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▪Fluid statics

Fluid statics

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Pressure units

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Types of pressure

▪ The pressure on a fluid is measured in two different systems. In one system, it is

measured above the absolute zero or complete vacuum and it is called the Absolute
pressure and in other system, pressure is measured above the atmospheric pressure
and is called Gauge pressure.

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

▪ 1. ABSOLUTE PRESSURE: It is defined as the pressure which is measured with
reference to absolute vacuum pressure
▪ 2. GAUGE PRESSURE: It is defined as the pressure, which is measured with the
help of a pressure measuring instrument, in which the atmospheric pressure is taken
as datum. The atmospheric on the scale is marked as zero.
▪ 3. VACUUM PRESSURE: It is defined as the pressure below the atmospheric
▪ i) Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure+ gauge pressure
pab = patm +pguag

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Hydraulic machine

▪ A hydraulic machine uses components such as pistons, pumps, and hoses to transmit
forces and energy using fluids. Hydraulic machines are applied, for example, to
braking systems, forklift trucks, power steering systems, and airplane control systems
(3). Hydraulic machines provide an example of Pascal’s law. This law states that
pressure applied to an enclosed and continuous body of fluid is transmitted
undiminished to every portion of that fluid and to the walls of the containing vessel.

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023
Hydrostatic jack problem

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Pressure variation with elevation

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023
Hydrostatic equation

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023
Example 1

▪ What is the water pressure at a depth of 35 ft in the tank shown?

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Example 2

▪ Oil with a specific gravity of 0.80 forms a layer 0.90 m deep in an open tank
that is otherwise filled with water. The total depth of water and oil is 3 m.
What is the gage pressure at the bottom of the tank?

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Pressure measurement

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

1. bourdon-tube

▪ A Bourdon-tube gage, Fig. 3.9, measures pressure by sensing the deflection of

a coiled tube. The tube has an elliptical cross section and is bent into a circular
arc, as shown in Fig.

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

2. Piezometer
A piezometer is a vertical tube, usually transparent, in which a liquid rises in response to
a positive gage pressure.

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Pressure in the pipe pushes the water column to a height h, and the gage pressure
at the center of the pipe is


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

3. Barometer

▪ An instrument that is used to measure atmospheric pressure is called a barometer. The

most common types are the mercury barometer and the aneroid barometer

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

4. manometer

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

a) U-tube manometer
It consists of a glass tube bent in u-shape, one end of which is connected to a point at
which pressure is to be measured and other end remains open to the atmosphere. The
tube generally contains mercury or any other liquid whose specific gravity is greater
than the specific gravity of the liquid whose pressure is to be measured.

Pressure in the left column = pA + 𝜌1 gh1

Pressure the write column = 𝜌2gh 2

Hence equating the two pressures = p + 𝜌1 gh = 𝜌2gh 1 2

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

b) Differential manometer

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023
Example 3

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023


Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

c) Inverted manometer

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023
d) Inclined tube manometer

▪ To measure small pressure change ,

▪ Inclined –tube manometer is frequently used

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

Instructor:saad al-balta 2023

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