
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 161

- - - -
- - - -
- (100,001) 100,000 -
- - - -
- - - 65,576
- 428,745 386,619 1,013,362
- - 104,247 1,396,438
- 144,582 119,369 242,514
- 30,000 - (10,000)
- (10,101) (73,675) 30,791
- - - -
- - - -

- - 575,853 586,094
- 168,360 - (120)
- - - -
- - 72,987 76,683

- - - -
- 421,628 470,240 671,363
- 818,428 1,011,261 3,221,313
- 71,816 101,922 97,095
- - - 112,509
- 68,243 15,825 73,043
- - 6,750 -

- 21,908,838 48,347,511 43,834,450

- 2,408,847 1,351,650 15,713,252
- - - 150
- - - -
- 6,329,568 100,280 283,541
- - - -
- - (56,690) 56,290
- 13,483 106,750 38,842
- - - -
- - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 162

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

- - - -
- - - 129,326

- 1,615,028 1,457,065 40,781

- 747,000 602,000 598,953
- 36,000 45,000 (103,249)
- 302,671 200,283 267,530
- 3,500,000 1,371,879 (5,130,857)
- - - -
- - - -
- 42,000 54,000 104,033

- 107,709 49,153 187,797

- 1,906,231 1,534,917 3,556,712
- 677,879 735,135 969,080
- 423,049 2,318,898 2,349,187
- 31,187 - 190,585
- - - -

- 2,023 51,057 11,689

- 520,000 848,709 304,874
- 660,611 661,378 (424,412)

- 190,945 174,355 200,927

- - - -
- 613,325 612,263 1,026,724

- - - 40,095
- - - -
- 4,127,086 5,307,735 8,731,658
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 163

- 38,857 56,180 17,354

- 440,861 3,497,504 1,918,251
- 894,611 580,867 1,293,395
- - - 561,800
- - - -

- 0 0 665
- - - -
- 95,820 1,310 74,425

- 136,125 154,125 173,250

- 2,222,125 1,429,345 3,062,561
- 457,083 1,405,113 1,672,989
- 935,168 957,703 1,055,538
- 291,795 427,939 161,245
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

- - 39 -
- 984,461 1,593,454 1,134,256

- - - 6,965,639
- - - 943,382
- - - 12,629,567
- - - 1,483,424
- - - 416
- - - 3,593,267
- - - 404,125
- - - 246,971

- 744 6,413 22,651

- - - -
- - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 164

- - - -
- (550,282) 15,926 14,475

- - 23,443 -

- 492,259 548,008 481,875

- - - -

- 1,000 3,605 -

- - - -
- 50,321 47,090 186,382
- 88,971 - -

- 4,726,554 4,062,226 2,727,811

- 2,634,761 2,135,934 2,391,058
- 60,000 22,000 52,800
- 255,124 399,436 425,942

- 2,843,083 8,830,838 21,918,685

- 196,686 - 400,789
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - 13,916 65,582
- - - -
- - - -

- - 2,310 9,513

- - - -
- 427,113 2,865,428 666,377
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 165

- - - -
- 5,484,765 11,569,102 10,199,389
- 1,074,666 639,477 34,094
- - - -
- 228,333 248,979 321,205
- 3,739,464 3,326,904 3,284,564
- (1,362,898) 2,109,560 4,560,557
- 1,078,128 1,413,329 211,534
- - - -
- - 11,448 1,436
- - - (46,876)
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- 1,793,754 (1,553,754) (756,617)

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
1 0 - 135

- - - -
Trial BalanceJADE eServices Pvt. Ltd.-Live 01/31/2024arun.sPage 166

- - - -

- - - -
- (312) (1,109) 19
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Entry No GL Name Prov for - Apr '14

1 41901 Depreciation, Compt. & Perph. 1,932,747

41902 Depreciation, Office Equipment 311,535
41903 Depreciation, F & F 4,740,204
41904 Depreciation, Leasholds 671,616
41905 Depreciation, Vehicles -
41906 Depreciation,Comp.Soft.&WebDev 771,186
41907 Depreciation, Patents 133,345
41908 Depreciation, Plant & Machin. 82,031
10143 Accum. Depreciation, leasehold (671,616)
10163 Accum Dep ,Office Eqipment (311,535)
10183 Accum. Depr., Comp. & Perph. (1,932,747)
10223 Accum. Depr. Furniture-Fixture (4,740,204)
10243 Accum. Depreciation, Vehicle -
10263 Accum. Depreciation, Plant & M (82,031)
11103 Accum. Dep.-Patents, Licences (133,345)
11123 Accum. Depr.,Comp.Soft.& Dev. (771,186)
(Provision for Depreciation for April 2014 )

2 14302 Finished Goods 100,000,000

40102 Purchases-Finished Material 100,000,000
40104 Direct Cost Applied (100,000,000)
22302 Provision for Purchases (100,000,000)
(Provision for Inventory not invoiced )

3 14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic 136,106,170

30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) (127,851,225)
20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) (8,254,945)
(Being Marketplace - Pending Sales for Jan 14 to Mar 14)

4 14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic (23,090,393)

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) 1,012,340
(Being Marketplace - Pending Sales Return for Jan 14 to Mar 14)

5 20202 Retained Earnings 38,199,444

14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic (38,199,444)
( Entry due to pending sales posting till March 2014 )
6 20202 Retained Earnings (38,199,444)
14302 Finished Goods 38,199,444
( Being COGS batch running pending for sales / sales return till March 14 )

7 30295 COGC Marketplace 93,110,927

14302 Finished Goods (93,110,927)
( Being provision entry for pending sales entries of Marketplace
for Jan 14 to Mar 14)

8 20811 Creditors-Finished 5,400,000

40125 Discount Received (5,400,000)
( EOSS Discount sharing for April 2014 - SOR only)

9 14501 Debtors-B2B-Domestic 24,642,957

30201 Sales-Domestic (22,572,982)
20927 Output VAT (2,069,975)
( Being provision for sales through Exchange Coupons - for April
14 )

10 22301 Provision for Expenses (38,644,663)

40503 Staff Welfare 649,000
40901 Electricity Charges 1,251,280
40902 Power Fuel Charges 409,000
40903 Water Expenses 30,000
40904 Stores and consumbale-Domestic 15,000
41001 Conveyance Expenses 100,000
41002 Vehicle hire charges 1,350,000
41003 Travel Expenses Foreign 157,044
41102 Internet charges 761,801
41103 Mobile expenses 580,900
41403 Prof. & Consultancy 2,779,574
41405 Modeling charges 3,500,000
41602 Repairs & Maintenance 1,175,890
41603 House Keeping Expenses 1,217,440
41604 Security Service Charges 1,024,539
41605 Computer Maintenance Charges 250,000
41702 Courier Charges 700,000
42301 Printing & Stationery 441,000
43102 Warehouse rent 1,112,364
43102 Warehouse rent 556,182
43103 Rent others 123,124
43201 IT & Support Services Exp. 5,634,958
43421 Contract manpower expenses-WH 9,525,000
43422 Contract manpower exp-others 940,567
43435 Clearing & forwarding/ Cartage 3,100,000
43440 Freight/ transport charges 1,260,000
40905 Packing Handling Material -
( Provision for April 14 pending invoices )

11 43430 Management consultancy fee 3,284,564

43410 Recruitment expenses 1,301,936
41002 Vehicle hire charges 650,000
41303 Staff Insurance Premium 593,540
43002 Bank Charges 100,000
41004 Travel Expenses-Domestic 1,000,000
40321 Variable Allowance 2,500,000
40502 Office Canteen 400,000
40504 Office Expenses 100,000
43425 Stipend 307,932
22301 Provision for Expenses (10,237,972)
( Provisions based on subsequent clearing for April 14 )

11 40601 Advertisement Expenses 40,066,638

22301 Provision for Expenses (40,066,638)
( Provision for pending invoices of Advertisement - Apr 14)

12 40401 Employer Contribution to PF 575,853

40404 PF Administration Charges 72,987
21004 PF Payable (648,840)
( Being provision created for PF payable - April 14)

13 30294 Sales-return provision

22304 Provision for sales return
( Provision for sales return - Apr 14 - based on subsequest
return details - Own Warehouse + B2B)

14 30294 Sales-return provision

22304 Provision for sales return
( Provision for sales return - Apr 14 - based on subsequest
return details - Marketplace)

15 14302 Finished Goods -

40127 Cost of Goods Sold -
14302 Finished Goods -
(Provision for reversal of COGS for sales return amount of April

16 40502 Office Canteen (179,200)

40503 Staff Welfare (45,100)
40504 Office Expenses (9,900)
40601 Advertisement Expenses (10,275,200)
40602 Bussiness Promotions (140,000)
40901 Electricity Charges (1,032,400)
40902 Power Fuel Charges (13,700)
41001 Conveyance Expenses (4,000)
41004 Travel Expenses-Domestic (126,300)
41005 Boarding and lodging charges (42,900)
41102 Internet charges (236,000)
41103 Mobile expenses (452,600)
41403 Prof. & Consultancy (1,977,100)
41405 Modeling charges (4,896,100)
41406 Production expenses (43,800)
41602 Repairs & Maintenance (29,300)
41603 House Keeping Expenses (9,000)
41702 Courier Charges (96,400)
42301 Printing & Stationery (1,700)
43002 Bank Charges (12,200)
43104 Rent other location (6,900)
43201 IT & Support Services Exp. (756,900)
43102 Warehouse rent (556,182)
22301 Provision for Expenses 20,942,882
( Reversal of March 2014 provisions as provision entries in
March 14 are pending )

17 30604 Maintainance Fees (13,000,000)

14507 Debtors-Others 13,000,000
( Maintainence Fees from Xerion for April 2014 )

18 31201 Rent income (182,800)

14507 Debtors-Others 182,800
( Provision for Rent Income of April 2014 )
Remarks - 1 Remarks - 2

Dep.Block Code Office Warehouse

Computers and accessories 1,447,884 484,863
Furniture and fixtures 94,396 4,645,808
Trade marks 133,345 -
Leasehold Improvements 162,137 509,479
Office Equipments 164,735 146,800
Plant and Equipments 1,615 80,416
Software 680,161 91,025
Vehicles - -
Grand Total 2,684,273 5,958,391

Inventory in ERP (Chart of Accounts) 1,558,736,850

Inventory in ERP (Inventory report) 1,508,621,179
March 2014 rent for 15 days
Provision for studio Saket added
Grand Total
Provision to be created
GL Code GL Description Location Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14
30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) Delhi (1,982,879) (68,253,663) (80,693,185)
20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Delhi - (5,153,277) (5,947,427)

30262 SALES RETURN-DOMESTIC (MKTPLA) Delhi 20,782,516 15,980,520 20,244,453

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Delhi 1,680,623 844,862 1,442,948

30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) Mumbai - (29,715,394) (40,515,024)

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Mumbai (658,996) (1,635,637) (2,058,175)

30262 SALES RETURN-DOMESTIC (MKTPLA) Mumbai 4,055,962 7,628,231 6,765,060

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Mumbai 184,743 295,823 302,356

30261 SALES-DOMESTIC (MARKETPLACE) Banglore - (2,986,697) (2,769,517)

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Banglore (72,910) (228,074) (143,696)

30262 SALES RETURN-DOMESTIC (MKTPLA) Banglore 332,057 1,084,614 685,552

20941 OUTPUT VAT ( MARKETPLACE ) Banglore 21,545 65,997 36,182

30261 Net Sales (1,982,879) (100,955,754) (123,977,726)

30262 Net Sales Return 25,170,535 24,693,365 27,695,065
20941 VAT on Sales (731,906) (7,016,988) (8,149,298)
20941 VAT on Sales Returns 1,886,911 1,206,682 1,781,486


vision to be created Actual Sales Data
Apr-14 Total Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14
(85,506,231) (236,435,958) (79,390,354) (68,253,663) (80,693,185) (85,506,231)
(6,099,510) (17,200,214) (2,593,710) (5,153,277) (5,947,427) (6,099,510)

15,077,830 72,085,319 20,782,516 15,980,520 20,244,453 15,077,830

702,571 4,671,004 1,680,623 844,862 1,442,948 702,571

(39,694,834) (109,925,252) (33,274,998) (31,286,835) (40,515,024) (39,694,834)

(1,901,028) (6,253,836) (1,880,402) (1,690,591) (2,058,175) (1,901,028)

6,552,347 25,001,600 4,055,962 7,628,231 6,765,060 6,552,347

270,487 1,053,409 184,743 295,823 302,356 270,487

(2,842,737) (8,598,951) (3,733,132) (2,986,697) (2,769,517) (2,842,737)

(254,407) (699,087) (287,470) (228,074) (143,696) (254,407)

447,876 2,550,099 332,057 1,084,614 685,552 447,876

39,282 163,006 21,545 65,997 36,182 39,282

(128,043,802) (354,960,161) (116,398,484) (102,527,195) (123,977,726) (128,043,802)

22,078,053 99,637,018 25,170,535 24,693,365 27,695,065 22,078,053
(8,254,945) (24,153,137) (4,761,582) (7,071,942) (8,149,298) (8,254,945)
1,012,340 5,887,419 1,886,911 1,206,682 1,781,486 1,012,340

Data as per reports Return % D 18%

Data as per MIS Return % M 17%
Return % B 16%
Excess sales booked in MIS
Excess provision consider in MIS

Posted Sales (115,090,569) (100,426,811) (89,474,800)

Posted Returns 370,810 1,075,886 1,600

Pending Sales (1,307,915) (2,100,384) (34,502,926)

Pending Sales 24,799,725 23,617,479 27,693,465

Retained Earnings 38,199,444

Posted Sales Data
Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14


(33,885,561) (1,571,441)
(1,221,406) (54,954)




(115,090,569) (1,571,441) - -
- - - -
(6,845,969) (54,954) - -
- - - -
Particular Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14

Net Sales in MIS ( other than international ) - - -

Xerion Sales - - -

Franchisee fees - - -
Jan 14 to Mar 14

Sr No Customer Code Customer Name Location
1 C0066 Xerion Retail Private Limited OTHERS
2 C0081 Xerion Retail Pvt. Ltd (DMKTP) IC-XER-M
3 C0082 Xerion Retail Pvt. Ltd IC-XER-M
5 C4783 Xerion Retail Private Limited IC-XER-M
4 C1506 Xerion Retail Pvt. Ltd (Dwarka) B2B-DOM
Balance in
Balance as per Jade's books
Type ERP Pending Entries as on 30.04.13
Franchisee/Rent 37,097,440 37,097,440
Marketplace 61,680,052
Marketplace 80,365,432 81,016,333 231,568,353
Marketplace 8,506,536
Dwarka 653,659 653,659
Dwarka 39,124,320 39,124,320
Kawaspur 23,940,709 23,940,709
Pataudi 227,772,407 24,642,957 252,415,364
Offline 549,738 549,738
Offline 360,341 360,341
Offline - -
480,050,633 105,659,290 585,709,923
Due to exchange coupon

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