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The Mission Versus

The Bottom Line
Should an organic lettuce farm close a distribution
center that is reaching customers but losing
money? by William A. Sahlman and Alison Berkley

Should Baldwin Farms close the

Pottsville facility or reinvent it?
Expert commentary by Charles Sweat and
T. Gary Rogers

Case Study
Should an organic lettuce farm close a
distribution center that is reaching customers
but losing money? by William A. Sahlman and
Alison Berkley Wagonfeld

The Mission
The Experts
Versus the
Bottom Line
Charles Sweat is the CEO
of Earthbound Farm.
P ottsville, Pennsylvania, is not known
for its lovely winters,” Wayne Mo-
riarty said as he pulled his car into
a space in the lot outside the East Coast
distribution center of Baldwin Farms.
as co-CEOs, wanted to further penetrate
the East Coast organics market and, with
Gretchen’s guidance, had opened the
facility two years ago. One of their primary
goals was to help regional customers
Gretchen Cussler, the company’s COO, avoid stock-outs of the company’s most
looked up at the massive snowbank next successful product: organic prewashed
to the car. lettuce. Typically, after East Coast retailers
“So what exactly is it known for?” she placed an order, it took 10 to 15 days for the
teased. lettuce to make its way from California to
She knew that Wayne had moved up their stores. The time lag made accurate
from North Carolina to manage the facility. forecasting tricky for customers. Most
Pottsville wasn’t a bad place to live, but it wouldn’t realize they needed to restock
T. Gary Rogers is the wasn’t home for either of them. She’d ar- until about five days before they ran out of
retired chairman and CEO
of Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream. rived in Pittsburgh that morning on a flight product. But they ended up leaving their
from Sacramento, where Baldwin Farms shelves empty because they wanted to
had its headquarters. Now she was wrapped avoid overordering and having to throw
in a parka she used only for skiing trips. lettuce out.
Even so, she shivered as she and Wayne Baldwin stored enough lettuce at the
walked to the warehouse’s front door. ECDC that customers could place small
Illustration: miguel santamarina

Inside, workers were readying pallets orders and keep their shelves full while
of organic bagged lettuce for delivery. She waiting for large orders to arrive from
HBR’s fictional case studies present
dilemmas faced by real leaders and was happy to see the place looking so busy. California. For a premium, the customers
offer solutions from experts. This one is The East Coast distribution center, or ECDC, could even get next-day delivery from the
based on the HBS Case Study “Earthbound had been weighing on her mind lately. Troy ECDC, instead of sending their own trucks
Farm” (case no. 807061), by William A.
Sahlman and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. and Shawn, the brothers who had started to pick up the lettuce, as they typically did
It is available at Baldwin Farms in 1993 and now served with their West Coast orders.

2 Harvard Business Review October 2011

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But the ECDC was not meeting its it was distracting the brothers from more Shawn Baldwin knocked lightly on the
original performance targets. In fact, it was important things. door. “What are you daydreaming about?”
losing money. The previous year it had “You should at least talk with Kurt at he asked.
operated at a loss of $1.7 million. Gretchen’s Better Food. He’s caught wind that we’re Gretchen turned around. She hadn’t
team had predicted that the operating costs having trouble,” Wayne said. seen Shawn since she’d left for Pennsylva-
would be offset by increased sales volume, “I’ve been playing phone tag with him nia. He asked how Wayne was doing.
but it seemed that customers weren’t all week,” Gretchen said. Better Food was “OK. He’s nervous we’re going to pull
ordering more. Instead they were reducing one of their largest East Coast customers. the plug. He wants more time to prove the
their orders from the West Coast by the Kurt Conway, the grocery chain’s produce ECDC’s worth.”
amount they ordered from the ECDC. And buyer, had been a main proponent of the “We know it’s valuable. It’s just not mak-
because the ECDC orders tended to be ECDC and lobbied the brothers heavily ing money,” Shawn said. “I was thinking
small, Baldwin Farms’ trucks were often on the benefits it would bring both the over the weekend that we may need to
going out from Pottsville half empty. customers and Baldwin Farms. take it in a new direction. Even with Wayne
Wayne walked Gretchen around, “If we don’t figure out how to help our at the helm, we’re struggling with the logis-
showing her some of the updates to the East Coast customers, they’re going to tics. We should look into partnering with
refrigeration system. turn to our competitors, whether they’re someone who’s better at that stuff.”
“Are the brothers still talking about organic or not,” Wayne said. He had a point. “That’s not a new direction,” Gretchen
closing us down?” he asked, trying to seem Although Baldwin Farms’ market share said. The first iteration of the ECDC had
nonchalant. Still, Gretchen could see that was larger than 50% in the organic lettuce involved a partnership with a wholesaler
he was nervous. He had agreed to work for category, the company couldn’t afford to in Connecticut. The company had let
the Baldwin brothers because he believed cede any shelf space. Once a retailer like Baldwin Farms piggyback on its refriger-
in the organic label and knew how big the Better Food turned to another, more avail- ated space, tracking systems, and truck-
opportunity was on the East Coast. But able brand, it would be nearly impossible ing network. But the two companies
his reputation in the small world of food
distributors was on the line. He didn’t want “If we don’t figure out how to help our East
to be linked to a failed venture any more
than she did. Coast customers, they’re going to turn to our
“It’s been discussed, but I don’t think competitors, whether they’re organic or not.”
either of them is there yet,” she said.
“We just need more time. Two years
is not long enough to change customers’ to get the business back. And because had mismatched inventory systems and
buying behavior. You know that.” Baldwin Farms wanted to introduce new approaches to customer service.
Gretchen nodded. organic products, such as sliced apples, “But we’d do it differently this time.
“And we’re still working out the kinks to its East Coast customers, it needed to What happened to the conversations with
operationally,” he said. Transportation was maintain a strong reputation for helping WholeCo?” Shawn asked. WholeCo was a
a particular sore spot; between half-full stores keep their shelves stocked. large grocery packager and distributor in
trucks and the dedicated trips they had to “I’ll give Kurt a call from the airport,” New Jersey that was known for its massive
make to more-remote customers, the fuel Gretchen promised. truck fleet and logistics expertise.
costs were killing the ECDC. “I’m still in touch with them, but you
“Shawn and Troy should come out, do A New Direction know they run a very different company
some deliveries, talk with some of our Back in California, Gretchen looked out than we do,” Gretchen said.
customers,” Wayne suggested. “They’ll see on the fields. It had been a good growing Shawn and Troy had started Baldwin
what’s not reflected on the balance sheet— season, the first in a while. The company Farms 18 years ago by growing their own
that we’re building strong relationships.” was hoping to make $750 million in sales lettuce and selling it out of their pickup
“They’re already spending way too this year, a target that seemed doable. truck. Organic food was a niche market
much time on this. Shawn especially,” she But it needed to get costs under control. back then, but it did well in the San Fran-
said. This was what bothered Gretchen Gretchen watched the field workers and cisco area and soon started catching on else-
most. The ECDC represented less than 5% thought about how many people relied where. Now it was a huge growth market.
of the company’s $600 million in sales the on Baldwin Farms. If she allowed profit “But that’s OK,” Shawn said. “We know
previous year. She understood that it was margins to slip, a lot of people could lose lettuce and growing. They know transpor-
an investment that needed tending, but their jobs. tation and logistics.”

October 2011 Harvard Business Review 3

EXPERIENCE For article reprints call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500, or visit

“But a partnership raises our risks of “Shawn already told me about the “How long are we going
contamination and spoilage. That’s one of
the reasons we opened the ECDC: control.
Whole­Co idea,” Troy said, cutting to the
chase. He was less patient than his brother,
to devote so much
We wanted fewer hands on our product,” although both often acted in haste. “I energy to a facility
Gretchen reminded him. think it’s time to cut our losses. The ECDC that’s hemorrhaging
“We could handle those risks. Besides, just didn’t catch on like we thought it
we’ve learned from our mistakes. Whole­Co would.” money?”
could work,” Shawn said. “Gretchen’s done the analysis,” Shawn
“You know your brother will disagree,” said, jumping in. “We’ll recoup only 25% But that will change—not the least because
Gretchen countered. of our initial investment if we close it now. we have our sales guys out there telling
“He always does,” Shawn replied. That’s assuming we can get out of the five- them how to make the most of the ECDC.
year lease we signed.” And when demand picks up, we need to
Shut It Down Gretchen nodded. “Plus we’ll annoy all still be there. Wayne says he’s heard the
Gretchen sat down on the leather couch in of our customers who are using the ECDC,” same from other customers.”
Shawn and Troy’s office. The brothers had she said. “I talked to Kurt Conway on my Troy shook his head. “But can Kurt or
shared a workspace since the beginning. trip back. He made a good case for keeping Wayne or anyone else tell us when that’s
In the early years, it was because they had it open. He says Better Food is still figuring going to happen? How long are we going to
to—back then, the entire headquarters was out their forecasting and that growth is devote so much energy to a facility that’s
not even 300 square feet. But now it was making it hard to predict demand, which is hemorrhaging money?”
more out of habit. why they’re placing only small orders now. Shawn laughed at his brother’s propen-
sity to exaggerate. “We got into this busi-
ness to bring organic to as many people as

possible. As long as we can break even, the
investment is worth it.”
Gretchen knew this was a point on
which they all agreed. Although a profit-

able distribution center would be ideal, the
brothers just wanted to keep their custom-
ers happy and get more organic product
out there. Still, the ECDC wasn’t close to
breaking even.

“I’m just not sure this model is working,”
Troy said.
Both brothers turned to Gretchen. She
was used to playing referee and typically

enjoyed it.
“What do you say?” Troy asked. “Do you
have an answer for us?”
“Not right now,” Gretchen said.

“So when can you give us one?” they
asked, nearly in unison.
She knew the reply they wanted: “I’ll
have a proposal to you by tomorrow

The Baldwins liked to move quickly,
even on big decisions.
Time to Decide
The Revival of Smart On her way home that evening, Gretchen
replayed the meeting in her head. She
was used to helping Shawn and Troy sort

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out their differences, but this time she
was stuck. In Pottsville, Wayne had been
persuasive. He explained that the ECDC
was putting them in close contact with
customers and that could only be good in
the long run. Kurt had driven that point
home. Still, logistics were not the com-

pany’s strength.
As she turned onto Route 88, she won-
dered if the company had moved too fast
with the ECDC. She loved the entrepre-
neurial pace the brothers set at Baldwin

Not As
Farms—it was one of the reasons she’d
taken her job—but sometimes it resulted in
rash decisions. Between low gross margins,
overhead, and fuel expenses, the center
was unlikely to be profitable anytime soon.

Gretchen drove by a sign for another
new organic farm, which had opened in
the past month, and was reminded of an
idea that had come up in her discussions

with Wayne. They’d talked about making
the center a hub for other organic growers
in California. By helping them reach the
big East Coast retailers too, the company
could fill its trucks and get more organic

food to more people. But developing a hub
like that could take years. She wasn’t sure
Shawn and Troy could be patient enough.
After putting her kids to bed that night,
Gretchen turned on her computer and

started a new e-mail. She addressed it to
Shawn and Troy and wrote “ECDC” in
the subject line. If she knew the Baldwin
brothers at all, they’d be checking for her
answer tonight.
The Revival of Smart
William A. Sahlman is a professor of
business administration and the senior
associate dean for external relations at Harvard
Business School. Alison Berkley Wagonfeld is
the executive director of the Harvard Business

School California Research Center.

Should Baldwin
Farms close the
Pottsville facility
or reinvent it?
See commentaries on
the next page.

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The Experts Respond

Charles Sweat is the CEO of Earthbound Farm.

It’s clear that Wayne believes fully in regions where sales of organic produce are the center because of its poor performance
Baldwin Farms, in the value of bringing strongest. in its initial year. To compensate for its clo-
organic produce to as many people as However, because the incremental sales sure, we helped our East Coast customers
possible, and in the potential of the ECDC volume at the ECDC doesn’t cover expenses transition to purchasing through top-quality
to help the company achieve its goals. His and has created inefficiencies such as half- wholesale distributors. This allowed us to
commitment is admirable. filled trucks, the model isn’t working as focus on our core strength—organic farming
But for Wayne, the ECDC is his whole planned. Gretchen may not have consid- and salad production—and let the distribu-
business. If he stepped back, it would be ered that there isn’t enough of an incentive tion experts handle the logistics.
easier for him to see, as Gretchen does, That strategy has paid off: We main-
that the ECDC is not autonomous. It’s an tained great relationships with those
extension of Baldwin’s primary business Gretchen should advise customers. Today we’re taking another look
and was intended to enhance profitability
and develop customers. And, unfortunately,
the Baldwins to close at an East Coast facility, but from a very dif-
ferent angle. We’re looking at growing some
the facility is diverting resources from the the ECDC and serve organic fruits and vegetables (not lettuces)
primary business and taxing it financially, East Coast customers in the East, as well as importing off-season
logistically, and emotionally. organic items from trusted partners in
Gretchen clearly sees why the concept from the West Coast. South America.
should work: In the fast-paced world of Gretchen should advise the Baldwins to
perishable produce, retailers are chal- close the ECDC and continue to serve their
lenged to forecast their needs and order for produce buyers to pay the higher cost of East Coast customers from the West Coast.
from the West Coast (where most of the ordering from the ECDC, even though they In the meantime, the business should invest
country’s produce is grown) seven to 10 appreciate the convenience of quick turn- in developing products that can be grown
days out. As we know at Earthbound Farm, arounds for fill-in orders. And if custom- in the East or easily imported there. When
in a week major changes can take place ers won’t pay the higher price that covers those products are in place, the company
that affect sales in an East Coast produce freight costs, converting sales volume from will have a much stronger base from which
department. So retailers are understand- the West Coast to the ECDC will only erode to operate a distribution center. Baldwin
ably eager for a solution that could Baldwin Farms’ margins. Farms will then be able to transition its East
potentially reduce stock-outs, which result This case study is based on Earthbound Coast customers to an ECDC that has an
in eroded margins and lost sales at the Farm’s experience with a distribution center economically viable plan and defends its
store level. And the East Coast is one of the in New Jersey. In 2006 we decided to close market share.

What Would You Do?

Some advice from the community
the ECDC accounts for 5% of Gretchen should further ex- Baldwin Farms needs to focus on
$600 million in sales. Does $30 mil- plore setting up the ECDC as a hub its customers, both end users and
lion in sales justify its own ware- for other West Coast organic farm- retailers. It should develop relation-
house? Wouldn’t it be better to start ers. This structure will allow other ships with enthusiastic consumers
with an outsourced facility, perhaps growers to tap into the huge East who can serve as advocates for its
in a multiuser warehouse oper- Coast market more cheaply than products. It can partner with retail-
ated by a logistics service provider? they could on their own. Baldwin ers that can provide information
Maybe Baldwin can find a logistics could offer a stake in the hub to in- about what matters to consumers
service provider to take over its terested farmers or let a third party and how to reach them through in-
lease and bring in other customers operate the facility as a cooperative store promotions. This would result
to take up the slack. to lend it credibility. in higher sales and steadier demand
Mark Foscoe, V.P. Kochikar, associate vice and lay the groundwork for Bald-
group logistics manager, president and principal consultant, win’s future plans.
Mitsubishi Electric Europe Infosys Technologies Bill Self, president,
HBR case studies appear at prior to publication here. The Leadership Factor

6 Harvard Business Review October 2011

For article reprints call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500, or visit

T. Gary Rogers is the retired chairman and

CEO of Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream.

Opening an East Coast distribution cen- ally we helped Ben & Jerry’s do the same.
ter is only the first step in implementing The good margins we made on its products
Baldwin Farms’ new strategy. The busi- covered much of our logistics overhead as
ness is growing; it just can’t cover its fixed we grew.
costs yet. But it’s way too soon to give up. Baldwin Farms could also accelerate
The Baldwins have made a major invest- growth if it trained its drivers to become
ment that they can’t get back. Now they salespeople or replaced them with trained
need to make it work. Gretchen should or experienced direct-sales-delivery
recommend that they keep the Pottsville people. In-store selling can be very effec-
facility but look at other ways to make it tive, especially with perishable products.
profitable. There is always space that hasn’t been
As Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream expanded merchandised, and overworked in-store
across the country from its West Coast personnel often welcome the help. An inch

base with a direct-store-delivery strategy, or two gain in shelf space on every trip will
we opened distribution centers in every turn into feet very quickly.

major midwestern and eastern city. Most of Many East Coast grocers make their
those centers generated losses for years, profits selling shelf space instead of
but over time the unique strategic com- groceries. Baldwin might consider paying

petitive advantage of direct store delivery them slotting fees. Though this adds cost,
allowed us to transform ourselves into the it is often justified if it helps a company
nation’s largest ice cream company. Our

break into a new market.

It’s way too soon to give up. The Baldwins have

many options they could pursue besides closing
the Pottsville facility.

competitors, who were unwilling to take

such a risk and absorb the initial losses of
Baldwin could also offer customers many
other benefits that would build loyalty to
this strategy, never enjoyed the benefits the brand. When we couldn’t crack the
and ultimately fell behind. New York market, we gave grocers ideas
The Baldwins have many options they for improving the very sterile ice cream
could pursue besides closing the Pottsville aisle to boost sales of the whole category.
facility: find “partner brands” to share They included better lighting and use of
overhead, train their drivers to do in- color, ways to defrost freezer doors, and
store selling, pay slotting fees, or provide optimizing temperatures, defrost cycles,
customers with additional benefits that and freezer maintenance. The relationships
support the whole produce category. Those and credibility we built helped us get our
were all strategies we successfully pursued products into the freezers without jeopar-
at Dreyer’s. dizing our values.
Gretchen’s idea of distributing for other In the end optimism and persistence are
California growers is worth exploring, but necessary for young growing businesses.
a better strategy would be to find one or You can’t achieve success by constantly
two smaller companies that can’t afford second-guessing yourself. The Baldwins
their own distribution center to share simply have to take the long-term view and
costs. In our case, we began distributing make this strategy work. 
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream when that company HBR Reprint R1110L
was just entering Boston, its first major Reprint Case only R1110X
market. As we began distributing nation- Reprint Commentary only R1110Z The Revival of Smart

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