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SBA 《The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

Author: Robin Sharma
3 characters
a ticket to a personal optimization conference
Bibliomania →own your morning, elevate your life. don’t judge a book by its cover.
The Spellbinder → the teacher who teach the practice of waking up at 5am
道理→key is that 95%不愿做的事情 → wake up at 5 am → morning routine
Reason behind
1. 5am is the time before the sun raising → follow the instinct of human.
2. Productivity is profoundly high in that time.
3. The vast majority of people are still sleeping in that time, meaning that no one will distract
you to decrease your mental capacity.

Nowadays, human have spent astronomical amount of time on social media.

How to success.
20/20/20min → 1 hours → called the victory hour.

1st 20 min → moving → do any kind of exercise → activate your brain.

2nd 20 min → reflect → the jobs needed inspiration such as meditation/writing. ∵in morning,
human are
3rd 20 min → grow → anything which can improve yourselves. For students who want to improve
English, enhancing vocabulary should be the answer.

Habit Protocol
→ Taj Mahal as a perfect example for a habit creation and cultivation practice.
Which took 20 years to complete but with a little will power and a lot of consistency.
The building was finally finished.
※ The habit will be the same. You need a little will power to start and a lot of consistency to
make them to the point where they are automatic.

Four focuses
1. Capitalization → we each have a certain gift that we are born with that will come
naturally to us. Find the areas you are good at and keep going.
2. Eliminating distractions → With the complete development of social media, it has never
been so easy to be distracted. Your entire day could be inundated by astronomical

If you want to be in the top 5% of the people, you have to stop acting like the 95%
Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of the day will pretty much take care
of itself. Own Your Morning. Elevate your life.
Good morning teacher and fellow students,
Before I start my sharing, I want to invite you to envisage what life would be like if you woke up
at 5 o’clock every day (…………………) The 5AM club by Robin Sharma has already illustrated
the tremendous benefits of this practice. He truly believes that take excellent care of the front end
of your day, and the rest of the day will pretty much take care of itself. Own Your Morning.
Elevate your life.

The story begins with a personal optimization conference. As a struggling artist and an
entrepreneur were seeking inspiration, guidance, and personal growth, they joined the personal
optimization conference and met Spellbinder, the personal mentor of the billionaire.

In the book, there are numerous events to teach us about good quality we should have.

First and foremost, it taught me that don’t judge a book by its cover. In the conference, the
billionaire approached artist and entrepreneur in disguise. Rather than dressing like a billionaire,
he was, in fact severely under-dressed for the occasion. Most people even look down on him given
his appearance. Finally, they were all surprised when they knew he had made gigantic money by
following Spellbinder’s advice. It was part of a calculated strategy indeed: he wanted to remind
himself and others that money isn’t everything and that you can’t judge someone’s wealth merely
by their appearance. Gone are the day when I was a primary school student, I still remember that
my first time of playing basketball. When I saw someone dress really professionally, I would
judge him/her to be a professional player and vice versa. When I grew up, I realized that the sports
performance of a player could not be judged by dress. Through the story, I learned the importance
of intrinsic value rather than extrinsic value like money or a luxurious car and started to develop
my basketball skills instead of purchasing famous brands of basketball shoes.

In addition, success comes with pain is another lesson that the book taught me. Just like all of us,
no one can say no to the opportunity which could revolutionize their life and therefore the artist
and the entrepreneur were totally intrigued. However, the key to their success is merely morning
routine and waking up at 5AM is the prerequisite. Originally, the artist and the entrepreneur were
absolutely not bear with the terrible schedule. But the billionaire told them that If you want to be
in the top 5% of the people, you have to shop acting like the 95%. After understood the scientific
theory behind the practice, their journey began. The quote is profoundly inspiring, especially for
me, a student who want to be in the top of all DSE candidates. To be honest, I was extremely lazy
in secondary 2. No time I had spent on improving myself. No matters sports or study, I just desired
to site in front of my computer for entire day. In retrospect, I am touched by this quote as my
experience in high school could exactly demonstrate the pain of success.

In a nutshell, the writer creates a fictitious story and utilize uncountable scientific theory to not
only can illustrate the importance of waking up at 5AM but also give a lot of meaningful lesson
for readers to apply in life. It is sincerely hoped that all of us can gain an extraordinary future by
changing the morning routine now. Thank you and have a good day.
Could you introduce a skill that you have used and is from the book?

It does have practical strategies I have utilized to improving myself, which call 20/20/20 formular.
The first hour in a day, which mean the hour that you just wake up. The writer calls it the victory
hour. Let’s separate the victory hour into three 20 minutes. In the first 20 minutes, moving, like
any kind of exercise ranging from jogging to Yoga, as sweeting can actually help you release
stress and activate your brain. For me, I chose practicing basketball in the morning. Second,
reflect, the jobs needed inspiration such as meditation or writing. Finally, growth, anything which
can improve yourselves. For students who want to improve English, enhancing vocabulary will be
the answer. Having followed the formular, I can clearly recognize that what I had done before is
completely erroneous. Compared to the past, I was more productive and creative so that I could
handle numerous laborious tasks at a certain time. So, I hope that all of you could try to employ
such a valuable technique.

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