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1. Show how silk routes are a good example of pre-modern trade between different countries
of the world. (3)
2. How did food travel from one country to another? Give some examples. (3)
3. What was the most powerful weapon that the Spanish used, to conquer America? (#3)
4. State how America’s trade enhanced after its discovery. (3)
5. Explain the 3 types of movement or flows identified by the international economists in the
19th Century. (#3)
6. Why did the textile exports from India, not decline in the late 18th Century? Explain. (3)
7. Why did people start migrating to other countries from Europe? (3)
8. Which factors helped in the development of global agricultural economy? (3)
9. How did healthy trade practices lead to colonialism? (3)
10. Why were Europeans attracted to Africa? (3)
11. How did Europeans handle the problem of shortage of labour in Africa? (3)
12. What were the main destinations of Indian Indentured labourers? (3)
13. What was the role of Indian bankers in managing the funds? (3)
14. How did the US become an international creditor from an international debtor? (3)
15. Why was there anxiety and uncertainty about work after the First World War? (3
16. How did agriculture economies go into a crisis in post-war?
17. What factors were responsible for economic depression of 1929? (#3)
18. How did the withdrawal of US loans affect different countries of the world? (3)
19. In what ways were the jute producers of Bengal affected by the economic crisis? (3)
20. Why did Bretton Woods Institution begin to shift its attention more towards developing
countries? (3)
21. How did the Bretton Woods Institution collapse giving birth to globalisation? (3)
22. How does food offer long distance cultural exchanges? (5)
23. What were the Corn Laws? (3)
24. Give a detailed description of how meat was transported to various parts of the world, with
the development of technology. (###5)
25. What was the impact of colonisation in various colonies? (5)
26. Describe the rinderpest or cattle plague and its impact in Africa in 1890s. (###5)
27. Describe the conditions of indentured labour that migrated from India during the 19th
Century. (###5)
28. How did the inflow of Indian fine cotton begin to decline in England? (5)
29. How does Multi-Lateral settlement system work? (#####3)
30. Why was the First world war also called as the First Industrial war?(###5)
31. ‘One important feature of the US economy in the 1920s was mass production.’ Prove this
with an example. (####5)
32. Did housing and consumer boom lead to prosperity in the US? (3)
33. Explain how the US was more severely affected by the worldwide economic depression.
34. What was the effect of worldwide economic crisis on rural India? (5)
35. Write a note on the Second World War. (5)
36. Explain the Bretton woods institutions. (5)
37. Explain the role of Bretton woods institution in post-second world war settlement. (5)
38. How did international financial system lead to periodic debt crisis in the developing
countries? (3)
39. What was G-77? Mention their demands. (3)

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