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er a SN et ota jou ott 03 Sena ee toh ae 8 pas 7 t etope eip thom nen ge OPP ge RPT gd ang 80 ofa io =n id PHO hay Dy ‘ pt Meagan 2 a 98 anys 0 018 a pee ne a sai exo wos sara ngs gp Ta ee alt ee saat nth eee man a sap ; yu i, 0 ong EP ay : tr “SPS eri Bigs i 704 my Tokay 1a ela tne tS a paays a Bet gl a! i , a np ss nee agg tt ig Nae Feria vn v by age Mpa es eee sett Sait retina ces aeegesRtRED eh OHO opm eR “oie at po fi E bs tay oe aah prams pend Sal spt hy hou 5 "ong fsa maaan eg BN agg Hg aeRO punlogtomeun uggs any ey sa ay ws os pag wy eng sams i NN ao Sutuay a ees ey ant aagpseapapmemeniuarin aS 1 ae Pp day patusateanpsaeta ang at eae ag a = : ee. eee adn weug gg ‘gomoyalinadcangs ig Sul saliuaianl inenelliogtea oy suadopep 2 sf \ “einen piney AUC np hala HE Ny “ava srinabapniee es wugnn Ot yAiE A | Nore eRe Hy STANT al SL 2 ASTON MAN guy tel ¢ ; manag] sg Us I Ue amy ‘quod ox panquuon et ww? Suz > | uy ani aR pega is f J /*% ff 0 similar operations, xa 1 Software Engineer / somester ing ONT BCA Vth Semester “Sctaware Engineering / 2097.49 79g ith m9 = dm ak st [Dau J Siam [Conto! [ Common Content] oF Gods, CC —— Softeare reduremeey Low High ime eA eat 5 Figure : Classification of Couplings magna sr i chloe deed foexend 4 Data Coupling : Two moles are data coupe if thy communicate uy ® 7 very eet item that sass a prac etn the vo, example an integer, agg development an oe data item sould be problem slated and not used for the control purpose, ‘ A module is said t0 company because the esse th devlpmen ast, 2. Stamp Coupling: Two modules are stamp coupled if they communicate 1 the elements of @ the lest deo wills item such as record in PASCAL or a structure in C, i 3.Control Coupling : Control coupling exists between two modules, if data from, where the And ifcomposed propery, an SRS erste quences "te my ‘ontrol coupling aay isinputto isles possibility of fare resi atheser sequenceisinpt ch of ito beat fee ey ional eobeon, besseritambefninaisnicelis am , ret Eementsofamoat a ‘i helps clear any communication problems ee nin. Fora between the client andthe develope. Furbemoe, stand and m se singletons equ 1 SRS serves to form a foundation of muta and maintain be ie all the ie functional oe Tee in chased fe Sl ‘cannot be developed inde, i ei vayroll a ‘functional ei a sees te cae ultto implement and debup ts ef Fnodule sree vat the acess, Folia e je i fe ed 10 ibe it istics of Good SRS: wwe are abe able to desert Coeecsnt « Sta Rime ney essofa Sees Soest sven - oe hat the sated ei «onder ofinstrction exeoution in another. An example ofc ein another module 4. Common Coupling ; Two moguls are common coupled, if they share some § Content Coupling : Content coupling exists between two modules, if the a branch rom one module into another module High coupling ariong modules not only makes adesign difficult to unde, vases development efforts the modules having hgh coupling ifferent team members. Modul having high coupling are diffic Cohesion : Cohesion of module represents how tightly bound the internal elements of the nother. Cohesion of a module give the designer an idea, about whether the differen, module belong together in the same module, Celwsion and coupling are clear reser the cohesion of each modal in the system, the lower the coupling Types of Cohesion : y relat ag eS deermine tne Between the me : ae oy aes s. First examine Mjown & hall met Tait ee io, Then, write exe ee Rie us An Sf Re ‘The diferent classes of cohesion hata module may esses ae depicted in following gu specification is ee mo figure, Ps oe [Coincidental | Logical | Te i] et Cc ia = testa! | Temporal] resil [Communication] Somat] Fins] i ST a Figure : Classi ication of Cohesion - These classes of cohesi ion are elaborated by 1 Coincidental Cohesion : A module is ei, id to have coin i erg atl to eachother very loosely ital eng neem cohesion, ftp all-In this case, the ? sie le ovt of pure coine xt afer, “when” q etow port eohesion. Hf iF uses WORE TT ssetup sshuidown, 16> rar eohesion. on SRS? Giv : / u mean by SRS? Se 2 Lelesl Cohesion: Aredule isso beloialy cohesive, eoseateisties of good SRS am Hing data input, data cup Taps must fhich SRS é rtant issues W! ms Generating diferent out hee the ase where set of print functio module. 3 Temporal When a module contains finctio functions must be ‘ame time span, the alization, start-up, nS that are Module is si shutdown otsome, A lule is said to POSSESS Proceduy ion at ts ay 4 Sofovare Requirements Specifcal Pesan that lays out the eee eS as Pioware that is to be develope : }enti0n of the software under Lhe? Software requirements specification al Cohesion, / stg » ga sone ‘naa nay BcAMIY . artvare product engineering Process the collection and COCOMa Node can ssh tha te i . tHe el Sakasi tel A gt ally era, Teg Mo Wea tae A Mae oe od oie Sgt wean Te Specification is maifable ifs st : SY tobe 7 fa Ie regession, ‘i 7 cn sch that any changes 10 the aul thee by yt cap Project Estimation te id on ng moemetcrte es cont Foie is inet) 2 09 eyss COCOMO madel cama pit ce ee while retaining the structure and. 18 25 essenti Pty fg, ind . ae i ee AS | Traceable: An Softwate Requirements Software quali + timation Techniques: Cocoa ‘opis to tee cases of svar 108 ination ae (Ora: Arienofeeaed fo sper in terms Of devel it il gel sgn wine Teves pit ins ofen pndp inthis beat ty hue Syecfoionistacableiftheoriginofeachits ¥en sett is Tequirements is clear and it facilitates the (@) Application Meg My ‘erencing of each requirement inthe future). Condut Of fomal i , evelopment or enhancement documentation, (©). Software tetng, ‘chia : One can test the Software Requirements @. Enforcemen of My, Speciation document in an easy way, (©). Contal of Inporaat isu which SRS mustadéres; peste, ‘SRSteud abies te flovngsues: ROE keeping ag te quirement. yt software Te ; sto ination ‘The managers estimate 7 (b) Embedded Mode : In this he project has i i sof personnel requirement and man- irs ich tt 1. Functonaity ofthe Sotvare: Wht he (Aran ee ete ha ai prescott is ier wi hase scare wild? Guay assurance begs vag ty, eo aware size shoul be known, Tis tua. Th pen esis ied > tralian: Hon tegen sta methods and too ttt Beg ji ed by manages’ experience, soto ad fd expen pss. lie waa, eva) tighualy esifcaing De eer istrildataorsofvar Si cided Md ieee *d suns onthe ets ahigh quality de te ai i's 3. Required perform ; ace levels: Required ©. CouductotRgrmaty Performance levels such og Tesponse rate, Sono atrty barre Fh TCO) rte ee, of i Mplishes as th itheFomal Tein Quality stitutes sn imap Rg ge . ic mode and embedded ced ivioe wing somestandad aoe herent pic ode oe mode. schealcoel i ions taketh fom sia + Orie Sie and eral TOC as ated, the ‘Time required to prod soaye=4f00h = | Development Time = o,(Effort Applied), i Media i i oi gg NM, (Sava Tse gt ub cates of [mons] ig ‘stay i , eet speifcation and independency Constraints « Se in : Tans: Any opeatng system Methods papel Et api Dep tres Og sof software. : ithe ease Ste ee divided into smaller tks, Tine[co| ral vil ° De lock exchange soya (0. Enforcement Ve ds Muar tasks a Sct Poet a |b | 4 ‘ay an Winn itpleentn ich fm senda ty ies orevens by Wok Beltre ass |e Ts [25 | 38 stents ean {0 the software mee BS) The tsar shel ond | _ rit i 7 vere ing nei Frm 50 230. What doy ‘me Inmay nine cit Tent ory Quality Assurancy mean by Software Conditions, sete re arson days i the otal tne invested Basic COCONO is Ans, 7 Ate self i const wean ey: (Cont ot Chg Re eh ish enn coco: He herpes tetsu diet 0 sf a ect deel oH see ie sr ea sr Mt te ue yan po os reUS forch iia of fe previosones Forsing SN wl a Phe nso 0. Far su Controling the imma re tana seq to cone sti asset gs Tena Lise ct ge wating iste: nut pes MMe SRS dacunen Hid dyin Nha {0 any engines sven uly gets Ca Ql gy ta a ; ‘ ian oi se : nia wee iy ae gq, Allis Metodogicand ie saeco wistepesB | Ps Ny thai *Dplid SOA) hn tae gay, Pel hana 4 taglivled + Poet MoUghout the sofa, _(@). Mend J © coeuriztionTaningand suport inp ping and Reporting: 7 TM and, "porting for: ier ao as, BEA Vih Semeste QA(b). Write a short note on Fourth Generation Language (4GL) Ans Fonrsh Generation Language (GL) gramming angi style oflanguay jon programming of the programming la mS lo provide a hi ion of the ie the Langu Powerful and versatile Fourth generation languages are langu: pi s closer to human la al high-level programming lang AGLs are used to access databases. pial {GL command is FIND ALL RECORDS WHERE NAME IS ITH $GLs are designed to reduce the overall time, effort and cost of software development. The main domains and families of 4GLs are database queries. report generators, data ‘manipulation, analysis and reporting, screen Painters and generators, GUI creators, ‘mathematical optimization, web development ‘and general purpose languages. Al.o known asa domain sp high productivity language. GLs are more programmer-friendly and enhance programing efficiency with usage of English-like words and phrases, and when appropriate, the use of icons, graphical ific language or interfaces and 8. Most4GLs cor y Woadd 3GL-level Code 10 introduc» evelopment lifecyle that ruin chaste 4. Development of natural language 2. Placing the 7, coon i Provessing dei cheeks Availability of very powerful and the wey compact computers at the cheaper rates, 3, matic inspection of Major Software Quality Assurance Activities: e se symdviduals ‘who works 1. SQAManagement Plan: SQA tam should Q5(a). What is the Life cycle of an defects make aplanhow they vill camyouthe SQA, Sctivity MOH, ig morotve errors and i so through ou the project. Think which et of liga System ? Explain Phase of iis, Nee gy i nf a ry ae of software ieee eaieee ae - : Peal ' LO fare engineering i Ans, i (ee eel partofSDLCthat project. ‘i : . sntial part : check points SQA team should st (Please Refer Q22 Unit-III Page-59] vity i ve 8 ding the quali, 2 Sethe check uints:SQ. Mandcomponents checkpoints. Eralutthe perfomance ofte Q5(b). What are the general principles of oy jal features jecton the bass ofcolleted ton diferet gtr a pjctves of System project System Investigation ? having the high ie ‘The mait Ea ing strategy: They soul rot a (©) Pessimistic tine ebity, ng 3 uetivityofthe development jon singing pro Usp [Please Refer 226 Unit-III Page-62] complete an acne ago depend c testing approaches. “ 4, Measure change impact They st the new change 10 change silt " ck the Q6(a). Explain Program Evaluation Q6(b). What Review Technique (PERT). review.» Testing? Elaing, ith whole projec. bi of this fx wit working Ans. Program Evaluation Review Techniques: Ans, Testing : ct A cael stood relations ‘asin “Prozram Evaluation and Review Techngue’ Testing the proceso ese OSS ae cle. * ernment mane et also known as “PERT” is a technique adopted by with the aim °f finding Tha tion ihe requirement other teams invol the organisations to analyze and represent the €rror, : software perform well t aye % ality testing is done suecesshlly, type Sa at is O° svenska projet, PERT isa method evaluate errors from the sofware Femove ie and esfimate the time required to complete a task : within the deadlines. PERT serves as a Priteiples of Testing : 2 explain theo ei activity ina project and to illustrate the flow of the ‘manigement tool to analyze, define and investigate !* alts {est should mest the eu, the évents. 7 oe e PERT also illustrates the activities and the. 2* Penna eof isterdependencies in the project. The main goal of y Party. 6E i 3. All the tests to be -RT is to reduce the cost and the time needed to planned before imples ‘complete the project. ive eae |. Exhaustive testing is ree se detelped in 1950 by the US. Navy 4 fxtautive testing pevcaa duringlthe Cold war and was intended for large risk assessment ofthe appli Proje which ae 5. Start testing with smal pr Complex ; the large parts. 5 PESeMS Aste of sequen ts, gee es rte ed *)/ Performed in parallel with the othe: aaa t maar of errors comes from 20% of posns components, PERT Planning usually ityolves the following Steps : Types of Testing + 1, Identifying Tasks & Milestone : Every step oe ethane of a project involves a. ‘Seriesipf required task. 3 Re, a lon ‘esting ‘These tasks are listed in a table allowing - Smokes testing additional information on sequence and timings : Alpha testin to be-added later. oo .CA Vth Semester / Software Engineering / 2048.4 4 oo . 87m 105 {BCA Vth Samester/ Software Enginoerng 20/819 /m 7 to help make sure it gets done right _— . ’ red to complet. Thisinformatin can ass wi plain proet an alaing pays its stafTalso has an influengs g 4. Location : How much the alee vevyislocated and how " the ot Fas costs are dependent upon where the company much the ot Oe cces 10 it : that indus: and geograpica location, a thy yn ines cnn by ean wt aaa hy ers Scot of Sate: Whiethe ost of fae development may sem yas teglem adie bases petite em meta oe Isl having the right program in place are higher. Ifa person is working wigh 8h, Oh yf Investigation alitches or step working, requiring his/her employees to restart the system evar ate mn are ; veal a St 8 ne eurent sytem documentation Q8. Write short notes on any four: suasinatte es (a) Operating system se oytem ingen i ; (b) Maintainabilit : (c) System investigations vious studies (d) Reusability inthe investigation of te existing stem and wilresiin veys Soro tesetetniguesmay beset logical data siacture ofthe current + gpser + Reviewing? + orallof -ams representing the current system, & ‘Ans. (a) Operating System : ot diogr A system i ; so ne di i operating stem is 2 pean thathave the following features + aot dala fan “the inital problemsirequrement ist fr the proj. + 1s negra set of peciied programs used o manage overt pears a 1 companer, Fes0urs ay, 3 ty: Reasabily’ she we of exiting ss it 2. An operating system i a program that act as an interface betwee ef REO a Sore Engine, Rana’ te me es hardware AME fang ene sofware pdt Sv Pe A pen se st in i , 3. Its a specialized softvare that controls and monitors the execution of Sef spare orca sale Pars ‘all other p i eumenta anessential way ontheabiiy tbl raprarau : "eran inan essential ’Rewsbiiy'isofen arose User bility rales among os 1 opment at ont eed TH jngabe to identity comms eal aspesstnsotns deer eine abe ily brings 52 deen (or oetion of Applications fo ot aT et esto design fates of software eee i iy ' nefits 0 ‘As, (b) Maintanabiity Sen acrean han ~ given eee as the probably of performing a succesful repair a should be varie oxen in Be es Osi . aintainability may also be defined as, process for measinn repair aston Re is its, ier i Tes Un pre system can be restored to operational status after a failure ocourg ne AS A SP Wi futures whe Ist Tis animes same work on ere Itis si . : 8 elope ilar to system reliability analysis except thatthe random i + Reduced Poe Ts of FOP eaitOO gs doing te SME HO ie, Variable of interest 7 snes eee analysisis time-to-repair rather than time-to-fuilure, Maintainabi is approximately 75% of the cost related to a proj reduces specialists a 8 project. Software ee ean ore important aoe ‘System Investigations ; « Branaards come ible compen gasystem te eed ope Fm en anew or upgraded system i tt re Re corte work al i cuatro ‘out by the organisation. Although the new system may differ substantally fo Unchanged. dn anaae iat tine bandled and he main functions ofthe eter, wl ea te sytem. This sealed ab ses therfore, provides arm bass ote ea ‘System investigation is th iste fe feonib eon J the process of finding out what the system is being built todo an ‘System investigation determi 'ystem investigation determines the pe ofthe project, by evaluating the complexity afte Year — 2019-29 (Time: Three Hours} Note: Attemptany Fi This solution is provi ive questions. All questions ca ided by Mr. Vinay Singhal 8269). Define software engineeri 9. Explain various software myths and applications, Ans. Software Engineering : Software engineerin associated with devel using well-defined sci ig is an engineering branch ‘opment of software product ientifc principles, method and Procedures. The ‘Outcome of software engineering ‘8 an efficient and reliable software product, [For More Information Please Refer Q2 Unit-I Page-6] Software Myths : Movhs means wrong belief or misinformation, Software ‘There are thee different types of myths 1. Management myths 2. Customer myths 3. Developer myths 1. Customer Myth: by customer who can be int > Customers believe of objective is su Program. Changing requirement is easy Software development is easy process, 2. Management Myths : > Statement tools are present, ‘oftware myth believed ternal or external, e that general statement fficient to begin writing they are sufficient the development > We can add more program to catch up. > They have the latest infrastacture, 3. Developers Myths : > If Tmiss something now, I can » Once the program is written and my job is done. Software Engineering == Fry equal marks, ramework that is used ter, staan lib proces of develpin ISS Software development get! aa computer programming, documec tts ara bite fixing involved in craig es maintaining applications smd Sramenors canst itt software prodack pent software development may inelad ‘Stages of Software Development : Software Development Life Cycle isa proces sed by software industry to desig, cevelop and test high quality software. Planning Deployment] Defining] SDLC Testing] [Designing] Building Jnitecture ? element ity, ml ais design They are weak entity. ing anc | le reac, new ‘ERD’s depict data at rest, data being stored, ER Diagram Symbols and Notations : @o Ently —Atriute Reatnstip Ho: Oo in ER diograms three basic elements | inant ee ei 7 = scare canine ip and re ak relations et ye sei ere attribute, finality and slain Got ER diag | have as many attributes as nccessary BCA Vth Somester/ Software Engineering /2019-20/ 149 ~ < he jineering / 2019-20/ m 144 ter / Software Engi th Somes set of symbols such as rectangles, mons rls nd comeing ties, relationships and the we , atotip : es zoe ees fei, eo a ni ibs They secifie we ributes can also have theit own A relation de pe nett as nouns and fare engines Specific auributes. For example, the attribute For example, pie - ER Dagar) isa vel eso ThE acing ee “[eustomer addres” canhave the attibutes number tothe entity “able” by a agape logical struc ee 2! data mel of annforaton Snech city, and state. These are called composite “makes”. Relationshi, il etre development wet a anributes. Some top level ER diagrams donot chow shapes and are labeled ue fimibutes forthe sake of simplicity, nthose that do, 1 = ‘however, atributes are represented by oval shapes, Customer Attributes in ER diagrams, note that an attribute can have its own attributes (composite attribute) ‘Multivalued Attribute : ‘an attribute can have more than one value it {8 called a multivalued attribute. is important to ‘note that this is different to an attribute having its own attributes. For example a teacher entity ean hhave multiple subject values, Example of a multivalued attribue Derived Attribute : An atiribus Derived, Giagrams. For example fora circle the area can b Serived eam the radius. lr Teacher te based on another attributes called Attribute. This is found rarely in ER ol that wediasotwurengeing sated with complex databases haar sein sofa Hyams oft ek dagans mo Soe Sil umneeeas as i Using Relationships in Eng ea. pone ei dla ysen eens Sing Relationships in Emiy ne resin Recursive Relat ‘ FO ony : a sehtheir corresponding symbol of If the same entity participa jonents (with thei n i ‘comp i mple. IM aigclatlOnship it ts knoyn mae than tree} ine the major stypes ‘of DFD with exam! relationship. In the below Orcas ese in the Vat xy can caer and be sipenia sme i ats of DED E Pease Refer Ot Unit-IT Page-35] recursive relationship, Sothern: Ht otis of system of DED es of DFD: devel DFD preston vee et icant Cassis a bluse etMEen yee gg Be, SY ofaware- Requirement analysis cxtmodiespporngatinctonalasraon Te > Objet ie HUtPrnt or galagstag ML esed SOPOT. “signer with. & “ssc output of system design, when this approach > Example : Ty "°° OF can! fag Aye thE Of information, function and is being fled is definition of sl major data Data Onan ig uation OE TSS translated into data, ‘ture, all major modules of system and how f channel, yerjour thet nt level module Operation : I vo io ferface and component lev interact with each other, ha onvony mel ural 1 F iereane mainly focus he function change volume,” MOM, gpl BP ice a & Itmainly emphasis on “what the system doe: Term in OOD ; mela 805 ent analysis involves eae > hod. The system is comprised of many smaller sub aunderstanding of the product 10 be function (eystem). se I confusions : ‘ther are a ctrenerngsl on * ee StaBes 0: ie cm the initial customer Sparano is used fr global d it isused 2 Conceptual design F desi sitencies oa 1 aie es Dowieaag tne prabe. _ slysis is very importan® fora good son anatase Shared Memory 1. Conceptual Desi, easier > Recognize sien Raley product. fois SaeNZeAl NS Clases aug, petals requirements analysis includes se O—H 2 Responsiitties ar atacs gf Me ee et eats: The task of Following may oo tte 2 Detatnag gate Sis, ite gel onieaing with customers and wsers 0 machine. "YDS Some functions of ATM 7 Petulled Design ; diggs rine what their requirements are. (c.g. the withdraw) fee jicet charter or definition), business process i ee entation, and stakeholder interviews. This is Seposit() trans ' vrimes also called requirements gathering or ‘scene a ; a eter of design, * design cae '}. Analyzing requirement ; ning. a 3 shether the stated requirements are clear, comp! roveiseher Ae S22, Wa bs recurement aga, soem and womb ann eit toa) Big Researenne att aitferect Sota rstcontice ; (MO Pi Ieentitied’: gngrleme thar anes of ®- Recording requirement ee ey ~ = requirement ana Tesolve, may be documented in various forms, usual iuitemnesnaiyagacgived sata acer assays an Requirement anehanatysis: Tanguage document use aves, er tres, OSE wea ana SS er ecceelee Tice fe ite itmenarncne ee Kincade a sear "Regret or ASentification and docur ating to.the fl Skills are involved. New systems change the stein mentation of + Creat need ees ‘CAvcononent and relationships between people, s0 behaviour ay ‘ document Tear entity al the taksholder ke nto oe that describes th ete satis ted constr Scoount al their eds and ensure they whdestind + ANSE those needs. Sonstrains tht wl {he implications of the new systems. Ana sooumenn vai implications Of niques ect the reaulrements POSUMENIS to ensure ceaes OF the roquiemes Born he "Store moder techniques inside * Broltion ormenaa® sistency and acaiy fe oe case Proto ploy combination ofthese methods yr, NY” ll [Bc Vth Semester Software Engineering/2018-20/m 119 to establish the exact requirements of the stakeholders, so that a system that meets the busi needs is produced. oe Requirement Problems identified and Requirements are categorized in several ways. The aor a cate ean ot Spare nine cho eaan 1 Coton aqerense' Saas coi Sa Ree ec “rec a lat ead ne tec ete eps Ts apo ogra ee tosis os apeat mio eee Spetanictnt iene area aware real ny NT rnan ome: etre UEr pocorn Me a cee te te seen wan Semen ow ge et ee a sesh ern How cee wage ag co rc ye iene te Era FETE Swat environmen will the Becca cpetate ar “=e ccofeeartameran ase irate ota one Cree! esos coats ee ee lysis pee ess of validating 1 ver em perverts gored 3 Oe Prgyam or application eaaee me asorrware Pr 95h). Explain the functional testing and i wirements, 4 ferentiate it with structural testing. ani een pment «{ns. Functional Testing + sign ant Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates the software system against the functional requirement/specification.. The ‘purpose of functional testis to fest each function of Noidentify the software application, by providing appropriate 4 and actual result.” ome sean ‘the output against the functional Difference betweem Functional Testing, and. ‘ated by the programmer while Structural ‘Testing = Goping the software. I gtractural testing basically test the weet Enatity : Gainingconfidence in and error occur during the coding of program, ness eee aa Toqurements for procemes expressed : : n 9 IEEE. dividing or mens, Example: A 100-pound nese Q4(a). Whatis i ; “ 249). What ts Cohesion and Cou —_ ling ? Write the differences jeer pling 2 ‘betw. am: nth. ‘Coupling : (Please Refer 020%) 2 n rn ds ’ 017-18 Page-93)- inginformation Spout the level of quality. creer Functional testing basically test 1 a ing Requirement 2Té make sure that uncover occur during implementing .d result meet the business and user requirement and design Pe Pr oe lease Refer 02(b) 2017-18 Page-91)-. —— : 18 Page-917- poor esion and Couph ernent. 2. Structural testing 1. Cohesion is eston BRS : To ensure that it satisfic the. 2 oes intra-modul ; : ows the ting Tequirement specification and SRS, {| suengu, ” MOule’s = 2 : See = wees cam cost effective : It must be the 3. LD een 8 degree wo whi z [aie asncegSees tin which a module 1 of Software Testing * module. the relationship with Inthe | lowing principle of testing = oun Sethe milouaip 3h in the \ "Testing shows presence of defect - 240). Explain the c: Jeatingcan show the defects are presents But - OCOMO model j can not prove that there are no defects. lel in detail, 2. Early testing : Ina software ‘evelopment Please Refe life cycle testing activities: should startasearly fer Q4(a) 2017-1 1s possi tne pould befosusedondefined 5, 8 Page-95) aoe : 8 Testin a7 Re 5, Cae ustering + A/small number O° porces contaim most of the defects Tecauered during pre-releasing testind a, Ue paradanstclicbe really Soy Tenportant to review the test OS0e regularly ima poreay ana different test eed 10 > seeitten, plain its. Various obj jectives a nd kindof ss > User Acea 2 inbsence 0! : F Interface testing Cites unusable and > Usability testing ti BCA Vth Semester / Software Engi Z ot ineering / 2019-20. et n Q5{2). Describe the roe of Quality : ena q __ anagernent subject system to identify the system's componen ® ih neerdcseeehmig bat Coan Assurance : ‘ and their inter-relationships and to create to any prod eee amen ts @ broad representations of the system in another form or at compet aaa Of products aitst tea p, higher levels of abstraction. - uf » @ constas for | amas a9 itd 7 7 enhance the I efforg Crees: Reverse engineering is passive, it does not change ete all manufacturers and service providers Seen’ MANLY practicens made , the system, of result a new one, A simple reverse see at anni thee product or the i= ty assurance include a gat tay engineering effort may merely produce call graphs In order to maintain or enhance the * lementation of prox that ena, and control flow graphs from source code. One type w : te of reverse engineering is redocumentation. Another standard in context. to verificat oy ion OF deveion type of reverse enginecring is design recovery’ Reverse engineering is a process to achieve system specification by thoroughly analyzing, understanding the existing system. This process can be seen 28 ine crse SDLC model, i.e. we try to get higher sbetraction level by analyzing lower abstraction levels. et Reverse Engineering Goal : 1. Cope with complexity Recover lost information offerin, 1g, Manufacturers use two “Quality : ty Control” and * oan ordination ies has been followed: process definition subset of software oo ethods ust it sed by wality parameterorqualic, Respective the Managed? 7 stages quantitative quality goals are s SEICMM sation for software products 25 well levels in detain, "Fel with oaks and cousins ability inually improve the mae ure that a organisation’s Ans. ualty goals software product wi ili Quality Controt py seme levelgors cu ne oftware Processes: 2. ats oe higher the level he sy casurement mode help the orEen ion Denect tie 5 aration Process, hence reach ioprediet the product and process qualitywith Facilitate reuse. en and time consumins set iasome limit defined quantitatively. 3 eee 'ming process, aan Steps of Software Reverse Engineering * ' Key process B60 sity management 1. Collection information ity manne 2. Examining the information 3. Extracting the structure inel S: Optimizing + 4. Recerding the functionally a cavihigheet level ofprocess maturity in §. Recording 20m flow TiN aed focuses on continuous process 6. Recording, control flow improvement in the organisation using 7. Review extracted design 8. Generate documentation No key process area i ‘quantitative feedback. is defined, > Use of new tools, technique and evaluation of Reengineering ¢ > > Processes followed are i adhoc software processes is done to prevent censiMmecriag is defined as the examination nd in > and are not 3 well defi ‘nd itngyagre Unstable environs : recurrence of known defects. aikrotion of the subject system 10 7ec0 anew form, and the subsequent implement nviro1 ives development. eM FOF soar > The key process area are : com nes Of predictin, : () Process change management the new form. ce ees 'S Product quality, time (i) Technology change management seman and Thayer state that re-engineer _ eeretadical (and expensive) form of alteration: (ii) Defect prevention i the mosyctteve that re-engineering ean be used FOr 1en not undertaken to improve Q7(a). Explain ‘Reverse Engineering’ in legacy ishit ft ing basis projec | brief. Write the difference between : Reverse engineering and Reengineering: ler: 3 lar Be pis is used for | Ans. Reverse ‘Engineering * ; arya are oe Reverse engineering is a process of recovering the . design requirement specification and funct functional o x product from an analyses of is code. ‘a through process where sign of software is s program database and generate information from this. changed and programs: are re-written. “a ila mama BCA Vth Semester / Software Engineering /2019-20/ m 118 UNIX was developed in en language C came d in C, because As. (i) Alpha & Beta Testing , Alpha Testing 5 > Restructuring or rewriting part orall ofa system. without changing its functionality. Applicable when some subsystems of a larger system require frequent maintenance. > Reengineering involves putting inthe effort to make it easier to maintain, The reengineered system may also be restructured and should be re-documented, Important Factors of Reengineering + Following are main factors that needed to be considered while reengineering : 1. Cost of maintenance 2. Cost of reengineering 3. Cost benefit v ternal employees of the ortiz place a the developers site by It has two phases « In the first phase. tested by inch They use either. sdehhga oft hardware-assisted deby Difference between Reverse Engineering and Reengineering : 1. Reverse engineering is finding out how a product works from the finished product where, Reengineering is to examine the finished product and bi . Reverse engineering means restart the whole, whereas, Reengineering means to make the previous product again. Reverse engineering inform from implemen whereas, Reengineering means developing a new system from old . off-the-shelf software (COTS) asa form acceptance testing, before the performed. Features of Alpha Testing : e 97(b). Explain 4GL in brief. Ans, Mi eee 198 users” of the software application ina oy CASE Todi boot, be considered as a for Ans. @ SRS with Characteristic [Pleas Refer 23 (ay 20% 3) wT ote eins before release to extern ‘Customers! ~e Ae sstomers js'a major advantage os" = is orend users whoare : js performed by liens or end bess are checkell during beta testing Beta jab environment o testing environment ly few nets ing willbe implement is ected from betatesting willbe imp 9 quality of the product, but gathers uses ‘Testing * commonly yerform’ testing. re ot pat be reason fers to the set 1 i correctly call a7 ay ey er miseware products a ‘ a Software Engineering ome cable Sofie premany, 8+ Historical dota ear — 2020-21 geste BOO vation : Mi odularity 9g. Legal requirements [Mise Tretia pnd oncom: ACOMPIES Non-Functional Requirements : ratio nto rimpler partscalled ‘Non-functional requirements. detail constraints, ivi module being targets oF control mechanisms for the new system. ; describe how well or to what standard @ |{_ Bete: Attempt any Five questions. Allquestions carry equal marks, ( ‘questions. Al qn (a). What are the goals and appiications ‘of Software Engineeri i Engineering? with respect to th jth other access requirements. jon should be provided. For example, level of service such as response time, security and hes. [Plee 5. Reliability :An myn teti * ase Refer O8 Unit-I Page-10] Raby An abate oon ul Grow interactions Wi ; QL(b). Explain softw: expesicd sass f are eng necting PH Jesare Non-functional requirements specify all the Gycle model with camp eopmentiifa 6, ee st propery tere may be chances remaining requirements no! covered by the Phe 2 : Tre ane Pati ovroping. Fess vedular software functional “equirement. They specify criteria that ase Refer 013 Unit. can be transferred fiom ein ing ath not be much acceptable judge the operation of asystem, rather than specific mat it-I Page-14) orenvironmeneg om one ec Ih Software po hich ees (a). Explain 1. Ada nto anata bier point of View: wiours. sopingat ho ptability : er. SYsten) fo 7 i < Seaincering principles helps caesar s allows dite 88 With whieh = efan say that use OL software Topical non-functional requirements ; ‘pain developing needs 0 be etna OMS ay we principles helps im errs seat lity cost~ © software. making And ws ipg product(s) that are cost-effective and wailabi : ie Y : ? : 6 Recoverability 7. Security 8. Regulatory Followin, 1B poh drawbacks ah pefine Software Engineering igm (Models). ease Refer QU Unit-I Page-13] me ans team members the same time frame resang oom si ultingin highener se ‘as. Functional Requirement + Anticip Wie and ational requirements deal with what the sy! / sraineeri ingprinctpies nee ett eotee sould do or provide for users: ‘They include aes there may be ch NOt followed ene {sstiption of the required functions, outline’ of alias ith whi ‘ons: a ances of aunty fi al unitean be ertormed ion in developin igh time |e departs anne er gu 1 ‘a to be held in the system. eta fms 0 official siinion fr va functional requirement Aware ecifies what the system should do: eae “A requirement specifies a function at asystem "ehamodule or component must be able to perform”. ~~ a con the part o ‘Typical: functional requirements Fe er sagen | Ret enero ett tex _ hat ap mn yon corrections; adjustments, — cana | cart tenn istrative ntil the middle, eee Lo fo Tron funetional requirements specify the system's “ Tgeteristics’ of ‘quality attributes”. many different stakeholders have 27 functional requirements Poter interest in getting the non right. Q3ib). Whi software @ ‘Ans. [Please at is Software Quality? Discuss uadity attributes. Refer Q12 Unit-II Page-38] Maintainability ? Explain vability’ is defined as the probability ming a successful repair action ithin rnability may also be defined the ease and speed with .d to operational status of per ‘a given time. Maintait its, process for measuring tl which asystem can be restore analysis except ity te ne-to-repair rather than time-to-failure- ity of a software is also important BCA Vih Semester / Software Engineering /2020-24 / w'422 1 the cost related requires more because itis approximately toaproject. Software maintainat developer efforts than any other phase of the rapidity with which a system or equipment can be restored to operational status following a failure. the case with which a productican . correct defects or their cause . repair or replace faulty or worn- components without having to replace working parts meet new requirements make future maintenance easier cope with a changed environment Maintainability involves a system of continuous improvement — learning from the past in order to improve the ability to maintain systems, or improve ity of systems based on maiiitenance yee experience. Reusabi In Computer Science and Software Engineering, ‘Reusability’ is the use of existing assets in some form wi the software product development 1ese assets are products and by- Products of the software development life cycle and include code, software components, test Suites, de and documentation, is often a required characteristic.of platform software. Reusability brings several Aspects to software development that do not need to be considered when reusability is not required... Software reusability mse specifically refers to design features of a soft ‘ment (or collection Of software elements) that, Rance its suitability for reuse. "7 a Benefits of Reusability : © Increased dependabllity:) has been tried and vote : shouldbe more dependable than oa The intial use ofthe software rey th . and Reusability of the Software seared faults, then, fixed, ‘era software than in the is an. important factor as it reduces the m: “knowledges: ‘Standards compliane as user interface standa Acceleriited developme to market as early. Reusing: software jean, production because both Q4(b). What is Modula rity, Principles of software en: Ans. Modularity’ i ; [Please Refer Q15 Unit-H Page-4o) Principles of Software Engineering ;/ [Please Refer. Q17 Unit-H:Page-dl] Toate Q5(a). What is the life, cycle; ofan information system. ?. Explain, phase of system. Ai: Ans. [Please Refer 022 Unit-III Page-59] Q5(b). Explain fourth. generation language with example. ‘ Ans, [Please Refer Q14 Unit-I1I Page-54] t inl tages and. Q8. Write short notes on any four: advan (a) Database e885 gsna 4s 1) atioal database vit 5 0 (c) Relational . 1s Univ tlt Page 55) (0 gy review ~ (e) System prefer" : are,» gst ffecting softwé ‘Ans. (a) Database: nn i ns. = = gn a tare whee (Please Refer Q19 Unit Page-6) ican take an Preimple product (0 # a8 i (b) Robustness > 2s eran beneficial for an OT tae cee . - aati! ir tion along with errored Input fhe wves errors during execul : once ae ‘oe th rally. difficult to build softwate robust | ie i feet re wide variety of input ‘and output yen ect there are alway ; a co Sn gto orci come UP: “eer cio ’ ato = : ¢ require abe dn xmseag al? fe ‘Example: Boundary valueanalyss soe toxmake the software more robust i RAL: Jational Database : . rete Refer Q12(a) Unit-III Page-53] a if 63; 4 jPlewse Refer QL Unit-IV Page-6 3] (Stem re tematic peti oF Sty ote or more india ee fe errors. ie = inc roe On tof SDLCtHS of Iso has an influence 00 ine ea ae a onsts ae dependent wpe ae Those ted and how much vaenvaen a = = ok taco main objectives 2 * snakes in that ind : cae sa of " Revie 1 ore proactive oe epi 1. sal i 8: ‘ 2 ® eliminate the ie mt = ches or step WOME mes. 2». eee oe “one ane product and makes we ‘i fated bys client Q7(a). what is C25° nes 7 6 ua please Refer ot pe qip)-Der i Ans eRe @ [ple Allinput and outputop.ions, thou in wey byes pplication program, are actully ate ramming language Is & special langyage a use to develop sofvare programs, Goals of Operating System arse of instructions for computers ig Following: ae the main goals of operating system: ¢ term programming language usually 1. Convenience ; ir siptevel language such as BASIC, C+, ‘An operating system makes —_— Q1(a), Define SoRware Engineering. Also followed to implement the proj y & computer more convenient to use \N. Each language has a uni 2, ‘i ject s RTRAN. Each iqueset 2, Efficiency: An operati explain why we should study software minimumrisks. meet wig Js and @ special syntax for organizing rang nyten alma engineering, Stage 2 : Defining Requi: es 4 tions. iiieat magn MouNves to be used Ans, requirement analysis is done then: Oe he and sstmbly languages a Tow ee” 3, “Abity to tue [Please Refer Q2 Unit-I Page-6] clearly define and document thy ne remme fo manage explicitly allots onsruaed eet POS zion be & Tequirements and get them approves ¥ features Of data storage and operation. fre Y #5 to permit PTOVEd fg tet effective development, testing -and [Please Refer Q5 Unit-I Page-8] customer or the market analysis, This oe : oes (Software Requirement Spe fon. J 2(p). What fare remain a 7 water interfering with current services provided. QL). Explain life cycle model of software dociiment which consists of all the tity) | Serating SY a . opera” development. requirement to be designed and develope ottst | operating system ? Ans. Life Cycle Model of Software ds ; 3(2). Explain desirable characteristics of . Ped d ans. Anoperatingsysien Kasstofprogams.The a good software requirements Development : , Designing the Product Arehiggg, _9stimportant program i the operatingsystem, the specification document. Software Requirement Specifi gram that manages the operating system, isthe Ans, ication (S] product architects to come out ~ architecture for the product to be develo ervisor program, most of which remains in 7 sy me ceed Wachee [Please Refer Q3(a) 2018-19 Page-102] supervisor controls the entire operatingsystemand gary 7 of accor cot hn Q3(b). Discuss the relative advantages: formal specifications. Defining Purposes of Operating System : Ans. T ‘The main three purposes of an operating system [Please Refer 03(b) 2018-19 Page-102] | as follows : = i 1, To provide an environment for a computer Q4(a), What is the important qualities of Testing Designing is ‘The programming code is p user to execute program or computer software product. 8s per DDS during this stage. If the dear hs hardware in a convenient cad efficient Ans, Performed ina detailed and organized manne ‘manner. [Please Refer Q12 Unit-II Page-38] - generation can be accomplished without pa 2, To allocate the separate resources of the dere * [_Butcing | hassle. computer as needed to solve the problem 4/4), Explain the prototyping model. irement Analysis: iS # Testig’the Product : This suge's given. The allocation process should be as Sa vn analysis: usually asubset ofall stages as inthe moders fairand efficient as possible. . 15 Unit-I Page-20) important and models the testing activities are mostly ou 3. Asa contol program, it servers two major (Please Refer O. se70) is performed by the all stages of SDLC, However this stage refers functions: ion of user Q5(a). What is current generation of jiputs From the the testing only stage ofthe product where products (@) Supervision of the execution of user Sore development tours, ent, market Surveysand defects are report , tracked, fd al program to prevent errors and improper $9%* q * Stage 6 : Deployment in the Market and =e Fe ite operno andcontrol [Please Refer Q10 Uniit-III Page-50] sean ements Maintenance : Once the product is tested ot OR f YC ms a Mite ready to be deployed itis released formally inthe oe appropriate market. Sometimes product deploymed However:much ofthe work of an operating system B50). ‘Why study system investigation? ‘i . + a and many necessary tasks 7 | oe. neegeerDer in erect isi ede seenes. [Please Refer Q21 Unit-III Page-58] pop Ee aah isto define’ ‘BCA Vth Semester / Softwar Engnwaing/2021-22/ m 126 srs Tee cot ices Use tere (ss Tat els i pattern that represent the Wsinstuctionlengt, * Tere egineting can identify cetin potion of rogram tose how they work, 2 RIGK: Is an interactive graph editor that roves «graphical representation of software © system, RIGL approach of Reverse engineering includes “esti following phases * Extn system ponent & relay ftom source code to create resource flaw Stared Reo (08d ey Fare: eat CASE Fang oh ‘ strait SER : 4 ji : i el itt faneveck omits ie ingen * Creo sbytem fomthefowgogh sig : ‘slows CASE tok tae sgaph edit, _) dtardvare platform wihou tee ncin, * Evin sb foenbsod ni iterating un sais subse haven creed. 43 “Refine” Language tol: Iisa fal of iene, exensleworkbentes fr anying & rewplanting code in progam language 'ncluing Ada C, COBOL, FORTRAN, Thsetcolsare customizable suitany particular ‘etsio ofthe programming language Q6tb).Draw and explana block diagram othe architecture of CASE environment, ‘Aus Building Blocs of CASE lfematon Seer] > Theintertace tookitconsg of clleonot ‘igure: CASE Envirvament software requted for intecfage management Abd display objects, By The pet yet angen get "igre: ung Bag |tpectoms the configuation maaan Wh poll Q7a), What is Cohesion & Coupling ? 5 I types of coupling ? Software Engineering (Please Refer Q: system testing ? Explain alpha and beta testing, ARS. System Testing : [Please Refer O14 Unit-IV Page-75] Alpha and Beta Testing ; (Please Refer Q8(i) 2019.29 Page-118] Qs, Write short Rotes on any four of ‘the 00-33 BCAN.504 Hours) “tre tons, Allquestions carry equal marks, 0 ody Hrs Beena Sachan (Maximum Maris: 19 “peserbe a nee: 3): are-crisis”. (Please Refer 017 Unit Pog.22) Ans. (iv) Fourth Generation, La + jease Refer Q9 Unit-I Page-I2] gary), How to develop "SRS-documen’? towing: [Please Refer Q14 Unita i ae mr tatoa ue Shao (i) Database’ Ans, (¥) CASE Tools: ho Ms statement clearly. stra develmet ss Aa StS det {@) Correctness (Please Refer 013 Unig pe ales the deed eens ea Fourth generation language roe, serving a a fundatin for developer, () CASE tools Ans. (vi) COCOMO Model oan eerie Modan [Please Refer Q4(a) 201719, sho dade ses coast ‘m-Procedural language Ans. (vil) Modularity ; 1, Understand the Project : ‘AS. ()Reusablity . ele Pf Unica - aaa [Please Refer 05a) 2018-19 Page.to7) : ‘a min ARS. (i) Database ; Acs ii) Now Prosedura Langug : Please k.-f2 Ip (Please Refer 019 Unies Page.26y ese 20) is Aas. (iii) Correctness ; Stated simply, the hardware begins Wear OU. > Define the Purpose and Scope: Correctness trom so c oftwar Perspective can be ‘i Mh por ofthe sore nd Certain cea engineering naa aero Debt or defined as the ad Wn hr a > eee the specifications te adherence to + When a hardware v wht neki bee ; ments ' Te ev se at scope. {ale indict ener ihe 3: Wen Salehobers: sich * Rio mms eh 9 Tena into as users, design vas tnd et katy fracas cape ae, aia sintennce. the software butad pet eae em detiont. spiral nae soe"? Explain Fe he are develo Aan, Me gfe 3 Une Page 4] (pees af / re Engineering / 2022-23 / m 131 P aca BCA Vin Semester / Software Engineering / 2022-23 / @ 130 ‘ Q5(a). What do you mean by “DFD”? Draw conditions nd ete eticienty od eee een une, , ance: THE SOMO Trge amous of data A: Da Flow Diagram (DFD) nce i a Dest Fi Diagrem (DFD) is « traditional i = a jon of the information flows eee within a system. A neat tad close DPD cau capes amount of the system requirement It can be manual, automated, or a See utenti, and other reevan 6, Create Use Cases and User Scenarios : Describe various use cases that demonstra different different types of users will interact 1prehen: re and oration, caste “The software is easy to change '¢ well-documented, so that it f ii th Provide step-by-step user scem spite Jerstood and modified by other what the information, and is showease the flow of pect oe ‘The objective of a DFD is to show the scope and ‘boundaries of a system as a whole. It may be used as a communication tool between a system analyst ‘and any person who plays a part in the order that ‘acts as a starting point for redesigning a system. ‘The DFD is also called as a ‘data flow graph” or tne software can be reused in other ty plications, and it is designed in a that promotes code TeUSe. | The software can handle an ustrate in detail of a Good Softwa, incering is th developing, and maintagne ne Process ini 1 one that mae oats > sn designe Pet user interactions, navi User interface elemente. Son Paths, and 5 Pefine Data Requirem > demtify the types of data the x ‘en {fun 9, Testal in 8 “bubble chart’. DFD does not have control flow and specify data formate, ee ee ill handle ctlons rellably, Testa: yang to test and validate,2nd HSS Qng'ng loops oF decision rules ae preset. |, mechanisms. structures, and storage treated as ‘a comprehensive test coverage. > Describe data input, factors, A sages software py adhering to these characteristics, software DED for Tic-Tac-Toe game described as requiremente * Processing, and output 8 E00d software by what it offers ‘Tan develop software that is functional, follows : ‘and maintainable, thus providing the best ce to the end-users. analysis and any constraints the project, such as ; 93(b). What are the data structure limitations. —« Giented methods of requirement analysis? Ans. [Please Refer Q9 Unit-II Page-35] Review and Vat cw and Validate : Review the SRS doc Q4(a). Write in brief about the following terms: @). CASE Tools Gi) PERT Ans. (9) CASE Tools : [Please Refer Q13 Unit-III Page-54] Ans. Gi) PERT: [Please Refer QI Unit-IV Page-63] fiware is it provides a positive 4(b). Write down the general principles oO 3+ Reliabitity: The of system Investigations. Figure (a), (by Level 0 and Level 1 it perte Software is free of defect Ans. Refer Q26 Unit-IIT Page-62] ‘rms consistently and accurately a f- BCA VW Oo ‘To each valid and Itcan be converted into decision table ike: est cases ? @ BCA Vth Semester / Software Engineering / 2022-23 / 132 ‘of input assign @ eo 1[2,3 4 Write a t ca{1rflofojo Q5(b). Describe the concept of ‘Test- + Test parameters: Param, number Gases’. How to carry out Black-Box- parila test ase. = “stleted iy 7 valid at ie owaskeath 7 : : ‘ t resting? ‘ invalid iny ‘Ans. Test Cases : © Actual Result: The output that ig tiny ae rare root of a number, Causes | cy | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 A Test Case’ is a defined format for software “the end. wPlayeg calulte ee ill be (a) Valid o|o|ijifo testing required to check if a particular * Environment m: The en lence © oj o}ojolt application/software is working or not. in which the t perform en jch is perfect square- BP x pe fd A ‘Test Case’ consists of a certain set of operating system, security informa & enumber whichis BR) - |x| - conditions that need to be checked to test an software name, software version, ety. te will bean integels ect Efe) | - | - |e | application or software ie. in more simple terms _* Status: The status of tests such ag ng output ye number which is not & vee Es -t-i* when conditions are checked it checks if the NA, ete. Pasta, |, The Met wl be a decimal mmber ich wil resultant output meets with the expected output ot «Comments: Remarks on the test *jecimals ; ach column corresponds to a rule a hee Bot A “Test Case’ consists of various parameters the test forthe betterment ofthe eqeettte | + Poste” cimeger or decimal). | become atest as for testing So there wi such as Id, condition, steps, input, expected result, Software, o Negative ner than numbers like “a,” cases, vio tfdet inna ante oii \ * characters 0 5, Requirement-based testing: It ince * dat jrements given i . Parameters of a Test Case : bps of sot “ is: Boundaries are aiding he erent ven in he SIS etc. in which the tester is rit fi , icl ‘is not concerned with, ndary Value Analysi So Hence test software system. 2 5 «© Module Name: Subject or title that defines knowledge or implementation detailg ™! 4) ar places for erors to & Compatibility testing: The test case result not the functionality of the test. software, but rather focuses on valida ver) 2008 ed for boundary values ofthe input sae « Test Case Id: A unique identifier assigned to functionality based on the provided specification io efficency of testing improves = every single condition in a test case. or requirements, \ of fnding erors also increases. « Tester Name: The name of the person who Black Box Testing cam be done inthe folloying itu valid range is 1010 ae would be carrying out the test. ‘ also apart from valid and im a . Se + Thi: jique : tition t Scenario bier 5 4, Cause Effect Graphing : acne! ‘descriptic ‘tester, as in providing a yr i lip between | small overview to know about wit needs 0 esses alton ens called thee. be performed and the small features, and ct and es are Ca anmoains comporients of the test. - ¢ oa owing steps are ns. The follo - is * Test Case Description: The condition Bool i (causes) ad ops) > Oprating Sytem (Windows, Ltt ete) required to be checked for a given software. Develop a cause FP ie Reliability ? Why It Is for eg. Check if only numbers validation is > Transform the graph into 8 cases. © Q6(a). What Is Fee rato be of high- working or not for an age input box. of giving all of them separately we can group them > Convert decision table ru graph: necessary for any 3 * Test Steps: Steps to be performed for the and test only one input of each group. The ideaisto For example, inthe following cause reliability iy : - checking ofthe condition. partition the input domain ofthe system into seven fake 3 A ly in the comet of SPH gee + Prerequisite: The conditions required to be eauivalence classes such that each member afte 9° the ability of @ s0fate eT actions flfilled before ty at of the test proces. similarly, ie. ifa testcase in one clas : and accurately perform is Ter of how © Test Priority: A&the name suggests gives other members of iad ander specified eo yes and operates ve ties of equivalence class: ‘the valid range is Thejoutput which select one valid input like 49 and one invalid’ should be expected at the e test, © Test Expected Result: BCA Vth Semester / Software Engineering / 29 2a ns 8CA Veh Semester / Software Engineering / 2022-23 /m 134 consistent, accurate, and dependable functionality. {tis foundational aspect of high-quality software that leads to user trust, ‘Satisfaction, and business success while minimizing risks and costs associated With software Reliability is Necessary for High-Quality Software for the following reasons : 1. Operational Efficiency: Unreliable software ained as follows : coe a (19805-1970 During this ames from remote terminal mai al Computer (PC) Rev disp bos ions, kad to domes . a he advent of personal computers ices, can dis "MESS operations, wntime, : ift in end-user. uti 7 and increase maintenance and support efforts. marked a significant shift ine ‘computing, 7 eens Reliable software reduces the likelihood of Cnt Your disruptions and helps maintain smooth operations. c consume 2. User Experi iable software D perience by Personal id unexpected lines bet to engage with and 3. User Trust and Sai re from their work software builds trust among ‘When users can with consumer depend on an application to work as expected, they 2, * Al, Automation, and Intelligent Assistants are more likely to use it with confidence and satisfaction, 2010s-Present): The integration of artifical intelligence and automation has further transformed EUC. chatbots, and predictive: Productivity by providing personalized recommendations, automating routine tasks, and assisting with decision-making, © Future Trends: The evolution of BUC continues with trends like edge computing, extended reality (AR/VR),and enhanced security 4. Data Integrity and Accuracy: Reliable 3, Software ensures that data is processed accurately ‘andconsistently. Errors or failures in data processing 4, an lead to incorrect results, financial losses, of compromised user experiences, 5B i Reliable software 5, Teputation for the Organization or developer. A history of stable and dependable software can attract more users and 6, customers, ts interacted with measures. These trends aim to provide more technology, enabling remote access and immerive and secure user expetienes, while | collaboratica! = boundaries between physical and digital 6. Critical Applications: In domains such as . moons anid Devies Q000s Present: realns become inreasingy prong healthcare, aerospace, finance andindustal contol 7, ‘The proliffdion pf smartphooes and tabler Systems reliability is paramount, Failure of software in these contexts can hav e severe consequences, introduced a new dimension to EUC, Mobile!" Summary, End-User Computing has evolved financial losses, or iy, TOM centralized mainframes to decentralized, devices provided aise mobili, Personalized, and highly connected experiences, sng ieeataese ae Mobil ans Technological advancements have led to increased Seg gt mone teh cy 5 leading fo the development of ines Shaping the way we work, communicate, an 2 f compu adapive design principles, TW with information and services Unreliable software can 4 ime , including loss of life, environmental damage, 7. Cost Savin ! Good software possesses a combination of qualities ‘ "Computing (2000s-Present): Cloud that contribute to effectiveness, usability, reliability, Cloud g transformed EUC by offering and maintainabliy ae cot on-demanaccess to computing : seh neevity and Maintenance: Software that a le 'sreliable and wel-architected ig easier to maintain 4 A ya) BCA Vth Semester / Software Engineering / 2022-23 /m 136 Q7(a). Explain the life-cycle of an information system and describe in detail. [Please Refer 022 Unit-III Page-59] Q7(b). How verification is different from validation? Ans. [Please Refer Q8(iii) 2019-20 Page-119] Q8(a). Write down the role of software engineer. Describe various paradigms of Software engineering. Ans. Role of Software Engineer : [Please Refer Q12 Unit-I Page-14] Paradigms of Software Engineering : [Please Refer Q11 Unit-I Page-13] Q8(b). Write short note on any two of the following : (i) COCOMO-model (il) Types of System testing (iil) Software Maintenance Ans.(i) COCOMO-Model : [Please Refer Q4(a) 2017-18 Page-95] Ans. (ii) Types of System Testing : [Please Refer Q14 Unit-IV Page-75] Ans. (ii) Software Maintenance : Software Maintenance is an important phase of the overall lifecycle of software. Itis a process in which the software is modified after, it has been delivered to the customer. . | Once, the software is delivered and deployed, it €nters the maintenance phase. The maintenance focuses on change that sociated with error Correction, adaptation required, as the software environment evolves and changes due to enhancements brought about by changing customer requirements. * Maintenance of a typical software produict requires ‘much more than the effort necessary to develop the Droduct itself. Many studies carried out in the past confirm this and indicate that the relative effort of Fee rcs ste proce fama ‘tenance effort is roughly in the 40:60 ratios. Sof ili ware maintenance sustains the software product through life eycle (from development to opera. tions). Modification requests are logged and tracked, the impact of proposed changes is determined, code and other software artifacts are modified, testing is conducted, and a new version of the software prod. uct is released. Also, training and daily support are provided to users. Maintenance involves performing any one or more of the following three kinds of actvite 1. Correcting errors that were no during the product development pt is called corrective maintenance. requirements. This is called perfective maintenance, 3. Porting the software to work in a new environment, For example, porting may be required to get the software to work on a new computer platform or with a new ‘operating system. This is called adaptive imely by updating the lace in user all the modifications and updations done after the de- livery of software product. There are number of rea- sons, why modifications are required, some of them are briefly mentioned below : + Market Conditions : Policies, which changes over the time, such as taxation and newly introduced constraints like, how to bookkeeping, may rigger need for Client Requirements : Over the tr may ask for new features or functions in the software, Host Modifications : If any of the hardware and/or platform (such as operating system) of the target host changes, software changes are needed to keep adapt Organization Chang business level change reduction of organization strength, acquiring another company, organization venturing into new business, need to modify in the original software may arise, lient end, such as

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