Season 7rationale

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SEASON 7: REKINDLED: Rekindling the Lost Fire

"REKINDLED: Rekindling the Lost Fire" stands as a guiding theme that transcends the

physical walls of our church, beckoning each member to embark on a profound and personal

journey of spiritual rejuvenation. The symbolism of fire, deeply entrenched in biblical narratives,

implores us to delve into the core of our faith and reconnect with the fervor that may have

dimmed over time. It is an invitation to introspection, drawing from the timeless wisdom

encapsulated in verses like Psalm 51:10, which calls for the creation of a clean heart and a

renewed spirit within us. As we navigate this individual exploration, the theme extends its

embrace to encompass the entire church community. Hebrews 10:24-25 guides us in fostering an

environment of unity and mutual support, where the flames of one believer can ignite the embers

of another. Our collective worship becomes a shared experience, and the theme acts as a catalyst

for building stronger bonds of fellowship.

"REKINDLED" is not confined to the confines of our congregation alone; it propels us

into a broader mission. Matthew 5:14-16 inspires us to let our rekindled light shine before others,

encouraging us to engage in meaningful outreach and embody the teachings of Christ beyond our

church doors. The theme becomes a call to action, reminding us that our renewed faith is a gift

meant to be shared generously with the world.

Moreover, the theme acknowledges the ebb and flow inherent in our spiritual journeys.

Drawing inspiration from Ecclesiastes 3:1, it recognizes that our faith experiences various

seasons, including moments that may seem dry or challenging. However, in these very seasons,
"REKINDLED" encourages us to find meaning and purpose, trusting that even in apparent

darkness, the light of faith can be rekindled through prayer, reflection, and community


As we weave these elements into the fabric of our church website, it transforms into a

dynamic digital space – a sanctuary that not only disseminates information but also serves as a

source of inspiration, guidance, and encouragement. The website becomes a virtual hearth, where

the embers of faith are stoked, and the flames of passion for God are reignited through the

exploration of the theme "REKINDLED."

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