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The Little Red Hen

Assalammulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello, my name is Alina Feza Nasution. I’m from 9C Al Battani.
Today, I will tell you a story about The Little Red Hen.
So, once upon a time, there was a Little Red Hen who lived on
a small farm with a lazy dog, a sleepy cat, and a noisy duck.
The little red hen is a diligent animal, unlike her 3 other

One day, the Little Red Hen found a bunch of seeds in the
garden. “Oh Wow! We should plant these seeds!”
“Who will help me plant and take care of this seed?” Ask the
little red hen.
“Not I”, said the lazy dog. “Not I”, said the sleepy cat. “Not I”,
said the noisy duck.
“Well then”, said the little red Hen. “I will!”
So the little red hen planted the seed in the garden and took
care of it every day.
After some time, the seed turned into a farm of wheat. Then
the little red hen asked her friends: “Who will help me
harvest this wheat?”
“Not I”, said the lazy dog. “Not I”, said the sleepy cat. “Not I”,
said the noisy duck.
“Well then”, said the little red Hen. “I will!”
So the little red hen harvests all the wheat and grinds it into
Looking at the flour, the little red hen suddenly has an idea:
Hey, let's make bread then! Who will help me bake and turn
this flour into bread?
“Not I”, said the lazy dog. “Not I”, said the sleepy cat. “Not I”,
said the noisy duck.
“Well then”, said the little red Hen. “I will!”
So the little red hen gathered all the ingredients and started
baking a loaf of bread.
After that, everyone on the farm can smell the delicious
bread made by The Little Red Hen. The lazy dog, the sleepy
cat, and the noisy duck run straight away to the kitchen
where the little red hen baked her bread. The bread looks
shiny and soft and they all can't wait to eat it!
The little red hen then asked them: who will help me eat this
“I will”, said the lazy dog, “Oh I will”, said the sleeping cat,
“and I will”, said the noisy duck.
“Ups, sorry!” Said the little red hen. “Since I’m the one who
planted the seed, harvested, grind, and baked this bread, this
bread is only for me, and me only!”
Ok then, I will give some to the judges
So, ok, what can we learn from this story?
1. The consequences of laziness. By being lazy and
ignorant, the dog, cat, and duck did not have the rights
to get the bread, of course.
2. Team work. If only all of them work together from
planting the seeds to baking the bread, they all can
enjoy it together!
3. Value. The little read hen did the right thing by not
sharing the bread with the other. Why? because she did
everything by herself. She know how to value your self.
so remember when you are working together, don’t let
anybody take credit from your work. you work hard for
it, you should enjoy it!

Ok that is from me, thank you for listening to my story

Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah, asssalammualaikum wr wb

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