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CE 435/535 Groundwater Hydrology and Geochemistry

Fall - 2023
Home Work #3

Total Marks = 4×25 = 100 Due on Oct. 06th, 1:00 pm

Question 1: A 1 m diameter well penetrates vertically through a confined aquifer 30 m thick.

When the well is pumped at 2712 m3/day, the drawdown in a well 15 m away is 1.8 m, in
another well 50 m away, it is 0.5 m. What is the approximate head in the pumped well for
stead-state conditions and what is the approximate drawdown in the well. Also compute the
transmissivity of the aquifer and the radius of influence of the pumping well. Take the initial
piezometric level as 40 m above the datum.

Question 2: A confined aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 1 ft/d. The unit is 25 ft deep
(below ground surface). One well has a potentiometric surface that is 5 ft below ground surface,
and another well 1,000 ft away has a potentiometric surface that is 20 ft below ground surface.
The porosity is 0.25. What is the linear velocity at well #1? What is the potentiometric
surface 200 ft down gradient?

Question 3: Three pumping wells located along a straight line are spaced at 200 m apart. What
should be the steady-state pumping rate from each well so that the near steady-state
drawdown in each well will not exceed 2 m? The transmissivity of the confined aquifer,
which all the wells fully penetrate, is 2400 m2/day and all the wells are 40 cm in diameter. The
thickness of the aquifer is 40 m and the radius of influence of each well is 800 m.

Question 4: A new neighbor moves in ¼ miles from my house where I have a well in a confined
aquifer with a transmissivity (T) of 1000 ft2/day and a storage coefficient (S) of 1×10-5. If the
neighbor begins to pump 100 GPM (gallons per minute) continually, how much drawdown will
that cause in my well after 10 years of pumping?

CE435/535-1 out of 1

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