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Computer Graphics And Animation

Year- 2018-19 BCA N-501

(Time: Three Hours]
Note Attempt any Bve questions. All (Maximum Marks: 70]
questions carry equal marks,
This solution is provided by Miss. Hema
Q1(a). What do you understand by
computer graphics ? What is the need term Q1(b), Explain the basic functionality of
of Random scan.
Ans. Vector scan /Display
with figure.
Ans. Computer Graphics: Random scan
Computer graphics is an area of computer traces out only the desired lines ondisplay directly
the CRT i.e., If
and engineering which plays an science we want aline
almost every application of importantrole in on the vector connecting aa point. Awith point B
involves display manipulations and science. ofIt beam deflectiongraphics display, we: simply drive the
beam to go directlycircuitry,
which will cause them i.e.
pictures and experimental data for storage from jpoint Ato B. Ifwe want to
eualization using computer. t displaysproper
move the beam from point A
showing a line between point,towepoint B. without
information in the form ofgraphics objects such as can blank the
ictures, charts, graphs and diagrams instead beam as we move it.
of To move the beam across the
imple text. In this, pictures or graphics are CRT, the
esented as acollection of discretepoints/ pictures information about both magnitude and direction is
ements called pixels. Thus we can say that of required. This information is generated with the help
omputer graphics makes it possible to express data vector graphics generator.
in pictorial fom. A
Need of Computer Graphics :
The computer graphics is needed in various fields
Bmentionedbelow: B
1. Plotting in Business : For plotting various Vector Scan CRT
curves / graphs, piechart 2D or 3D to show
growth rate, profit, expenditure etc. Q2(a). Explain color display techniques in
2. Office Automation : Like work in detail.
Microsoft, Ans, There are two basic techniques used for
Excel, PowerPoint, almost all software
having producing color displays :
1. Beam Penetration Technique and
3. Desktop Publishing : For designing 2. Shadow Mask Technique
documents, powerpoint slides, 1. Beam Penetration Technique:
4. Plotting in Science and Technológy : This technique is used with random scan monitors.
Necessary in almost all fields of science and
In this technique, the inside ofCRTsereenis coated
technology. with two layers of phosphor, usually red and green.
Web/Business/Commercial Publishing : To
design goods Ads. on web or TV shows, This displayed colour depends on how far the
commercials shootouts etc. electron beam penetrates into the phosphor layer
6. layers. The outer layer is of red phosphor and inner
CADICAMGrid), circuit design etc. and many excites only the outer red layer. Abeam of very
Design : VLSI, construction layer is of greenphosphor. Abeam of slowelectrons
more other fields where computer graphics 1s
sed in almost all fields. fast electrons penetrates through the red layer and
the raster
graphics. identitythree dot
different A colour.three theywhen
colour pass andbelow
they aligned justguns,
grid light,
phosphor technique. scan wider screcn.
2. theoncolours, atd excites
dot The phosphor shadow theIn acceleration
bit on focused Shadow
triangle dot smallexcite shadow one and display shadow e
range green At
ions Explain colours of
The figure, with the
below Technique
ShadowMask bearm phosphor
behindthe forthird
figure the dots whenphosphor
phosphor dot a as the
dot This and orange light inner
including Mask
tree whichwhen itcan through three
a mask eachemitsemits technique of hence
mask of in in
Selection t he passes triangle. group phosphor dotsmask coloursmask and are green BCA
ncept th e
electron has activate electron grid colour ared Technique beam:
operations activated
dot dots dots a at color technigue the yellow emitted
shadow onto
a consists bluelight,
showsthe Green colour through
shadowthe are hole technique,
each than speedthe speeds,layer.
controls Vn
Red triangle. of A dot dot is screen
in Blue beams only commonly SemosteriComputer
arranged red, dot intbeams he light.
pattern. coated andanotherpixel
TV. the displayed. and
raster mask appearsof triangle shadow
the :
its of produces a colour combinations
concepts triangledot combination weBy green shadow a It two
hics. CRT. corresponding are series
screen.shadow positions.
has CRT
phosphor varying
can as so As emits used
penetration at The
a that consist
and mask shown
deflected of electron a has
any additional
obtain smallmask. each blue mask, holes mask green three raster in
mueh theof
lí in the of and
of in
One point beam [CPUJ, ofred
ationcalled left itshown moved is left deflection
is OFF,
When Here, InRaster bottom line
this at video formthe mouse consists
start made to Qver Buffer 0000110000
Raster 0000000000
0000110000 0000000000
0011111100 produces As
Raster the by
when from right the the
data) by shown and Animation &
cept again. OFF dotted and controller controller,
scanning vide0 of
beam the beam signalsare scan
screen the of the display
Scan Aand itacross then and1's in
is left RasterScan
CRT method, actual figure,CR1.
hics indisplay reaches is in back one /2018-19
Display rapidly in thetoswept
the a Controller
Display refreshreadsthis contoue,
figure. from screen,
generated of Controller PorT/Ot CPU scan
toimage 0's the
the right, back the a Video the th ein
retraced Raster commands)
(display display buffer,
refresh /
and bottom the horizontal
shown top, on
it central 108
these of right is and to atime, the refres image
back of ON, forth move
Displayi=2in Keyboard
Mouse Screen.
figure and procese
are such tothe the
toThe the
the from buffer
buffer. is
the type screen, from keyboard.
the left beam beam vertical
helo beam topto t
bit istop as isthe does and The BUn
Similarly i=3 i=1 ollowing Ans. sinh3(DDA,g a).
0 3 6
8s8) isy=.5+2.5
length)i.e. i-3+1 =4 3.5 =3.=52.5(2,2)
X=.5+ plot y=.5+
2+l=3 =2.y=.5+l=1.5
i= 51.5x=.5 plo(!t,1)
i=i+l=2 X
ting X=0+.5Ivalnitiuaesl for 1engtAxhAlgorithms.
Tabulay=0+.5 We
iteration =.5 7 6 3 2
Steps = have Draw
Resul + + thein
we the 2-
1.5 |=15 (8, 8)(7,7)(6, 6)(5,5)(4,4)(3,3)(2, 2)(1,1) Plot results =1. X,=8 X,y,
=80 a
of follow
sing sign
* X|=lyy linComputer
e BCA /
Simple 4 til
y=0 VIh
8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 of(1) (1)
each =0.=5 y|-8 - froSemester
8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 (o,
8 iterations
Original object
TransformnedScaling Scaling 2.
Translation and another.
to an techniques : 1. are Ans.
S Translating
Example Translation
object Q3(6).
factorstransformation t, given
the coordinates to The &
scaling coordinates vector new ina asExplainAnimation
: basic
0 =(S,, distance coordinate Original
bYyt, point straight isfollows
/ the
transformation in
S,) -(x, changes
matrix. shift by detail
= P=P+T | *=x*7 adding
line : the/2018-19
(x, y) vector. pair
position path
basictransformation for
0 y) ( translating of /0
the from
changing 2D. 109
X t,)
size is -P(X, position one techniques
of known distanice
y) coordinate position
the P(x, = for
as t y) of 2D
Gphlcs &Animatlon /2018-19 BCA Vh Semester I Computer
BCA V SamerÔomputor Grnphlcs &Animation /
25+ os(a).
What.are the ditference
between windowing and 2014-19/ 11
20+ 20+
The process of selecting and Iviewing the
10+ 10+ (a) picture with different views is called
(a) The
of theprocess which divides each
C picture into its visible and element
’X portions, the invisible
viewportfrompartsthe () beClipdipisncarg disaledlnotowiis ncalg led clinipvipisnibg.le porion to
10 15 20
10 Windowing is showing the
3, Rotation : (b) of the real seen that appears
A2D rotation is applieddtto an object by repositioning it along acircular path in the xyn window. parts. showing onthe viewport
arotation, wesspecify arotation anglè 9 and position of the rotation point about which the To plane, generate The world coordinate system
r=Constant distance from origin. objectis tobe (c) depend on a display device, so thedoesnot|
units (©)
can be positive, negative or decimal
Viewport is the
clipping screensection
withendowing and
Angie = Original angular position of the point from horizontal. numbers.
c encompassed by the window on theimages
0- Rotation angle. (d)
Window () çoordinate system will be drawn. world
aP(*,y) (W, W,) Yyau Viewport
P(X, y) Wymin
Rotation WxminsW,.
Now, we can express the transformed coordinates in terms of angles 0 and as Windowing a Yzmin
x=rcos(+0) =rcosocos-rsin sin 0) 04(b). What do youunderstand by term segment ?
y=rsin($+0)=rcos¢sin0 +rsinhcos0) ..(1) Ans. Segment : Explain its structure.
Original coordinates are The term segment in graphics is defined as the smallest possible area in
Asegment is located in the form of the array like atable that keeps the two points.
x=rcos| it at the screen. commands in away to display
.2) It has four parts :
y=rsin |
> Index
Substituting equation (2) into (1) we get > Size
x'=x cos0-y sin 0 > Position
y'=xsin + ycos0 (3) > Visibility commands.
The above equation in matrix form is " Segment table in computer graphics comprise the length ofsimilar segments in its memory. Any new
entry in the table includes the lengths, and to check if asegment is already in its memory, then abit
cos sin is ultimately required. attributes and image
-sin cos " Each seement corresponds to a component and is associated with a set of
P'=P-R transformation parameters like scaling, rotation.
where Ris rotation matrix is given as " Presence of segment picture :
Subdivision of pictures
cos sin 0 Visualization ofparticular part of picture.
R translation ofpicture.
-sin0 cos8 Scaling, rotationand possible segment is the set of all pixels that lie closest to the
a bitmap,the thinnest
Asegment, in
between twopoints.
&Animation /22018-19/L112 BCA Vth Semester/ Computer
BCA Vh Somoster/Compvter Grphlcs
Graphics &Animation/
" In
vector graphics, asI segment is generated by (c) Translatethe:fixed point
back to ts 0 0 2018-19/ 113

volQS(Ans.ubTmes)he.WSplrspliitneeinedowncurves.thealgorithm for 3-D

Specitying two end points and then executing point. 0
operations that construta straight ine between
and including those points, two or more P'=PS| ogna cos
sin9 0
Segments placed end to end fom apolyline. R. lo -sin6
termed with curve refers to any composite curve
speci polynoraial
the fied contAinuity sectioatnsthesatisfying any
Q5(a). Explain transformation technique (y z1]=[x y z 1]=
for 3D images. 0
y-axis pieces. conditions
two sets of spline surface can be descrboundar y of
Ans. The transformation technique for 3D images
includethe following: or hogonal spl in e ibed
aspline curveby given aset ofcurves. We can specify with
called control points, coordinate positions,
1. Translation :
Three dimensional transformation matrix for
y-axis Scaling matrix) shape of the curve. When which indicates the
fitted so that the curve polynomial sectiogeneral
translation with homogeneous coordinate is given Z-axis
X-axis ns are
below. It specifies 3 coordinates with their own Rotation about x-axis points, the resulting curvepasses
is through all control
said to interpolate the
translation factor: sets of control points.
fcos 0 - sin 01
The algorithm for 3D

1 00
0 0
1 0

P'=P.T Z-axis
R sin
0 cos

1 Get
volume spline curves are as
2. Get sample points.
intermediate values of uto determine
3. Rotation :
intermediate points.
3. Calculate
For 3D rotation we need to
rotation about which the object isspecify
middle section of thefunction
values for
stot be the axis of 4. Calculate blending function values for first
|I 0 0 0 with the angle of rotation
3D transformation matrix
rotated along section of the curve.
(x y z 1]=[x y z 1]| 0 1 0 0 for each 5. Calculate blending function values for the
0 0 1 0 rotation with homogeneous are giyenaxiaes
last section of the curve.
follows: Z-axis X-axis 6. Multiply the sample points by blending
x ly tz 1| Rotation about y-axis functions to give points on approximation
cos sin 9 00 4, Reflection : cUrve.
[x+t, ytty z+t, 1) - sin 0 cos0 0 0 7. Connect the neighbouring points using
In this transformation, an object is R, = Consider point P(x, y, z). The reflection of this
3D by transforming each vertex of thetranslated straight line segments.
L 00 point with respect to xy plane is given by point P(x 8. Stop.
object. y -z), as shown in figure. Corresponding to this
y"axis 00
reflection. the transformation matrix can be given 06(a), Explain interactive picture
P(×, y, 2) construction techniques in detail.
y-axis Ans. The various interactive picture construction
T=(Lyibyb) [1 0 01
M=<0 1 0
technique are as follows:
1. Basie Positioning Methods : Coordinate
0 0 - values supplied by locator input are often used with
positioning methods to specify a locator for
Z-axis displaying an object or acharacter string, Coordinate
X-axis positions are selected interactively with apointing
2. Scaling Z-axis X-axis P%, y, 2)
A scaling of an device, usually by positioning the screen cursor.
Rotation about z-axis
fixed position can beobject with respect to selected
representedwith the following
transformation sequence : The positive value of angle indicates
(a) Translate the fixed point to
the origin.
counterclockwise rotation. For clockwise rotation P(x, y, -z)
(b) Scale the object. value of angle is negative. Dalection with respect to xy
BCA Vth Semester/ Computer
Graphics &Animation //2018-19 / I1143
Graphics &Anímation/
BCA Vth Semester /Computer
5. Data
2018-19/ 115
virtual Glove It:The data glove is
Exampie:Mouse can selecttthe screen position which can be taken as centre of string
start orend of string Osition. For drawing atrue segment
positions as two end oints of the line as shown in figure.
can be used to selert
mouse posittWioon, or the a
sensors that detect handconstandructed with aseriesgraspof
is used to
sCre n sensor is ashort length of finger motions. Each
Second end point
selection lphotighto-etrmiansit sintogr atdiodethe other(LED)fiberend.atopticonecable,end withand aa
Rubber Band Technique: Thisstechnique allows the userto try out different ine glove can be used to The input from the
setting a final one. In this, we first select ascreen position for one endpoint or the iine. Then, as tho before
moves around, the detted line is displayed|from the start position to the current position of
Explainaboutinteractiveinput and
USoeb),tdevices in detail.
ina virtual scene. position or manipulate objects
When we finally select a second screen position, the other line endpoints is set. the curSOr. utputvarioussinteractive input and output devices
s The eastolloWS: 6.Digitizer/Graphical
such as tracing we need aTablet:For applications
or a graphical device called adigitizer
: tablet. It consists
Interactive Input Devices ranging in size from about 6by 6of aflat surface,
lariousdevices are available for data input on 72
inches or more, which can detectinches upto 48 by
the position of
raphicworkstations. Most systems have a amovable stylus.
(a) Click button to (b) As the cursor mOvcs (c) Line follows the
(d) Cursor no keyboard and one or more additional devices 7. Image
Scanners : The scanner is device,
select first line with button down a cursor position until control the longer
line eciallydesigned foriinteractive input. which can be
endpoint dotted liñe Stretches the second endpoint used to store drawing, graphs,
out from a initial point is selected by
These include keyboard, mouse, trackbal. or text available in photos
printed form for computer
paceball,joystick,,digitizers, Scanners and so on.
Rubberband Line Drawinge Teleasing the button processing. The scanners use the optical scanning
. Keyboard: Keyboard isa primary input device mechanism to scan the information. The scanner
3. Dragging: In this technique, first image is selected then it is
moved in the direction of the oranygraphics system. It is used for entering text records the gradation of gray scales or
colour and
i position by creonumbers,
that the selected object follows the cursor path. Moving the object to the i.e. on graphics data associated with Stores them in the array.
desired Finally, it stores theimage
cursor path is known as dragging.
4. Constraints : Aconstraint is a nule for
altering input
;such as labels x-y coordinates etc.
Mouse :A mouse is a palm-sized box used to
information in a specific file format such as JPEG
GIP, TIFF, BMP &so on.
orientation or alignment of the displayed coordinates. Many coordinate values to produce a shecifoition the screen cursor. It
consists of ball on the 8. Touch Panels : The touch panels are the
certain constraints. There are many kinds of constraint graphics packages support functions with hottcm connected to wheels or rollers to provide ransparent devices which are fitted on the sereen.
common constraintis a horizontal or vertical aiignment of functions
that can be specified, but the mo
lines. With this the amount and direction of movement. One, tyo hey consist of touch sensing mechanism. Touch
without worrying about accurate specificationconstraint
to draw horizontal and vertical lines itis nosiki.hree buttons are uSually included on the top of pu Can be revodea using
coordinates. of second endnointbe mouse for opaea, eieeeal or
signaling the execution of
-Line duc to horizontal Oneration. somet
9. Light Pens :Light pen is apencil shaped device
constraint 3. Trackball and Spaceball :The trackballis a rom
used topoints
select onposiions by detecting the light coming
Line in normal case w0-dimensional positioning device, whereas the CRT screen. It consists of a
paccball provides six degree of freedom. It does photoeiectric cell housed ina pencil like case.
First endpoint Second end point with not actually move. It consists of straingauges which II. Interactive Output Devices :
appropriate position measures the amount of pressure applied to the The output devices can be classified as display
Horizontcal Line Constraint spaceball to provide input for spatial positioningand devices and hardcopy evices. Some of them are
Line in normal case orientation as the ball is pushed or pulled in various as follows:
direction. 1. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) : CRT is an
lever evacuated glass tube. An electron gun at the rear
anfgntgGith Line due to vertical
constraint 4.Joystick:Ajoystick has asmall, vertical
onthe. base and used to of the tube
produces a beam of electrons which is
(called the stick): mounted
Vertical Line Constraint Cursoraround. It consists of two directed towards the frontof the tube (screen). The
5. Grid: Grid is a stcer the screen
potentiometers attachedto a single lever. Moving inner side of the screen is coated with phosphor
positions. When agrid is and vertical lines displaved on the
screen to settingsontheepotentiometers. substance which gives off light when it is stroked
Iheleverchangesthemovements is indicated by one by
grid lines. Below figure used, any input coordinate position is rounded to the guide user to select screen
The left or right electrons.
shows line drawing
positions are automaticaily shiftedto the with a grid. The line nearest intersection of two forward or back movement is
Potentiometer andpotentiometer 2. Printer: Printer is an output device, which is
nearest grid intersection point,endpoints masked with
and the line is drawn twO CUrsor indicated by other used to print information on paper. There are two
BCA VIh Semester/ Computer
BCA Vh Semester j Computer Graphics &Animation /2018-19/118 Graphics &Animation
workstation. /2018-19 /I 117
types of printer epretation tothe from
Marker, which
Lmpact printers print the characters by striking specifies Polymaker TEXT entertaiinntmenterfacesto traiarening. Multimedia
charandactoneers tto ofbe ufseivde software
them on the ribbon, which is then standardized symmetric Polslines
* This is a TEXT
for the market. The five
pressed on the
collasoftware between creativoften
boration engineers.
paper. done
Noa impact printers
using the i! i. Iheseprint the characters
page at a tine,
printers print a complete
thus thev are also called as Page
dot, plus, asterisk,,circle
Polymarker colorrindex,
color the marker is.
Marker size scale

factor, which
cross. are
which n
Industry :In
used as away toindust
e professi
rial sector, multimedia
help represent
3. Graphic Plotter:The
large each
is marker (except controls how shareholders, superiors, and coworkers. informatItion
plotter is a computer marker).
printer for printing vector graphic plotters draw (c) Text : The GKS for the dot intraining empl oyes,
product all over the advertisement and sellir
pictures on paper using a pen. It is used in draw atext string at a text function position. CellArea based technologies. world via unlimited wet
applications such as computer aided design. specified o allows FillArea
4. Speakers : Multimedia speakers are
sold for use which computers, although speakers
The attributes that control
are : the icoorappeardinataence you to
of tey
Examples ofGKS Output Primitives
Mathematical and
it is mainly used Scientific Research : I
Qb).Explain multimedia applications in 8. Medicine: In medicine, formodel ing canand simulation
capable of other audio uses e.g. for an MP3usually Text font and precision
player. Character height detail. by looking at a virtual surgery or gettheytrained
Q7(a). Explain GKS primitive in detail. Character expansion factor Ans. Amultimedia application is an application simulate how the human can
diseases spread by virusesbody
Character up vector which uses a collection of multiplemedia sources is affected by
Ans. GKS (Graphical Kernel and bacterias and
System) :
GKS primitives provides 6 primitives. Character spacing example,text, graphics, images, sound / audio, then develop
contains functions for drawing lines, markers, filled Text path orientation and/or video. 9. Public Places:techniques to prevent it.
It is used to
areas, text and a function for representing Text color index It has its application in almost every field in hotels, raiBway station,provide information
images in adevice independent manner. Inrasterlike Text alignment dvertisement, art, education, entertainment. museums and grocery stores.
shopping malls,
to these basic function, GKS addition (d) FillArea : The
GKS fill engineering, medicine, mathematics, business.
for changing the appearance ofcontains
many function us to specity a polygonal shapeareaoffunct ion allows
tot ciAefew research and spatial, temporal applications.
ntitiomultimedia Q8. Explain any three terms :
such as changing colors, changingoutput primitives,
line thicknesses,
filled with various interior styles. The an area
attribut x applications are as follows: (a) Tweaking.
changingmarker types and sizes etc. The controls the appearance of fill areas are : 1.Creative Industries : Creative industries uses (b) Morphing
ior changing the appearance of the functions Fillarea interior style multimedia for variety of purposes ranging trom
(c) RGB Colour model
drawing functions (output fundamental Fill area style index (d) Types of anímation system
attribute setting functions. primitives) are called Fill area color index fine arts, to journalism, to software servies.
(e) Cell Array : The- 2. Commercial : Industrial, busines to busines, Ans. (a) Tiweaking :
The various GKS primitive are as Tweaking is the process of fine tuning complex
(a) Polylines : The follows: GKS
displays rasterlike images in a cell array function
and interoffice communications are often
devices, typically electronic devices. In simple words,
GKS function for drawing
function deitakes
ce-ithendependent developed by creative services firms for it is amethod for making small changes to fine tune
line segments is called Polyline. manner. The cell array advanced multimedia presentation.
takes an Apolyline function
array ofX-Y coordinates and points of a rectangle that we
two come hardware or software. Sometimes, tweaking can
3. Entertainment : Multimedia is used heav1 also refer to slightly
segments draws line division (M) in specify, a number of altering the values of underlying
control the connecting them. The attributes that the X direction and a in entertainment industry especially to develop
divisions (N) in the Y directions. number of elaoes So that the actual result of a program
appearance of polylineare: It then partitions special effects in movies and animations. There coincides with the desired outcome. Inthis situation,
Linetype, which controls whether the polyline We rectangle into MxNsub rectangles called cels. exists yarious multimedia games. multd tweaking may not be the best thing, as it weakens
is drawn as a solid,
dotted line. dashed, dotted, or dash- arrayassign each cella color and create the final cell applications that allow users to passiveythe progran's integrity.
coloring each participate instead of just being
color. At level OA,individual
cell with its assigned (called interactive Hardware tweaking involves adjusting specific
Line width, scale factor, cell array has no associated recipients of information parts of the hardware to get optimum results.
thick the line is. which controls how attributes. multimedia). Example :Tweaking activities migtt include replacing
Multimedia is used to produce cables, over clocking the CPU, modifying thejumper
Polyline color index, which controls what () GDP (Generalized Drawing Primitive) : +. Education : courses (CBT's) and
color the line is. GKS addresses special computer based training It also Setting etc.
books like encyclopedia.
(b) of a workstation,geometrical
such as oupu
reference Software tweaking is a method of enhancing the
allowsPolymarker:The polymarker function ofcapabilities
GKS provideeducation, an1informal termto describe functionality ofan application or in1proving the quality
us to draw
marker symbols spline curve, circular arcs, and thear drawing combinationofeeducation and entertainment.
centered at objects are
coordinate points that we specify. The attributes elliptie Engineering: Software engineers uses
ofits end result. This can be done manually or with
that points and characterized by an identifier, a set
control the appearance of 5. multimediain computer simulations1s for anything the help of aspecialized tweaking software program.
polymarker are : additional data. GKS
transformations to the point but appile leaves th
BCA Vh Semester /Computer
Graphics & Animation/ 2018-19/ 118
Ans. (b)
Morphing Morphing :
is an etfect in
into another.
tools offeringMorphing
the morphing
which one image changes
applications and modeling
onty between still images, buteffect can transition
Green (0, 1,0) Year- 2019-20
Computer Graphics And Animation
images as well. often between not
moving Yell1,0)
(1, ow
Morphing is
1. Fist of applied as follows :
(0, 1, 1)| Black White Time: Three Hoursl BCA N-501
all, two (0, 0, 0)
final) are suppliedimages
to the
(one initial and other RedR
Note : Attempt any Five questions.
ThisSsolution is
provided by Miss.
All questions carry
Hema Kashyap equal marks. IMaximum Marks :70
2. The
morphing morphing application.
on both application selects
the images. Setting of
key points Blue (1,0,0) QL(a). What are the
crucial for smooth key points is
transition between two B (0, 0, 1) Magenta
(1,0, 1)
elements of
Elements of Computer Graphicscomputer graphics?
images. The RGB Cube Gray Scale Interact1vee computer graphics
consists of three
ofTransformations Using these components, components
are applied on the key Ans. (d) Types of Animation namely digital memory buffer, TV
first image to
change it to the points The various types of Systenm : snd display controller. we are able to
see the monitor
key point of second
image (the
points, the smoother the morph).
more the key follows: animation system are as
ls (picture elements). Following is the
Neital explanation
Memory Buffer: This is the place where of these componentsoutput:
on the screen in form of

Ans. (c) RGB Color Model : 1.Scripting

System : Scripting system were the (matrix
earliest type of motion of 0 and 1,0 represents image or
ierms. frame buffer is called
images or
picture). This is also pictures are stored as an array
called Frame buffer. today's
" The RGB
(Red, Green and Blue) color writes a script in the control systems.The V-RAM
animator helps to increase the sped of graphics. (Video-RAM) and it helps to store the image mbit form. It
used in colour CRT model user must learn this animation language. Thus, the
raster graphics employs a and the colour language and the system not
TV Monitor: Monitor h'p us to view
the display they make use of CRTtechnology (Cathode
interactive. One
Cartesian coordinate Script Animationscripting
Language).system is ASAL (Acor
is Rav Tube). and
Raster scan and Random scan monitors are also
3, Display Controller : It is an discussed in graphics devices section.
In this mode, the 2. interface between Digital Memory Buffer &TV Monitor.
individual contribution of red, that Procedural
green and blue are Animation :
Procedures are used to pass the contents of frame buffer to the
Its job is
define movement on the monitor (depending on the material of the This passing has to be fast for steady display
resultant colour. added together to get the procedures that over time.
use the law of These might be system).
the monitor to maintain a steady picture on the screen. The
The image must passed repeatedly to
The vertex of the based modeling) or physics (physically display
byte of data from the FB memory and convert's 0's and l's into controller reads cach successive
the primary colours,cube on the axes
represent This animator
technique allows an object generated methods. signai is then fed to the TV monitor to produce a black and whitecorresponding
and the video signal. This
represent the complementaryremaining vertices
colour for each during the animalion. There are to change its shane
picture on the screen.
In today's terms, display controller is recognized as display card and one of our choices can be VGA
of the primary colours.
The main
to this: subcategories ard with a resolution of 640 x480.(Display controllers are also capable of displaying image in colors and
diagonal of the cube, with equaB Animation of articulated objects. will be discussed in colored display section)
amounts each primary
represents the grey Soft object aninnation used for
Jevels. animating the deforming and 100 ... 11
The end at the origin of the skin over a bodydeformation
or facial
of objects, e.g. F.B Display ControlierMonitor
black (0, 0, 0) and other enddiagonal represent
reprcsent white Morphing which is the muscles.
into another quite changing of one shape
110... II
R,G Bin this colour model 3. Stochastic different shape. Frame Buffer (FB) (bit pattern of 0 and 1)
range from 0to 1. Animation : Stochastic
controls the general animation from Random-Scan ?
Intensities of the
get the resultant primary colours are added to
features of the animation by 01(b), How Raster-Scan is different
colours. invoking stochastic processes that
Thus, the resultani colour C; is amounts low level detail. This
of generate large
Random Scan Display Raster Scan Display
RGB component as expressed in particularly suited to approach is display the beam is In raster scan display the beam is moved all over the
4. Behavioural particle systems. 1. In random scan
moved between the end
points of the screen one scan line at a time, from top to bottom and
C RR +GG +BB Animation : In behavioural
animation, the animnator graphics primitives.
then back to top.
exerts controls by defining flickers when the In raster display, the refresh process independent of
how objects behave or
interact with their 3. Vector display
primitives in the buffer the complexity of the image.
environment. number of
becomes too large. requircd. Graphics primitives are specified in terms of their
5. Representation Animation : Not only conversionisnot
an object move through space, but the shape ofcan
Scan endpoints and must be scan converted into their
corresponding pixels in the frame buffer.
object itsclf may change.
BCA Vth Semester / Computer Graphlcs &Animation BCA Vth. Semester / Computer r Graphlcs &
Animatlon /2019-20/121
. Scan conversion hardware is not Because cach primitive must be
scan Bresenharn'sline algorithm is as follows: are expressed in the form
required. time dynamics is far more
separate scan conversion hardware. converandted, real
computational The
Bresenhamn'sLine Algorithm : For
width xheight".
A4x3 ratio
5. Vectoi display drawS acontinuousand| Raster display can display mathematicaly requires :Readline end points(X1, Y}) and(x,, y,) wide by 3unit high. means the picture is 4
smooth lines. polygons, and boundaries of curved
smoot h Step1 they arenottequ. [Ifequal then plot that
chthat Alternatively
be used (e.g. 4:3 or 16:9) or aratio to theanumber
colon may1.
approximating them with pixels on the primitives lines, Note that the actual
6. Cost is more. Cost is low. raster only by grid.
irrelevant - aspectphysical
size ofthe picture is
- X! and ratio refers only to the
7. Vector display oniy draws lines and Raster display has ability to display arcas Step2 : AxX =|x2 relationship between width and height.
charactcrs. solid colours or patterns. fil ed with Ay =ly2 - yil There are three common aspect
ratios are
Q2(a). Describe various types of color display techniques. Sen3:(Initialize starting point) mostiyin video and film production ie.4:3, 16:9used
X= X1 21:9.
Ans. Types of Color Display Techniques :
ACRT monitor displays colour pictures by using a y=y1
coloured light. It generates arange oof colours by combiningcombination
of phosphors that * Ay - Ax Q3(b). Explain what is viewing
emits 4 : e=2
dif erent phosdifpehorrents..
the emited light from the Step transformation ?
There are two basic techniques used for producing colour displays : [Initialize value of decision variable or error to
1. Beam-Penetration Technique: This technique is used with Ans. Viewing Transformation :
random-scan monitors. Inthis compensate for non zro intercepts]
the inside the CRT screen is coated with two layers of The conversion of objects description from world
5:i=1 [Initialize counter
The displayed colour depends on how far the
outer layer is of red phosphor and inner layer is ofelectron
phosphor, usually red and
beam penetrates into the
Step 6 : Plot(x, y)
coordinates to viewing coordinates is achieved by
following transformation sequence.
the outer red layer. A green phosphor. Abeam of slow electrons
beam of very fast electrons penetrates through the la yers. The Step 7: while(e >0) 1. Translate the view reference point to the
green layer. All intermediate beam speeds, red layer and exeites the { y=y+1 origin ofthe world coordinate system.
additional colours, orange and yellow displayed. combinations of red and green light are emitted and e=e-2* Ax 2. Apply rotations to align the x,, y, and z,
elements and hence the screen colour at any pointTheonbeam acceleration
the screen.
voltage controls the speed oftha axes with the world coordinate x Y, and
2. Shadow Mask Z, axes respectively.
Technique : The shadow mask technique
than the beam penetration produces a much wider range of colours
The viewpoint specified at world position ( Y
technique. Hence this
including colour TV. In a shadow mask technique,technique is commonly used in e=e+2* Ay z,) can be translated to the world coordinate origín
CRT has raster scan displavs Step 8: i =i+1
position. One phosphor dot emits a red light, another thrr phosphor cofour dots at each pixel Step 9: if(is Ax) then go to step 6 with the matrix transformation.
Shadow mask CRT has 3 electron emits a gruva light, and third emits
phosphor coated screen. guns, one for each colour dot, and a shadow mask grid just ablue light. Step 10 : Stop 0 0
behind the 0
Electron T=
Selection of Q3(a). What do you mean by 'anti 1 0
Shadow Mask aliasing'? Define aspect ratio. |-xp -Yp -Zp 1|
R Ans. Anti-aliasing : P'=P.T
Screen seen that
In the line drawing algorithms, we have true For alignment of three axes we require the three
not match with the
dll raerized locations do raster coordinate-axis rotation depending on the direction
Red Magnified line and we have to select the optimum
line. This problem we choose for N. In general, if Nis not aligned with
Phosphor-Dots locationstolow represent a straight In such screens
Green Bluc
Triangle resolution screens. known
any world coordinate axis, we can align the viewing
Q2(b). Write dowWn anyline 1S Severe in stair-step. This effect is and world coordinate system with the transformation
Ans, drawing algorithm. line appears is adominantfot-lines having slopes
sequence R, Ry, Ry. That is, we first rotate around
TheBresenham' s Line as aliasing. It the world x,, axis to bring z, into the x2w plane.
Basic principle Drawing
of Bresenliam'sAlgorithm : less lhan 20° or
be reduced adjusting
by Then, we rotate around the world y., axis to align
itlie line algorithm is to select the
astraight line. To effect
acómplish Ihe aliasing pixels alongtheline. The process the z and z, axis. Finally, w» rotate about the z,.
slope of line. The increment in othetgorithm always optimum raster locationstorepresent Intensities ofthe alongthe lineto axis to align the Yy and y, axes. In case of
is increments either x or y by one unit dependingon the intensities ofthe pixels
line location and the variable of adjusting effeet of aliasingis
callediantialiasing. handed view reference system, areflection of one
PIet, his h
is called d *: g the distance between the actual minimize the of theviewing axes is also neçessary. This illustrated
ble or the error. figure
Aspect Ratio Ratio refers to the width of a in the
Aspect Ratio's
The term in relation to its height.
picture (or
BCA Vth Semester/ Computer Graphics &Animation
ComputerGraphics &
Animation/2019-20/ 122 /2019-20/1 123
BCA Vth Semester /
ley Áparallelprojection
object. preserves relative proportions of objects but does not produce the realistic

View plane
(a) Original Position
(b) Translation (c)3 axes rotation
axes using a sequence of translate - rotate Parallel Projection of an Object to the Vier Plane
Aligning of viewing and world coordinate
Parallel projections are basically categorized into two types, depending onthe relation between the
direction of projection: and the normal to the view plane.
Therefore, the composite transformation matrix is given as
I =T-R7 Ry ·R, Ithographic projection : When the direction of the projection is normal (perpendicular) to the
view plane, we have an orthographic parallel projection.
There is another way to generate composite rotation matrix. Acomposite rotation: matrix can bee OHiaue parallel projection : An oblique projection is obtained by projectingpoints along parallel
generated by calculating unit u, v, nvectors. If we know Nand Vvectors, the units
vectors are calculated lines that are not perpendicular to the projection plane.
2. Perspective Projection :
N In perspective projection, on the other hand, produces realistic views but does not preserve relative
n= =(41,12, n3) oronortions. In perspective projection, the lines ofprojection are not parallel. Instead, they all converge at
Vxn asingle point called the centre of projection or projection reference point. The object positions are
=(u|,u2, u3) transformed to the view plane along these converged projection lines and the projected view of an object
is determined by calculating the intersection of the converged projection lines with the view plane.
V=nxs=(V|,V2, V3)
This method of generating composite rotation matrix automatically adjusts the direction ofV so that V
is perpendicular to n. The composite rotation matrix for the viewing transformation is given as View plane
VË n
projection line
Center of
u3 V3 n3 0
Two important characteristics of perspective projection are :lengths and objects seems small from the
l. Perspective foreshortening : Due to
This transforms uonto the world x,, ax1s, v onto the y,, axis and nonto the z,, centre of projection.
axis. Furthermore, this as a side effect of the perspective projection.
matrix automatically performs the reflection necessary to transform a left handed viewing system onto 2. Vanishing pcint: Vanishing point is considered projection is of thre types:
the right handed world system. perspective
Based on the number of vanishing points, the single-point perspective projection, there willbe only
Single-point perspective projection : In
Q4. What is projection ? Describe various types of (a) one vanishing point.a
Ans. Projection : projections in detail. double-point perspective projection there will be couple
perspective projectionn: Inwhile other Y° direction.
After converting the description of objects from world (b) Double-pointpoints. One in 'X° direction
project the three coordinates to viewing coordinates, we of vanishing projection: In triple-point perspective projection, there will be triple
dimensional objects ontothe two dimensional
projecting objects onto the view plane. view plane. There are two basic waysof (c) Triple-point
direction another in'Y: direction and third point will be two
vanishing pointonein
1. Parallel Projection
In parallel projection, z-coordinate is
discarded and parallel lines from each yertex on the object are
extended until they intersect the view plane.
connect the projected vertices by line The point of
intersection is the projection ofthethevertexoriginalWe
segments which corresponds to the connections on
BCA Vth Semester /
BCA Vh Semester IComputer Graphics &
Animation /2019-20/ 12 /Computer Graphics &
about the Animation / 2019-20 / 125
Prove that two scaling the image is displayed. The
resolution is Q7.
Writein detail
(a)Tweening following:
(b) Morphing
transformations is commutative in nature measured in DPI (Dot per inch)
appearrsmaller on a device with a An
higherimageusualwiy l
i.e, SS,= S,S1 Tweening:
Ans(a) shorttforin-betweening, is the
Ans. The scaling matrix S is given as than on one with a lower resolution
senough bitrsesoperlution
appearance that:tthe first process generating
ogivethebetween the key frames image intointhe
termediate frames between two images
For colorimages, one needs
to represent allthe colors in the
evolves smoothly
which help to create the second image. In-betweens are the
age. The pixel drawings
0 S, ofthe bits per pixels is calledi inalltypesofaanimation, including computer animation. illusion of motior.
We have
mumber Tweening is akey process
Steps in Animation Sequence :
The various steps involved in animation
are as follows :
cftheimage. Theconceptof tweening issimply: moving apoint (or aseries of
position. The equation forrtweening along a
straight line is alinear points)
from its initial position to afinal
Syz (a) Storyb0ard
drawing an outlinelayout:The
storyboard layoutis
| P=A([-t) +Bt
and S
0 Sy. 0 Sy1
of the action,
sequence of sketches having theIt is ahigh
A ’ initial location of he point
ideas ofthe animation.) It
as a settof
basic sequencedefines structures
the motion 1 and B ’ final position of the point

Sy Sy (b) Defining the objeçts of

that are to
take sequencet ’ is the time from 0 to 1
,B are also referred as
0 participants in the action sequence of pl:ace,Each ouation will create a point key-frames"
animation and the linear interpolation creates the
on the line that lies between Aand B. The "in-betweens" This
Sy, S ynJ
Since multiplication is commutative,
in terms of
its basic
"This is shapes
done in
s ofpoints.
and other () Morphing :
images Aand Bare sets
step namely defining the objects of the second Transformation of
S, Sx =Sx,Sx and Sy,Sy, =Sy, Sy (c) Specifying the key animation. objects shape from one from to another is called Morphing
frame : A any motion or methods can be applied to
detailed drawing of the scene at a key frame is galloping horsetransition
involving a change in shape. For example amotorcycle
morphing. in motion becoming a
Therefore, S;S, =S;S, the animation certain time in
each object is positioned Within each key frames to object For morphing we require at least two objects let O, and O,. The object O, has to be
smoothly converted
O6. How animation is that frame. Some key according to the time for which O,be(i.., O, is to be morphed as O,).To do this we first identify the parts of O, and parts of 0,
image? Explain differeht frames are
different from positions in the action. Other are chosen extreme can be
at can made a one to one correspondence. Once the correspondence is established the parts ofO,
animation sequences. steps in interval between key spaced so that the smoothly transformed into the corresponding ones of the object 0,. We may use the techniques of
Ans. Animation : that it gives an effect of frames is uniform and such object specification, key frame specification and in-betweening forthis purpose.
Animation refers to bring the human eye. uniform movement to the
Q8(a). WNhat is scan conversion ? Explain.
Computer animation refers to realism in movement.
a sequence of visual of the key-frames : It is the Ans. The process of representing continuous graphics objects as acollection of discrete pixels is called
changes based on time. This includes of generating
intermediate frames Scan conversion.
shape oftranslation, key-frames. The intermediate key-frames arebetcalled
rotation scaling and ween
They can also be changingcreated
the object. the in-between. The For example : Aline is defined by its two end points and the line equation, whereas acircle is defined
parameters such as
by changing the is determined by thenumber of in-betweens neded by its radius, centre position and circle equation.
orientation etc. lightingcamnera position, camera
effects associated with animation. T ypically,
media to be used to display
It is the responsibility of graphics system or the application program to convert each primitive from its
8eometric definition into aset ofpixels thatrasterization.
make up the primitive in image space. This conversion task is
illumination, per second, and graphics film requires 24 frames
brings realismrendering
animation ddition soundeffects
etc.A of
arate of 80 or more terminals are refreshed at Benerally referred to as a scan conversion
Image:o_poh sequences. frames
time intervals for the motionperaresecond. Typicaly,
set up such that
Scan Converting a Point :
A mathematical noint (x, y) where x andy are real numbers within an image area, needs to be scan
nAn image there are
called pixels.consists of a
The size of the
three or more in-betweens for each pair
array of dots of key frames. Some key tonverted to a pixel at location (x, y)
This may be done by making x' and y' to be
the integer part of x and y.
terms width Xheight, in image specified in
of is frames are duplicated
physical size of number of depending on the speedIspecified for the motion.
pixels. The Hence these are the Sequence involved in x'= Floor(x)
and y'= Floor(y)

depends on the the image, in inches or

resolution of the devioecentonimwhich
eters, Animation. Floor is afunction
originis at
that returns the largest intejzer that is less than or equal tothe argument.
lower left corner of the pixel grid. All points that satisfy xsx x+1 and y'sysy$1
pixel (x, y)
are mapped to
BCA Vh Smester/Computer Graphics &
Fer example :P(1.7,0.3) isepresenteddbbypixel 2. >Science and
Virtual Technology
Computer Graphics And Animuton
(,0))P(2.2, 1.3) and P(2.8. 1.9) are both Year-2020-21
represented by pixel (2, 1) Scientific visualization prototyping
Another approach is to scan convert (x, y) by 3. Business Services :
makingxFloorx +0.5) and y' =Floory+05) demos, instant messaging. It Time:ThreeHours BCAN-501
This essentially places the origin ofthe coordinate business for training
System for (x, y) at the center of pixel (0, 0).presenting sales, educating
employees MulitnimclUSeuidndesgia prUsotuedctin
is Note: Aftemptany Five questions, All questions carry equal marks.
Thissolutionisprovided by Mrs. Hema Kashyap
[Maximum Marks: 70|
All point that satisfy *- 0.5 <x<x+.5 and for the
customerS projectors,
promotion of businesssand etc.
new ,What is Computer Graphics? Writethe important
4. Multimedia in
Advertising products
technology is commonly used : Gaphics?
applications of Computer
promote the business and
used for preparing
5. Multimedia in
advertisement. in advertmuiMusefmtlifmteimnedetd.iaias [Please Refer Q1 Uni-I Page-5]
may use multimediain
to designing
twaree:r Sotfromware Enginero pefine Random and Raster scan ?
(0,0) 0 1 23
are mapped to (x, y). This means that points P
learning process. Thisgames; it can be 1used
multimedia entertain ent Random-Scan Systems :
[Please Refer Qll UnitlPage-13|
and P, are now both represented by pixel (2, 1)
wbereas pointP, is represented by pixel (3,2).
created by professionals and
6. Multimedia on the software's
Websoftware engineers, Raster Scan System :
online facilities like live TV, offers variou (Please Refer Q12 Uni-l Page-14]
photos, animations, Plug-in andpre-recorded videns
software Media Players ar
programmes that allow: uS to 020) Explain color display techniques.
mutimedia on the web. experience ADs.
Multimedia in Education Please Refer Q16 Uni-l Page-20]
oP is used to
instiuct as a masterField(guide): Mulbecaise
0.0 nowadays, multimedia CD are
books. Multimedia
02(b). Differentiate between :
used instead oftet (0) Image and
2 3 and film which helpsCDi n cludes text, pictures, sound (ü) Video and animation graphicsuc bg
the students to
Q8(b). Describe various easily and clearly than the text understand more Ans. (i) Difference between Image and Graphies :
multimedia, applications 8. Document Imaging : books.
Ans. Applications of mani pulatin g large Storing, retrieving and . They are composedImage |They are composed of paths.
The application of Multimedia : Complex documents volumes
can be
of data i.e. document.
send 2. In Raster
of pixels.
images, refresh process is Vector displays flicker when the number of
various spheres of lifemultimedia can be found in rather esend in electronics fom
including than on paper. independent of the complexity of the image. primitives in the image become too large.
education, but not limited to
workflow method. Document image systems Ses terns of cnd Scan conversion is not required.
engineering, advertisement, entertainment,
art, 3. Graphic primitives are speçified
points and must be scan converted
conférenci tele-medicine,
ng, residential servicesbusiness,
video corresponding pixels. mathematical curves, Vector graphics draw continuous and
1. Raster images include
Residential Services This may include the 4.
polygons and boundaries of curved primitives
Smooth lines.
following: only by pixel
Video on-demand 5. Raster images cost less.
Vector graphics cost more as compared to
raster graphics.
Video conferencing ocCupy more
space which depends on They ocupy less space.
Shopping 6. They
Flecxtension :.BMP,.TIF, Fle extensions : .SVG, PDF, EPS, etc
BCA VUh Semester / Computer
BCAVh Semester/Computer Graphlcs &Animation / 2020-21 / 128 Graphics &Animation/2020-21 / 129
() Difference between Video and Animation: Abbreviation DDA.

standsforIigital Differential
Analyzer..Now computer graphics,
I. Video
motion and breaks it Animation starts with independent pDAwtythis
positions and
position, object, to shape ormattoionchangeare used to
up into discrete
frames. put them together to form fhe pictures and that slope
know of a straight line is given as viewed. even to change how sometvihienwig nisg
2. A video is a live
recorded motion picture.
continuous motion.
An animnation is an animated il usion of
Ay Y2-Y1
.(1) beTwo-imensional geometric transformations can
3. Videos are
etc. It is not referred to the live
made by video cameras. The real Animation involves drawing recordino dra win g cartoon
Ax X2-X1
above differential equation can be used to sequences of
expressed as 3 x3
matrix operators, so that
movement of objects are captured by objects.
shooting the videos.
sketches of The a, rasterized straight line. For any
obtain given x intoa single tr ansformat
composi te ions can be concatenated
4. Video has higher Ax along a line, we can compute the
The basic geometric
quality rate as frames per Animation involves or it has interval
second than animation. of frames per second than a lower
video. quality rate corTesponding yr interval Ay from equation (1) as Translation, Scaling, Rotation, transformations andare
Shearing. The two-dimensional Reflection
Q3(a). What is Frame
and color of display Buffer Discuss the role of frame buffer in
? Ay=.y2Ax operational ethics provides the abovestructure in its
Ans. Frame Buffer : devices? controlling intensity 2) transformation. mentioned
The frame buffer is a bit-map that Gimilarly, we can obtain the x interval Ax
Translation moves an object in a straight line
defines the number of distinct colors in contains among other things the color depth or path from one position to änother:
The portion of memory reserved for the graphics subsystem.
bit corresponding to aspecified Ay as
depth which 2. Rotation moves an object from one position to
called the frame buffer. holding the bit-mapped image that is sent to another inacircular patharound aspecified pivot
Typically the frame buffer is stored on the video
the display
device is Ax = X2-X1-Ay
..3) point or about an origin.
y2 - y1 3. Scaling changes the
chipset is integrated into the motherboard, and the adapter's memory chips. In some cases, the vi dimension of an object
Role of Frame Buffer in frame buffer is stored in main memory. Once the interval we know the values for the next relative to aspecified fixed point.
> Frame buffer holds theControlling Intensity and Color of Display Devices : Xand next y. Besides these transformations,
set of
are retrieved from frame intensity values for all the screen points. The stored
On the straight line can be obtained as follows: structure also provides reflections and shears.
buffer and displayed on the screen on row
Each screen point is referred intensity
(scan line) at atime values 4. Reflections are transformations that rotate an
to as pixel or pel Xi+1 =XË+ Ax object, 180°about areflection axis.
the screen can be (shortened forms of picture element). Each
specified by its row and column pixel on 5. Shear transformation distort the shape of an
number we can specify the pixel position on the number. Thus by specifying row and column
Intensity range for pixel
black and white system orpositions
depends on the capacity of the raster system. It and
4) object by shifting z or y coordinate values by
an amount proportional to the coordinate
colour system. In a simple
is either on 'or off, so only one can be asimple Yi+|=yi +Ay distance fom a shear reference line.
> Additional bits are bit per pixel is needed toblack and white system, each pixel position =y; +2MAK Two- dimensional geometric transformations
control the
> Upto 24 bits per required when color and intensity variations canintensity of the pixel positions. .5) are affine transformations. They can be
be displayed. X2 -X
pixel are included in high quality expressed as a linear function of coordinates
megabytes of storage display
On a blacksystems, which can require several
pixel, the frame bufferspace for the frame The equation (4) and (5) represents arecursive x and y.
is commonly called buffer.
and white system with one bit per relation for sucçessive, value of xand yalong the (For More Information Please Refer 02
frame buffer is often referred as a map. For systems with multiple bits per pixels, the Tequired line. Sucha way arasterizing aline is called
pix map. &03 Unit-II Page-50, 51]
Q3(b). Explain the limitation of DDA adigital diferential analyzer (DDA).
abbreviation DDA.
Ans. Limnitations of
aigorithm for line generation, Expand the Q4. What is 2D Transformation ? Explain 5a). What is Aliasing ? Define
Antialiasing techniques.
DDA Ypes of 2D transformations.
1. Floating point Algorithm
arithmetic in DDA
Ans. 2D Transformation .
Ans. Aliasing :
The term aliasing" refers to the ploting of apoint
2. The algorithm is still time-consuming. can
Transformation is the process by which weobject
33 Ermoralgorithm orientation dependent.
Dosition and direction ofany in alocation other than its true location in order to
away from their limited precision in floating Hence end point accuracy is poor,
point representation
changethe shape, any coordinate system on the fitthe point into raster.
actual position when the line is relatively long.may cause calculated pointtoshift
with Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Antialiasing Techniques :
Reflection In the line drawing algorithms, we have seen that
transformation area is a fundamental part of all rasterized locations do not match with the true
Graphlcs &Animation/ 2020-21/130
BCA Vh Semester/ / Computer BCA Vth Semester//Computer Graphics &Animation
Ine and we have to select the optimum raste Area sampling is one most
popular a
/2020-21/ 134
oCations to represent a straight line. This problem technique. In this, we superimpose Bezier curves are
onto the continuous
drawing packages,commonl y found in painting and
intersect:theobject we F
is severe in low resolution screens.Insuch screens pattern
line appears like a stair-step. This effect is known each pixel areathat they are easy to as wellandas CAD system since,
as aliasing. It is dominant for lines having slopes the percentage of overlap bv objtheect, calculat Po
in curve design.implement reasonably powerful
less than 20° or greater that 70°. percentage determine the
The aliasing effect can be reduced by adjusting intensity value ofthe
proportion objoftheect, Thig
corresponding pixel thatoivseradul
intensities of the pixels along the line. The process to the object contribution.
Bezier Curve
06. What is
types of animation ? What are
? two
Computer AnimationExplain both.
are used in
lineadjusting intensities
to minimize gfthe
the efect of pixels
aliasingalong curves which appearcomputer
the Q5(b). what are Bezier cuves? StateOdUBezier curve
is called reasonablygraphics
smoothto Ans.
antialiasing. irconsnt mathematical
Antialiasing is one which compensates the explaining the terms
expreession of
involved.Bezier curye
Weoales, In general, a Bezier curve section can
be3)fitteedto any number of control points. The
(Please Refer Q1 Unit-V Page-80]
Types of Animation :
consequences of under sampling process. The Ans. Bezier Curve : Dumber of control points to be approximated and
Bezier curve is an
displays which allow setting pixel to grey levels
approach for relative position determine the degree ofthe [Please Refer 24
Unit-V Page-83]
defining polygon. A. Bezier curvedetisermaconst ruct iohe
between black and white, provide a mean to reduce of a curve. A Bezier Curve is Bezierpolynomial.
the effect of aliasing and it usesthe grey levels to ined by a also be specified with boundary Q7.Ahomogenous co-oirdinate point P(3,
Bezier curve can
points used. Bezier curve can be polynomial
gradually turn offthe pixelin arow as it gradually of degree one less than the nunbo 2, 1)
turn on the pixel in the next. characterizing
coMtro)conditions, with a
matrix or with by-2,istranslated in x, and
-2 and -2 unit respectivelydirections
y z
fitted to any Bezier curve is a polynomial.of successive rotation 60 followed
Basically there are two method of antialiasing: number control points and their relative
of blending by
(a) Post-filtering (b) Pre-filtering determines the degree of Bezier posti degree one less than the number of control points X-axis. Find the final degree about
position of
(a) Post-Filtering : In this process sample rate
A Bezier curve is a polynomial. Ged, Three points generate a paralbola, four points, homogenous co-ordinate.
is increased and this is accomplished by increasing mathematicallyapplications.
curve used intwo-dimensional g defined a a cubic curve. Ans. P(3,2, 1)
4-2,,=-2,4, =-2
the resolution of the raster.
and the terminating
The curve is defined by four points c position 0 The translation is achieved by following equations
There are two main post-filtering techniques are : position (which are calle.
() Super Sampling : In super sampling, a "anchors") ) and two separate Xnew Xold +ty ’3+(-2)>1
middle points
pseudo raster of higher resolution than the are calledhandles"). The shape of the Bezier(which Ynew ’ Yold +ty ’2+(-2)’0
lan physical raster is superimposed on the cán be altered by moving the handles rCurve Znew Zold +t, ’1+(-2)’-1
physical raster. The image is then rasterized The mathematical method for
drawing curves was
at the higher resolution of the pseudo raster, created by Pierre Bezier in the late 1960'% for t Po Lsc Pnew ’,0,-1)
9d au ie.cach pixelis subdivided into subpixel and manufacturing of automobiles at Renat (i) Rotation 60 about x-axis
estsnibthe positionof each subpixel is checked in P
relation to the object to be scan converted. Control point (a) Bezier Curve (b) Bezier Curve 1 0
(i) Low Pass Filtering : In this End point 1 Generated from with four 0 cos 60° sin 60° 0
0 1sreassign each pixel a approach we three Control-Point Control Points rotation matrix ’
new value that is 0 -sin 60° cos60° 0
weighted average to its original value and the End point2 Mathematical Function : 0 0
original values of its neighbours. Alow pass Control point 2 Suppose that there are n+l control points whose
snitsilter inthe form of a(2n+ 1) x(2 + 1) position are given by p,=(4 ygz)with kvaries 01x
where n21, hold the weight for grid, the
Properties of Bezier Curve : Trom 0 to n, these coordinate points are used to cos 60° sin 60 0
computation. (a) The basic functions are real. produce the position vector plu) which describes f0 -sin 60° cos60° 0 z
i(b) Pre-Filtering : In this (b) The Bezier curve always passes through the the path of an approximating Bezier polynoma 0
method, a pixel is
Ctreated as a finite area rather than first and last control pöints. :
function between p, and p, is given by
this technique, basically work on as a point and (©) The curve lies entirely within the convex hull BEZKn(u),0susi.

the the true signal in formed by4control points. P(u) = 2 Pk |0 cos 60° sin 60° 0 0
continuous-space to
individual pixel. aarltinogls gniwsil valus for (d) The direction of the tangent vector at the end
k=0 - sin 60 cos 60° 0

Ssiiw #os ton ob points is same as that of the vector Where, 0

enoitsolbos determined by first and last segment. ()-ujk n

BCA Vth Semester/ Computer Graphlcs &Animation /2020-21 /132
BCA Vth Semesterr/
Computer Graphicss&
Animation /
Mid-point Circle Algorithm:
radius1rand circle, center (xeY) and 2020-21/133
5-1 (a) Input on origin as iobtain the first point on the

b) Calculateinitial yalue of decision parameter as circumference of the circle
y'=0 5

Ans. Po=---.
At each x position starting:at k=0 perform the
following test
() Ifp, <00then next point alongthe circle centered on (0,0) is
Q8. Explain the following : (i)Else the next pointalong circle is (%+ Y-1) (*y) and
(i) Tweaking
(ü), Morphing
(üü) Clipping where Pk+| =Pk +
2xk+1 +1
n Determine 2k+l=2(%+l)
(iv) Mid-point circe algorithm =(2x +2) and
Ans. (i) Tweaking : symmetry points in the
(e) Move each
other seven octants.
calculated pixel position (%, y)
[Please Refer 08(4) 2018-19 Page-117| coordinate values X=X+ Xe+y=y+ye onto the circular path
centered on (x, Y) and plt
(ü) Morphing : (0 Repeat step (c) through (e) until x2y
[Please Refer 08(b) 2018-19 Page-118]
(ii) Clipping :
Clipping is used to define a
outside ofa specified region procedure
that identifies those portions ofthe picture that
of space. are eitherinside
The region against which an object is to be clipped is called CLIP
curved boundaries]. Example : WINDOW. [it can beapolygon wi
yWmax t
Clipping yYmint
" Txwmin
The points or lines within XWmax
\xYnin Vmax
the clipping window are
The points or lines outside the clipping indow areretained.
Clipping is
Extrct used to
part of a ni2 discarded.
Identify visible defined
scene for Viewing.
Displaying'a multiwindow 3D views.
Note: Clipping maps only environment.
content inside the Window to Device
BCAHIhSamesterI Computnr Graghles&A
rotation and scaing,

Year- 2021-2
fne Poygon ciping.
Nle:Atemptany ihe qustions Alquestons cary equal marik,

Q@) What are various elements of ()3-D Translormation : tofpolygon vertices,

cumputer graphics?
Peue Rejer Qld) 2019-20 Page-l9) 5la), State and explal esurdnd-iodgemaaPalygon Ciyping :
dirce drawing algorthm, Aidea used
Q10), Discuss liferentimage formats. As dcordinates of al vertizes o
dCordinates of the cipp1ng wndow,
0sIb), Whatis2-Dtranstarmaton) :Cotsider thie kt edge of tevindog
2a). Row raster scanis iferentrom Ans. #:Canparthe ves
random scan?
Ans. ersulting itesantonandvetisinte:ner istw
Please Refer Q! 2013-20 Page-lY) 060), Explain the
Animation, techniouaab: Reped step4 and 5fir nmaitig lgfiteciogng vindonEahtinr de
Q2(0), Desaribe diferent color display Ans. isisucasively pased to proces te net edge oftbe ciping windox. sotat it i
tAnsechniques. sep1:Slop.
Please Reger Q20) 2019-210 Page-2 Q6(0), Eampk:
algorithm,Elaborate the 3-0 vievd
ov shons the procKsing of tgs otte pohgn gzinsthe ht boundzry,
Q3la), Eplainany inedrawing algorthm. Aus,

Q3(b), What is antalasing? 07a), What do you mean by the tem


QAa), Explaln vaious interactve pictre
consAns. trucbon techniques. Q7(0), Acubic curve is defiad bbe Sve aoting
points (1, 1, (4,3, (44)4(6 4
Pleuse Refer Q00) 2014-19 Calculate the co-ordinate ot paranetic (c), Define recursiejydeined B-5plines.
mid-point of this curve &vertfy thatskns.
Q4(0), Write in brie Pugell3| gradlentdy/àx =|7atis point Sketh
(0 30transtomation
abouthie olowing: the curve.
diferentarchitectureused in multimediaassystems.

Pleuse Refer Qlfi 202-21

usedand of image
than before had modern
could for graphics, of mostdigitize
persistence specialized aregeneratingare units
screen. thatTheStorage
Display information
purpose the Scanraster
701 rather lines
displays level displays used hand, processors picture. from storage
in called
period image display processing Processor with
curves draw some to were
computer cards, an
and for
other mainCPU is work
to screen. thebrief storagecompared
theto displays intodigital for process
: Storage systems, a display a
Animation or Displaystechniques
hadthat of due
the output graphics
or codetheThe Displayvalues processors
lines a quality free
using Graphics: theThey for Typicaly, time Storage
meaning on systems, convèrts
in intensity
to The given
on resolutions as radar visual dedicated
Storagedigital visible the such processors,
Display devices
Processors: into is
ce: over tasks
Applications: chores.
analog Conversion.D
images persistence, and
Resolution: oscilloscopes,
applications the computer
integrated Processor definitions
or Persisten .remained displays, limitations. graphical or controlling
marks. of
represented Vector
curves fading lower is
components or ProcessorCPU to graphicof frame buffer.
Features Display modern (GPUS) Digital
converts set
equal pixels. Display a
Computer carry
1. 2. 3. 4. and often
fromthe the
the display Page-107]
Describe Page-1201 Page-108]display
bit graphics. Graphics: scan Displays an teonovlsystems
primarily or they
questions Page-101 and
Page-15] were that
This of
solution Random Displays'
Vector , displays.
were a means
system. color buffer and Storage in
Raster : displaysraster-based
Plkase 2019-20rasterUnit-I 2018-19
Unit-I details 2018-19 between
2022-Jear-23 by
omputer (b). frame in
in Q13 Concepts
displays between asknown
also computer graphical format,
Hours) providedthe 06 Refer
02(a)OR2(a) theconcepts
02(b) Differentiate
Trace Storage graphics advent falligrap
Three Explain Refer stored
Please Bchniques.Refer Refer
Operations Raster early
or of mid-20th
Please Please Isplays'
type theisplays
:Tine b1la). 02a). 02(b),
() (u) (i) arly
in efore
4DS. Ans. Bit Ans. he 0sed
Generation Ellipsefollows
: as : a Ans.04(a).
distinct Ans. Q3(b).
Describe Ans.Q3(a). Features
1. composed
differetGeneration [Please Explain [PleaseRandom Ans. 4. 3. 2.
definedShapedisplay process
Purpose: Ellipse [Please scientific Appications:
(ü) gaming, for Supportmapping,
rendering Pirel-Based:
andprocessor and generate
High Complex Into Raster
concepts displays,
Differentiate What What
it Difference
Scan a intensity a of
using screen of
purpose. it Refer with Refer wide Resolution: grid
Generation Refer in visualization, video detailed high operations is Graphics: images
of Display where
drawingElipse in and details. is is Graphics range pixel-based, BCA
their conic 2(b) anline 1(b) Display resolutionsrendering piels
or computer Polygon Q18 The cach Processors
a We example. between playback, of and Modem such by mages SemastorVh
canvas. or can and section drawing : pixel. and
hematical plotting Polygonbetween Unit-II 2019-20 2019-20 applications,
and processors realistic output
in controllingDisplay
Ellipses graphics,
differentiate Filling. Raster more. and
display 3Dasand are
graphic environments.
are shading, on th e /Computer
involves Filling Page-44]generation?
each Page-120} Page-119) Scan images.
are processors
can a processors dìspley
are ellipse these includingessential display the
typically serving are Elipse design, texture handle color
and area of
onthe two two of Gphl
a cs
a Polygon
process We " " ellipse. angles.(Cartesian &
definedShape conversion, or an d
algorithms or illuminated
Pixel Bresenham whi chEl lip
d ori
seNeral or
n t h ms coordinates,
are Animatlon
filledpixels polygon
Purpose: Applications;
shaded inshape.the of the Pixel Algorithm.
calculate fil scanPolygon usedFiling polygon.
straight specific
omputer-aided can shapesApplications: Filling :
circles near
of computer polygon, the
lotting Placement:pixels lines Technique: for insideaclosed to polygon and Placement:
the AlpoignoriAlgorithrn
ts thm. or
to Ellipse
polygon lines order. by shading or Technique: for parametric
There 12022-23/
in and intersectThese Fil Representation; represent Polygon
is with calculate: major
2D effectively fil between Algorithm a processthe design ellipse' s
approximate (pixels)generation, ellipse
points thatdrawings, graphics Polygon toThe set varying
generationElipse These and
such pixels filling, form of the lenghs,anddmìnor axes
design Polygon algorithms the vertices polygon filling, fo r and on form) 137
"Ellipse as Several vertices Interior sizes perimeter, Ellipse
drawing algorithmsthe
along filling polygon
those the plot
(CAD) filling for coloringwithin orsuch
are determining
a pixels shape
screen Involving
the 3D filling
rendering is intersections.deternine thalgorithms e as boundary Polygons
(corners) of scan. also
interior ellipses, generation such
meterapplications, thecommonly the edges the connected the orientaions, Creating
is that
models,interior boundary
algorithms Edge-Filing Scan-ine be
known as ceter
the and pol ygon
colored which
,ovals, used ie of the
solid interior which of in in a
on be
th en are the by are
of is and of orused of a
W) world ThisWindow-Viewport
in : lo a (o (b) (a) cOordinate Object data : end The ARS.
Ivie0wi4(b).ng? shapceosncepts withinelipse,
Viewport coordinate.
normalized Viewing
get Normalizedcoordinate. Wor(object lModel
to transformation imagvieewiVinegwing What inplay
Vyin window
normalized coordinate
system coordinate
coordinate coordinatecoordinate
: objectsof&
Scenes ruct(Wioc)n data
: importántroles in
eline environments.
I ellipse
gital BCA

should shapeSemester/
Xmax W,. - describes
in Viewing coordinate
Wmin another World
Finally : : When
-W. device
., coordinates. Ater computer
graphics beon
Wa the : several mapping
orientation colordiedsplay, Computer
a /
minV, coordinate coordinate
mapping Their
after The Definrition
mappingprojection coordinates
objects device.series
a or
-of(rectangular) filledwhile
coordinate coordinate of of Graphics
-Vy. VminYXmay Viewport are Viewing .The
transformations, a to
Kmin Wmax The those into in voProjection Explaln contribute
onto assembled 2D represent
& transformation Workstationnormalized
the which imags
unity &
window window the
coordinate region viewing Animation
Ymax -W
W, ymin common the It totFilling
into he
, in
individual onto pipeline which with the
coordinate aNormalized interior
Ymin Vyma includes oneDevice/mage
system planesystem scene
(NC) an creaion involves 2022-23 /
coordinate are
objectives Workstation
viewport of thobjects
ey |Transformation describespassedexample. of
Vy-ymin. following (window)
to the specific to determining
ofthe /
are various
specific a cameradescribed (model) device 138
system this by polygon
tois yields geometry ViSual
steps into procès shape. which
convert device, (viewer) are |coordinate
windowanother device as
created. elements
(W,, we world fodatato
r Bothpixels
direction (a)Basic Transformation:
points. 3-D
Q5(a). where
Translation 3D this,
transformation 2-D
V=al =(p(x,
all obj TransformationWhat Explain (y.)=
displacement the
N Wynt
Wymin Wnax Wm
bJ in
Yaxymin BCA
An y,2)) system 2-D
ckobject and
details (W, Vh
of are
defined (Please 3-:D [Please
Q6(a) Yymin 1 0 W, min
is :
the regquired [Please interactive I)*N
translation transformation? 0 0
with - I
Refer Refer Knax
Ymax Wymin Computwr
at are 3D
is aapplied coordinate -Nämin-
V prescribed given 04 Q7 ymin Grmphics
OR Xmin W,
y, distance on 2020-21 Unit-IPage-113]
to Explain &
by the systen, Ymin
Vxmar Animatlon
aand object Xmax
vector Page-129] Page-55I
direction an it
only, object
techniques. míinWy /2022-3I
from not an
obj example. 0

its to is
the considered 139
position.The 1 0
system. a
set 0

:y'=yRey (ii) 0) 2Din ofrotation.
transformation asone the (C)
ofthe Rotation:
formIn reductios<1.n,diwhether
mensions b)
then The The
Scaling new
=-xsinx=xcos0zsin + Rexy'=Xsin0+ycos
Rotationabout axis

of The
aboutproceeds canonical Three
the The :
[x'ofy'z'l]=[x expressedbe Ty points
leads to
about x'=xcos-ysin x, of =|0
object. can BCA
@0+zcos8 y an 0 0: [x'=s,*x
S, process
is be Vh
the Then and angle
dimensional a as
z'=z just rotation z 0 Sy
magnification, y calculatedSemester/
z-axisconstruction of
The of z
like rotation Sz 0 0 scaling
factor a 0 0I0o matrix
p(x, z)
y, : : that are cb 0
An defined
rotation transformation
of axis s
analogous a of axiandsan schanges
determines >
rotationchosen is
requiresy01 1, a
when or the
a Griphlcs

() () )(a) (ti)
With With The Similarty &Animaton
N rix With
willbe Kø1Y=ycos8-zsine
p'My respect pMy
respect cossin
Re=0 =0
Rgy oRO
0 T0 L00,0x
00l|z sin8
cose 0-sin0)
0 cos8
0000100 0-10
0|y 0 1
-nt 0 Z=ysin+zcos
sin 0 /2022-23/140
01 yz 0 0 0 Myz xz tothis,
0 xy 1
plane 0 I plane
olly plane
thereinay matrix the
1|1| 0z 10
transfornations ArS:
cases. are
Animation / 2022-23/ 141
BCA Vh Semester / Computer Graphics &
expresslon of Bezler cun
Q6(0). What are Bezier curs?State the mathematical
(Please Refer 25(b) 2020-23 Page-130]
Q6(6). What is 3-D viewing? Explaln it in details.
(Please Refer Q1 Unit-IVPage-64]
Q7(a). Describe the algortthms for 3-D volumes spline curvesurfaces in etails,
[Please Refer 05(6) 2018-19 Page-l13]
Q7(b). How many types of animation? Explain it is details.
Please Refer Q4 Unit-V Page-837
Q8. Explain the following :
() GSKprimitive
(ü) Muitimedia application,
(ii) Morphing
(iv) Tweaking
Ans.() GSK Primitive :
Please Refer 07(4) 2018-19 Page-l16
Ans. (i) Multimedia Application :
Please Refer Q13 Unit-VPage-94]
Ans. (ii) Morphing :
Please Refer Qll Unit-VPage-92]
Ans. (v) Tweaking :
[Please Refer Q8(a) 201&-19 Page-II7)

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