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Straw & Circle Paper Planes –

Written Instructions:
1) You will need two strips of light card, we used a strip cut
across the bottom of a sheet of card and one along the length.
Roughly an inch wide. If you don’t have a long piece of card,
you can cut 3 strips 5inch x 1 inch. And tape 2 of them
together to make the LONG strip.
2) Tape your strips to make two circles – one large one small.
3) Tape to your straw.

Extension: Explore the answer of these questions

and write here.
1. What happens if the straw is longer or shorter?


2. What happens if you use a stick instead of a straw?


3. What happens if you make the circles the same size?


4. Can the plane fly in both directions (large circle at front OR



5. What if you shape the circles into a triangle of square?


6. What if you use different materials?


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