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Hey there, my lovely readers!

I’m back with a brand-new chapter of my story, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it
with you. I know it’s been a while since I last posted, but I promise that this chapter is worth
the wait. I’ve been working hard to make it the best one yet, and I can’t wait to hear what
you think.
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Afreen POV –
The ride back to his house was rather uneasy, I had this chilling feeling about the taunts and
question they will fill me with as soon as I will step in now if that wasn’t enough Ahad made
it clear he has a surprise for me which is definitely not good news for me. I looked at Ahad
face to get an expression from him but it was oddly relaxed and as usual emotionless. The car
paused so did my heartbeat for a second. He left the car and brushed his kameez making it
look neater. I slowly came out of the car and stood there foolishly looking down.
Ahad just grabbed my wrist and started walking towards the main gate, raising my heartbeat.
Ali opened the door, making Ahad leave my hand for a second to hug him. Ali slightly
nodded in my direction in respect or salutation. I smiled back.
Ahad pulled my hand again dragging me in. I never saw his whole family sitting together
though even today they were silent and just seeing each other but still it was different, Ahad
put his hand around my waist leaving my hand. Honestly, I don’t even know the name of half
the people present here but one specific person caught my attention and where everyone was
dazzled on how to welcome me back or what to say, that person was passing me a wicked
smile. I mentally rolled my eyes.
“Dair aye drust aye, mashALLAH, mere bet eke dedair to hye.” (late than never, finally I am
able to see my son again). Proudly announced his father, spreading his hand as though
inviting Ahad in for a hug. Ahad unwantedly hugged him and then came my aunt the only
sensible and nice person in the family and hugged me. I whispered to her “is everything
okay? What to expect?”
She chuckled “everything is fine relaxed, just don’t rise his temper for now”
I nodded back when she pulled out.
“1 hafte ka keh hr gye the, aur itne din baad aye ho. Ye larki laik hi nhi thi honeymoon pr lekr
jane ke liye. Tumhe yehi mili thi shaadi ke liye.” (You said you’ll be back by one week and
this is how long you took? This girl never deserved to be taken to honeymoon, was she the
only option you had for marriage.) said his grandma provoking as always.
Ahad kissed his hand (it is a form of respect in Pakistani culture to kiss on the hand of the
elders, in return the elders touch the kids head giving him blessing). She stood up and hugged
him, Ahad viewed back at me, telling me to do the same. I undesirably complied and moved
towards her, and kissed her hand murmuring salaam.
“walikumAssalm, ab mere bete ko koi masla nhi hona chahiye tujhse. Bichara tere anese aur
pareshan ho gya hai, wrna biwi an eke baad mard pursukoon hote hain” (greeting back, now
my son should not have any problem with you, poor soul has now been more tensed after
your arrival in his life, normally men become more peaceful after they are married but his
“Gi aunty” (yes aunty) honestly, I’m relief he is not on ease too after ruining my damn life.
“Kya gi?” (what yes?). she shouted back and some people gasped because I called her aunty.
“I mean ab esa kuch nhi hoga” (nothing will happen now). Ahad slightly twisted my arm
forcing the words that he desires to come out of my mouth “bari mammi” (grandmother). He
Rehan – “Bhabhi” he called me.
“Yes?” I said annoyingly
Rehan – “ap khana kha kr ayein hai apne MAIKE se ya yahan khayengi.?” (you ate in your
house or you will eat here?). He stressed over “your house”.
“I ate” I answered back not wanting to argue. It’s not that I actually eat but it’s just I don’t
want to eat.
“we’ll eat” Ahad nodded at him. “move” he sighed to me.
He dragged his chair and sat angrily responding to all the texts, messages and mails which
just reminded me that I forgot to bring my phone it felt like years after I touched it so the
longing of it was also very much. I took my chance and asked Ahad. “Ahad” I said
He looked at me irritated and raised his brows. “I was- - I want - -I mean - - I need some
important stuff from my house as you know I’ll be staying here forever”
“Who said you are living here forever? And I don’t think there is any such important stuff
you will die without and what is necessary for you will be provided to you by me”
“I need my novels, MacBook, iPad, iPhone, medicines, personal belonging, identity cards and
most importantly my car” what? Doesn’t he always say you belong here. WTH
“Sounds like a brat thinking that she is still that single girl that can go around saying
whatever, reality being you are my wife and as a wife you don’t need any of that stuff, and
for your kind information your medicines are in our room and in Dubai I handed you, your
identity card as my wife Afreen Ahad Raza.”
“Han? Wait as a wife I still need my laptop and everything. What am I supposed to do in
here?” all his brothers came in and started making themselves comfortable in their chairs.

I was interrupted by Ahad “I don’t know figure something out, spend some time in kitchen,
learn few things that I like, indulge in household activities”. His brothers were confused with
what we were talking about but played along.
“didn’t you guys eat already?” Ahad shifted his eyes to him.

Afreen – “your so-called family have a phone and they use it while indulging in household
activities and marry a maid if you want someone in kitchen all day along. You just like
shouting and acting like a beast I wasn’t brought up that way still if you desire, I can learn all
this!” I mocked him and looked at him in anger.
Writer Pov –

Afreen after her comeback sat back on the seat, while Ali and ahmed were prepared to hear
such things, rehan was strangely surprised and started laughing, Ali on the other hand knew
she invited trouble for herself. Rehan purred.

Ahad couldn’t take this anymore, he thought to ignore whatever she said and continue with
his works nonetheless her words were bitter than usual which caused Ahad blood to boil
“since you are this desperate for your phone, you aren’t even allowed near the TV till I say
otherwise and you will cook 3 dishes every day, 1 side dish and 1 sweet dish too, you will
also spend 2 hour a day with zarnab learning about what I like.”
Afreen opened her mouth to retaliate, Ahad banged his fist on the dinner table “end of
discussion” he shouted leaving the table. All his brother followed him to his study while
rehan stayed back “btw you can start my cooking that amazing biryani, it reminds me of your
mother she used to cook it exactly the same way”.
Afreen threw water at him “idiot” she said leaving for her room, leaving rehan all drenched in
water pool.

As Afreen stepped inside her room, she couldn’t help but was in tears, after cursing Ahad a
billion time and gathering great courage she wiped her tears off.

Ahad on the other hand headed to his library, concerned about his brothers not his wife
however he tried. He knew she didn’t eat which is why he took her to eat but she ruined his
mood hence he didn’t eat either. “Did you guys eat?”
“Yeah, we did!” Ali assured him.

“We just wanted to spend some time with you both but looks like you guys aren’t done with
arsal and jiya yet!” Ahmed laughed.

“Who?” zain questioned

“What? You don’t know them? Don’t you people watch TV? They are the most chaotic

couple in the history of Pakistani drama. 🎵 Suno chanda suno chanda kaha chanda🎵”.
“Shut up” said rehan

“Looks like bari mamma was right that girl is nothing but trouble for you” rehan continued.

Everyone made themselves comfortable in the chairs around Ahad main table. Ahad glared
rehan continuously “she is your sister-in-law and you better respect her regardless of your
family problem”. Rehan forcefully nodded.

“Btw what’s wrong with your shirt?” ahmed noticed.

“Water fall on me” rehan tried to change the topic of the conversation.
“You know trouble, troubles everyone” Ali answered, as he saw what happened before rehan
came in the library. Ali smirked.

“let’s talk about work now, shall we?” Ahad announced.

Their work talk continued for hour or two, ahmed and zain couldn’t pretend more to care and
dozed off, Ali also looks tired as though he was done. Rehan on the other hand was more
focused on how Ahad responded and the only thing that made sense to him was that Ahad
loves her.

“Rehan. rehan” Ahad said repeatedly

“Yeah yeah”
“Back to reality?” Ahad inquired
“Sorry I had”
“we’ll get to the details tomorrow, who all want to be included in this deal meet me in the
office tomorrow 6AM” with that Ahad stood proud, drinking the finest alcoholic beverage.
“What? It’s already 12pm, and to come at 6am I have to leave the house at 5am and for that I
have to wake up at 4am.” Ahmed cried, hugging Ali at the process to get some emotional
support, but alas Ali proved he his dispassionate as he left after nodding. ‘beast” ahmed

Ahad pushed the door roughly not realizing that today he wouldn’t be alone, a thought
slipped his mind what she would think about him. Afreen came out of the dressing room,
looking unsettled.

“Wifey, we should definitely talk about the things that have taken place in this week, haina?”
(right) he said reducing the difference between them.

“öh, you meant about the consequences you have to suffer after you killed my brother?” she

“Consequences?” he laughed “I slapped once and fired the other” they were finally close,
close enough that Ahad could grab her waist and bring her closer to his body. He rubbed his
hand against her back.
“What are you doing?” he pulled her hair and she screamed in distress. He brought her face
closer to his, and whispered “4am I want you up, you will join office with me”

He removed his hand and got towards the bed ready to sleep, he was removing his shirt that
was hiding his muscular chest.
“I’m an architect now I don’t know what exactly you do but you can’t be an architecture

“That taught you working in computer or let me put it better, to be a personal assistant? I
think it did”

“No way in hell, I did a master degree to work as an assistant of an ignorant killer” she rolled
her eyes.
“Which brings me back to my first plan, be a housewife, which doesn’t simply mean to sit
down and roam around the house being angry, you will wake me up at 4am and cook
breakfast till I’m in the gym than you will serve me breakfast and by that time you will
prepare my bath and clothes for me.”

He was about to continue with his ranting “o hello, enough for now.”
Ahad thought for a while how could she agree so early but continued “one more thing we are
shifting to my house so our stuff will be transferred in a few days so be prepared.”

Her eyes widened, she gulped in fear, “Ahad don’t, what how I mean what will I do all
alone? Atleast here there are people around me. I won’t be comfortable with you all alone.”

“I don’t have time for this, I do what I want, living along will be better for you to appreciate
the people around you and we have to complete our punishment session too isn’t it wifey?”

“What punishment? I did nothing, you forced”

“SHUT UP. If I’m acting this way it doesn’t mean I’m not angry or that I don’t want to kill
you right here but now I think I shouldn’t raise my blood pressure but make you suffer. New
house new strategy.” He smirked

Ahad shared everything with her, his scary plans for her future too “if I job can we live

“I’ll give it a thought, for you!” he laughed. “it’s obvious I wouldn’t” he smirked.

She couldn’t argue more knowing she will end up getting both the punishment. So, she
thought about talking to his mother maybe she will help her.

“Stop contemplating and sleep”


Ahad – “Afreen” I said lowly, not disturbing the environment as early as 4 in the morning
“Afreen”. This time I got a bit impatient and started pulling the duvet from her body, one
thing I don’t understand why she has to cover all her body when she is sleeping even her
head. “You wake up right now, or you will have company on this bed and I'm dead serious.”
‘you are a work freak” she laughed. The audacity of this girl. I got on top of her while her
body tensed against the sudden weight. I removed the duvet from her face, relaxing my head
on her stomach. My personal paradise. That exact moment a feeling of peace rushed down
my body. I wrapped both hands of mine around her waist and lay there………
Waking up I realised that was an absolute dream, I smiled unvoluntary. The sound of
keyboard tapping took my attention, it was then I realised my laptop was missing from my
table and the noise was coming from the dressing room, I swear if its one of my workers
divulging me, they will face the end. I picked up my gun and followed the sound and could
hear it getting louder as someone is tapping hurriedly as they have the fear to be discovered,
beside the huge wardrobe there was a shadow indicating someone is hiding.
I grabbed her hand and shoved her to the wall and held her in gunpoint, unexpectedly it was
simply my wife causing me trouble as usual, her eyes held fear and my eyes lighten seeing
her face, she was just out of sleep, eyes scrunched. “start speaking”
I took the laptop from her hand, looking at her once again. I threw the gun away and gave her
a death glare. ‘I couldn’t reply to all of my DM’S back at home, so I did now.”
“why are you browsing in private mode, that to without permisison” I was mad that could not
confirm what she said, and its not like she never broke my trust before.
I sensed her eyes, they were struggling to answer ‘I didn’t want you to find out.”
“and you thought logging in my laptop will help you reach your goal?”
“my mistake” she murmured
Somewhere I sensed betrayal, she couldn’t meet her eyes with that of mine, and that was
further developing my doubt. “Afreen, how did you figure out the password”

“I’ve seen you log in before.” She answered.

“log in” I pushed her to the chair and positioned the laptop on her lap, hovering her minor
figure from the above. She was confused, ‘log. In. to. You. Instagram.”
She tried multiple times but couldn’t log in. ‘wifey, you don’t know the password to your
account yet you were typing hastily, what are you hiding”
“I swear I was trying to log in, I normally use apple sign in so I'm puzzled” she didn’t even
take time to answer as though she has an answer already prepared.

“let me get this straight, you know the password to my device something not even my
manager has, then you have the audacity to do private browsing in your account of which you
don’t know the password of, ironic isn’t it?” I trailed my hands across her face, and brushed
her lower lip.
Its my fault in a way too, I never saw her as threat to my business, I should have been more
careful. ‘You know why my mother was KILLIED don’t you?” she nodded. “I don’t mind
doing the same to you too if the need arises, plus you have a family too that can be

I moved away from the chair ‘stand up’ I ordered, and picked my laptop up, she moved away
to the corner, I shut off the laptop and before leaving “Trigmath78@Here” I turned to gave
her the password to her Instagram account. ‘You weren’t even close” I glared

While buttoning up my black shirt and tugging it in, the thought of her doing stuff against my
business couldn’t leave my mind, “it’s not one of my enemies, I know she has no contact to
any of them, she never stayed in Pakistan for more than a month, there is no way she knows
about them, can she be with the authorities”

“I mean I’m an agent betraying me agency if she was one I would know, however no offense
she is too fragile I mean she can’t even run without going out of breath has no clue of self-
defence so adding up we did a full background check on her, on top of that its impossible for
her to stay among us hidden for this long” rehan answered back.

“I have to figure this out” I said ending the call, “we are still on for the meeting.’ I said lastly.
I took my valet, watch. Loyalty is everything to me, you better obey this principle wifey, if
you will to live!
Changing my laptop’s password, I settled myself in the dinning room, greeting others, the
servants proceeded to serve us breakfast.

“are larka baitha hai pehle isko do, subko dedeiya nahsta mere bete Ahad ko nhi, late ho rha
hai” (serve to the male’s first they have work to do, and why the hell haven’t you served
Ahad yet?)

Zarina bi (head maid) – ‘mam, bhabhi bibi (elder sister in law) is making breakfast for him”
Dadi – ‘chalo is larki mein bhi akl ayi” (thank god, this girl got some sense)
“aur zarnab tumhare pas koi kaam kaaj nhi hai jb dheko yahi hoti ho” I always despised this
characterless girl, Afterall she is a prostitute. (and zarnab I think you don’t have work as you
are always here) I said bitterly.

Zarnab – “Ahad called me to look after afreen”

Dadi – “Ahad we are here for her why you need this girl” I said with a disgusted facial
Ahad – ‘I want them to get along”
Dadi – “as in bad influence” I whispered so only zarnab could hear and she smiled pathetic.
Ahad POV
I was astonished that she actually went to cook without me having to force her. She came
with an annoyed face, struggling with her scarf and food, thankfully she is not drenched in
flour as I hope she would. She neatly seated the tray infront of me taking out the egg
sandwich, fruit salad, tea and butter toast.
All of my cousins were looking at her in absolute shock, and I gave her suspicious glance.
“don’t give me this suspicious look.”
‘make me” I challenged back, if she doesn’t give me a chance of course I wouldn’t.
“he is not whitewashed like you, you should’ve made paratha and aloo ki bhujya” (people
Pakistani dish but for actual whitewashed people it’s a gravy of potato with bread)
‘usse khana hai, tumhe nhi to phr tumhe kya mout pr rhi hai?” Afreen spat back at her. (he
has to eat this not you than why the hell do you care?). ahmed laughed.

She sat beside me playing with her fingers “where is your ring?’ she looked at me and again
to her fingers, she pushed her seats standing, I placed my hand on her thigh her eyes widened
in shock and she screamed. ‘allah kher larki kya hai?” (god heavens what’s wrong?) I
smirked looking at her and her justification. “mein who shyd chini bholgyi” (maybe I forgot
the sugar).

‘koi nhi mein bagair chini ki pi lunga” (no worries, I’ll drink without the sugar). “remove
your hand from my legs” she said struggling to get my hand of her thigh.
‘oh you want me to place it somewhere else” she closed her eyes and turned her head around.
My father coughed to get everyones attention when he entered the room.
“tum nhi kha rhi?” he asked her with a staright face (you are not eating)

“bhok’ (hungry) I guess her respond and filled her plat ewith the cake knowing this is the
only thing she will eat. I handed her the spoon. ‘yes she is eating”


“okay since everyone is present here, I think I should tell this” Ahad Aunt announced
everyone stopped eating and all the attention was diverted to her, grandmother as always
taunted her for not letting men’s eat in peace, while Afreen thought why is she a women if all
she can say is men all day along.
‘let her speak maa” (mother) says Ahad Father.
“so we all know how girls side should respect the groom family and there is a whole damn
protocol on how they should come etc however Afreen mother simply sent her cousin with
Afreen’s stuff” she said in her aunty spiteful style.
Afreen interrupted her “yeah so” “nah nah” she said eyes open wide “don’t you dare defend
Afreen laughed “I don’t care what you think I'm just asking where is my luggage??” she
answered innocently.
Ahmed – “Bhabhi, I’ve located it in your room”, Afreen hummed a thanks.
Ali – “bhai, Afreen’s Family have come”

Grandmother – “Ahad tell them to leave I don’t want any other drama like last time.”
Ahad merely rolled out “lets go” he offered his hand to Afreen. “where?” jumbled she asked.
“to meet your family” he said opening his collar button, “yeah can you not do that?” Ahad
disregarded, Afreen started walking towards the guest room, giving a wary look to him,
‘bhabhi” he said passing through ali.
‘no ruled on how I should act” Afreen said acting up, before opening the door, “if you insist”
trapping her in between his arms he said, “try that I don’t have to take my gun out” he opened
the door and they entered in an akward position Ahad almost fall on top of her. Afreen’s
father clenched his teeth and Ahad couldn’t help but leered, Afreen hugged her father
lovingly and then
I’m so grateful for all the love and support that I’ve received so far, and I hope that you’ll
continue to follow the story and share your thoughts and comments. Your feedback means the
world to me, and it helps me to become a better writer.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the story and see where it takes us. I hope you enjoy
reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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