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Section 1.

Answer to the question no – (g)

Choosing between an interpreted language and a compiled language for a project involves
considering various trade-offs and factors. Both approaches have their advantages and
disadvantages, and the decision should be based on the specific requirements and constraints of
the project. Here are some key trade-offs and factors to consider when making this decision:

Interpreted Language:

1. Advantages:
 Ease of Development: Interpreted languages often have simpler and more flexible
syntax, making them easier to learn and write code in.
 Portability: Since the code is executed by an interpreter, it is generally more portable
across different platforms without the need for recompilation.
 Dynamic Typing: Dynamic typing allows for more flexible variable types, making it
easier to write code quickly.

2. Disadvantages:
 Performance: Interpreted languages are generally slower than compiled languages
because code is executed line by line by the interpreter.
 Deployment Complexity: Distributing an interpreted language application may require
distributing the interpreter as well, which can complicate deployment.
 Code Security: Code in interpreted languages may be easier to reverse-engineer, which
can be a security concern.

Compiled Language:

1. Advantages:
 Performance: Compiled languages typically offer faster execution because the
code is compiled into machine code optimized for the target platform.
 Optimization: Compilers can perform various optimizations, such as dead code
elimination and inclining, to produce highly efficient code.
 Static Typing: Strong static typing can catch type-related errors at compile time,
reducing runtime errors.
 Code Security: Compiled code is harder to reverse-engineer, providing better
code security.

2. Disadvantages:
 Compilation Overhead: The compilation process can be time-consuming,
especially for large projects, which can slow down development.
 Platform Dependency: Compiled code is specific to a target platform, so
portability may be a concern.
 Steeper Learning Curve: Compiled languages often have stricter syntax and
typing rules, which can make them more challenging for beginners.

Factors to Consider:

 Project Requirements: Consider the specific needs of your project. If you need high
performance, a compiled language may be a better choice. For rapid prototyping and
scripting tasks, an interpreted language might be more suitable.
 Development Team: Evaluate the expertise and familiarity of your development team
with the chosen language. A team with experience in a particular language will be more
 Execution Speed: If your project requires real-time or high-performance execution, a
compiled language is typically a better choice.
 Deployment and Distribution: Consider how you will deploy your application.
Interpreted languages may require users to have the interpreter installed, while compiled
languages produce standalone executables.
 Security Concerns: Evaluate the security requirements of your project. Compiled code
can be harder to reverse-engineer, which may be important for sensitive applications.
 Development Time: Consider your project's timeline. Interpreted languages often allow
for faster development, which can be advantageous for rapid iterations.

Answer to the question no – (k)

Entry Control Loop: An entry control loop is a type of loop where the loop condition is
checked before the loop body is executed. If the condition is initially false, the loop body will not
execute at all. In other words, the loop is entered only if the condition is true from the start.

The syntax for an entry control loop in C is typically exemplified by the While loop:

while (condition) {

// Loop body

// Code to be executed while the condition is true

Here's a breakdown of the components:

 Condition: This is the loop control condition. It is a Boolean expression that is evaluated
before each iteration . If the condition is false initially, the loop body is never executed.

Exit Control Loop: An exit control loop is a type of loop where the loop body is executed at
least once, and the loop condition is checked after the loop body has been executed. Even if the
condition is initially false, the loop body will execute at least once before the loop exits.

The syntax for an exit control loop in C is typically exemplified by the do-while loop:

do {

// Loop body

// Code to be executed at least once

} while (condition);

Here's a breakdown of the components:

 Condition: This is the loop control condition. It is a Boolean expression that is evaluated
after each iteration. The loop body is executed at least once before the condition is


1. Both entry control loops and exit control loops are used for repetitive execution of a
block of code based on a certain condition.
2. They both have a loop control condition that determines whether the loop should
continue executing or terminate.
3. Both types of loops can be used to solve various repetitive tasks in programming.


1. Execution Order:

Entry Control: In an entry control loop (while), the loop condition is checked before entering
the loop body. If the condition is false initially, the loop body is skipped entirely.
Exit Control: In an exit control loop (do-while), the loop body is executed at least once, and
then the loop condition is checked. This ensures that the loop body always executes at least once.

2. Syntax:
 Entry Control: The while loop has the condition placed before the loop body.
 Exit Control: The do-while loop has the condition placed after the loop body.

3. Use Cases:
 Entry Control: Use when you want to execute the loop body zero or more times based
on a condition.
 Exit Control: Use when you want to ensure that the loop body is executed at least once,
even if the condition is initially false.

Section 2 .
Answer to the question no – (b)
Here is a C program that calculates the average of the best (n-1) credit theory (CT) marks out of
n CTs:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int n;

printf("Enter the value of n: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

if (n <= 0) {

printf("Invalid input. Please enter a positive value for n.\n");

return 1; // Exit with an error code

if (n == 1) {

printf("Average of best 1 CT mark: Enter the CT mark: ");

int ctMark;

scanf("%d", &ctMark);

printf("Average of best 1 CT mark: %d\n", ctMark);

return 0; // Exit normally

int ctMarks[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("Enter the %d%s CT Marks: ", i + 1, (i == 0) ? "st" : (i == 1) ? "nd" : (i == 2) ? "rd" :


scanf("%d", &ctMarks[i]);

// Sort the CT marks in descending order (using a simple sorting algorithm)

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) {

if (ctMarks[j] < ctMarks[j + 1]) {

int temp = ctMarks[j];

ctMarks[j] = ctMarks[j + 1];

ctMarks[j + 1] = temp;

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {

sum += ctMarks[i];

double average = (double)sum / (n - 1);

printf("Average of best %d CT marks: %.2lf\n", n - 1, average);

return 0; // Exit normally

This program first takes the value of n, the number of CTs. It then checks if n is less than or
equal to 0 or equal to 1 and handles these cases separately. For n greater than 1, it reads the CT
marks into an array, sorts them in descending order, calculates the sum of the best (n-1) CT
marks, and finally, calculates and displays the average of the best (n-1) CT marks.

Answer to the question no – (i)

Here is a C program that prints all the prime numbers up to a positive integer n. It uses the
concept of the Sieve of Eratosthenes to efficiently find prime numbers:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

void printPrimes(int n) {

bool isPrime[n + 1];

for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {

isPrime[i] = true;

for (int p = 2; p * p <= n; p++) {

if (isPrime[p] == true) {

for (int i = p * p; i <= n; i += p) {

isPrime[i] = false;

printf("Prime numbers up to %d are:\n", n);

for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

if (isPrime[i]) {

printf("%d ", i);


int main() {

int n;

printf("Enter a positive integer n: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

if (n < 2) {

printf("No prime numbers to display.\n");

} else {


return 0;

Answer to the question no – (k)

Here is a C program to display the Fibonacci sequence of the first n numbers, where n is a
positive integer less than 100:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int n;

printf("Enter the value of n (positive integer less than 100): ");

scanf("%d", &n);

if (n <= 0 || n >= 100) {

printf("Invalid input. Please enter a positive integer less than 100.\n");

return 1; // Exit with an error code

int fib[n];

fib[0] = 0;

fib[1] = 1;

for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {

fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];

printf("Fibonacci sequence of the first %d numbers:\n", n);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("%d ", fib[i]);


return 0;

Answer to the question no – (m)

Here is a C program that checks whether a year entered by the user is a leap year or not based on
the rules you described:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int year;

printf("Enter a year: ");

scanf("%d", &year);

if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)) {

printf("%d is a leap year.\n", year);

} else {

printf("%d is not a leap year.\n", year);

return 0;

Section 3:
Answer to the question no- (a)

For Stars Pyramid:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int n, i, j, space;

printf("Enter the number of rows for the pyramid: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

space = n;

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

// Print spaces

for (j = 1; j < space; j++) {

printf(" ");

for (j = 1; j <= 2 * i - 1; j++) {




return 0;

Answer to the question no _ (c)
To create an inverted pyramid of stars in C, you can modify the code as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int n, i, j;

printf("Enter the number of rows for the inverted pyramid: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

for (i = n; i >= 1; i--) {

// Print stars

for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {

printf("* ");


return 0;

Section 4
Answer to the question no _ (b)

The Output Result is :


Answer to the question no _ (d)

The Output Result is :


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