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CE 435/535 Groundwater Hydrology and Geochemistry

Fall - 2023
Home Work #02

Total Marks = 4×25 = 100 Due on Sept. 22th, 1:00 pm

Question 1:
If the hydraulic conductivity (K) is 1 ft/hr, what is the discharge per unit width of the flow
systems in the figure below.

Question 2:
Develop a conceptual and practical problem that covers the concepts of groundwater storage
(transmissivity, storativity, specific storage, specific yield, and/or specific retention). The
problem may be quantitative but does not have to be.

Question 3:
A canal was constructed running parallel to a river 1000 ft away. Both fully penetrate a sand
aquifer with a hydraulic conductivity of 1.2 ft/day. The area is subject to rainfall of 2.0 ft/year
and evaporation of 1.5 ft/year. The elevation of the water above the base of the aquifer in the
river is 31 ft and in the canal is 27 ft. Determine a) The daily discharge per 1000 ft into the
river, and b) The daily discharge per 1000 ft into the canal.

Question 4:
A 1.0 m diameter well penetrates vertically through a confined aquifer of 30 m thick. When the
well is pumped at 113 m3/hr, the drawdown in an observation well 15 m away is 1.8 m; in
another observation well 50 m away, it is 0.5 m. You can assume pumped well as an
observation well.

a) What is the approximate head in the pumped well for steady-state conditions and
b) Want is the approximate drawdown in the pumped well.

CE435/535-1 out of 1

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