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Second Semester Evaluation – 3(2023-24)

Grade – 10(Computer)
Name: ____________________ Date:04/01/2023
Roll No: ___________ Marks: 50

Time allowed : Three Hours

(Section A- 10 Marks)

MCQ [5]
1. Which of the following is the correct usage?

1. int a[-40]
2. int a[40]
3. float a[0 - 40]
4. None

Which element is represented by a[10]?

1. 10th
2. 9th
3. 11th
4. None

3.Cell numbers of a dimensional array are also known as:

1. packets
2. blocks
3. subscripts
4. compartments

4.A dimensional array is also known as:

1. subscripted variable
2. actual variable
3. compound variable
4. none
5.An array element can be accessed through:

1. dots
2. element name
3. index number
4. none

6.Indicate the error message which displays, if the following statement is executed :
int a[5] = {28,32,45,68,12};

1. Insufficient cells
2. Array index out of bounce
3. Elements exceeding cells
4. None

7.The following statement :

int code[ ]= {25,37,38,42};

1. assigns 37 to code[1]
2. assigns 25 to code[1]
3. assigns 38 to code[3]
4. assigns 42 to code[0]

8.The elements of array[50] are numbered:

1. from 1 to 50
2. from 0 to 49
3. from 1 to 51
4. none

9.Which of the following function finds the size of array

char m[] = {'R', 'A', 'J', 'E', 'N', 'D', 'R', 'A' };?

1. m.size of (a)
2. m.elements of (m)
3. m.length
4. None

10.A Single Dimensional array contains N elements. What will be the last subscript?

1. N-1
2. N
3. N+1
4. None
Predict the return data type in the following expressions [5]

(Section B-20 Marks)

Programmes(Any two) [20]

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