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The Background
For over fifty years fixed reactors, more commonly known as filters, have been widely recognized
the world over as a reliable method for the biological oxidation of organic wastes. Biological
growth on the media surface of trickling filters converts dissolved organic waste material into
byproducts like carbon dioxide, nitrates, water and biological solids which are later removed by
Older efuent treatment plants mainly used rock as the surface to induce such biological attached
growth, but this system came with its disadvantages like heavy weight, elaborate supporting and civil
structure, poor wetting characteristics etc. To increase the efficiency of this process, while retaining
the inherent advantages of attached growth system, various technical improvements such as solids
contact, rotary distributor speed control, ventilation and utilization of plastic media have been made.
Performance evaluation at treatment facilities show that at today's high cost of energy, the highly
efficient plastic media trickling filter is the ,most viable solution to a multitude of wastewater
Many of the several thousands municipal rock tricking filter plants in use today can greatly benefit by
substituting plastic media. Alternatively, these plants could add modern trickling filters containing
plastic media, in series or in parallel, systems.
Compared with other wastewater treatment processes, the advantages of the trickling filter, utilizing
high efficiency plastic media, are numerous:

Low Capital costs

1. Needs only half the land area of activated sludge basins and quarter the land area of an
oxidation ditch.
2. Uses inexpensive, self supporting, light weight modules that are easy to support, contain and
install for construction.
3. Eliminates purchase of expansive, heavy duty aeration pumps.
4. Replacement costs are nil since plastic media lasts at least 20 years.

Low Operating costs

1. Operating and maintenance costs are 35-40% lower than activated sludge systems.
2. Operational procedures are simple, requiring minimum basic skills.
3. Maintenance problems are practically non-existent.
4. Sludge generation, treatment and handling costs are considerable less than activated sludge.
5. Requires a much smaller secondary setting tank due to higher setting rate of the sludge produced.
This is also due to reduced bulking problems.

Low Energy Costs/consumption

1. Overall energy requirements are a quarter of conventional ASP and a sixth of Extended Aeration
2.The Rotary distribution is self-propelled, or if motor driven, requires only ¼ HP/unit.

Reliable performance
Consistent BOD reduction as well as nitrification, both in summer and winter operations.

High resistance to hydraulic and organic shock loads
Thus low costs, low land requirements, low energy requirements and
simple, dependable operations make plastic media trickling filters the most
cost-effective method for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) reduction
nitrification, denitrification, odour scrubbing and anaerobic treatment. In
fact, it was the recognition of the efficacy of plastic media that shot tricking
filters back to the limelight as the simplest and most cost-effective method
of efuent treatment, the application notwithstanding.
In the clutter or various synthetic media that have been developed for
trickling filters, one unique PVC structured media has stood out in its ability
to provide trickling filters with cost effective, dependable and controlled
performances, This is BIOdek a modular, cross-uted PVC structured media
that has been developed by MM Aqua Technologies Ltd with technical
assistance from Munters Euroform, Germany.

Performance Advantages
BIOdek's crossow design offers performance advantages not found in other synthetic media:
1. Its life span is 20 years and the media is UV stabilized.
2. BIOdek has proven highly efficient even at depths below 1.8 meters. BIOdek is often used as a
direct replacement for rock media for increasing both degree of treatment and capacity of
existing trickling filters.
3. BIOdek's uniform and continuous cross ow provides superior air water distribution
throughout the media, eliminating the need for forced air ventilation even in large diameter
trickling filters.
4. It has a large specific surface area, up to 240 square meters per cubic meters of media.
5. It has a very large voidage-more than 97%
6. BIOdek greatly Increases the contact time of the wastewater with the media, resulting in high
efficiency with minimum recirculation.
7. It has a low, dry weight of 30 kg per cubic meter. Leading to simple and therefore cheaper
supporting structure.
8. The distribution pattern (60deg cross uted) provides utilization of the complete surface area.
9. Large depths, 6 meters or above, even without intermediate supports, allow considerable
saving of land and also increased retention time. This, combined with efficient geometry, can
offer a very compact plant.
10. Due to the cross ow configuration, the liquid has about 4 times higher retention time.
11. It has a very low resistance to air ow, leading to maximum contact of air, wastewater and
12. Low resistance to air ow and the mixing caused at the cross over points in the fill lead to
optimum aeration.
13. Excellent wetting and thinner biological growths lead to zero y nuisance.
14. Due to continuous redistribution of water ow the media has a very high resistance to
15. Settling efuent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is much lower.
16. No elaborate peripheral walls are required because modules are self supporting. Only
cladding suffices.
17. Shallow media depths and minimum recirculation rates pumping coasts and make BIOdek
the most cost-effective available.
3 2
18. BIOdek has proven effective in removing BOD at hydraulic wetting rates below 0.6 m /m /hr
3 2
to over 7 m /m /hr.

Aeration by natural draught
Apart from increasing organic and hydraulic loading rates. The use of BIOdek increases the BOD
removal levels to over 90% BIOdek models such as FB 10.37 offer very low resistance to air and
provide maximum contact of air, wastewater and bio-mass. BIOdek also provides thousands of
crossover points per cubic meter, thus leading to a very good aeration by natural draught or
ventilation. The air requirements is met by ventilation openings in the wall at the bottom of the
biofilter, which are 4-6% of the cross sectional area of the biofilter. This, a daily air volume of more
than 100 cubic meters of fill circulates the necessary oxygen to the micro-organisms.

Simple Support System

Structurally, BIOdek modules are practically self supporting, requiring supports at only 2 points due
to its light weight. Such simple supports, widely spaced, maximize the ow of air and water through
the media and the plenum area, with least obstruction.

Longer Retention Time

The 60deg cross ow characteristics provide about 3 to4 times more retention time than other
media, since no free fall of liquid can take place inside the media. Due to this configuration, the
wastewater is distribution over the entire surface inside the media, resulting in a thin liquid film. This
leads to sufficient time being available for the biological process and high reduction of BOD.

Low construction costs

BIOdek is self supporting, strong and can be cut to fit into any shaped bio-tower, with no lateral thrust
or pressure on the peripheral walls, these walls can be simple, lightweight and cheap. The exterior
cladding is usually from easily available AC or plastics sheets.

Distribution system
The system of interconnected channels in the cross-uted BIOdek media makes it possible to use
either a rotary distribution or a fixed nozzle system to achieve the desired irrigation. The fixed nozzle
system can be adapted to any regular shaped media plan including the circular trickling filters and is
ideally suited for the square or rectangular tanks. The efficiency is independent of the distribution
system at the tip, since the internal redistribution system in the modulus starts to operate
immediately on the wastewater hitting the top layer. In over 6000 mixing points per cubic meter, the
liquid film is broken up and remixed. This turbulence is of vital importance for efficient transfer of
oxygen and the dissolved organic matter between the liquid and the bio-mass.

Winter time operation and ice formation

Fixed film or attached growth processes are more stable in winter. Apart from this, the high void ratio
and unique geometry of a media such as FB10 are key factors in increasing efficiency and minimizing
ice formations. Rock and other types of plastics media present large, horizontal surfaces where the
falling liquid can splash back from ice coating on adjacent surfaces. FB10 provides an edge effect,
cutting through the liquid, thus eliminating the splash condition. It is on record that even in sun _ zero
cold spells, no ice formation on the trickling filter surface is observed, even when the adjoining walls
and areas are under a blanket of show.

BIOdek biological treatment media has numerous application in wastewater treatment. The shape
of the media has a significant inuence on application and must be considered along with specific
surface area and void ratio. Applications include upgrading existing rock filters, BOD/COD
reduction, complete secondary treatment, tricking filter/solids contact, roughing of pre-treatments,
nitrification, denitrification, odour scrubbers and anaerobic treatment.

Upgrading existing rock trickling filters

BIOdek, with its unique design, is ideal as a direct replacement for rock media in existing trickling
filters. It can then increase the BPD5 removal levels in existing trickling filters to over 90% as well as
increase the hydraulic and organic capacities. BIOdek can be placed directly on the salvaged clay tile
(Fig. 1.1). Modification to the existing trickling filter structure is not necessary. BIOdek's cross-
corrugated pattern provides continuous and uniform horizontal redistribution of air and water with
no channelization or short circulating. The result is maximum utilisation of media surface and
increased retention time of the wastewater in the media, especially at low hydraulic loadings.
BIOdek is capable of proving a high degree of biological treatment at media depths below 1.8
meters and hydraulic loadings below 0.55 m3/m2/hr. The graph (Fig. 1.2) shows the improvement in
BOD5 efuent quality that BIOdek effects, when directly replacing rock media.

Retrofitting existing rock trickling filters with BIOdek media also induce: Fig. 1.1
1. Increased capacity (upto400%)
2. Elimination of ponding, plugging and associated odours
3. Lower tower height
4. Reduced pumping head
5. Non-settle ability of media
6. Self supporting (no lateral load)
7. No special walkways required for personnel

Fig. 1.2

BOD Reduction Trickling Filters

PVC film type , cross-uted fill media is best suited for biotower application. It provides high surface
area along with the right environment for the growth of micro-organisms, thereby enabling the
system to take high organic as well as hydraulic loadings.

For industrial liquid waste treatment application BIOdek design parameters reject the traditional
mathematical model approach to the design of a trickling filter for BOD reduction and base
themselves instead on simulated pilot installations, with waste and operational conditions identical
to the full scale installations. A Ph value between 6 and 8.5 and a nutrient balance of 100:5:1
between BOD, nitrogen (freely available ammonia nitrogen) and phosphorous is normally
recommended. The BIOdek model best suited for biotower applications is fb10, because of its 95-
97% voidage. Moreover, its low fry weight and self supporting nature, further simplifies the reactor
design, leading to lower capital and operating costs of the biotower.

Here are some specific advantages of BIOdek fill media in biotowers :

2 3
1. Cross-uted, corrugated fill media provides large specific surface areas of 100 to 150 m /m
enabling higher loading rates. This helps in reducing the size of the reactor.
2. Large voidage prevents plugging or checking, thereby ensuing better oxygen transfer throughout
the media. This keeps the system aerobic and free from foul smells or files.
3. The 60deg. Cross-fitted distribution pattern of BIOdek ensures continuous of the wastewater. This
helps of the wastewater to constantly mix with air and also helps in the utilization of the entire
available surface area.
4. The cross-uted nature of BIOdek helps In the right amount of sloughing of biological growth from
time to time.

The hydraulic loadings across the top of the fixed reactor for domestic waste can range between 0.55
3 2
to 6.95 m /m /hr. Recirculation is required only when minimum hydraulic loading must be
maintained. A performance curve for BOD5 reduction at various loadings for municipal wastewater
is shown in Fig 1.3.

Complete Secondary Treatment

BIOdek used in conjunction with primary and secondary clarification can reduce BOD5 and
suspended solids to above 90% See Fig. 1.4.

Trickling Filters/Solids Contact (TF/SC)

The TF/SC process utilizes the trickling filter followed by short term aeration (Fig. 1.5). The
recirculation of sludge to the aerated contact basin enhances and improves settling characteristics.
The aerated contact basin combined with a center – well final clarifier can readily achieve a 95+%
reduction in BOD5 and total suspended solids

Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 Fig. 1.5


BIOdek Fig. 1.6

Roughing of pre-treatments
BIOdek may also be effectively used for pre treating
difficult wastes or reducing the organic load on subsequent
biological treatment steps. See Fig. 1.6.

In the nitrification process (Fig. 1.7), a BIOdek biological
Fig. 1.7
fixed film provides an effective means of oxidizing
ammonia nitrogen to nitrite nitrogen of secondary treated
A fixed film nitrification reactor requires less mechanical
equipment, less operating power and less attention than
any other method of nitrification. The BIOdek nitrification
fixed film reactor, when preceded by clarified secondary Fig. 1.8
efuent with the BOD5 below 35 mg/l, will continue to
reduce suspended solids and BOD5 to level below 20 mg/l.
A performance curve for nitrification using BIOdek
FB10.19 is shown in Fig.1.8.

Nitrate (No3 – N) levels upto 30mg/l can be reduced by Fig. 1.9
over 90% by using BIOdek biological treatment media in a
submerged up ow mode (Fig.1.9). Media depths usually
range between 1.8 to 3.7 meters with up ow rates
3 2
between 2.3 to 3.6m /m /hr (Fig.1.10).

Odour Scrubbing
Fig. 1.10
Objectionable odours in the form of H2S generated from
wastewater treatment facilities, can be effectively oxidized
with a BIOdek fixed reactor (Fig.1.11).
The contaminated air is biologically oxidized by the bio-
mass sustained on the BIOdek by primary or secondary
treated wastewater. This oxidation occurs a the BIOdek,
counter to the upward ow of the air being treated. In this Fig. 1.11
manner, H2S removals to below 2 ppm can readily be
accomplished (Fig. 1.12)
Biological oxidation of odoriferous compounds is
unencountered by the requirements for media
regeneration, chemical storage, feed control by other
methods of odour control.

Fig. 1.12

Anaerobic Treatment
BIOdek fixed biological reactors are an ideal method for
anaerobic treatment of strong industrial wastes, leachates
and a wide variety of high strength wastes (Fig 1.13).
The BIOdek model, FB33.27, FB33.01,FB53.27 &
FB53.01 are specially designed for anaerobic fixed film
reactors. BIOdek with its unique horizontal redistribution
and high surface area, provides uniform mixing and full
utilization of the media surfaces when submerged and
operating in either the upow or downow mode. Its
alternate vertical and cross-uted design eliminates the
choking of media and offers only a minimal resistance to
ow. It also helps in handling higher solid concentration in
the wastewater since the viodage is 95-97 %. The BIOdek
anaerobic fixed film reactors provide an effective way to
treat high strength waste while generating surplus energy Fig. 1.13
in the from of methane gas.

SAFF Reactors
SAFF or submerged aerobic fixed film. Reactors incorporate the advantages of fixed film
technologies and combine with them the fine bubble diffused aeration techniques, to get a highly
efficient biological treatment unit. It has as its main components, the BIOdek media and fine bubble
diffused aeration grid.
With the higher surface area of BIOdek, higher organic rates are enabled, thus reducing the overall
size required of the aeration tank. This leads to a considerable reduction civil costs.
The system configuration enables better oxygen transfer efficiency with plug ow conditions.
Submerged fixed film growth in SAFF reactors sustains good microbial growth even in adverse
conditions and also handles shock loads very well. Sludge production is low, no sludge recirculation
is required and mean cell residence is enhanced.
Air requirement is based only on the organic load and mixing requirements are not called for, as this
system is primarily an attached growth system. This makes it suitable for indoor applications or
basement installations.

Media Configuration
BIOdek fixed film biological treatment media is a self
supporting cross ow synthetic media. It is fabricated
from completely corrugated, rigid PVC sheets and forms
a cross-corrugated pattern with each adjacent sheet.
Unlike conventional modular sheet media, no at
sheets are used in the fabrication of the module. Each
sheet is corrugated at a 60deg. Angle and assembled in
a cross-corrugated pattern with adjacent sheets.
This configuration provides continuous and uniform
horizontal redistribution of both air and water
throughout the full depth of the media. (Fig 2.1)
The result is greatly increased contact time between the
wastewater and the media biofilm (Fig 2.2) as well as
increased liquid film diffusion,
The media is resistant to rot, fungi, bacterial growth and
other forms of micro-organisms and is chemically
resistant to normal concentrations of sewage acids,
alkalis, organic solvents, organic compound and other
water soluble substances occurring in municipal and
industrial wastewaters.

Fig. 2.2

Fig. 2.1

The system of interconnected channels in the cross uted media makes it possible to use either a
rotary distribution or fixed nozzle, system to achieve the desired irrigation. To ensure adequate
contact time and liquid film diffusion, BIOdek is capable of redistributing the wastewater
horizontally over a minimum of 6000 mixing or horizontal redistribution points per cubic meter of
BIOdek is designed with a surface area of 102-240 square meters per cubic meter of media with a
minimum of 95% void to volume ratio. The BIOdek media modules are selected for each installation
bases on load test data obtained in compression tests. This ensures adequate bearing capacity for
each specified loading requirement. The PVC compound is UV resistant and specially formulated to
resist long-term fatigue cracking under continuous loading.
MMATL's plastic fill media for efuent treatment processes, BIOdek comes in 6 models: #FB10.27,
#FB33.27, #FB33.01 and #FB53.01. To optimize the effectiveness of various applications of the
tricling filter process, each media has been designed with unique product characteristics that meet
specific performance requirements.
Installations of BIOdek have to-date tolled to nearly 50,000 cubic meters. There are over 250
installations all over the world currently in successful operation. These range from small units of few
hundred cubic meters to several hundred thousand cubic meters of media.
MMATL has developed vertical BIOdek FB33 and FB53 anti-fouling PVC Fill Media to minimize
clogging for attached growth biological treatment specially in anaerobic systems. FB33 or FB53
sheets can be used alternatively with the well known cross-uted FB10.27 sheets to from FB33.27
(VX) and also with plain sheets to from FB33.01 (VP) or FB53.01 (VP).

Table : Different models of BIOdek and specifications


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