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Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; volume 7:614

Youth awareness on sexually students joined the project’s activities and

58.55% of them belonged to the age group of Correspondence: Armand Tsapi Tiotsia,
transmitted infections, HIV 16-21 years. Most students attended private Department of Biomedical Sciences, University
and AIDS in secondary schools schools. Nearly 3/4 of students (1515/2029) of Dschang, PO Box 67 Dschang, Cameroon.
Tel.: +237.697.838163 / +237.679.227423.
in the Dschang Municipality had an acceptable level of knowledge regarding
STI/HIV/AIDS, which increased in number
(Cameroon): the Mobile each year (from 641 to 716 students between
Caravan Project 2012 and 2014). The Level of knowledge was
Key words: Mobile Caravan Project; Awareness;
STD/HIV; AIDS; Dschang.
significantly determinedby the study cycle
Martin Sanou Sobze,1 (P=0.0004), the type of school (P=0.0027) and Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the
Armand Tsapi Tiotsia,1 the year ofimplementation of activities Departmental Delegation of Secondary Education
Ghyslaine Bruna Djeunang Dongho,2 (P=0.0026). The caravan project has greatly of Menoua Department favorable for its approval
Guy Aurelien Foaleng Tankui,1 contributed to improving young peoples’ to the implementation of this project, the various
Joseph Fokam,3-5 Kien-Atsu Tsi,1 awareness on STI/HIV/AIDSin Dschang national and international partners for their
Jimmy Roger Fotso,1 Municipality. enormous support to the facilitators of the project
responsible for training and follow up of peer
Yannick Ngueko Azeufack,1,4,6
educators supervisors, to all peer educators for
Patrick Pete Nkamedjie,7 their availability and their sense of responsibility,
Adogaye Ben Bechir Sali,8 the various focal points of institutions, the school
Rodrigue Biguioh Mabvouna,8 principals for agreeing to the implementation of
Lucia Ercoli,6,9 Vittorio Colizzi,8 the project activities in their respective institu-
Awareness is the process of instilling infor- tions.
Gianluca Russo2
mation, learning as an individual or group of
1Department of Biomedical Sciences,
individuals.1 Many authors recognize its Contributions: GR, participated in the develop-
University of Dschang, Cameroon; importance as a technique of prevention and ment of the study protocol, critical reading of the
2Department of Infectious Diseases, education for behavior change mainly related manuscript to improve its content and its scien-
Microbiology and Public Health, La to STI’s/HIV and AIDS.2-10 It is used in health tific value; ATT, recruitment of study participants,
programs with a set of tasks and activities data collection and examining of the question-
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy;
3Chantal BIYA International Reference organized around specific goals to reduce the naires, analysis and interpretation, manuscript
design; GBDD, development of the study protocol
Centre for Research on HIV/AIDS importance of a health problem, or intercon-
and definition of research objectives, critical
Prevention and Management, Yaoundé, nected problems.11 The 4th strategic axis of the
reading of the manuscript; GAFT, recruitment of
National Strategic Plan for the fight against
Cameroon; 4Department of Experimental study participants, data collection and examining
STIs/HIV and AIDS in Cameroon recognizes of the questionnaires; KAT, critical review and
Medicine and Surgery, Tor Vergata
that sensitization of the population is impor- correction of several versions of the manuscript;
University of Rome, Italy; 5Faculty of tant in the fight against diseases.12 JRF, analysis, interpretation and validation of
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, According to World Health Organization data; JAN, ABBS, RBM, LE, JF, critical reading of
University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, (WHO), ateenager is any person whose age is several drafts of the manuscript; MSS, develop-
Cameroon; 6Institute of Medicine Solidale between 10-19 years;13 this is a transitional ment of the study protocol and definition of
(IMES), Rome, Italy; 7Institute for period involving physical maturation, identity research objectives;, interpretation and valida-
Research, Socio-economic Development formation and acquisition of social roles.14 It is tion of data; VC, critical review of several ver-
and Communication (IRESCO), Yaoundé, associated with the emergence of an aware- sions of the manuscript.
Cameroon; 8Department of Biology, Tor ness of sexuality and the desire to experiment
Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten-
Vergata University of Rome, Italy; and means to meet up sexual desires.15,16 If tial conflict of interest.
9Department of Biological Sciences, Tor teenagers belong to the same age, they do not
Vergata University of Rome, Italy form a homogeneous group. To some Received for publication: 22 October 2016.
researchers, weakness of current programs for Accepted for publication: 12 January 2017.
adolescents is precisely due to the lack of
recognition of the internal diversity of this This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Abstract population.17,18 Schooling creates a more or Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 License (CC BY-
less long transition between childhood and NC 4.0).
Awareness is a preventive action to instill in adulthood; during which children or later on
©Copyright M.S. Sobze et al., 2016
individuals certain concepts to improve their young adults develop skills that will enable Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
health. It is an essential element in the pre- them to succeed in life. This results in an Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; 7:614
vention of sexually transmitted infection increase in pre-marital sexual activity in acon- doi:10.4081/jphia.2016.614
(STI)/HIV and early pregnancies among ado- text where there is poverty, intergenerational
lescents. In 2012, the prevalence of HIVin conflictsand lackof dialogue.19 So if sex is com-
Cameroon was estimated at 4.3%. The young mon in adults and adolescents, they will face
population appear to be the most affected dilemmas, major difficulties and obstacles.20 Saharan Africa.22 The prevalence in Cameroon
(3.2%); very close to that of the Dschang However, early sexual at risk behaviors will is 4.3% and 2.8% for the western region.23 In
Health District (Cameroon; 3.1%) in the 15-19 expose the individual to the likelihood of con- the Dschang Health District, HIV prevalence
years age group. Theaimof this study was to tracting an STI, HIV or early pregnancy, with among adolescents 15 to 19 years is 3.1%
evaluate the contribution of the Mobile the social consequences of creating a negative (Dschang District Health Department 2013,
Caravan project on the preventive aspect of impact on the whole population.21 unpublished data), hence the usefulness of
STI/HIV/AIDS among youths of Dschang in 10 In 2013, 35 million people were living with health projects such as the Mobile Caravan
secondary schools within three years. 2029 HIV worldwide, including 24.7 million in sub- Project for the fight against STI’s/HIV and AIDS

[Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; 7:614] [page 71]


designed and implemented by the PIPAD Study design and sampling those from public schools, and students of sec-
(Projet Intégré pour la Promotion de l’Auto- A cross-sectional andanalyticstudy was car- ond cycle (63.92%) adhered better than those
Développement) for youth awareness in sec- ried out where all the students present at the of the first cycle. Girls were more represented
ondary schools of Dschang. time of study and accepted to participate were (56.18%) than boys as shown in Table 1.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate included in the study. There was better adherence of up to 54% of
the project since its implementation in order students in the post test than pretest as shown
to know its contribution to youth awareness Data collection and analysis in the Figure 2.
and increase in their level of knowledge on Data collection was done by distributing a
STIs/HIV and AIDS two page questionnaire to students who Knowledge level of beneficiaries
accepted to participate in all secondary schools Based on the knowledge scale mentioned
Project’s methodology and actors after taking part in group or interpersonal dis- above, almost half of the respondents fell with-
The implementation of the mobile caravan cussions on various themes of STI’s/HIV and in scale 1 (50-85% correct answers) and 25%
project in Dschang is ensured by a group of Aids (with PES and PE or PE and classmate) within scale 0 (less than 50% of correct
for three consecutive academic years (2012- answers). The average level of knowledge was
actors with precise roles as elaborated below:
2013, 2013.2014 and 2014-2015), this by self- estimated at 63.65% with a standard deviation
i. Delegation of secondary education; gives
responding and providing clarifications where of 23.46% (Figure 3).
authorization for access into secondary
schools, necessary. At the end all the questionnaires
ii. PIPAD (Projet Intégré pour la Promotion de were collected and cross checked if they were
l’Auto-Développement) responsible for well filled and corrected immediately.
implementing the project; Before data was entered,scores were
iii. Facilitatorsmade up of PIPAD agents; assigned between 0 and 100 points depending
iv. Peer educator supervisors (PES) from the on the level of knowledge of the students. It
University of Dschang trained by the facil- was then analyzed after double entry to reduce
any errors using the software Epi-Info
itators from PIPAD responsible for educat-
and Excel 2007, with a significance level of
ing PE in secondary schools
v. Peer Educators (PE) elected by democracy
We adopted the following scale to categorize
in all class rooms from Form 3 of all sec-
the level of knowledge – aptitude and practices
ondary schools, responsible for educating
of respondents on STI’s / HIV and AIDS:
their classmates and school mates during
- Level of knowledge - low: scale 0 (less than
school breaks or free periods 50% of fair and consistent responses);
vi. The principals of the different schools; Figure 1. Distribution of beneficiaries by
- Level of knowledge - medium: scale 1 age.
give authorization and access into the (between 50% and 85% fair and consistent
schools, responses);
vii. Teachersfrom the different schools mobi- - Level of knowledge - high: scale 2 (over 85%
lize students and work in collaboration of fair and consistent responses).
with PES. They also act as Focal Points
(FP) to PIPAD Ethical considerations
For the Caravan project to go through, The implementation of the project’s activi-
trained PES go to the Health Clubs (HC) of all ties in the institutions was preceded by obtain-
secondary schools who accepted to participate ing administrative authorizations in compli-
in the project and educated the PE on various ance with national guidelines on the use of
themes on STI’s/HIV and AIDS over a given condoms in secondary schools, and an
period of time. Members of the HC which are informed consent from to the adolescentsbe-
PE then educate their peers on the same fore filling the different questionnaires.
themes during school breaks or free periods. Principles such as confidentiality and respect Figure 2. Level of participation in pre and
of anonymity were strictly followed during data post-test of the caravan project.
collection, processing and analysis.

Materials and Methods

Study location Results

This study was carried out in the
Dschang Health District (DHD) precisely in Description of the study population
secondary schools of the area. The district’s Over three years (September 2012 to March
total population was about 221,031 at the end 2015)2029 students in 10 secondary schools
of 2015. It has 22 health areas, 66 health facil- withmean age 17 yearsbenefited from the
ities including 1 District Hospital and 3 day activities of the caravan project. The adoles-
care hospitals (Saint Vincent de Paul’s hospi- cent age group was more represented, more
tal, DH and the medical center of the than half (58.55%) in the total sample as
University of Dschang), and 4 medicalized shown in Figure 1.
health centers. Regarding the type of school, students of Figure 3. Distribution of students accord-
ing to their level of knowledge.
private schools (56.18%) adhered better than

[page 72] [Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; 7:614]


Looking the level of knowledge of students compared. Over the years the probability also level of knowledge.
on STIs/HIV and AIDS in secondary schools in increased from P=0.04 to P=0.006 (Table 4). Young people aged 12-26 years benefited
Dschang, Table 2 below gives the details with a from the activities of the mobile caravan proj-
few variables that could influence the degree Determinants influencing the level ect against STI/HIV and AIDS in secondary
of acquisition of information received by the of knowledge of students schools in Dschang. The most represented age
students and those thatcould alsoinfluence group was that of 16-21 years (58.55% of stu-
In order to eliminate possible confounding
their knowledgelevel using a scale graded from dents). This can be explained by the fact that
factors among selected variables, we used mul-
0 to 2 (Table 2). More than half (53.13%) of the at this age, teens are often sexually active and
tiple logistic regressionsto adjust theage of
beneficiaries had an acceptable level of knowl- are more exposed to the risk of having a sexual
participants considering it as a primary inde-
edge and fell in scale 1 (50-84%). relationship as shown in a study by Jewkes et
pendent variable; with sex, study cycle, the
The evaluation of the knowledge level of stu- al. (2006) where young people aged 15-26
nature of the test, the type of institution, and
dents per year depending on the pre and post- years responded more effectively to the health
the first two years entering our evaluation as
test over three years of implementing the car- project based on the adolescent reproductive
secondary independent variables (con-
avan project is shown in Table 3. From the fig- health (RH). We can also say that at this age,
founders). Table 5 shows the adjustment of the there is a transition between adolescence and
ure, the number of respondents increased
level of knowledge according to the variables of adult hood, which make them feel concerned
each year showingthe students’ interestfor
interest to our assessment. After adjustment, and gives the zeal to learn more about the
their health through the project. The first two
all the variables significantly influenced the reproductive health and better management
years had better mobilization of students dur-
knowledge level of students except age. There ofpuberty. Also, girls would be able to count
ing the post-test than in the pre-test; with the
was an increase in the population of girls with their menstrual cycle while the boys would
exception of 2014 where the number enor-
a probability of them (P<0.05), having a high- affirmtheir manhood.
mously dropped.
er level of knowledge than boys, an increase of The overall level of youth participation by
the probability of having a good level of knowl- gender in secondary schools (56% girls against
Factors affecting the degreeof edge among students of the 2nd cycle compared 44% of boys), corroborates with the study of
students’ adherence and to those of the 1st cycle (P=0.0004),an increase Kim & Watts (2005) which showed a higher
their knowledge in the post-test the level of knowledge in the female participation in RH activities. This
We used simple logistic regression to inves- pre-test (P<0.05) and institutions public those could be explained by the fact that girls are
tigate potential factors that could affect the private (P=0.0027). We also note an increase more sensitive regarding reproductive health
level of knowledge and degree of adherence of in this probability over time (P<0.05). in relation to STI’s/HIV and AIDS, experience
students in the project’sactivities. This was physiological changes and would like to learn
done by testing the level of knowledge with more about how to behave vis-à-vis these
some variables in our study considered to be changes to avoid teenage pregnancy, STI’s/HIV
those of interest. Discussion and AIDS. This could also be the reason why
Table 4 shows the possible links between generally, more girls in these institutions eas-
the level of knowledge and some significant The evaluation of the overall knowledge ily integrated into the mobile caravan project
variables of interest. Older students had the level of students in secondary schools on STIs against STI/HIV and AIDS. This trend of adher-
tendency of having a good knowledge level / HIV and AIDS showed that 25% of students enceto the project is very important because it
(P=0.04) than younger ones. A good knowl- had a low level of knowledge (knowledge not helps to introduce PMTCT early enough to the
edge level of girl/boys (P<0.05), 2nd cycle stu- acceptable) and 75% of students an acceptable girl (future mother) and prepares her to better
dents/second Cycle student (P<0.05), post- level of knowledge (average: 53%; high: 22%). manage mother hood
test/pre-test (P<0.05) and public/private This is generally satisfactory and encouraging, The school participation rate by private or
schools (P=0.03) increased respectively when- because 3/4 of students have an acceptable public type highlights the fact that private

Table 1. Overview of the study population.

School year Mean age ± SD Type of institution Study cycle Sex
(years) Public Private 1st cycle 2nd cycle M F
2012-2013 17±3.12 291 350 255 386 289 352
2013-2014 16.75±2.97 345 331 222 454 273 403
2014-2015 17.30±3.19 253 459 255 457 327 385
Total 17±3.10 889 1140 732 1297 889 1140

Table 2. Level of knowledge of students based on some variables of interest.

Level of Population Type of institution Study cycle Sex Test type
knowledge (%) Public Private 1st cycle 2nd cycle M F Pre-test Post-test
Scale 0 (0-49) 514 204 310 224 290 267 247 278 236
Scale 1 (50-84) 1078 505 573 362 716 460 618 479 599
Scale 2 (85-100) 437 180 257 126 311 162 275 175 262
Total 2029 889 1140 712 1317 889 1140 932 1097

[Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; 7:614] [page 73]


schools are globally the most represented: sewing, in the Industry and dressing. Cameron et al. (2005), who describes the pos-
56.19% of private schools and 43.81% of public Nevertheless there exist the SEF sector (Social sible rigor of education in these institutions.
schools. This shows collaboration between the Economy and Family) which should provide Abstinence is promoted in secondary
caravan project and secondary schools thus acceptable level of knowledge on RH in techni- schools, reducing the risk of early and unwant-
promoting entrepreneurship and support to cal schools but is not of interest to the stu- ed pregnancies, abortions, promiscuity, early
the project. dents. The present study does not allow us to sex and loss of virginity, STIs and HIV/AIDS.
The cyclical evolution of the mobile caravan assess the causes of the non-interest; however,
project against STI/HIV and AIDS depending on this would be considered in future assess-
the test nature (pre-test or post-test) shows a ments to better understand the challenges
higher proportion of participants during the these adolescents face with STI’s/HIV and Conclusions
post test (54% of students) compared to pre- AIDS. Public institutions have an acceptable
test (46% of students). This indicates that stu- level of knowledge higher than those of private The Caravan Mobile project against STI/HIV
dents participatedmore in the post-test institutions. This approximates the results of and AIDS in the Dschang Municipality has
because they were already informed about the
pretest and other themes developed with them
before the post-test.
The level of knowledge of young adolescents Table 3. Level of knowledge of evolution based on years and pre/post test.
in secondary schools of Dschang significantly- Year Nature of test Level of knowledge Effective
increased from 2012-2015, this could be
explained by the fact that adolescents partici- 2012 Pre-test Scale 0 89
pate every year in the project thereby accentu- Scale 1 121
Scale 2 11
ating their knowledge and awareness and sen-
Post-test Scale 0 119
sitizing their classmates and peers on preven- Scale 1 268
tion of STI/HIV and AIDS; on the other hand, Scale 2 33
this could also be because the students accept 2013 Pre-test Scale 0 111
and integrate in a participative manner in the Scale 1 141
project.This makes them actively involved sat- Scale 2 95
isfied. Finally we can see a successful caravan Post-test Scale 0 62
project since it will increasingly reaching the Scale 1 197
goals on primary prevention (PP). Scale 2 70
Over the years, the proportion of adoles- 2014 Pre-test Scale 0 78
cents with a higher level ofknowledge in (scale Scale 1 217
Scale 2 69
2) increased. This could be explained by the Post-test Scale 0 59
participatory method of the project: tools such Scale 1 137
as VIPP cards (Visualisation Intégrée au Scale 2 159
Processus Participatif) are used.
The post-tests used to establish the values
of the indicators of success in achieving par- Table 4. Relationship between the level of knowledge and some factors of influence.
ticipatory process of young people and their
integration project. This shows the project’s Odds ratio 95% CI P-value
acceptance in secondary schools by young peo- Age 1.03 1.00 to 1.07 0.04*
ple. They also help evaluate the action of the Gender (Male/Female) 0.64 0.53 to 0.79 0
pre-tests. We noted that the post-test signifi- Cycle of studies (2nd cycle/cycle 1) 1.63 1.32 to 1.99 0
cantly accentuated the efforts of the pre-test.
Nature test (post-test/pre-test) 1.6 1.27 to 1.90 0
This goes in line with the project vacation
without AIDS carried out in Cameroon,23 Type of school (private/public) 0.8 0.65 to 0.98 0.03*
shows that from one year to another, the proj- Year (2013/2012) 1.4 1.10 to 1.77 0.0062*
ect is spread and occupies a place increasingly Year (2014/2012) 2.09 to 2.69 0
important in the fight against STI/HIV and OR (<1 protective factor, >1 risk factor), P value (>0.05 non-significant, <0.05 significant); *factors significantly influencing the level of
Overall, students of secondary schools of
general education have more knowledge on Table 5. Adjusting the level of knowledge with the variables of interest in the study.
STI/HIV and AIDS and in RH, including
ARHthan those doing technical education. Adjusted odds ratio 95% CI P-value
This could be due to the fact that in general Age 1.02 0.99 to 1.06 0.2104
education, there is introduction of basic les- Gender (Male/Female) 0.61 0.50-0.75 0
sons on reproductive health such as human
Cycle of studies (2nd cycle/cycle 1) 1.49 1.19 to 1.86 0.0004*
biology (consist of aspects like physical devel-
Nature test (post-test/pre-test) 1.69 1.37 to 2.09 0
opment risk factors of sexually transmitted
infections, HIV and AIDS and their means of Type of school (private/public) 0.72 0.58 to 0.89 0.0027*
prevention).In technical institutions, disci- Year (2013/2012) 1.47 1.14 to 1.88 0.0026*
plines based on the RH in the second cycle are Year (2014/2012) 2.38 1.83 to 3.08 0
almost absent while priority is given to profes- OR (<1 protective factor, >1 risk factor), P value (>0.05 non-significant, <0.05 significant); *factors significantly influencing the level of
sional disciplines such as carpentry, masonry,

[page 74] [Journal of Public Health in Africa 2016; 7:614]


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