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The aim of this report is show that where is the best place to walk in the
countryside and a good time for walking at that place. Besides, I also suggest
the group that you join to bring some items when they on the walk in the
countryside in this report

The best place for walking in the countryside

I would recommend that the best place to walk is a small lake because it
have a fresh air and you relax and chill out there

The best season to walk

In my opinion, there is a lots of season that you can walk but I recommend
that you should walk on autumn, Because of the weather is not too hot so
walking is suitable for this season. And another reason is autumn scene is
picturesque with time that tree is changing their leaves. I therefore suggest
to walk in fall season is the best idea.

What should we bring

I strongly recommend to bring water along, because if we go walk on a very

a long time we can have a break to drink some water


To conclude, I would recommend walking in autumn is the best choice for

walking in group and to bring some water is one thing you should do.

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