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| Important Terms B ewoge + A shallow anew: af sait or Brackish Sonctal water completely ar partly separated fram the open by sate mate on hess electra obatacles. Testonle plates + Due to imetnal ent of the earth, thw catenty of the sevbticlten icky owards the crust, and tear it apart, if into Large tragenerts whith ane cae tectonic plates 4 cof thar earth hs tig major and arto pl ‘Name amy two hills which comprise ive “Purvanched. “The Patios, Nga, Manigner nnd the Mize hile, Why are the Northern [Plaims prtimastby an — nartattaral bolt ® ina, ‘The Nowher Plains have a thick wall cover commoner! cd bre alt at allio hrenught dither toy the Hirnaiajar rtves. “Thee listo aa a yy z bsstisg Yb name mae ro Nath tate ‘The indie. the Sule) the Gaonga, the Yamuna thee Kew he That nd the Hrahienpnara ew the trait roves al Nath nein. What is the width of the morthern plains I Hi wt ers frum 280 te 620 likens. (ets ronerowes tera the ema How i the northern plain divided om tee: haste of the differences in the ee Bhslone im the nat. (i) The length of the Himalayas fs 2.400 bon, (1 tin width wanrses fers 800 tony ts thie taal bo. 150 hm ir the eat: + Oe) The betight of the motinials ir te ‘hall in geotter tha that ii thie ovesterm 5 How are the Himnlayas divided i west direction ? (CBSE Sepp. 2010, ‘What is Piruanchal ? are called the Pureanchal These are of medium helabt, Some of the important Svouttains of the Purvanchal are : {0 The Patel Bur and the Naga Hille tn the naith. A) The Mizo Hills in the south. ‘The Jaina, the Khas and the Garo bills fram, ens! to west, Name two island groups possessed by India, Mention one feature of each. (0) The Andaman ane Nicobar talands : Tho group of island is composed of sail comad itech 1 Lakshudweep Islands ; Thewe oe bia in ie ond are mow numerout and scamered. Write three facix about Lakshadweep Islands. [CBSE aoa) a) Thee lie opposite io the const of Kerala, fat 6) They ane the produrt of 8 very quiet work od Which are the three of the short fived microscopme spectethe Descri coral polyps e) They are 27 in mumber and about 17 indands aore d) The Kavaratti Gland is the capital of the waler for good Uneven The rivers provide ie) Inigaiion teeliges ane i iemtent Tr four features of these Islands. [CBSE Sepe. 2011, 12) ina. Ore ran Andaman aed Nicobar delanels ace the erain islarde of India _ (ti) Lnkthachowep is located 300 tar weet of the cone of Kanada wn the Aratsani Sea. shih plates Bes hater 2d the Vindhven congas the Arras pee Tee Maton Plater, the intend a Nome Up af leche acing oe Plains. [CBSE Sep: 2011) ‘Ans. {f) Formation : The Northern Plan hs been formed by tha intericy ol the thaoesnajar rior eyes, namely ~ the Indus, the Ganga end the ‘Brahmapuira alot weh their tributaries. Uf) Area covered : It sorends aver an cea of 7 laké aq. km. The plain being about 2800 km Jong and 240 to 320 kon broad, is a densely populated physiographic d (i) The Ganga plains The Brahmaputre plains.

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