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The chapter present related literature that is relevant to our research topic. It provides

adequate evidence that account on the subject and its related factors. The effectiveness of police

operation in crime apprehension in terms of Enforcement of Law, Police Patrol, and Police

Response; and Filed Cases Pattern in the Prosecutor’s Office in terms of Crimes against

Property, Crimes against Person, Drug related Crimes, and Illegal gambling activities.

Effectiveness of Police Operation in Crime Apprehension

The effectiveness of police operations in crime apprehension has been a subject of

extensive research and debate. While there is no single definitive answer to the question of

whether police are effective in apprehending criminals, there is a body of evidence that suggests

that certain police strategies can be more effective than others. According to a press release

from the Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2021, there was a significant increase in both the

CSE and CCE. The CSE increased by 85.94 percent and the CCE by 80.87 percent from July

2016 to June 2021 compared to the period from July 2010 to June 2015. The PNP attributes this

improvement to their proactive enforcement efforts, particularly in fighting against illegal

drugs, as well as their improved ability to solve crimes. The PNP also claims that their approach

to preventing crime, which involves removing tools of crime, eliminating criminal elements,

and strengthening vulnerable areas, has led to a 64% decrease in crime over the past five years

(PNP, 2021).

One of the most effective strategies for crime apprehension is targeted patrol. According

to a study by the National Institute of Justice, targeted patrol, which involves deploying police
officers to areas with high crime rates, can reduce crime by up to 20% (Ariel, 2019). Another

effective strategy is hot spot policing, which involves focusing police resources on specific

locations where crime is known to occur. A study by the University of Cambridge found that

hot spot policing can reduce crime by up to 13% (Andresen et al., 2017). Also, a study by the

RAND Corporation found that community policing, which involves building relationships

between police and the community, can reduce crime and increase public trust in the police

(Weisburd et al., 2020). While there is no single solution to the problem of crime, the evidence

suggests that effective police operations can play a significant role in reducing crime and

apprehending criminals. By implementing targeted patrol, hot spot policing, and other effective

strategies, police departments can make their communities safer and more secure.

Enforcement of law. As the cornerstone of public safety, law enforcement plays a

pivotal role in maintaining order and safeguarding communities through the consistent and

impartial application of established laws. The effectiveness of law enforcement hinges on its

ability to deter, prevent, and apprehend criminal activity, thereby ensuring that individuals are

held accountable for their actions and that justice prevails. According to the study of Lucagbo

et. al (2016) the effectiveness of interventions enacted by the Philippine National Police (PNP)

to reduce crime rates in National Capital Region (NCR) shows that some of these interventions,

but not all of them, are successful in lowering crime. This study provides evidence that law

enforcement interventions can be effective in reducing crime rates, but their effectiveness can

vary across different geographic regions and types of interventions.

A study published in the Journal of Criminology and Public Policy, communities with a

stronger law enforcement presence experienced significant reductions in crime rates (Ariel &

Sutherland, 2018). The study analyzed data from over 1,000 cities across the United States and
found that an increase of just ten police officers per 10,000 residents was associated with a 4%

decline in overall crime and a 7% decrease in violent crime. Similarly, a 2021 meta-analysis

conducted by the National Institute of Justice concluded that increased police presence was

associated with a 14% decline in crime (Lum, Koper, & Ridgeway, 2021).

Moreover, a report by the Brennan Center for Justice revealed that cities with larger

police forces experienced lower rates of property crime (Brennan Center for Justice, 2023). For

instance, cities with police forces of over 100 officers per 10,000 residents had property crime

rates that were 20% lower than cities with smaller police forces. Applying law enforcement

tactics consistently discourages criminal activity, promotes public safety, and builds trust

between the communities they serve and law enforcement organizations. As criminologist

Lawrence Sherman notes, “The certainty of punishment, not the severity of punishment, deters

crime" (Sherman, 2016). Law enforcement organizations can establish an atmosphere where

people are less likely to commit crimes because they perceive a chance of being caught and

punished if they regularly enforce the law.

Police patrol. The effectiveness of police patrol has been widely studied and debated

within criminology and law enforcement literature. It is a complex process that involves

balancing proactive crime prevention with reactive incident response. Efficient patrol strategies

are essential effectively utilized limited police resources and minimize emergency response

times (Dewinter et al., 2020). Police departments should regularly evaluate and adjust their

approaches based on changing crime patterns, community needs and available resources to

ensure the continuous effectiveness of patrol strategies to reach their primary goal which is

maintaining public safety and to reduce the crime rates.

In a recent review on the effectiveness of police presence, (Dau et al., 2023) found an
evidence which shows that police presence mostly reduces crimes involving property, violence,

motor vehicle, theft, and firearms. Their presence improves traffic behavior and lower service

calls. The visibility and proactive efforts act as a powerful deterrent, particularly in property

offenses, violence, theft and other types of crimes. Their presence reinforces law and order,

instills a sense of security in communities, and contributes to a safer and more secure

environment for everyone.

A specific study by Ratcliffe et al. (2020), discovered a decrease of 31% in property

crime in hot spots where marked police cars patrolled, compared to hot spots where usual

policing methods were maintained. However, no reduction in property crime was observed in

hot spots patrolled by unmarked police cars, underscoring the importance of visible deterrence

by law enforcement. It has been suggested that visible patrol in hot spots is effective only when

a certain threshold of crime already exists, and the crime reduction effect may be temporary.

Novak et al. (2016) found that increased foot patrol reduced violence in hot spots during

the first 30 days of a three-month intervention period. In the past, a barrier to implementing

targeted patrol has been the belief that it merely displaces crime to adjacent areas. However,

systematic reviews indicate that crime displacement is unlikely with focused police activity,

and the benefits may even extend to surrounding areas. When in a crime hot spot, officers

should consider problem-solving approaches, as research suggests that it tends to have a greater

impact on crime reduction than increased patrol or law enforcement (Braga et al., 2019).

Police Response. Efficient and effective police response is critical in addressing

criminal incidents and enhancing law enforcement outcomes. As noted by Johnson et al. (2019),

timely police response has been linked to higher rates of apprehending suspects, particularly in

cases of violent crimes. This underscores the importance of examining the impact of police
response in assessing the effectiveness of law enforcement operations in crime apprehension.

Similarly, Smith and Brown (2020) analyzed the role of community engagement in enhancing

police response effectiveness. The study revealed that proactive community policing efforts led

to improved cooperation from residents, resulting in more actionable intelligence for crime


Moreover, the use of technology in police operations has been a focus of recent

research. Garcia and Martinez (2021) conducted a study on the utilization of predictive

analytics in police response. Their study showed that using advanced technology to predict

crime patterns helped the police strategically assign resources to areas with high crime rates. As

a result, they were able to catch more criminals. This highlights how technology can make a

real difference in improving the effectiveness of police operations against crime.

Furthermore, the impact of police practices on crime prevention has been explored in

the literature. Jackson et al. (2022) examined the relationship between procedural justice and

crime apprehension. Their research found that when police officers treat people with fairness

and respect during their interactions, it builds trust and encourages cooperation from the

community. This, in turn, helps the police effectively respond to and catch criminals.

Essentially, treating people well goes a long way in making law enforcement more successful in

fighting crime.


When people commit crimes, they are formally accused and their cases are filed. These

filed cases are really important because they help us understand crime trends, see how well law

enforcement is doing, and figure out ways to prevent crime based on the patterns we see. By
looking at filed cases, we can get valuable information about what kinds of crimes are

happening, where they're happening, and how often. This helps us figure out what areas need

more attention and come up with strategies to stop crime based on evidence.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released a report indicating that violent

crime rates have risen in the US in recent years, with homicide and aggravated assault rates

particularly rising (FBI, 2022). An increase in the number of complaints pertaining to violent

offenses is indicative of this trend in the patterns of filed cases. Moreover, a study conducted by

the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) discovered that rates of property crime have also stayed

mostly unchanged over the previous ten years, with theft and burglary making up a sizable

share of reported incidents (BJS, 2021). These results demonstrate the enduring character of

property crimes and the necessity of ongoing measures to combat them.

In addition to overall crime trends, filed cases can also reveal patterns related to specific

offender characteristics, victim demographics, and geographical distribution. For instance, a

study by the Pew Research Center found that drug offenses are disproportionately represented

among filed cases, with young men overrepresented among offenders (Pew Research Center,

2019). Analyzing filed cases over time can also provide insights into the impact of law

enforcement interventions and societal changes. For example, a study by the National Institute

of Justice (NIJ) found that crime rates have declined in areas with increased community

policing initiatives (NIJ, 2020). These findings indicate that when law enforcement strategies

are specifically tailored towards addressing specific areas of concern, they have the potential to

successfully decrease crime rates and enhance the overall safety of the general public.
Crimes against property. When people break into homes, steal things, or damage

property, it's not just about the money. These crimes also really mess with people's lives and

make them feel scared and anxious. They're a big problem for individuals and communities as a

whole. So, it's really important to look at the patterns of these property crimes to see how

they're affecting us and figure out how to stop them.

According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), property crimes consistently

account for a significant portion of all crimes reported in the country. In 2022, property crimes

comprised 54.2% of all crimes recorded, highlighting the pressing nature of this issue. Victims

of property crimes often face financial losses, emotional distress, and a sense of insecurity.

Property crime can also hinder economic development, erode public trust in law enforcement

institutions, and exacerbate feelings of fear and vulnerability within communities (Ateneo

Center for Social Policy and Community Development (2021). To add, the Philippine Center on

Transnational Crime (2021) states that poverty and unemployment can lead to desperation and a

sense of hopelessness, while drug addiction can create a financial burden that may drive

individuals to commit property crimes to support their habit.

According to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), property crime

remains prevalent in the United States, with burglaries, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts

accounting for a substantial portion of overall crime (FBI, 2022). These findings underscore the

need for continued attention to property offenses and the importance of implementing effective

prevention measures. Furthermore, a study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) found that

property crime rates have also remained relatively stable over the past decade, with burglaries

and thefts accounting for a significant portion of filed cases (BJS, 2021). This highlights how

property offenses persist and emphasize the ongoing necessity of addressing them.
Crimes against person. When people hurt others or do really terrible things like murder,

assault, rob, or sexually assault them, it's a huge threat to our safety and wellbeing. These

crimes don't just cause physical and emotional pain, they also make us feel scared and anxious,

messing up our sense of security and trust in others. According to a report by the Federal

Bureau of Investigation (FBI), violent crime rates in the United States have increased in recent

years, with a notable rise in homicides and aggravated assaults (FBI, 2022). This trend is

reflected in the patterns of crimes against persons, underscoring the need for continued attention

to these offenses and the importance of implementing effective crime reduction measures.

Furthermore, a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

found that globally, crimes against persons have a significant economic impact, with an

estimated global cost of $9.5 trillion in 2020 (UNODC, 2022). These financial burdens can

have a devastating impact on individuals, businesses, and healthcare systems, highlighting the

urgency of addressing crimes against persons and the potential benefits of effective police


In addition to overall trends, analyzing crimes against person’s data can also provide

insights into specific offense patterns and characteristics. For instance, a study by the Pew

Research Center found that domestic violence is the most prevalent type of crime against

persons, accounting for a significant portion of overall reports (Pew Research Center, 2021).

This information can inform targeted prevention efforts focused on domestic violence

intervention and support services.

Moreover, understanding the characteristics of perpetrators of crimes against persons is

crucial for devising effective crime prevention strategies. A study by the National Institute of

Justice (NIJ) found that perpetrators of crimes against persons may have prior criminal records,
substance abuse issues, or mental health problems (NIJ, 2020). These findings propose that by

tackling the root causes behind theses offenses, we may be able to make headway in reducing


Drug Related Crimes. Drug-related crimes have been a significant concern for law

enforcement agencies and policymakers worldwide. The relationship between drug abuse and

criminal behavior has been widely studied, revealing the complex interplay between substance

abuse and illegal activities. A study by De Li et al. (2017) investigated the association between

specific types of drugs and criminal behaviors. The research showed that certain drugs like

cocaine and methamphetamine were strongly linked to violent and aggressive criminal

behaviors. The study stressed the importance of focusing on specific interventions to tackle

drug-related crimes that are associated with particular types of drugs and their impact on


Moreover, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has conducted extensive

research on the relationship between drug abuse and crime. According to the National Institute

on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there is a strong connection between substance abuse and higher

involvement in criminal behavior. People who are dependent on drugs are more likely to

participate in activities like selling drugs, committing property crimes, and engaging in

violence. These findings highlight the considerable impact that drug-related crimes have on

public safety and the criminal justice system.

In addition, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has contributed

valuable insights into the global dynamics of drug-related crimes. The UNODC's World Drug

Report (2020) highlighted how drug trafficking and illegal drug markets contribute to the

spread of criminal activities. The report stressed the importance of global collaboration and
holistic approaches to address drug-related crimes and their harmful consequences in

communities around the world.

This presents strong evidence of the complex connection between drug abuse and

criminal behavior. The findings highlight the importance of using a comprehensive approach

that includes prevention, treatment, and law enforcement strategies to effectively tackle drug-

related crimes. It is crucial to understand how substance abuse and illegal activities are

intertwined in order to develop specific interventions and policies that can reduce the negative

impact of drug-related crimes on individuals and society as a whole.

Illegal Gambling Activities. Illegal gambling activities have been a persistent issue that

has detrimental effects on individuals, families, and communities. A study conducted by

Williams, Volberg, and Stevens (2018) examined the prevalence of illegal gambling activities

within the United States. The study discovered that illegal gambling remains a major issue, with

many people participating in these activities despite the potential risks and legal repercussions.

The researchers emphasized the importance of implementing effective strategies to fight against

illegal gambling and safeguard vulnerable individuals from its negative impact.

In addition, research by Gainsbury and Russell (2022) delved into the technological

advancements that have facilitated illegal gambling activities, such as online platforms and

mobile applications. The study highlighted the difficulties in controlling and overseeing illegal

gambling through digital platforms. It emphasized the need for comprehensive actions to deal

with the changing nature of illicit gambling in the digital age.

Moreover, a study by Quilty and Blaszczynski (2023) focused on the socio-economic

impact of illegal gambling within communities. The research provided evidence of the harmful
impact of illegal gambling on local economies, such as causing financial hardship for

individuals and families and creating broader social consequences. The authors emphasized the

importance of working together, involving authorities, community organizations, and

stakeholders, to tackle the social and economic effects of illegal gambling.

Dealing with this problem requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account

different aspects, including the law, public health, and social considerations. By doing so, we

can effectively reduce the negative impacts linked to illegal gambling and protect the well-

being of individuals and communities. It means implementing strategies that not only address

the legal aspects but also focus on promoting public health and fostering a supportive social

environment. This way, we can work towards minimizing the harm caused by illegal gambling

and ensuring the welfare of everyone involved.


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