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Archetype: Cybernetic Artisan

Code Name: TechSmith

Real Name: Dr. Marcus "Spark" Reynolds
Occupation: Cybernetics Specialist
Background: Dr. Marcus Reynolds, known as TechSmith, is a Level 3 cybernetics
specialist with a talent for crafting advanced cyber enhancements. His work often
involves custom modifications to meet the unique needs of his clients, and he is
recognized for his precise installations and reliable aftercare services.
Archetype: Bio-Engineer

Code Name: BioForge

Real Name: Dr. Elena "Elle" Jensen
Occupation: Bioware Specialist
Background: Dr. Elena Jensen, operating under the code name BioForge, is a Level 3
bioware specialist. Her expertise lies in creating biotechnological enhancements
that enhance physical and mental capabilities. BioForge is sought after for her
affordable yet effective bioware solutions.
Archetype: Neural Surgeon

Code Name: MindCraft

Real Name: Dr. Christopher "Chris" Adler
Occupation: Cybernetics and Neural Enhancement Specialist
Background: Dr. Christopher Adler, known as MindCraft, is a Level 3 neural surgeon.
Specializing in cybernetic and neural enhancements, he focuses on improving
cognitive functions and memory. MindCraft's reputation is built on his commitment
to ethical enhancements and quality care.
Archetype: Bionic Maestro

Code Name: MechMaestro

Real Name: Dr. Sylvia "Syl" Chen
Occupation: Cybernetics and Bionics Expert
Background: Dr. Sylvia Chen, operating under the code name MechMaestro, is a Level
3 expert in crafting bionic enhancements. She combines cybernetics with bionic
technology, creating advanced limb replacements and augmentations. MechMaestro is
known for her cutting-edge designs and attention to detail.
Archetype: Genetic Alchemist

Code Name: GeneWhisper

Real Name: Dr. Oliver "Ollie" Turner
Occupation: Bioware and Genetic Enhancement Specialist
Background: Dr. Oliver Turner, known as GeneWhisper, is a Level 3 genetic alchemist
specializing in bioware and genetic enhancements. His work focuses on personalized
genetic modifications that enhance physical attributes. GeneWhisper is respected
for his ethical approach to genetic enhancements.

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